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China praises NCPO even as US cuts military aid


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Downgrading military relations is such a load of <deleted>. First hint of trouble in the region and these sanctimonious western nations will be falling over themselves to get Thai cooperation.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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What a surprise, China seeks to make political capitol out of a rift between LoS and the US and if the roles were reversed the US would be doing exactly the same thing.

I wonder how many Thais will think it's wonderful to be the centre of attention from major powers without considering the potential consequences of being a pawn in an international game.

This may help the US government stop it pretentious 'moral high-horse' behavior and behave a little more pragmatically toward Thailand and the rest of the world. The US, in the past, has supported some of the worst dictators on the planet and now they are blind to the benefits of temporarily taking crooked politicians out of power in Thailand? 'The Emperor (US) has no clothes'. The world knows the US says one thing and does another. Hypocrisy personified.

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Well Us needs to get their heads out of their <deleted> and look a little harder at the ramifications of imposing sanctions.. With China so near it would only take a meager offer of support from them to sway Thailands political relationships with foreign countries... Does America want to lose their place here in Thailand to the Chinese? It very well could happen if the US tries to interfere more in Thai politics and with this coupe... The Us should bow down to the Army for stopping a civil war and for trying to end the corruption here but since the US supports Thaksin and Yingluck this won't happen.... The Us has it's own idea of Democracy and if it does not benefit them they refuse to accept change...

"but since the US supports Thaksin and Yingluck this won't happen...."

It is the 'New World Order'/Globalist faction within the US government that supports Dr. Thaksin as he is their representative/agent in Thailand. Unfortunately, under the current administration, Banksters and the NWO/G have inordinate influence.

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A pi$$y $4.7 million in military assistance. Who cares. The only time Thailand needs military assistance from the US is when it fights US led wars like Vietnam. And truth be known the US needed Thailand a hell of a lot more in that war than Thailand needed the US. I am loving this. The US is cutting it's own head off. Stupid. blink.png

Which country would you prefer to see as the world's dominant military power? Economic power?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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US continues to isolate itself , while China quickly jumps in to make friends with those.

Gee I wonder who is the smart one here.

PS. Posters from US, do not take it personal , it's not you, it's your president and his administration .

Many nations other than the US condemned the coup. Are those nations isolating them selves as well?

No big surprise here, many nations with functioning Democracies promote the same and protest when the military seizes control.

China has one party rule, so it would be unlikely for it to object to another nation trending in that direction.

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USA bashing is always funny.

Not that I have blind faith in the US of A, but given the alternatives....well, if I had to choose living in the USA,

PRC or Russia, pretty sure I'd choose the first, as would most people - including those that are having a ball

bashing away.

Finding it quite confusing though - wasn't China that big evil country associated with Thaksin and faux rice sales

not that long ago? Aren't they them bad neighbors pissing on everyone lawn and moving the land markers? So,

yeah, I get it, some don't like the USA much and that's cool - many reasons not to. What does that have to do

with hailing the PRC is something positive?

For me this is all posturing, huffing and puffing. Same thing happens everywhere in the world when the USA tries

to withdraw (yes, it's not sanctions, they are taking away something they give) some benefits or criticizes the home

team. Run to the other guys and pretend to make out with them, in hope of pulling back the USA - "We don't need

you, we got options"...

My bet things will go back to normal in a few months:


Nice graphic for the Shakespeare quote.... :-)

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... So Thailand gives the US the finger and cosies up to China. Ha ha! We showed 'em!

However, I doubt if the Chinese leadership is unaware of the 'warm welcome' extended to their compatriots wishing to visit Thailand.

Some time in the future... "Oh, and what was it you were calling the Chinese again...?"

Be careful what you wish for. You might get it.

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A pi$$y $4.7 million in military assistance. Who cares. The only time Thailand needs military assistance from the US is when it fights US led wars like Vietnam. And truth be known the US needed Thailand a hell of a lot more in that war than Thailand needed the US. I am loving this. The US is cutting it's own head off. Stupid. blink.png

Which country would you prefer to see as the world's dominant military power? Economic power?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Does the world have to have a world dominant military or economic power? at least when Russia & China during the cold war there was checks & balances...now the US feels that they are so dominant they can take out any country that opposes them.

Destroying 7 countries & their economies in 10 years isn't a record to be proud of while going trillions in debt to the Chinese.

Meanwhile the American Consitution isn't worth anything anymore..

Not only should the rest of the world be afraid of the People that run Washington....The American people should be afraid too.

