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Will AEC affect property values in Chiangmai?

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Talk of a rise in prices must incorporate a long previous period of no/slow growth

Ie look at a longer chart than the last couple years.

This was the case in England in 1995.

It just felt cheap.... And it was.

BTW the gains whcih followed, with a blip for the crash, have been sustained and topped.


Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

Edited by cheeryble
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. Harry's specialty is Demographics, mine is TA. I follow nobody. All work here is my own. Good advice on the Set50 futures, thanks.

Good luck with the TA. AfterLOS

As someone who say behind four screens I'd now say by all means check for anything blatantly outrageous but beyond that it ain't worth a Fiddler's F---.

So of you present a long term chart of prices over here we can look for anything blatantly outrageous and then discuss whether that is based on a solid foundation.

BTW anyone up in CM here noticed the Chinese aren't receding a couple of years after the Lost in Siam movie.

They we in far bigger numbers than ever. They are undoubtedly the primary tourist group all of a sudden, and shops and hotels whcih would normally be mostly empty are busy all year round.

Go figure where that comes in the equation.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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