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Search for MH370 won't stop, says Malaysia's defence minister


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Search for MH370 won't stop, says Malaysia's defence minister


KUALA LUMPUR: -- Malaysia and its partners will never stop searching for the aircraft although it has been nearly four months since Malaysia Airlines MH370 went missing, vowed Defence Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein, as reported by the Star Online.

Hishammuddin said Malaysia was fortunate that 26 nations, especially its tripartite partners – Australia and China – had been going all out in the unprecedented search.

He said the Asset Deployment Committee had met to finalise details of the contracted assets to be deployed with the Malaysian Government furnished equipment for the bathymetric survey and sub-surface search.

The Royal Malaysian Navy auxiliary vessel, Bunga Mas 6 (BM6), deployed since April 20, will remain in the search area in the coming phase to assist in the search for MH370, he said.

Hishammuddin said another Royal Malaysian Navy vessel – the KD Mutiara – which is equipped with a multi beam echo sounder, would also join the search efforts to help in the bathymetric survey process. The ship would set sail on Aug 4.

He said the instructions for mobilisation had already been given and the assets were expected to reach the search area in mid-August.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/search-mh370-wont-stop-says-malaysias-defence-minister/

-- Thai PBS 2014-07-08

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His statement is just posturing for gross incompetence and/or cover up by malaysian authority at the beginning of investigation into disapearance of mh370.

Looks, like thailand played it's role in obstructing the investigation by not revealing crucial data from their military radars in the south. Thailand gave this info only about 10 days after the disapearance

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I wonder if they will pay Australia the millions of dollars that were spent every day ( A person I know involved with the air search told me the bill was at least $2 million per day). Something is being covered up by authorities, which ones we will never know

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Just came across this - something to consider as a potential reason the flight just kept going on auto-pilot, other than the usually thrown around "cabin de-pressurization scenario":


"[The pilot] managed to land, but said later that if he had delayed by seconds going on to oxygen the plane would have crashed."

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Interesting article also, but neither the article nor the video really proves anything although they are interesting food for thought.

These conspiracy theories always leave out the most important parts - unfortunately, also the ones needed to make the proposed scenario probable.


During my research, I was surprised to find out that a 707 cargo plane once disappeared just 30 minutes after take off from Narita airport bound for LAX - no trace found to this day.

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The You Tube Video is on the right track, (and definitely not a hoax), but it did not mention the 2,000 kg of drone control units on board that were stolen by the T/Ban in Afghan. Although the Maldives are close to Diego, I would be looking at the newly found arrival on the sea floor in the Bay of Bengal (found by some Aussies, which arrived in the right time slot. Those of us who are independant overseas journalists were on the right track after a few weeks. The USA Gov knows all, and also follow Jacob Rothschild with the "big money."

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His statement is just posturing for gross incompetence and/or cover up by malaysian authority at the beginning of investigation into disapearance of mh370.

Looks, like thailand played it's role in obstructing the investigation by not revealing crucial data from their military radars in the south. Thailand gave this info only about 10 days after the disapearance

crucial data and obstruction, why Thai bash when the plane never entered Thai airspace and was never a threat to Thailand?. it flew over a military airbase in Malaysia after changing course and without any response from their air defense. how could Thailand obstruct an investigation which didn't know what (still doesn't) it was doing?. Malaysian radars had a much fuller picture of what this aircraft was doing and they were asleep on the watch.

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