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Bed Bug Help!


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If it is bed bugs, they could have been on other things brought into the room..... they travel from place to place by "hitch-hiking".... i.e. suite cases etc... So may not have been the new stuff you brought....

It's a world wide problem even in high end hotels... sad.png

I like the vinegar idea too, as Cooked suggested... for wiping things down.... good on mold too....

You could actually use a steam iron, and put vinegar in it.... (a lot cheaper than a steamer !)

The vinegar smell, will take your breath away at first! You can buy 3 litre bottles of vinegar at Tesco etc.

Noooo way, NOT vinegar.......buy three bottles of red wine....drink them....and you would not feel anything. Next day same procedure...Understood???

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Could even be Mosquito's! Make sure your insect screens are a good fit and something I have always done is give the place a really good spray with Baygon ever 3-4 days. Close all windows and work your way to your exit door giving a good spray (fog the room) then leave. Don't forget to spray the screens as this stuff is persistent and will make the screens more effective.

As someone else said if it was bed bugs you would be bitten ever night not just a few nights.

And get the steam iron and steam cleaner on the job. The best way to deal with unwanted insects are to let nature take it's course and let your little lizard friends (jingjoks) do their work

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I've had them and they are very hard to see and very hard to get rid of. Get a magnifying glass to look closely in the creases of the mattress to see if you can spot shells of dead bugs. You may not be able to see them with the naked eye, and it's very unlikely you'll see a live one as they move very quickly. You probably have a very low grade infestation, and if you tackle it quickly you can eradicate them with a combination of methods.

The bugs are not necessarily living in the mattress or bed; they may just travel there to have a meal, so treating the bed is not necessarily and probably unlikely going to eradicate your infestation. There's a lot of information on the internet about the creatures, what their weak points and strong points are, what works and what doesn't. There's also a lot of research underway so new methods are emerging that I probably don't know about now.

Steam kills them, and eucalyptus is said to be a deterrent. Rentokil and other pest control companies have packages to tackle them, and you can also rent an industrial grade steamer for the mattress, furniture and any other areas in which they may be taking harbor. Do the research. You don't have to spend a fortune to get rid of them and you most certainly don't have to toss your mattress. Meantime take zyrtec to quell the allergic reaction to the bites.

Edited by chatette
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Thanks for all the advice!

I had a proper look today. I have wooden framed bed that the mattress sits on. I pulled the mattress off and looked under there- nothing. I also checked in the corners of my cupboards and drawers... nothing.

I did wake up with a few new bites tho today- at least I think they are new as Ive never noticed them before.

I am getting alittle paranoid about these lil bastardos...

The mattress is still in its plastic wrapping so i dnt think they are in there (altho there are a couple of holes in the plastic they might squeeze thru-im not sure)

I think ill try drying all my clothes/bedding in the dryer, buying some spray alchohol and vacuuming EVERYWHERE at the weekend. Also going to duct tape the wholes in the matress wrapping. I guess I can then only see what happeneds...

I really want a steamer but they are 5000 baht!! expensive... might be cheaper to get rentokill in and see what they think first.

(oh and to answer the question posted- no i dnt have pets)

I had the same problem. For a while, I would wake up every morning with a few bite marks on my arm or neck. I sprayed with insecticide everyday under the bed and around the frame. Nothing worked. Eventually I stopped getting bitten. Maybe they still get me and my body just accepted it now. Who knows...

You don't need to spend 5kbaht for a steamer. Just buy a cheep iron with steam. If you don't have a hot clothes dryer or hot water, use bleach in your wash always. It does the trick.

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Forget all the hard mattress , in the mean time I change to air bed ,

Feeling like in a waterbed, soft sabai

And not any <deleted>""" animal can go inside!

If someone also want same bed, and sleep like in the 7th Heaven !

Send pm!

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They hate eucalyptus oil. spray your bedding and pull sheet or cover over whole mattress they choke. You can get eucalyptus spray in any pharmacy here or supermarket..every home should have one it has many uses.

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Could even be Mosquito's! Make sure your insect screens are a good fit and something I have always done is give the place a really good spray with Baygon ever 3-4 days. Close all windows and work your way to your exit door giving a good spray (fog the room) then leave. Don't forget to spray the screens as this stuff is persistent and will make the screens more effective.