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A pi$$y $4.7 million in military assistance. Who cares. The only time Thailand needs military assistance from the US is when it fights US led wars like Vietnam. And truth be known the US needed Thailand a hell of a lot more in that war than Thailand needed the US. I am loving this. The US is cutting it's own head off. Stupid. blink.png

Which country would you prefer to see as the world's dominant military power? Economic power?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Does the world have to have a world dominant military or economic power? at least when Russia & China during the cold war there was checks & balances...now the US feels that they are so dominant they can take out any country that opposes them.

Destroying 7 countries & their economies in 10 years isn't a record to be proud of while going trillions in debt to the Chinese.

Meanwhile the American Consitution isn't worth anything anymore..

Not only should the rest of the world be afraid of the People that run Washington....The American people should be afraid too.

Historically, I think there were always dominant countries. Empires, if you will.

The USA actually seems to have reached a point where it sort of realizes that it overreached itself.

As for checks and balances - seems to have worked out anyway, what with the USA saddled with

debt (China). From a military point of view, the demise of the USSR disturbed the balance for a while,

but with the economic toll that too will be restored, at least in part.

The USA's constitution is still a ways better than the alternatives than what people can hope to get in

either the PRC or Russia.

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What a surprise, China seeks to make political capitol out of a rift between LoS and the US and if the roles were reversed the US would be doing exactly the same thing.

I wonder how many Thais will think it's wonderful to be the centre of attention from major powers without considering the potential consequences of being a pawn in an international game.

I agree totally, watch where you step LOS....


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A pi$$y $4.7 million in military assistance. Who cares. The only time Thailand needs military assistance from the US is when it fights US led wars like Vietnam. And truth be known the US needed Thailand a hell of a lot more in that war than Thailand needed the US. I am loving this. The US is cutting it's own head off. Stupid. blink.png

Which country would you prefer to see as the world's dominant military power? Economic power?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Palau. wai2.gif

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A pi$$y $4.7 million in military assistance. Who cares. The only time Thailand needs military assistance from the US is when it fights US led wars like Vietnam. And truth be known the US needed Thailand a hell of a lot more in that war than Thailand needed the US. I am loving this. The US is cutting it's own head off. Stupid. blink.png

Which country would you prefer to see as the world's dominant military power? Economic power?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Palau. wai2.gif

Palau declines...coffee1.gif

Having voted against joining the Federated States of Micronesia in 1979, the islands gained full sovereignty in 1994 under a Compact of Free Association with the United States. Politically, Palau is a presidential republic in free association with the United States, which provides defense, funding, and access to social services


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As for Isaan. None of my family, extended family, many friends, Thai and farang live throughout this region have experienced what you describe.

I could have guessed you would live in Issan. I`ve observed that nearly all the one track mind pro coup yellow types on here seem to be shacked up in some Issan back water.

I think its some kind of colonial mindset that plays into the feeling of superiority over the local red loving populace. "these peasants don`t know anything unlike cultured farrangs like myself" It`s almost like you all feel the need to over compensate in trying to distinguish yourself from the locals in search of some faux identity that you perceive to be more middle class compared to the poverty around you.

Also probably because many people in this position are simply bored to tears in a village where they cant communicate with the locals, probably getting financially ruined by their wives for good measure.

Still, whatever keep you happy thumbsup.gif

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A pi$$y $4.7 million in military assistance. Who cares. The only time Thailand needs military assistance from the US is when it fights US led wars like Vietnam. And truth be known the US needed Thailand a hell of a lot more in that war than Thailand needed the US. I am loving this. The US is cutting it's own head off. Stupid. blink.png

Which country would you prefer to see as the world's dominant military power? Economic power?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

I think the interesting words here are Economic power...


Many posters mentioning the US of A as if those were actually free of there decision....

Military, even in the USA, buy there weapons from manufacturers...

Manufacturers linked most probably to nearly all of the big corporate corporation worldwide....

The latest dictating most of USA policies are most probably seen their own economic interest in the region disturbed by the coup.....

Thailand is a big market and a key economical position in SE Asia and in ASEAN...

None of the big international Corpo would like to lose that market....

USA condemnation is most probably due to some hidden economical links....

China move is surely also economically motivated...

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Right, with the junta, Thailand has moved more towards China in one month than it did during the fifteen years of Thaksin and Abhisit in charge.

