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Is my butt worth ฿2000 or ฿10000?


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They tried that with me a year ago near nana. I went to their table and saw their paper. I knew they not real police. I said No to the fine. They talked but I just said no. Then I said take me to jail and put my hands out to put the cuffs on. They talked more then told me to go and not come back. Lol.

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I think the fine used to be 500 or 1000 some years ago… I guess they found if they ask 10,000, then litterbugs such as yourself are quite happy when you only have to pay 2000… you see, they want you to be happy...

ps - in USA I was driving at 5 am w/nobody on the road - the speed limit dropped from 45 to 25 w/a cop on the other side of the sign - I got a tkt for going 40 in a 25 - the cop was very nice, advised me to protest and at the hearing knocked it down from $150 to $125…

I was happy too - no points agst the license…

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I would make a stink about it. Finding a bin on the streets here can take an hour or more. I would say find me a bin within the next ten minutes, and I will pay the fine. Otherwise, leave me alone and go out and fight crime, you worthless piece of crap. I might even try walking away. At the very least, I would ask for documentation, paperwork, etc. Give them a very, very hard time. Do not let these cretons get away with this kind of abuse. Work them hard. Push them. Argue your head off. What are they gonna do anyway? Though I am generally against littering, it is up to the govt. or municipality to provide bins.


Chaiyaphum, Thailand

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Why would they be cretins for trying to get an "ugly"foreigner to pay a fine he for the crime he committed.I'm waiting for no smoking in public at all.

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They can't MAKE you pay the fine.

They threaten to call the police but they're bluffing.

Even if they weren't, doubt the police are going to come running because a foreigner's dropped a fag end.

They don't have the power to search you - just give them 50 baht or the equivalent fine for a THAI and walk off.

I did exactly this when I got pulled outside Benjasiri Park next to Emporium


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I spend every morning cleaning the street in front of 7 houses. Do I think the fine is excessive? I'll let you answer that one. I also sweep the gutters on both sides of the street and keep the sidewalks clean. I wish they would give a similar fine to dog owners who let their dogs run free and drop things far worse than cigarette butts.

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If only they really did fine littering - only 20 Baht for each item - they could double the states income.

Just take a look at the garbage and filth along the roadsides, on the beaches, in the rivers, in... just everywhere.

Thai love Thailand ???

Don't be too surprised if they only target farang. Easy prey.

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pedophiles come here for just the same reason.--jeffreyake

We will all just have to take your word for that jeffreyake........................................coffee1.gif

Its quite an amazing mentality when someone post a differing point of view on here,... that he doesn't mind paying a "Direct" fine if its only 50% of the established fines--then within 5 post he is a pedophile.

Edited by sanuk711
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I spend every morning cleaning the street in front of 7 houses. Do I think the fine is excessive? I'll let you answer that one. I also sweep the gutters on both sides of the street and keep the sidewalks clean. I wish they would give a similar fine to dog owners who let their dogs run free and drop things far worse than cigarette butts.

Yes Greg, you sweep the street, good of you to do so. But believe me the Thais who are watching you, think you are nuts.

I also pick up garbage from the street and from the beach and put it in a plastic bag, but when I see a Thai person I will stop it until I don't feel like being watched.

Once I had a big plastic bag full of garbage that I had collected from the beach, when I just disposed it in a big rubbish container, a Thai adult male smiled at me and

threw an empty water bottle on the floor, right next to the bin, as if he wanted to tell me 'You can pick this one up as well.'

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But it is true that we do throw butts every where. Something to work on for us smokers

Yes, I have an old farm in West Virginia. I used it one year for a family reunion.The beer and soda cans, paper plates and assorted foods/stuff wrappings were easy to clean up. The multitude of cigarette butts are still there. What used to be pristine woodland now looks like the curbside of a busy intersection. A filthy habit.

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I had this in Bangkok, I have a weak command of Thai but I got the point across that I wouldn't pay, they'd have to take me to the station or even court etc... they gave up all hope of an on the spot settlement and let me go on my way. Simple as that!

My problem was the opposite. I had to convince them I was a hapless tourist to get the fine reduced.

They wanted a show of Thai from me.

I think it's the other way around. Having thai connections would have reduced or cancelled the fine

Agreed. OP keeps repeating this paranoid misconception, which is what really irks him:

What got me was the ฿10000 fine & the 3rd degree on speaking Thai, Thai wife etc.