As someone else said if it was bed bugs you would be bitten ever night not just a few nights.

And get the steam iron and steam cleaner on the job. The best way to deal with unwanted insects are to let nature take it's course and let your little lizard friends (jingjoks) do their work


It's easy to attribute Mosquito bites for something else, as you may recall not seeing or being bothered by them.

SE Mosquitos aren't quite small, and sitting outdoors at night you may not even notice them.

BB bites are usually localized to an area, as you toss or turn they're disturbed, reattaching once your still again.

If your bites are single and random, particularly on exposed areas of the skin, arms, legs, they may well be Mosquito bites. If on the back, butt, soles of the feet, then possibly BBs.

The fact that you haven't discovered any dead BBs in your bedding or other telltale signs may indicate something other.

Also, it is incorrect that bed bugs feed every night.

Depending on the density of the infestation, you may go days before seeing another bite.

Good luck.

Edited by cobra
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When I stayed and moved around in Birma for a year as a Bhikkhu, I had encounters with bbs that hide in crevices of wooden beds and wooden floors one sits on at almost every Temple as a plague and they traveled with me in the seems of my monk's umbrella and mosquito net and so.

I never had chemicals, only hot water for dying robes. When arriving at clean place I put bags clothing and bedding under water and dried in hot midday sun.

Sometimes took a bed outside splashing with water and dry in hot sun.

Also with magnifying glass can find bbs and eggs in seems of bedding etc..

Once back in Thailand got rid of bbs this way and never saw them again.

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Thanks again for the replies.

I've done a lot of research now on these things (as i'm a paranoid mess).

My bites are on my front. The new ones i'm getting are not itchy but are a little red. I read tho that they dnt have to be itchy as bb bites react differently depending on the persons skin. I fear my skin is getting used to them, either that or they are not bb bites at all... i have no idea now. They do follow the 'single line' pattern tho and are not spread out across me. At the moment they are on my chest on the left side.

im getting to the point that i just want to torch the whole place... but from the research i've done that probs wont even kills them. They are like mini terminators- nearly impossible to get rid of- or so i read

Any one actually used rentokil tho and know how much they charge? im thinking that an international company might be safer then a Thai one when it comes to dangerous chemicals (saying this in relation to the people that died due to bb chemical poisoning in chaingmai)

and also anyone know a place i can rent an industrial steamer that reaches the min temp that kills bb's?


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This is really hard to conclude what is causing the problem.... it could even be what I have concluded is sand flies or No see ems, getting under the skin and causes itching w00t.gif .... this is a problem I got last year in July and August.... These I think hop on to the skin when out side and seem to burrow under the skin...sad.png

It's starting to happen again now... on the legs and some times on the neck or arms..... it looks like this.... it's hard not to scratch .....


I think keeping the mattress covered in plastic is not a good idea, a mattress should "breathe" .... you can get mattress pads, which I think would absorb sweat better than just a cotton sheet...

It's a tough one to answer!

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i guess that could be a possibility... they aren't as big as the bites in your pic tho and they dnt itch now when i get bitten (the first few bites i got did) so im not sure... all skin reacts differently so it hard to pin down what it is.

In regard to the plastic cover on my bed, ive read that this is a good idea as it keeps the BB's inside and starves them. You can actually by these plastic covers to stop BB's but i figured as i already have one on, just leave it. I really cant feel the plastic anyway under my cover so its no big deal.

The war starts tomorrow anyways. Im going to arm myself with alcohol spray, vingegar, and a hot dryer and get to it!

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  • 1 year later...

make sure you have bbs before taking action, there are many biting critters here, ants and spiders often. googelize to get pics, if you got em you can spot em.

GOOGELIZE?? Sir, really!! YOU must be Googelized between the ears...ha ha. Joking with you, but honestly 'google' in itself is the verb. Sorry, off topic. I agree with you, though; I get huge, painfully itchy bites in my bedroom at least twice a month, and have no idea what it could be. Thought it might be bed bugs, but apparently not. They bites in rows or lines, apparently and the bites are not too big?

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