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Hi all,

Does anyone have bulldog puppies for sell to Indonesia? I'd like to have white color if possible. One male and one female but not the same parents. Please help, thanks.

Hi all,

Does anyone have bulldog puppies for sell to Indonesia? I'd like to have white color if possible. One male and one female but not the same parents. Please help, thanks.

Buy one of the Thai pet magazines there are quite a few breeders listed.

There is a very good one called Big Bone Bulldogs with a website but everytime I try to access it I end up on an American breeders site.

I last looked at the site about 6 months ago so maybe they have changed their address.

They have the Thai champion bulldogs and they export for you.

If I see the mag when I'm out I'll get a copy.


I know the problem now.. you probably type www.bigbonebulldogs.com, it's supposed to be www.bigbonebulldog.com without the 's', I called them just now and they told me.. quite expensive.. USD1500, I just want a regular bulldog..


Big Bone Kennels export all over Asia,but the dogs seem overpriced to me.I think a good bulldog in Bangkok should be around 30-40K baht.Mine was 25K baht and he has a good pedigree.See my other postings for names and adresses of breeders in Thailand.Just do a search!

Big Bone Kennels export all over Asia,but the dogs seem overpriced to me.I think a good bulldog in Bangkok should be around 30-40K baht.Mine was 25K baht and he has a good pedigree.See my other postings for names and adresses of breeders in Thailand.Just do a search!

done the search, couldn't find it, got a list from dog.in.th:

Zoomo Kennel 0-1834-9081 ¡Ãا෾Ï

Chiengrai Bulldog 0-1993-0976 àªÕ§ÃÒÂ

Tonjo Bulldog 0-6888-0077

Bull Planet 0-1642-1111

Khonkaen Wappen 0-1302-7077 ¢Í¹á¡è¹

µÑ¹â¨ हà¹Å 0-2970-5693-9 µèÍ 333 ¡Ãا෾Ï

Dairy Land Kennel 0-1923-0210

Big Bone Kennel 0-1642-0662 ¡Ãا෾Ï

Jumbo Bulldogs 0-2566-3673 ¡Ãا෾Ï

ÃÔ§à¤ÔŠहà¹Å 0-3442-8235 ªØÁ¾Ã

¶¹Í¹ÃÑ¡Éì हà¹Å 0-6324-1033 ¹¹·ºØÃÕ

Bull Power 0-1822-4701 ÊÁطûÃÒ¡ÒÃ

Miracle Bulls 0-1848-4585 ¹¹·ºØÃÕ

Super Bull Kennel 0-3829-3021 ªÅºØÃÕ

K.P. Kennel 0-9745-1287 ¹¹·ºØÃÕ

áÁŧ»Í Kennel 0-1613-7226 ¡Ãا෾Ï

Singburi Bulldogs 0-6755-4545 ÊÔ§ËìºØÃ

called all of them, mostly speak thai and only few speak english, having a difficulty in communication here, gosh.. I think I have to go to thailand to search for myself. But going there without proper information will be useless.. any help please?

:D They are gorgeous dogs, but are they really suited to the climate in Thailand? :o

my dog buster does nothing all day but sleep. I was quite surprised when I saw him sleeping in the direct sunlight so I take it he doesn't mind.

He may be a bit over weight at 30 kilo's but he seems happy enough.

I got him to be a low maintenance guard dog.

After watching him perform for a few weeks I went and aquired a little shit-poo to wake him up in the event of an intruder hopping over the wall. :D



I got mine from Zoomo kennel in Ratchada Rd.Not a big breeder but has a few good pups for sale sometimes.The guys that run Big Bone and Winsan kennels both speak excellent English,but the dogs are expensive.I feel your best choice would be to buy a copy of Lokesatleang magazine in Thailand and choose from one of the advertisements.Find a Thai to call the ads if you cant speak Thai yourself.


I was thinking if I could buy the puppies without visiting thailand.. looks like I really have to pay a visit now.. the problem is I've never been to thailand.. anyone know where I should start searching for reputable and not so costly puppies?

I'll be going to Bangkok first for sure.



his name first, 2 years old come from big bone for 20.000 bhat,

in the first year , meny meny skin problem and then i find, that he can't eat

any dry food and beef, then he start to eat only chiken, than he get

very nice hair color, and not more problems, but he have astma for sure.

he only 24 kg, love to sleep 24 hrs, never walk more then 10 meter

but very sweet and friendly




I'm bulldog breeder in Thailand. Next time i will be have 20 bulldog puppy for sell that born from

champion bloodline (Am.CH. & Th.CH.) The puppy price up to quality each them. (About 20K-30K Baht). If you want the puppy to export please coontact it me at //remove email// or Tel. +66 6 5109189 (065109189)



I was thinking if I could buy the puppies without visiting thailand.. looks like I really have to pay a visit now.. the problem is I've never been to thailand.. anyone know where I should start searching for reputable and not so costly puppies?

I'll be going to Bangkok first for sure.

I was told by my frens she says Jakata got bull dog pup too .

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