1st offence ฿2000

2nd offence ฿10000

They wanted to justify giving me a ฿10000 on the fact of knowing Thailand, know the law & couldn't be a 1st offence if I'd spent a reasonable time here.

You can see the illogic of the conclusion. It's the real purpose of the post.

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next time ask for the official fine in writing and pay it at the proper office. otherwise you are supporting these police mafia.

I really think that some people are O.T.Top. about the police (or other corruption) this is Asia & I find its one of the attractions-- I have lived around it for most of my adult life, (although only 15 years in Thailand) I like corruption.

I like driving over the speed limit, being stopped-- giving the guy $5 & driving on no points no hassles.

I like being told I can not do this--going to the Amphur & finding out I can...IF

I have never overstayed on a visa -- but knowing if I did ...there would be no problem...IF

I like going to a bar & knowing that 2 adults can come to an agreement about sex & money, even if the Law says I cannot.

I like to drink when I want to drink & look at entertainment, without someone telling me that I can not do this at this time of the day / night

I like finding out that most things I want in my life are doable.... IF

Is this fair on the poor or the great unwashed of the world---- NO -- but please show me somewhere their life is fair.... & how me paying more money in fines will help them obtain that.

There is one golden rule for graft..... NEVER PAY THE AMOUNT YOU WOULD HAVE TO PAY IF THERE WAS NO GRAFT.... That for me is what is called a win-win situation.

For me if the negotiation starts getting anywhere near the 50%--60% of the correct fine---then I am screaming, give me a receipt.

I do believe in life that if something is wrong--rage against it, try to change--don't accept it..BUT .. please re-exam.. Why you came / want to come / remain living in Asia.

I think the guy got the correct fine -- for what he did, the only difference would be, I would never get to the stage of going to the police station, or where ever he went, I was told by an old Asia hand back in the 60s.... The higher it goes the more you pay.. if you get stopped speeding, negotiate with the plod....if you want to go over the the pay station, it will probably cost you more, want to go to the police station, you gone up a notch, do something that makes them put you in one of their 18 man rooms, start looking at a bank overdraft.. ....etc....etc..

Love Asia but hate corruption--- then Singapore is probably the place for you...... The O.P. would have got a $5,000 (150,000 baht ) fine there.... But I am sure a lot of the Wowsers would be happy to know--- HE WOULD HAVE ALSO GOT A RECEIPT

Singapore fine list--- (it may be dated, but before someone points that out--from experience as years go on, fines do not go down

1. Flush the toilet or face a public caning

It seems nothing is sacred these days. In Singapore, you cant even pee in private. Apparently, police officers do random checks to make sure public toilets are flushed after use. Note to self, must flush the toilet!

2. Litter bugs pay big time

Theres a reason why the streets of Singapore are almost glistening with cleanliness. A litter law dating from 1968 means litter bugs can be fined $1,000 for the first conviction and $5,000 for repeat convictions. On top of that, youll be forced to do community labour. And if you offend three times, youll have to wear a lovely sign, which states, I am a litter lout.

3. Selling chewing gum is forbidden

Gum chewers, beware put your chewed gum in the bin or you could face a hefty fine. Singapore prohibited the sale of gum after authorities noticed a prolific amount of chewed gum being stuck in subway stations and on cars. Mints might be the safer option if you have a case of garlic breath.

4. Dont walk around your house naked

In Singapore, pornography is illegal, and anything to do with it may result in imprisonment or big fines. Along the same lines, the country thinks that nudity has to do with pornography, so better close the curtains when you dress for bed.

5. No hugging in public without permission

Havent seen your loved one for a long time? Make sure you ask their permission before giving them a hug in public or you could land yourself in gaol. True story. If youre lucky, its just a fine.

6. No poking adverse comments at religion

If youre agnostic or atheist, keep it under wraps because in Singapore its a highly serious matter and you can be cited for sedition. Ouch.

7. Stranger danger

If youre introducing a stranger as your good friend and speak well of him and it proves to be false, youll be convicted for abetment.

8. Connecting on unsecured Wi-Fi hotspots means hacking

Need to check emails? Better go to an internet cafe rather than logging in on an unsecured network. In Singapore, its called hacking and you could end up in gaol or face a big fine.

So you like driving over the speed limit do you. The thing here is you say you "like" doing it. Shame on you.

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next time ask for the official fine in writing and pay it at the proper office. otherwise you are supporting these police mafia.

