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Suspect reenacts murder of 13-year-old girl on train to Bangkok


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"Police said they were also looking into the possibilities of more conspirators in the crime such as cooperation from his colleagues who might help to watch the entrance to the carriage."

Frankly, this is the more interesting development here. Let's see if for once they arrest ALL those responsible.

And after that, let's see if they engage in a public education campaign that young schoolgirls are not second-class citizens to be used as sex objects at will. Let's see if they put schoolgirls lives OVER saving Thai face. I wouldn't hold my breath though.

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I'm not passing judgement, but I would have never thought to send my 13 year old on a train/plane/bus/taxi/..any transport all alone. I do wish for a universe where children would be safe from this kind of threat.

I blame it on the scum that did the crime...

I have a bio-fuel project that needs some funding and experimenting. I don't mind using him as an experiment to see which bodily parts can be most affective to be converted to bio-fuel.... and ofcourse, he be awake to know the results.

She wasn't alone.

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Are they investigating the possibility this that was not his first time?

The news source whose name we are not allowed to mention wink.png or quote has reported that this is not the first time he has raped while employed by SRT.

Bangkok Post is reporting that also.

What's the one we're not allowed to mention?

Edited by Zeegator
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"punched at her stomach until she fainted and started to rape her. As she regained consciousness, he punched her again until she fainted again."

She wasn't even conscious.


And, I believe "fainted" is a pretty benign word for what happened to this woman.

Perhaps if the other two girls had come forward, this subhuman would already be in a cage...

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Public hanging comes to my mind.

Idiocy, also comes to mind after reading your post Terminator--chaingmai .......Wow what an aviator.....please assure us your not old enough to drink or vote--------coffee1.gif

Edited by sanuk711
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"media urging for death sentence and even summary execution of the murderer."

Definition as per Wikipedia, (Are we allowed to link to Wikipedia on TV yet ? )

A summary execution is a variety of execution in which a person is accused of a crime and then immediately killed without benefit of a full and fair trial. This includes show trials, but is usually understood to mean capture, accusation, and execution all conducted during a very short span of time relative to the severity of the punishment.

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Could He Be A Serial Killer?

I imagine they are doing an in-depth background check on this guy to match where he has lived and worked with any missing girls, etc. Because other then the mistake, he has left evidence of opportunist type serial killer written all over this crime.

Also if he threw her off of the train, how were they able to recover her so quickly?

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This is infuriating. Right now I feel enough of these "humane executions" by injection. How about execution in same manner as person he killed. I don't know if it would reduce crime level act as a deterrent. Maybe in his last moments he might gain some understanding and empathy. Whether he does or not, be rid of him.

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I have been on those trains and there' s always lots of people around.. a bunch of people. where was everyone else.???

Not when everyone is sleeping in the wee hours, curtains drawn around their beds, doors to the carriages locked. Any passenger or the train official assigned to that carriage could assault any sleeping passenger. In an air con train which is fairly quiet, other passengers would probably hear the disturbance, but in the non air con sleeper the noise is much greater.

The passengers are almost always no problem, middle class Thais or farang, Japanese tourists.

Usually the carriage attendant, to check tickets and make the beds is okay too.

But in this case, this guy slipped through the net.

His life is over as it should be.

I expect he will be found hanging from his cell window,in a police station or jail.

He committed suicide, how tragic.

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Have the majority of readers become more primitive?

News about groce violence like this seems to bring out the most medieval reactions of some readers. It's sad enough that a young girl has been mutilated and killed, let's not use this fact to express even more inhumane judgements just to vent your frustrations.

What might seem inhumane to you might not seem that way to others. No one batted an eye when Mussolini was hung from a lamp post or when Saddam Husseim was executed, or when the Nazi criminals were executed or when Osama bin Laden was taken out. To many who would see the death penalty as inhumane under normal circumstances, many of those same people would see the above executions as okay because of the nature of their crimes. To others it would be inhumane. There is a spectrum in thinking. Whether you believe the idea the the human race is something special or just something evolved to be at the top of the food chain generally speaking murder is still murder the way most think of it. You might think a lot differently if it was your daughter, wife or whatever. It is easy to sit back and think the rest of the population is primitive when you have no attachment to the crime. This was an exceptionally violent murder and rape. It is a young life taken by another intentionally and just maybe those parents want not only justice but revenge. Maybe it should be up to the victims to decide the penalty. One could find all sorts of ways to rationalize why this guy did what he did. I am sure it was his lack of education, coupled with an unhappy childhood and the fact that maybe he couldn't get laid. Sorry that is not good enough for many. Unfortunately there is human scum on this earth and the scum that commit these kind of crimes evoke a reaction. Maybe you can find a justification for letting this guy breath our air but many can't. It is not about being primitive or having medieval thought. If there was a way of banishing this kind of scum to some island where they could rot, I would say fine but there isn't and IF found guilty of the crime and sentenced by a court to death then so be it. Just another piece of sh*t not taking up space.

