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Louis Vuitton-toting Thai nun apologizes


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I have never seen or heard of disciples giving monks anything other than the basic requirements they need in their day to day life. Otherwise, I am sure we would see a lot more with the trappings of excess and driving around in Porsches. Her explanation makes no sense and I wonder if she is speaking with a "noble tongue"?

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If she was a true Nun...devoted to the principles of Buddhism...she would have smiled gracefully for the gift of the bag... then given it away and not used. it.

Let's face it...when she received the bag she thought "Wow!!!" She just could not resist the temptation to flaunt it. A lose in the "Nun Game"

Give it up sis.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

It seems like money and religion, go hand in hand what they have lost is being charitable, start taxing them as they a profit organisations

Lie most things in Thailand...religion is a "for show" enterprise. Everything here is fake. Everything is done for show. Shallowness reigns supreme here.

I still love the place though. It's entertaining.

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Ok, I will buy that she is so popular people want to give her stuff. But if she is so "holy", why not insist these people donate to the needy, instead of her. Driving a 6 million baht car, totally ridiculous! A 100% scam artist hiding under a white robe.

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And that's why I do not use a "Wai" anymore. A "Wai" is a sign of high respect.

But as I see the behavior of all these nun's and monk's, There is nothing left to respect.

What many people forget or do not recognize is, many of the people just are unemployed persons,

who have no perspectives for their lives or relative. So, the make the easy choice to stay in a temple.

I have seen many monks in the IT places of Bangkok. Why do they need to buy high end computers ?????

To study the spirit of Buddha?? They could use a computer for 15 to 20.000 Baht indeed of using gamers

computer for 100.000 Baht. I believe they play online games.

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I have seen many monks in the IT places of Bangkok. Why do they need to buy high end computers ?????

To study the spirit of Buddha?? They could use a computer for 15 to 20.000 Baht indeed of using gamers

computer for 100.000 Baht. I believe they play online games.

They're playing games alright. The whole setup is a game. No social security, no dole, no job...become a nun or monk. Simple. It's all a joke.

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I would have thought that she would be more interested in helping the sick and under privileged than toting designer items. The money she would have got if she sold them would feed a village or orphanage for months. She is a disgrace to nuns and Buddhism.

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Hello, a nun, with 'disciples' and 'followers'? Making her expensive 'presents', like a 6millions Porsche (my guess is that car's worth much more)?Who 'forced' her to accept such presents, couldn't she have those people give the money to the temple, or sell it by herself and donate the money for good works? Or, does she like these luxury goods so much she could not part from them, maybe she even chose all of it by herself (my opinion)...? Sorry, nun Sherry, you were, and are, hurting Buddhism indeed, for the gullible who still believe there's anything clean left in it in Thailand, except for some really, truly, poor communities of 'mountain monks'! Money, greed, corruption...

Thank you for saving me time. You exactly expressed my opinion.

about 2000 years ago a so called "Jesus" was riding a donkey to Jerusalem. For that time being a very luxury and expensive thing to do.

Now I understand why they killed him.

Nasty times those were.

Didn't some guy Smote all the phillipinos hip and thigh with the ass bone of a jaw ?

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The first question I have: What kind of twit donates a Louis Vuitton bag to a Buddhist nun?

Second question: Who owns the Porsche and why did the nun drive it; or is it her own?

Third question: Why would a Buddhist nun who swore an oath to being austere and adhering to the Buddha's principles accept luxury goods as donations in the first place? And holding on to them?

Last question: Apologizing for one's inappropriate behavior doesn't always set things right. Pol Pot: "I apologize for having murdered millions of people. It was inappropriate." Shouldn't we expect from a Buddhist nun to be a little more conscious and ethically aware?

I read from a Thai post that the nun Cherry said that "she did not know before that those luxurious items she has, nuns are NOT allowed to have"

She flatly lied and should go to hell.

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I would have thought that the good nun would sell the gifts and use the proceeds to benefit the poor.

Impossible for foreigners to understand Thainess smile.png

I totally agree with this sentiment; however, not only Buddhism is at fault. I think many of the poor could be fed, clothed and housed with money leftover if Catholics sold the Vatican and the Mormon Church sold their property in Salt Lake City - along with many of the other material possesions owned by other religiions and non-profits.

No argument from me Ked :)

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She should be so ashamed so she should remove herself from the monkhood forever.

Her credabilaty is 000.

Excuses not accepted. This egotistical and show off behavior is beyond......i even cannot find the words for it.

Better leave thailand forever.

