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Thai beauty pageants call for capital punishment


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I'm not sure that these girls know too much about those case why did they come. Very big smiles on their faces ....

It's an insult to the family of the murdered young girl.....it's an insult to the intelligence of Thai people....

I've had occassion to speak with some of these beauty queen girls at events past......behind the grin and the trowelled on make-up..there's nothing...a small grasp of English....most have the intelligence of a split pea....but they are beauty queens!!..(here in Thailand)

Only in Thailand would you see so called beauty queens...and of course Buddhists no doubt, promoting death.....

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ChrisY1 and Guesthouse seem to beaten me to it nevertheless I want to say my 2 peneth. This publicity stunt is at its very best a highly inappropriate and insensitive photo op and at its worst ( What I believe it is ) an mean minded and extremely cynical exercise in self promotion by a bunch of vacuous trollopes done up like a dog's dinner.angry.pngangry.pngangry.png

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"Miss Grand Thailand 2014 and four runners-up today called on the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) to introduce capital punishment for rapist murderer and to conduct speedy judicial process to prosecute sex violators."

Obviously they represent the general public in their outrage after these atrocities occur. However, it would be a lot more impressive if they could come up with measures to help prevent the rape/murders BEFORE these sociopaths commit these horrendous acts.

And this is actually achieved how? Hhhhm, let me think - aaahhh, yeah!!!! Monitoring internet browsing behaviour of every single person on this planet via the implanted micro chip. As soon as one punches "rape", "school girl babes" or "bondage" into the google image search... "BOOOOM!!!" the chip goes off and kills him instantly, or in a more humane way - chip calls the cops to throw the "soon to be a rapist" image hamster in the slammer for life...

Sure, Jaitscsjahjdbvcstuffsomething has a better idea on how to sort the wheat from the chaff...

What was the title of that novel again? 198something? crazy.gif

Edited by catweazle
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"Thai beauty pageants call for capital punishment"

Personally I would rephrase to

"(having) Thai beauty pageants (running loose) calls for better professional, medical guidance"

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I worked as a translator for a Miss Universe pageant one year. One of the S. American contestants had a PhD in engineering. She was as physically attractive as the rest but got cut early on. We ate with the girls a number of times and the general level of conversation was not exactly intellectual. The winner, when posed the question "if you could meet anyone in the world..." answered with the name of a mediocre but at the time popular comedy actor "because he makes me laugh." "Nuff said.

And yes, the big smiles are completely out of place, not that I'm in the least bit surprised. I'm one who actually doesn't mind the "don't think too much" nature of most Thais, it's an antidote to (mostly pseudo-) intellectualism especially amongst Europeans. But there are limits to mindlessness, and this exceeds any such.

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"Miss Grand Thailand 2014 and four runners-up today called on the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) to introduce capital punishment for rapist murderer and to conduct speedy judicial process to prosecute sex violators."

Obviously they represent the general public in their outrage after these atrocities occur. However, it would be a lot more impressive if they could come up with measures to help prevent the rape/murders BEFORE these sociopaths commit these horrendous acts.

Actually, you would "be a lot more impressive if (you) could come up with measures to help prevent the rape/murders BEFORE these sociopaths commit these horrendous acts. What do you suggest?

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Apart from the irony... good on them for making a statement.

yes, normally I would not feel inclined to listen to the opinion of beauty pageant entrees, but this one seems sensible.

I hope they also asked for world peace.

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