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8 tonnes of narcotics incinerated

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8 tonnes of narcotics incinerated

AYUTTHAYA: Eight tonnes of narcotics were incinerated in Ayutthaya province on Thursday (June 26), International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, as authorities raised concern about rising substance use in Thailand.

The incineration took place at the Bang Pa-in Industrial Estate. About five tonnes of the narcotics was marijuana while the remainder was made up of a variety of illicit drugs. The market price of the destroyed illegal drugs was estimated at 8.87 billion baht.

It included 27 million methamphetamine pills weighing about 2.5 tonnes, 243 kilogrammes of crystal methamphetamine, or "ice", 21 kilogrammes of heroin, 9,000 ecstasy pills weighing two kilogrammes, and 74 kilogrammes of opium.

Officials burnt the drugs at 850 degrees Celsius to prevent pollution.

Dr Narong Sahametapat, permanent secretary for health, said drug abuse in Thailand was raising concern as about 1.2 million people abused drugs and as much as 15% of drug addicts used more than one kind of narcotic.

He said the proportion of people with a severe addiction rose from 2% to 3% of drug abusers and this was making rehabilitation more complicated and difficult.

The Ministry of Public Health planned to rehabilitate at least 300,000 drug addicts this year, Dr Narong said.

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime reported that 243 million people worldwide abused drugs and they formed 5% of the global population aged 15-64. There are about 27 million problematic drug addicts, forming 0.6% of the global adult population, or one in 200 people.

Only one-sixth of drug abusers have access to rehabilitation and about 200,000 people died of causes relating to drug abuse in 2012.

-- Phuket News 2014-06-29

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Tip of another iceberg! And no arrests of major players?

That announcement is coming after the major players are arrested in the USA, Europe and all over the world.

But, it is a good start, give them time and you and me will be hearing the good news.

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All this talk of addiction and abuse, its all BS, how many Millions abuse Alcohol, how many lives are destroyed by it, drunk drivers , domestic abuse , street violence all sorts of crimes done under the influence, and don't even get me started about the Tobacco industry, responsible for millions of deaths yet strangely, legal.

You smoke a plant and they'll throw you in Jail, yet you can pour as much alcohol as you want down your neck and smoke yourself into an early grave, and it's OK, huge political contributions and lobbyists works wonders to keep Alcohol and Tobacco legal.

And of course, TAX.

I challenge you to find a scientific link between Alcohol and violence.

Alcohol is implicated in many violent incidents, but by no means all drunks are violent, added to which there are wide cultural variations in the occurrence of violence where alcohol use is present - There is no scientific explanation or positive link between consuming alcohol and violence has been proven.

The mechanism between consuming alcohol and violence has not be found.

If you find it, let the scientific community know.

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All this talk of addiction and abuse, its all BS, how many Millions abuse Alcohol, how many lives are destroyed by it, drunk drivers , domestic abuse , street violence all sorts of crimes done under the influence, and don't even get me started about the Tobacco industry, responsible for millions of deaths yet strangely, legal.

You smoke a plant and they'll throw you in Jail, yet you can pour as much alcohol as you want down your neck and smoke yourself into an early grave, and it's OK, huge political contributions and lobbyists works wonders to keep Alcohol and Tobacco legal.

And of course, TAX.

I challenge you to find a scientific link between Alcohol and violence.

Alcohol is implicated in many violent incidents, but by no means all drunks are violent, added to which there are wide cultural variations in the occurrence of violence where alcohol use is present - There is no scientific explanation or positive link between consuming alcohol and violence has been proven.

The mechanism between consuming alcohol and violence has not be found.

If you find it, let the scientific community know.

"While the empirical association of drinking and problem drinking to violence is well established, the etiological nature of the relationship is poorly understood. Using data collected from 1,149 convicted male felons, the acute (drinking just before the violent event) and chronic (a psychiatric diagnosis of alcohol abuse or dependence) effects of alcohol use on violence were analyzed. Logistic regression models were used to examine the relationship of acute and chronic alcohol effects to incarceration for a violent offense and arrest for a violent offense, with demographic and criminal history factors controlled. The acute effects of alcohol were found to be significantly associated with incarceration for a violent offense, but the net explanatory capacity of acute alcohol effects was not large. Chronic alcohol effects were not significantly associated with incarceration for a violent offense or arrest for a violent offense in the previous year. The findings were interpreted as being consistent with the hypothesis that alcohol effects violence directly, acting through the acute effects of use, rather than indirectly through the effects of underlying or mediating factors." (Collins and Schlenger, 2008, 2012; Vol. 49 Iss. 6; pp. 7-14)

Think you need to undertake a little more non-centred opinion, and research some pragmatic facts.

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Also, tax is not the reason alcohol and tobacco are legal whilst other drugs are not.

True because they could also make tax off the legal sales of anything. Colorado now has to figure out how to spend all the extra revenue it is getting from the legal marijuana sales.

Illegality breeds corruption in the case of drugs. All over the world many of the big dealers are law enforcement officers. With a badge and a gun it is easy for them to put the competition out of business and get inventory at the same time.

We know that prohibition of alcohol does not work from the brief period they tried that in the states and obviously the war on drugs does not work either.

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All this talk of addiction and abuse, its all BS, how many Millions abuse Alcohol, how many lives are destroyed by it, drunk drivers , domestic abuse , street violence all sorts of crimes done under the influence, and don't even get me started about the Tobacco industry, responsible for millions of deaths yet strangely, legal.

