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Girlfriend don't want to sleep with me

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I can imagine the OP's next thread will be about this Thai girl who has moved in and won't leave him alone.

"What's the best Thai soap to watch in the evenings" would do it.............................wink.png

Stay Lucky!

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Does she still live at home? If she is legit (not bar girl, no boyfriend etc) and folks are traditional as you say, then it could be a good enough reason. Many of them are just like kids, well into their 20s/30s even. Bonking outside of wedlock aside (Thai or non native), there's also a certain stigma of a local girl being seen with a farang.

I'll go against the grain and say if you really like her, don't push it and give her time. Other than that, you could always feign disinterest - don't fawn over her, call off some evenings etc - and perhaps be seen talking to another girl.

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You are just her booty-call, my friend. She has another unhappy relationship, or her heart is with another guy over-seas and she is lonely. Your situation is not always a bad thing. Enjoy the moments, don't be pushy with her, and don't get your heart all twisted with her just yet. Give her time to come around, or eventually leave you. Be prepared for both scenarios. Very common here in Thailand with "normal" girls.

Edited by scoutman360
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Just go with it, for now. See how it plays out, after all it isn't like you're not getting anything, you just want a little more than she is prepared to give at the moment. Respect her for having her conditions on the relationship, it'll all play out in the end. Enjoy the ride my friend!!!

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she always says that I want too much…that I need to understand her culture

No matter where you are in the world, when a woman starts talking about cultural values, you are being manipulated.

she is afraid of love I guess…

It's understandable for women to be afraid of love when they have so much to lose. No doubt her heart has been stolen before.

Did the police ever find it? Was it returned? Did the Heart Thief steal it for resale value? When women build walls around their heart, they're not trying to protect their sentiment from being stolen; they're trying to advertise value that doesn't exist.

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Maybe, just maybe, the OP has an unimaginably huge clamdigger and the girl is quite physically 'stressed' after just the one rodeo?

Don't tell me that 'nice' girls' bedroom banter does not include the frequent admonition, 'Oh...you too BIG!!!"

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Here's a question for you - have any of you guys experienced this before? Or is it beyond your knowledge so therefore must be trolling crap?

Just be honest with yourself, and there's no point posting protests otherwise - have you ever been with a Thai woman that wasn't a prostitute?

If the answer is no - well, maybe there's a whole other society out there you know nothing about.

If the answer is yes - and I can see some guys here that are indicating so through their cautious replies - this is not unusual. In fact, it's closer to being the norm.

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Ok serious reply.

A girl I was seeing here very nice girl said her parents would kill her if she was with a farang. Father was a well known solicitor anyway she never stayed at my house the night. She was at the age that it was expected she got married. I was getting pressured to marry her but there was also the drama with her family. We broke it off/on/off/on within a few months she was married to a nice Thai guy.

So yeah it happens. I don't see the problem.

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Given that the rest of us apparently wouldnt know a nice girl if she ran over us in her BMW, I'm disinclined to give the OP an answer, but in the bars these women are known as 'starfish', Of course, the OP isnt paying for something he isnt getting, so no harm no foul - lots of cold showers whilst thinking of England would be my prescription.

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She's afraid her social circle will find out she's having sex with you.

What the beer garden on Soi 7?

Hey Snotty,

Do you still go there?

A no bar fine pub if I remember? Freelancers only... Right?

Haven't been there in over 10 years... Is there a place almost opposite the beer garden called the Eden Club? [emoji7]

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Ok serious reply.

A girl I was seeing here very nice girl said her parents would kill her if she was with a farang. Father was a well known solicitor anyway she never stayed at my house the night. She was at the age that it was expected she got married. I was getting pressured to marry her but there was also the drama with her family. We broke it off/on/off/on within a few months she was married to a nice Thai guy.

So yeah it happens. I don't see the problem.

Thanks very much, sir. Now we can sit back and watch others post who have no experience of Thai women that are not connected to the sex trade.

OP - that's two guys telling you it happens. I'm pretty sure there will be more along soon.

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Here's a question for you - have any of you guys experienced this before? Or is it beyond your knowledge so therefore must be trolling crap?

Just be honest with yourself, and there's no point posting protests otherwise - have you ever been with a Thai woman that wasn't a prostitute?

If the answer is no - well, maybe there's a whole other society out there you know nothing about.

If the answer is yes - and I can see some guys here that are indicating so through their cautious replies - this is not unusual. In fact, it's closer to being the norm.

The condescension would be farcical if you weren't blind to reality. But as you are blind to reality, I don't even know what to make of your patronising except to shake my head because some mothers do 'ave 'em.

A prostitute sells sex for a fixed price.

A woman who wants MORE is called a _____?


Every society is a Polite Society, where lies are 'nice', truth is 'rude' and deceit is 'diplomatic'. If you're confused, you're a good BOY. You were made that way, but if you don't want to be their BOY, you should try to feel less and think more. Look in the mirror. Think. Do you see anything unnatural or peculiar?

Think. Do you impress when you undress or would you induce screams from mothers traumatising their children, covering their eyes? "Won't somebody think of the children?" The natural male body will hurt them!

Nothing is as it seems which is to say, everything is exactly as it appears to be. If things appear "normal" to you, that should tell you that everyone and everything is fake. I wouldn't be so cavalier about my 'fortunes' in _______ Society. They are polite for a reason; truth is offensive to frauds. If you can't spot the frauds in Polite Society, you're the mark.

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