Actually, is becoming more aligned to China rather than America a bad thing ?
Thailand IS actually a Far East country, is it normal and natural for a Far East country to be linked to America rather than a massive nation that's actually in the area ?
And when we bear in mind that the bulk of the Thais who are prominent and have money, (we're talking about people like Thaksin, Abhisit, Sondhi, Porntip, etc), they're actually Chinese. Is it that surprising that Thailand is moving towards China ?

Thaksin and Abhisit were already steering Thailand towards China. The junta is making far quicker progress in this, because the USA is actually un-intentionally forcing this through !!

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it's not like picking sides on a football team...I am guessing from the anti Junta posters that appear to be pro american/west that Thailand deserves to be isolated from the rest of the world because of their move to military control & lack of freedoms.

Not just isolated..but made to pay economically..as it serves the Thai right..for all their Thainess.

But then China speaks up for support of the Junta and it's like the Chinese are going to invade..since they invaded Tibet....................in 1950 laugh.png ...or say north korea & Russia too.

yeah Thailand will be communist & China will take everything from Thailand...but the US offers freedom..& a chance to play with the big boys but you have to pay your penalty so sit back until you learn your place at the bottom of the heap.Then you can play again.

I'm not sure where any of you anti Thailand posters studied any history,or political science but it is entertaining watch you cry a river of tears.

Edited by iphad
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it's not like picking sides on a football team...I am guessing from the anti Junta posters that appear to be pro american/west that Thailand deserves to be isolated from the rest of the world because of their move to military control & lack of freedoms.

Not just isolated..but made to pay economically..as it serves the Thai right..for all their Thainess.

But then China speaks up for support of the Junta and it's like the Chinese are going to invade..since they invaded Tibet....................in 1950 laugh.png ...or say north korea & Russia too.

yeah Thailand will be communist & China will take everything from Thailand...but the US offers freedom..& a chance to play with the big boys.

I'm not sure where any of you anti Thailand posters studied any history,or political science but it is entertaining watch you cry a river of tears.

Football fans are somewhat more consistent, I think.

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it's not like picking sides on a football team...I am guessing from the anti Junta posters that appear to be pro american/west that Thailand deserves to be isolated from the rest of the world because of their move to military control & lack of freedoms.

Not just isolated..but made to pay economically..as it serves the Thai right..for all their Thainess.

But then China speaks up for support of the Junta and it's like the Chinese are going to invade..since they invaded Tibet....................in 1950 laugh.png ...or say north korea & Russia too.

yeah Thailand will be communist & China will take everything from Thailand...but the US offers freedom..& a chance to play with the big boys.

I'm not sure where any of you anti Thailand posters studied any history,or political science but it is entertaining watch you cry a river of tears.

Football fans are somewhat more consistent, I think.

yeah but Thailand got kicked from the team lol

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Being an American I have the right to praise or criticize the actions of my government.

Washington continues to review other programmes and engagements and would consider further measures as circumstances warrant, Marciel said.

"Our hope is that this strong international message, plus pressure from within Thailand, will lead to an easing of repression and an early return to democracy," he said.

I expected a certain level of condemnation of the coup from the US but not to the extent displayed currently. I have yet to determine the true reasons for the US escallating the rhetoric and threats toward Thailand. Since 1949 the US has actively supported at least thirty eight coups or regime changes worldwide either by direct military intervention, CIA subversion or financial support even to the extent of replacing democratically elected governments with military dictators who favored US foreign policy.

Through communication with the American Embassy in Bangkok and other sources the US state department is fully aware of the events leading up to the coup. Compare the US reaction to their full support of the coup lead by the neo-nazis in the Ukraine where Sen. John McCain and Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland literally traveled to the Ukraine joining the protests. The US was not alone in the destabilization of the Ukrainian government. They were joined by Germany, France, Britain and other NATO powers. The new coup-led government was selected by a rump session of the parliament when many elected members could not show up to vote for fear of physical attack. It is filled with fascist and semi-fascist forces, as well as powerful billionaire oligarchs. The fascist forces promote hatred toward Russians, Jews, Poles and other minorities.

Something just doesn't add up here. The truth has a way of coming out in time. I guess we'll just have to wait until that time.

Maybe its because with the level of knowledge the US will have of Thailand, through channels we can only dream of, they know that the Coup is nothing to do with reform, reconciliation and cleaning up corruption. Perhaps they think the Coup was for more nefarious reasons, hiding behind the reform, and as such will not support it, as they know long term it will come to bite them on the ass, when eventually people are allowed to vote again.