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Rape, murder suspect admits to two other rape cases on train

The suspect who raped and killed the 13-year-old girl student aboard a sleeper train has admitted to have raped two other women on trains.

The man, Wanchai Saengkhao, revealed two other rape cases when he was escorted to re-enact the rape and murder of the girl in Pranburi district of Prachuap Khiri Khan province Wednesday.

He said he also raped two other female employees of the State Railway of Thailand (SRT) on the trains earlier in the year.

But the Bangkok railway station master stated that the names given by the suspect could not be found but two names closely resembled the names that were divulged. One belongs to a female employee who is a permanent staff on a provisions car who is being interviewed and another who has quit the SRT.

SRT authorities are setting up a committee to look into the matter and will also be addressing the rumored issue of train employees consuming alcohol while on duty on trains.

More here - Thai PBS


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Have the majority of readers become more primitive?

News about groce violence like this seems to bring out the most medieval reactions of some readers. It's sad enough that a young girl has been mutilated and killed, let's not use this fact to express even more inhumane judgements just to vent your frustrations.

Yes right, you feel sorry for the poor rapist, he don't deserve death sentence or jail time, it's not he's fault that he raped and murder a 13 year old girl, he had a bad childhood and nobody understand him, just let him loose if he promise to stop killing children in the future.

Are you f..cking kidding me?

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Execution is too good for the guy. Life without parole is the right choice.

I agree that "execution is too good for this guy." Yet, there is much more at stake here than just this guy. Public execution which I support much more so than execution behind closed doors (such public executions shouldn't become a circus though - no selling ice cream, beer and t-shirts, for instance) may deter others in a way that life without parole never could. Why should the state pay for his lifelong incarceration? He has forfeited his right to live.

In my opinion - having personally witnessed over 500 murder trials and thousands of other criminal cases in the 1980s - a "free" society that is too lenient is also randomly accepting of this kind of outrageous conduct among its populations. "As long as it doesn't happen to me or my family..." - so this rationale goes. The threat of violent public execution and the occasional enactment of it (the guillotine actually was considered a "humane" instrument and I would support such a humane solution) as well as the fear of this occurring to oneself would, I believe, prevent criminals and criminal types or anti-social, pathological people from carrying out their depraved acts. Nothing else will. Yes, we all would love to live in a world without killing, murder, rape, war, etc. but the world will never rid itself of the sickos...

Is capital punishment effective? I have heard many argue that it is not. Educate them? What a joke but education is widely believed to solve all social ills. Yet, if society executes rapist/murders, one thing is certain: he won't do it again.

The choice: treat them as if they are mentally ill and thus can be rehabilitated or -- kill them. Life in prison? Why? That implies some hope for these depraved individuals, but who cares if they can be cured or not. I don't. You cross certain lines as a member of society and you die. No excuses, no mercy. Too many have been freed after parole boards were told 'he's fine now' and, voila, he commits an even more dastardly deed. I say "he" because it is almost always a male perpetrator. I once told a group of fellow journalists "it is liberals like you who are partly responsible for the level of violent crime in this country." Of course they vehemently denied that they were in any way responsible.

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"As his sexual desire was aroused by alcohol, he went to the sleeper carriage, switched off the light and entered the bed where the girl was sleeping... He said he bodily assaulted the girl, punched at her stomach until she fainted and started to rape her"

First of all, RAPE IS NOT a sexual act. It is an act of violence using a sexual act as a weapon. What was aroused was this poor excuse for a human's anti social personality and his desire to do harm. That is why the suggestion for castration is not a viable solution since anti social scum like him would still commit sexual-like violent acts without the use of his sex organ...such as mutilation, beatings, stabbings, etc. Institutionalization is the only way treat the offender since the success rate of rehabilitating sexual offenders is extremely low.

If one is to look at the statistics concerning sexual predators, these acts start at a much younger age than 22. Many times they include torturing animals, violent behaviors towards others, and sexual violations against younger vulnerable family members, neighbors or classmates. Unfortunately either these acts go unreported since the victim is too embarrassed to report it, or the victim has been threatened with physical harm if the act is reported. In many cases the family minimizes the act and would rather save face than take actions to prevent it from happening again.