You smoke a plant and they'll throw you in Jail, yet you can pour as much alcohol as you want down your neck and smoke yourself into an early grave, and it's OK, huge political contributions and lobbyists works wonders to keep Alcohol and Tobacco legal.

And of course, TAX.

I challenge you to find a scientific link between Alcohol and violence.

Alcohol is implicated in many violent incidents, but by no means all drunks are violent, added to which there are wide cultural variations in the occurrence of violence where alcohol use is present - There is no scientific explanation or positive link between consuming alcohol and violence has been proven.

The mechanism between consuming alcohol and violence has not be found.

If you find it, let the scientific community know.

"While the empirical association of drinking and problem drinking to violence is well established, the etiological nature of the relationship is poorly understood. Using data collected from 1,149 convicted male felons, the acute (drinking just before the violent event) and chronic (a psychiatric diagnosis of alcohol abuse or dependence) effects of alcohol use on violence were analyzed. Logistic regression models were used to examine the relationship of acute and chronic alcohol effects to incarceration for a violent offense and arrest for a violent offense, with demographic and criminal history factors controlled. The acute effects of alcohol were found to be significantly associated with incarceration for a violent offense, but the net explanatory capacity of acute alcohol effects was not large. Chronic alcohol effects were not significantly associated with incarceration for a violent offense or arrest for a violent offense in the previous year. The findings were interpreted as being consistent with the hypothesis that alcohol effects violence directly, acting through the acute effects of use, rather than indirectly through the effects of underlying or mediating factors." (Collins and Schlenger, 2008, 2012; Vol. 49 Iss. 6; pp. 7-14)

Think you need to undertake a little more non-centred opinion, and research some pragmatic facts.

Thanks for demonstrating my point.

The Etiology is poorly understood - the findings hang on the interpretation.

Your pragmatic facts, are opinion.

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A more compassionate and helpful approach needs to be undertaken in regards to drugs. Prohibition causes way more problems and devestating effects on users and friends and family of users than the drugs themselves. Way more deaths are associated with the criminal elements than the drug use itself. Keeping drug use underground does not aid those with dependancy problems speak about their problems with friends or family nor seek professional help . Drug abuse is different from drug use and being a drug user does not make you a drug addict as Thailand seems to label all drug users as 'yaa septic'. People need to be held responsible for their own lives and actions but the same way that alcoholics are not thrown in prison nor should drug users or addicts. The majority of drug users are non-distinguiishable from those that don't take drugs, are caring parents and contributors to society - those that aren't don't need to be stigmatized or looked down upon but helped. Breaking up families and destroying people's lives over principle is not the answer.

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I challenge you to find a scientific link between Alcohol and violence.

Alcohol is implicated in many violent incidents, but by no means all drunks are violent, added to which there are wide cultural variations in the occurrence of violence where alcohol use is present - There is no scientific explanation or positive link between consuming alcohol and violence has been proven.

The mechanism between consuming alcohol and violence has not be found.

If you find it, let the scientific community know.

Have no scientific evidence, but plenty of anecdotal evidence.

I worked in the night club industry for 12 years. Clubs that serve alcohol have a problem with violence.

Clubs that serve alcohol but play rave style music, tend to have minimal problems with violence. Most of the customers are too loved up to care about fighting and a good proportion of drink sales are non-alcoholic.

Ask any bobby, or a&e staff if they think there is a link between alcohol and violence. They won't have any scientific evidence, but I guarantee you'll have anecdotal evidence up to your ears.

Try a google search for 'wife beater beer' or Stella Artois as it's officially known.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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It's ok, Guesthouse is not to be questioned, with his vast experience of the Alcohol ( Trouble ) hotspots of the world in his capacity as a doorman, he knows what he's talking about.

I on the other hand have no experience at all in that field, yes Guesthouse, Alcohol and Violence are not associated at all.thumbsup.gif

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All this talk of addiction and abuse, its all BS, how many Millions abuse Alcohol, how many lives are destroyed by it, drunk drivers , domestic abuse , street violence all sorts of crimes done under the influence, and don't even get me started about the Tobacco industry, responsible for millions of deaths yet strangely, legal.

You smoke a plant and they'll throw you in Jail, yet you can pour as much alcohol as you want down your neck and smoke yourself into an early grave, and it's OK, huge political contributions and lobbyists works wonders to keep Alcohol and Tobacco legal.

And of course, TAX.

I challenge you to find a scientific link between Alcohol and violence.

Alcohol is implicated in many violent incidents, but by no means all drunks are violent, added to which there are wide cultural variations in the occurrence of violence where alcohol use is present - There is no scientific explanation or positive link between consuming alcohol and violence has been proven.

The mechanism between consuming alcohol and violence has not be found.

If you find it, let the scientific community know.

alchahol reduces inhibitions...in nice people they are nicer in violent people they are more violent...many children a year are kicked to death in my country (new Zealand) by the drunken maoris who lose their self control due to alchahol and mabe meth... we have statistics that prove this..

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It looks like there is a link with Alcohol and Violence, I always thought so as my mother was getting a pasting from my drunken father.

Guesthouse, with his vast experience, ( I'd love to meet him ) says I'm wrong, wanna meet GH ?

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