Having said that i really cannot understand the stance they have taken with Egypt which for me is really strange. I presume their fear of the Muslim brotherhood outweighs there desire for a non military Government.

Perhaps you are right. But up to now the Army seems to be concerning themselves with the peoples troubles. They have not shown their stance to be anything more than stoppin illegal activities and getting law and order back to thailand. Also you have to take into account they had power a few years ago and didnt turn thailand into a dictatorship. So this makes it seem like the US is not concerned with thais and only worry about getting the people they suppprt back into power.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

When "illegal activities" include reading 1984, handing out sandwiches, and the Hunger Games salute? Not to mention handing out sandwiches ...

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Right, with the junta, Thailand has moved more towards China in one month than it did during the fifteen years of Thaksin and Abhisit in charge.

Actually, is becoming more aligned to China rather than America a bad thing ?

Thailand IS actually a Far East country, is it normal and natural for a Far East country to be linked to America rather than a massive nation that's actually in the area ?

And when we bear in mind that the bulk of the Thais who are prominent and have money, (we're talking about people like Thaksin, Abhisit, Sondhi, Porntip, etc), they're actually Chinese. Is it that surprising that Thailand is moving towards China ?

Thaksin and Abhisit were already steering Thailand towards China. The junta is making far quicker progress in this, because the USA is actually un-intentionally forcing this through !!

Why is allying with China a good thing? So Thailand can join the likes of North Korea? Look at how horrible the Chinese government is (Tiananmen Square, Tibet, Falun Gong, the continuing suppression of free speech, to name the first four things that came to mind) ...

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it's not like picking sides on a football team...I am guessing from the anti Junta posters that appear to be pro american/west that Thailand deserves to be isolated from the rest of the world because of their move to military control & lack of freedoms.

Not just isolated..but made to pay economically..as it serves the Thai right..for all their Thainess.

But then China speaks up for support of the Junta and it's like the Chinese are going to invade..since they invaded Tibet....................in 1950 laugh.png ...or say north korea & Russia too.

yeah Thailand will be communist & China will take everything from Thailand...but the US offers freedom..& a chance to play with the big boys but you have to pay your penalty so sit back until you learn your place at the bottom of the heap.Then you can play again.

I'm not sure where any of you anti Thailand posters studied any history,or political science but it is entertaining watch you cry a river of tears.

We should bear in mind that the Beijing government today is not the same as it was in 1950. A lot of people do feel that the only connection between today's Chinese government and the regime in 1950 is only the name, the Communist Party !

Is it possible to be a Thaksinite, and to have no problem with the junta steering Thailand towards China ? Did Thaksin have some friends in Beijing ?

Is it possible to be pro-coup, but to dis-like the fact that Thailand is drifting away from Europe and America, and moving towards China ?


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it's not like picking sides on a football team...I am guessing from the anti Junta posters that appear to be pro american/west that Thailand deserves to be isolated from the rest of the world because of their move to military control & lack of freedoms.

Not just isolated..but made to pay economically..as it serves the Thai right..for all their Thainess.

But then China speaks up for support of the Junta and it's like the Chinese are going to invade..since they invaded Tibet....................in 1950 laugh.png ...or say north korea & Russia too.

yeah Thailand will be communist & China will take everything from Thailand...but the US offers freedom..& a chance to play with the big boys but you have to pay your penalty so sit back until you learn your place at the bottom of the heap.Then you can play again.

I'm not sure where any of you anti Thailand posters studied any history,or political science but it is entertaining watch you cry a river of tears.

We should bear in mind that the Beijing government today is not the same as it was in 1950. A lot of people do feel that the only connection between today's Chinese government and the regime in 1950 is only the name, the Communist Party !

Is it possible to be a Thaksinite, and to have no problem with the junta steering Thailand towards China ? Did Thaksin have some friends in Beijing ?

Is it possible to be pro-coup, but to dis-like the fact that Thailand is drifting away from Europe and America, and moving towards China ?


You are very correct China is not the same as in 1950...but since that was like 64 years ago...some posters use that as an example of China invading countries.

China has foreign reserves they are not in debt...they take over countries economically now.

I'm sure Thailand will strike a balance between the west & China..I don't think Thailand is going over to the other side.

This drama with the west will be over within the year but meanwhile Thailand has to find places to trade...not as if the US or EU are doing that great economically despite their cooked books & expectations.

China will be the largest economy in the world in 10-15 years....they'r saving their money not investing in wars.

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