Probably the best way to address this matter is through public education for adults and by educating children at a very young age to be aware of the signs of someone like this, thus reducing the stigma of reporting these violations when they occur, no matter how young the perpetrator is.

I've been hearing this bull**** for years. "Rape is not a sexual act". Hogwash. Tell that to the rape victims who've had sexual acts forced upon them. It will make them feel much better knowing that it wasn't a sexual act...it was a violent act. You're just repeating what some back yard quack psychologist said.

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Execution is too good for the guy. Life without parole is the right choice.

I agree that "execution is too good for this guy." Yet, there is much more at stake here than just this guy. Public execution which I support much more so than execution behind closed doors (such public executions shouldn't become a circus though - no selling ice cream, beer and t-shirts, for instance) may deter others in a way that life without parole never could. Why should the state pay for his lifelong incarceration? He has forfeited his right to live.

In my opinion - having personally witnessed over 500 murder trials and thousands of other criminal cases in the 1980s - a "free" society that is too lenient is also randomly accepting of this kind of outrageous conduct among its populations. "As long as it doesn't happen to me or my family..." - so this rationale goes. The threat of violent public execution and the occasional enactment of it (the guillotine actually was considered a "humane" instrument and I would support such a humane solution) as well as the fear of this occurring to oneself would, I believe, prevent criminals and criminal types or anti-social, pathological people from carrying out their depraved acts. Nothing else will. Yes, we all would love to live in a world without killing, murder, rape, war, etc. but the world will never rid itself of the sickos...

Is capital punishment effective? I have heard many argue that it is not. Educate them? What a joke but education is widely believed to solve all social ills. Yet, if society executes rapist/murders, one thing is certain: he won't do it again.

The choice: treat them as if they are mentally ill and thus can be rehabilitated or -- kill them. Life in prison? Why? That implies some hope for these depraved individuals, but who cares if they can be cured or not. I don't. You cross certain lines as a member of society and you die. No excuses, no mercy. Too many have been freed after parole boards were told 'he's fine now' and, voila, he commits an even more dastardly deed. I say "he" because it is almost always a male perpetrator. I once told a group of fellow journalists "it is liberals like you who are partly responsible for the level of violent crime in this country." Of course they vehemently denied that they were in any way responsible.

A very insightful post; however, a request for life imprisonment does not necessarily imply some hope of rehabilitation.

In Thai culture, which follows the fundamentals of Buddhism, it is considered wrong to take another life.

Any implication you see is possibly based on proceedings in Western societies.

500? Thats got to leave an impression on someone.

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"First of all, RAPE IS NOT a sexual act."

That's psycho-babble BS thought up by feminists.

But that aside, what was going through this man's head? And then to leave his address with the phone shop? Must be really, really dim.

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Good the bibs could catch the scum so fast. When they want they can be straigh !

The killer said because of drug and alcohol he did not control himself ?

What a hell, only animal have no conscience, so no need to care for this kind of sick animal, he do not desserve to live.

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"First of all, RAPE IS NOT a sexual act."

That's psycho-babble BS thought up by feminists.

But that aside, what was going through this man's head? And then to leave his address with the phone shop? Must be really, really dim.

"That's psycho-babble BS thought up by feminists."

You really think WOMEN would consider rape NOT a sexual act? w,t-F!

This topic really doesnt need this kind of disrespectful drivel.

Edited by LaraC
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why they have to spend time & money on a reenactment if he confessed or proof is 100% (dna) it was him ??

Exactly what I said.

Someone countered that it can be useful to reveal holes in the story or to shed light on new info or on and on.......

But frankly if they could do a DNA test, and they have a confession why bother? Its just a trumped up publicity op and nothing else.

Crime reconstructions when a suspect or offender is still at large are completely understandable, to try and jog the publics' memory. This is not.

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why they have to spend time & money on a reenactment if he confessed or proof is 100% (dna) it was him ??

Exactly what I said.

Someone countered that it can be useful to reveal holes in the story or to shed light on new info or on and on.......

But frankly if they could do a DNA test, and they have a confession why bother? Its just a trumped up publicity op and nothing else.

Crime reconstructions when a suspect or offender is still at large are completely understandable, to try and jog the publics' memory. This is not.

This is a cultural benefit as it assures the population they have the right man and it allows closure.

Don't be so quick to knock the investigative process in Thailand since the police often apprehend criminal offenders as quickly as their Western counterparts and have far higher rates of confessions.

Just because you don't understand it does not make it wrong or unnecessary.

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