I really think that some people are O.T.Top. about the police (or other corruption) this is Asia & I find its one of the attractions-- I have lived around it for most of my adult life, (although only 15 years in Thailand) I like corruption.

I like driving over the speed limit, being stopped-- giving the guy $5 & driving on no points no hassles.

I like being told I can not do this--going to the Amphur & finding out I can...IF

I have never overstayed on a visa -- but knowing if I did ...there would be no problem...IF

I like going to a bar & knowing that 2 adults can come to an agreement about sex & money, even if the Law says I cannot.

I like to drink when I want to drink & look at entertainment, without someone telling me that I can not do this at this time of the day / night

I like finding out that most things I want in my life are doable.... IF

I can extort money from this stupid farang named sanuk711... IF

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The BMA "police" don't actually have the authority to charge you this "fine" - you didn't need to pay the 2k, you could have just walked away. The real police join in and help these guys in the booths because they get a slice.

Not sure why the cop would be so keen to prove you spoke Thai and were a longer term resident here. 10k baht would be the tourist price on the "fine".

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They can't MAKE you pay the fine.

They threaten to call the police but they're bluffing.

Even if they weren't, doubt the police are going to come running because a foreigner's dropped a fag end.

They don't have the power to search you - just give them 50 baht or the equivalent fine for a THAI and walk off.

I did exactly this when I got pulled outside Benjasiri Park next to Emporium


Not at all.

Maybe YOUR stones retreat back up into your abdomen the second a Thai asks you for a "contribution" but mine don't.

I worked HARD for my money.

I refused to be scammed out of it

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"So you like driving over the speed limit do you. The thing here is you say you "like" doing it. Shame on you.--possum1931"

Yer, I can see that was worded carelessly possum1931------------------------------coffee1.gif

Back to the drawing board

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they tried to nail me for 2000 some years ago near MBK, but talked down to 1200. The absence of trash bins is essential for this rip off to ensue. Because Bangkok traffic is so bad, and so few farang on motorbike, they had to adapt something other than usual helmet/license shakedown. A person could pick up one of those little pocket ashtrays, save some time and money.....

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I can extort money from this stupid farang named sanuk711... IF----farang000999

They do not extort anything from me farang000999 -- I will gladly pay half of what the fine is if I am caught doing something wrong,

you can pay the 100% of the fine, & proudly walk away with a receipt.. .... I like your style...............w00t.gif

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Generally, the emerging theme in your OP is the incredulity that this was happening to you. Moreover, you insinuated your total unaccountability as you deftly navigated the local cops admonishment. While you pay lip service to agreeing your a pig, it's nearly incidental- you don't see it at all.

Here's the answer to your post question: They shoulda slapped you with the 10,000 baht fine, took your name, and the next time you do this- and you will- they really "nail" you. You are as equally not embarrassed by your littering as you are posting about it. Stuff your cigarette in your mouth, arse, palm, or do as men do- field strip the ember head to the street and pocket the filter.

Edited by arjunadawn
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Maybe YOUR stones retreat back up into your abdomen the second a Thai asks you for a "contribution" but mine don't.-----

Wow......... the Keyboard warriors are back .............

Nothing to do with being a warrior - keyboard or otherwise.

It's about standing up for yourself while still smiling and being respectful.

If you go through life in Thailand bent over with your arse cheeks spread, you can't really complain if the locals try to root you.

There are a number of instances when you're BEST advised to shut up, pay up and count yourself lucky

The "litter" situation isn't one of them.

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I can extort money from this stupid farang named sanuk711... IF----farang000999

They do not extort anything from me farang000999 -- I will gladly pay half of what the fine is if I am caught doing something wrong,

you can pay the 100% of the fine, & proudly walk away with a receipt.. .... I like your style...............w00t.gif

True - fining people who break the law is not extortion.

They got me for 2,000 Baht too once. I dropped a cigarette end as I was walking into a building. They have eagle eyes, there are warning signs against littering, I was guilty, and they gave me a receipt.

Fair cop, and nothing much I could complain about, except my own carelessness.

Edited by Thanet
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Wrong. Fines should not be paid to the police in the street this goes straight into their pockets. i would have taken a photo of him if he insisted on this. This fine should have been paid at the police station at least and you should have been given a receipt.

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The total lack of rubbish bins in Thailand is a puzzle. I must have carried a gum wrapper two blocks looking for a place to dump it before I realized I was walking ankle deep in garbage and so just discreetly let it slip from my hand. Good thing no cop saw me.

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