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4 Daughters and Mum Married Farang. Offputting?


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Most middle and upper class Thai women would never consider becoming romantically involved with a farang unless that farang was a social cut above the rest. In fact in Thai society it is considered as a come down by marrying a farang, so when farangs do meet Thai women at a higher social level or those with high levels of Western influences and behaviours some farangs will find it difficult to relate to them.

Most middle and upper class Thai women (and their families) consider marriage a business.

Romance has little or nothing to do with it.

Having spent fifteen years in Thailand working with middle class Thais, a number of them from those 'upper class families'.... I have to say your are talking hogwash.

Do middle class and upper class Thai families arrange weddings solely on the basis of business/money considerations - Of course some do.

Do most middle class and upper class Thai families arrange weddings solely on the basis of business/money considerations - No where near most.

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I had to look up Emma Watson ...

We can never get you off those escalators can we . tongue.png width=20 alt=tongue.png>

Care to explain ...

55555555 LMFAO

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This is great !! I say go for it. With four other daughters married to farangs, that means

you will only be on the hook for 20% for family support instead of 100%. Can I make

a wild guess this family is from either Buriram or Udon Thanni ??

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I have always found it interesting how nearly everyday on Thai Visa someone will make the comment such as "No good/decent/middle to upperclass Thai woman would ever date or marry a farang"

So does that mean that these men are

1. themselves married to undesirable lowerclass Thai women?

2. Single

3. married with farang women (I know) yet still very interested in topics related to dating Thai women?

If you read the posts of these users they are almost always married. So I guess that just leaves no1?

That is exactly my experience too.

I've never met a western guy that didn't fit in your 3 categories

(if you changed farang to non-Thai, met some guys with black wives from the USA, and a very nice Brazilian lady also non-white, Brit with a nice Chinese wife too).

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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How many middle and upper class women are there in Thailand? Any one of you guys who know most of them may answer.

I've wondered this myself. It seems to me you have only rich and poor. The ones that appear middle class are actually poorer than the poor ones as they are underwater on their new truck and new house. The so-called poor ones have a positive net worth.

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I could just imagine the competiveness between the mum and the 4 daughters to see who could siphon the most.

Or alternatively, which one of their cash-cow husbands is smiling the most.

Because honestly, I have never seen a foreigner robbed in Thailand who was not smiling from ear to ear has he handed his cash over.

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I know three sisters who are all married to farangs. One guy has a little money, one is a bit of an angry drunk and the other is a school teacher. The one with money is always throwing money around and expects the others to do same. The poor school teacher is looked down on by family just because he can not afford to buy things and give money. I would not want in a family like that.... Dick heads judging everyone on money... But I guess the Thai way ... Just too funny that farangs do same as Thais.

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I know three sisters who are all married to farangs. One guy has a little money, one is a bit of an angry drunk and the other is a school teacher. The one with money is always throwing money around and expects the others to do same. The poor school teacher is looked down on by family just because he can not afford to buy things and give money. I would not want in a family like that.... Dick heads judging everyone on money... But I guess the Thai way ... Just too funny that farangs do same as Thais.

In what country are men not judged by how much status they have? Money, power, athletic ability or whatever = status.

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I know three sisters who are all married to farangs. One guy has a little money, one is a bit of an angry drunk and the other is a school teacher. The one with money is always throwing money around and expects the others to do same. The poor school teacher is looked down on by family just because he can not afford to buy things and give money. I would not want in a family like that.... Dick heads judging everyone on money... But I guess the Thai way ... Just too funny that farangs do same as Thais.

In what country are men not judged by how much status they have? Money, power, athletic ability or whatever = status.

A civilized country, perhaps ?

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I could just imagine the competiveness between the mum and the 4 daughters to see who could siphon the most.

Or alternatively, which one of their cash-cow husbands is smiling the most.

Because honestly, I have never seen a foreigner robbed in Thailand who was not smiling from ear to ear has he handed his cash over.

Ignorance is, can be, a bliss......for a while...