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Typical in Thailand, she is only sorry she got caught.

Choice 1. A generous Thai benefactor gave his beloved Porsche to the temple as he no longer

needed it.

Choice 2. Simply stole the money from the temple and bought the car herself.

Choice 3. Like the jet set monk, she was laundering money, and getting the car was just

a little of skim off the top.

The jet set monk has COMPLETELY disappeared off of the radar screen, that guy must have

had some serious protection. But given the staggering amounts of money he was laundering,

guess that sort of makes sense. Wish I knew how that worked. So if you give the jet set monk

100 million baht, how does he launder it and get the money back to the person ?? Just curious.

Just remember they are all virgins, above all reproach. But I guess she could sell the purse, and wouldn't it be better to give the money to the Wat?

Same thing happens in Wats in America, just saying you know.... Maybe even worse....

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Buddhist Wisdom Verses
chosen by
The Most Venerable
Rerukanyaeccythumpta Candavimacrankorabowdo Beetlejuice,

Coming to you from the other side:

And remember this; it is easier for a 6 million baht Porsche to go through the eye of a needle, than for someone who owns brand-name bags to enter the kingdom of God

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Related to this subject, I got on the bad side of my old gf last week. Some guy came here with a hand full of papers and plastic bags.They sat on the front porch in discussion while I was reading TVF posts and on my fourth Leo of the day. She waltzed in the house and asked me to open the safe. No way I'm giving her the combination. Of course I said for what. It seems she wanted 5,000 Baht to tamboon to the local wat. I asked tamboon for what. She replied for good luck. I said ok have a seat and let's talk about this. I just happen to know of two old ladies that the local people take food to every day because they are so poor they can't afford to buy food. How many times have these old ladies had good luck and the monks took food to them? Deer in the head lights look. I had to ask her three times before the answer "none" came. Next question was, please tell me about only one time the monks have helped one poor person in this village, not two people but only one person. If looks could kill....

I said when you tell me the monks are taking food to these old ladies and I hear about them helping poor people I will open the safe. She started into a dissertation of how I was a falang and didn't understand Buddhism. I got up and said I'm going to buy some beer and I ain't opening the <delete> safe. When I got back the guy was gone and she sulked the rest of the day. Broke my heart.


Brave man indeed.

I'd have started haggling it down to 1,000.....

Well I used to fork out 500 or so when these guys came around or they had a parade with the money tree but I stopped when I realized it was mostly for cigarettes and booze. Now when I feel benevolent I but the poor kids socks, shoes or something for school.

My Thai g/friend would entirely agree with your actions and reasons for them - she respects the idea of Buddha, but NOT the way the wats and the monks often behave.

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I think this Nun needs to be judged on more then what car she owns and what bag she chooses to use. It's our own issues that attach significance to these items.

There is nothing to suggest that a woman from a wealthy family cannot become a Nun, and if her family choose to give her a valuable car to drive why is that any different to a poor family giving her an old car.

Too many people are wrong to associate wealth with wrongdoing and corruption, the two are not always connected. People assume that if she has a expensive car that she must have stolen money, it's so unfair.

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I think this Nun needs to be judged on more then what car she owns and what bag she chooses to use. It's our own issues that attach significance to these items.

There is nothing to suggest that a woman from a wealthy family cannot become a Nun, and if her family choose to give her a valuable car to drive why is that any different to a poor family giving her an old car.

Too many people are wrong to associate wealth with wrongdoing and corruption, the two are not always connected. People assume that if she has a expensive car that she must have stolen money, it's so unfair.

There is a conflicting story that she is not from a well to do family after all. There has been some facts digging deeper to her background among Thais and especially local people in that province have seen many inappropriate incidents but they do not dare to speak out due to fear. Finally local people have the courage to speak up after the military took over the previous government.

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Living in Thailand has completely ruined my idea of Buddhism. Jet set monk, pedo rapey monks, and now this LV nun... I used to think more highly of them but they are just the same as than the catholic church plagued with scandals.

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I think this Nun needs to be judged on more then what car she owns and what bag she chooses to use. It's our own issues that attach significance to these items.

There is nothing to suggest that a woman from a wealthy family cannot become a Nun, and if her family choose to give her a valuable car to drive why is that any different to a poor family giving her an old car.

Too many people are wrong to associate wealth with wrongdoing and corruption, the two are not always connected. People assume that if she has a expensive car that she must have stolen money, it's so unfair.

Well when you devote your live to religion, your supposed to give up the material world. There is no place here for a material nun.

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