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Believe lazada does not have a brick and mortar presence based on their website information. So no walk in available for lazada.

'Lazada is Asia’s leading online department store'


Believe lazada does not have a brick and mortar presence based on their website information. So no walk in available for lazada.

'Lazada is Asia’s leading online department store'

yes but Smart PC is a supplier which i assume from the lazada site is not part of lazada and so possibly has a shop and phone number?

yes i have searched by google and ixquick but cant turn it up as the terms are too common


Are we talking about a Samsung Smart PC? If so, check with shops that sell Samsung tablets. Also need your location, such as Bangkok, so others may have more information.


Are we talking about a Samsung Smart PC? If so, check with shops that sell Samsung tablets. Also need your location, such as Bangkok, so others may have more information.

the stuff i want to buy isnt samsung so i didnt follow that google link to samsung smart pc.

i am willing to travel but i do assume it is bkk,

http://www.lazada.co.th/smart-pc/ has mostly not samsung so i guess not samsung smart pc


"Smart PC' is just a product category on the Lazada Web Site and does not refer to a company, therefore no such shop.

Edit...after reading Richcor subsequent post , it might refer to a company.. Sorry (not a farcebook user)


I believe, given the Lazada link provided, that "Smart PC" is the name of the Lazada affiliate that looks to be doing business via the following FaceBook page:

facebook: SmartPcTukcom SmartPcTukcom/info

They don't mention a Retail Location on their about page, only that they are located in Chonburi, and Always Open.

Photos on the site and the Facebook name may indicate that they are a store in Chonburi Tukcom.


Edit... After reading ThaidDown's previous post edit, just wanted to edit my post to have a similar edit. Oh, and I added a small picture.

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Exactly what kind of computer are you looking for? There lots of computers available in Phantip Plaza on Petburi Road. It's a pleasant place to shop and you'll find great variety there. You could always go in to locate and play with the computer that you want and then buy from Lazada if you don't get the price you want in Phantip. One of the cheapest stores there is Advice (yes, it's the name of the store.) They often have their display machines wrapped up in plastic wrap so you have to go through some trouble to get them to unwrap a model so that you can really play with it. Their prices are cheap though. Another option is to go into any Power Buy store in MBK or Central to examine their machines and then buy them elsewhere.


You might also want to consider taking a look at the InvadeIT web site. http://www.invadeit.co.th/

From reading this thread I am at a loss as to what it is exactly you are looking for. If all you want is a new PC, there are tons of options, including lots of walkin and buy places. As suggested, there is Pantip Plaza. There is also Fortune Mall and I believe a large IT mall out in Zeer Rangsit. All of them overflowing with products you can buy off the shelf.


i dont want to tell you the exact product, suffice to say i have been looking for months and am unsuited. my particular usage requires a specific product. my only reservation now is if the shop is farang friendly. in the past i have walked in cash in pocket to buy a known visible product only to walk out moments later vowing never to buy anything from that particular shop until hell freezes over. its about 1 in ten of these IT type shops are staffed by thai who can/will actually sell farang things the rest are just there to enhance their face in thai opinion. fortunately there are also those frequent trips to visa malaysia where they actually do like money even if it is farang tainted.

granted it could be particularly my fault but i am not willing to change for their benefit.


You might also want to consider taking a look at the InvadeIT web site. http://www.invadeit.co.th/

From reading this thread I am at a loss as to what it is exactly you are looking for. If all you want is a new PC, there are tons of options, including lots of walkin and buy places. As suggested, there is Pantip Plaza. There is also Fortune Mall and I believe a large IT mall out in Zeer Rangsit. All of them overflowing with products you can buy off the shelf.

ok its at invadet too, is that walkin in hua hin

seems a new product just release has filled the dearth

might recheck all the other options i had previously searched too. might not have to go so far at all now.

thanks guys. see ya.


Contact InvadeIT and ask about seeing the product. Not everything they list is in stock. Green dot on the product is in stock, orange dot means they have to order it.

Contact them, they will reply. I just placed a very large order within the past month and had no issues that they couldn't resolve. They also deliver (not free, though tongue.png )


after adding another 4 to the frozen hell list yesterday i have decided to buy in HCMC. have had very good experience in one shop near the backpacker ghetto there.

think it is this one http://hoanlong.com.vn/trang-chu.html

at http://goo.gl/maps/Z5ka2

but wont know 4 sure till i look at it again.

checking my bookmarks it is actually this one


at http://goo.gl/maps/MKhRS

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