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can i stop gallery and quick pic taking in my pictures contents


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my old 7.7 galaxy tablet died last week and samsung want 6 thousand baht to repair it ... but i think thats too much to spend on a tablet still running gingerbread

so ive now got a spare x 10 speed sd card with about 31 thousand pics . videos , files in one folder that i want to put in my new note 3

is there any way that i can stop gallery and quick pic importing all these files instantly and slowing down my note 3

coz im thinking if i can just do a search directly in the folder with the 31 thousand in from a shortcut on the desktop .. it will be quicker ?

or am i wrong ?

thanks in advance .... dave2


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Would the new device import them? Usually the point of a memory card is to create extra storage rather then import to the devices own memory. This is how is works on my BB and Galaxy devices. The device just tells me a card has been installed and that's it. No importing involved.


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It's not importing, just building thumbnails upon discovery.

ahhh great thanks both of you !

my next question is will having 31 thousand thumbnails on it slow it down ?


pic .. a graffiti bear smoking w##d


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Simple answer, buy new SD card, place in phone, nothing to import / reference.

Do you REALLY need instant access to 31,000 images?

EDIT Now, do I remove that image of illegal activity?

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As Crossy asks, "Do you REALLY need instant access to 31,000 images?"

Every once in a while I'll move the bulk of my Phone/Camera images either off to my PC and some up to Cloud Storage.

I'll keep a copy of the last 6-9 months along with important/special images in named folders in the DCIM directory.

my next question is will having 31 thousand thumbnails on it slow it down ?


The device would only slow down while reading (or writing) to the directory that contains the numerous files -- so this might happen

  • at phone/device startup (when it's mounting the SD Card and MediaServer is active doing discovery,
  • when you open Gallery, Photos or whatever other image viewer is on the device
  • when the Camera or other image app is creating/writing the file

You might want to move the older images into their own directory within DCIM. They'd still be accessible but not read every time you use the camera.

What does 'slow' mean anyway. Android is a file-based Operating System with thousands and thousands of files that need to be read on boot. I'm surprised the damn thing even works.

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