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I could just imagine the competiveness between the mum and the 4 daughters to see who could siphon the most.

Or alternatively, which one of their cash-cow husbands is smiling the most.

Because honestly, I have never seen a foreigner robbed in Thailand who was not smiling from ear to ear has he handed his cash over.

Ignorance is, can be, a bliss......for a while...

Ya look at this dude smile as the Thai taxi driver hacks him to death with a machete as the taxi driver steals a few baht from him.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I could just imagine the competiveness between the mum and the 4 daughters to see who could siphon the most.

Or alternatively, which one of their cash-cow husbands is smiling the most.

Because honestly, I have never seen a foreigner robbed in Thailand who was not smiling from ear to ear has he handed his cash over.

I've said this elsewhere, but bears repeating:

If you put a frog into a pot of boiling water, it'll jump right out. If you put him in a pot of room temperature water, he'll stay in. Then, as you begin to heat the water, if you were to ask him, "how's it going?"

He'd wink, flash the a-ok sign and say with a smile, "so far so good!"


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The worst part of the situation the OP describes is the in-laws getting to choose a bunch of foreigners that you are going to have great difficulty avoid at any and every family gathering.

I'd flip the circumstances and advise any foreigner planning marry a Thai woman who has single sisters, mother, cousins or aunts to make it a condition of their marriage that he gets to interview and approve/not approve any foreigner that any member of his wife's family has ideas of marrying.

The amount of damaged foreign goods washing up in Thailand and the inability of Thais to see through the Walter Mitty lies peddled by so many foreigners in Thailand makes for pretty good odds that unless you set the above rule in place you are going to wind up with a dysfunctional foreign in-law.

thats probably very true what you say, but the ratio of men getting screwed over vs ratio of women ending up with "damaged goods" id say is higher.

When people are in love (men and women) they do stupid things, like many of the men in thailand, however, if the 25 year old woman cannot see that the 60 year old, balding, fat, ugly, been divorced 3 times, relies on a weekly pension, who knocks off 40 beers per week, gets abusive when he is drunk, uses bargirls behind the gf/wifes back is "damaged goods" then id say thats even more stupid!

In your generalization you forgot.....tattoos.....

What about the Chang vest and facial hair?

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How many middle and upper class women are there in Thailand? Any one of you guys who know most of them may answer.

How would you define a middle class Thai woman? My wife had a mortgage, and her house was half built when I met her, she is university educated, had her own truck, works for a well known insurance company.

I have been with her for eight years now, and have never thought of what class she is. Thailiketoo, I believe you are Thai, can you tell me what class she is?

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How many middle and upper class women are there in Thailand? Any one of you guys who know most of them may answer.

How would you define a middle class Thai woman? My wife had a mortgage, and her house was half built when I met her, she is university educated, had her own truck, works for a well known insurance company.

I have been with her for eight years now, and have never thought of what class she is. Thailiketoo, I believe you are Thai, can you tell me what class she is?

It would depend on your nationality.

If American, middle class would be dependent on earning loads of money.

If British, middle class would be dependent on education and occupation.

If Thai, class is often judged by parentage and skin color (dark skin = low class).

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How many middle and upper class women are there in Thailand? Any one of you guys who know most of them may answer.

How would you define a middle class Thai woman? My wife had a mortgage, and her house was half built when I met her, she is university educated, had her own truck, works for a well known insurance company.

I have been with her for eight years now, and have never thought of what class she is. Thailiketoo, I believe you are Thai, can you tell me what class she is?

It would depend on your nationality.

If American, middle class would be dependent on earning loads of money.

If British, middle class would be dependent on education and occupation.

If Thai, class is often judged by parentage and skin color (dark skin = low class).

She's Thai, has dark skin, but not from Isaan, so despite being in a good job, well educated, Thais look upon her as being low class, but if she was British, she would be middle class.

If I never came along, she would be paying a mortgage, running a truck etc, I would say she is probably between low and middle class.

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