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London - Portugal threw a curveball like American Jimi Hendrix at UK's Clapton

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Dow Jones trendline from 2-14-2014 thru' 4-14-2014 and extending right is now supporting today's drop bar.

A semi-significant Minor Low is at 16,650.

I'm watching both.

Both are reqd. to be taken out for there to be any notion of the beginnings of a major reversal. If they remain intact its a YAWN = trend continues up=


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Dow Jones trendline from 2-14-2014 thru' 4-14-2014 and extending right is now supporting today's drop bar.

A semi-significant Minor Low is at 16,650.

I'm watching both.

Both are reqd. to be taken out for there to be any notion of the beginnings of a major reversal. If they remain intact its a YAWN = trend continues up=


Yawn = trend unmolested although the trendline buckled at the open. Amazing

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The keen eye of AfterLOS instantly devours clues to complacency such as this one in the first paragraph


and this one further down - scroll to find it

Even Greece has emerged as an investor darling with tough spending cuts and a small improvement in tax revenue producing a budget surplus last year before accounting for the cost of interest on the government’s debt. laugh.pngwhistling.gif


Portugal's Port wine though, now that's a whole other ballgame - a decent % of AfterLos' diet from now on smile.png picked up 2 bottles in Mae Sai last week, one comes in a case that says aged 20 years old or some such, sells for 1,750 Baht - they had only one, will tell them to order more. Told my girl we are not drinking anymore of the 3,500 Baht per bottle wines from Thailand that I got a load of from Khao Yai months ago, good but hardly worth writing home about.

Instead we a going Portuguese 100%. She took one sip, swirled it as instructed and was sold too.



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Dow Jones might have resisted falling thru' the mentioned trendline and low but France's CAC40 has taken out a mini-low and is on the 200-day ema. Does not look good but it can still save itself.

London's Footsie too.

We wait and see if both these cats continue south or reverse north?

If they don't and instead keep plunging, then it will be the UK and France that heralded the massive decline I spoke of - akin to Thailand leading the charge down in the late 1990's - the lead charger of the Asian Tigers. This was all way before my time but I read up on HISTORY and heck my charts for Thailand's SET Index go all the way back to inception, 1975.

That's the way I like it, lots of HISTORY so I can get a good view of the Monthly timeframe.

that's why I love the Dow Jones - history going all the way back to 1800 and then as I've recently ordered, the data from England's stock indexes that go back to the 1700s. Bobby says that on this resultant spliced chart one can see the First great depression of that Era nicely.

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London, London, London - Who bailed out BARCLAY's Bank? This is a UK bank, right? so it stands to reason that the UK should.

Let’s go back to that address in full: Barclays Bank PLC, Global Headquarters,1 Churchill Place, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5HP, UK. Barclays is a UK bank and if you accept there is such a thing as a Scottish bank then Barclays is clearly an English bank.

The public was repeatedly informed by the media during the crash that “Barclays didn’t need a taxpayer bail out at all”. In fact, this proved quite the opposite. Barclays Bank – yes, that English based bank – received the single biggest bail out of any UK bank, but most of it didn’t come from the UK taxpayer

So who the heck did the money come from?

It came from the UK's daddy, the USA and uncle Qatar


Currently the most highly paid job in America is jury duty

The greatest bullmarket of all time in America's entire history is the current bullmarket in FOOD STAMPS

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As stated already, CAC40 of France is having a tough time, breaking trendlines left and right and hanging on by a thread on the 200 ema. Footsie is a step or 2 behind, DAX doing a bit better. Dow still testing that very same trendline I spoke of yesterday.

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As stated already, CAC40 of France is having a tough time, breaking trendlines left and right and hanging on by a thread on the 200 ema. Footsie is a step or 2 behind, DAX doing a bit better. Dow still testing that very same trendline I spoke of yesterday.

Pretentious junk of the 'why bother' variety.

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