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Just Booked My Dog In The Vets!

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I have just been to the vets to book my dog in to get castrated on Friday.

He is a 1 year old Pug!

He has been humping everything he can get on so i thought it was for the best and the vet agreed!

I feel awful but it is better for him in the long term as we do not plan for him to breed.

My husband and son (being male) cringe at the thought.

What can i expect after the operaton?

Will he be in much pain?

Any advise apapreciated.


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humping is a learned behavior also, once a humper always a humper...

castration is not too bad; jus tsome stitches for a few days thats it;

may settle him down a bit; may get fatter faster; lots of dogs dont though and they stay the same as before the castration as once theyve learned to do things (like mounting, studding etc) they remember it regardless of testes

the same goes for men btw.... once learned, never forgotton... i

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What can i expect after the operaton?

Will he be in much pain?

8-12 hrs before surgery - withdraw food and drink

day of surgery - he will get a sedetive shot ..after 10-15 mins anesthesia IV

operation time - 30-45 mins

after op - vet will give him a shot , antibiotic injection and he/she will give you some med as

antibiotic and anti inflamation tablets

6-12 hrs later - dog will be acting as a typsy person till forget pain

1st day after op - he will be ok .. maybe he lost appertite or maybe greedy .. just put food and water for him..dont forget to do "wound dressing as "betadine"

day 7-10 remove stritches

after that .. he wont pee around ( territory behaviour) / he wont attract in female dog / he could get weight gain (coz he lost activity)

benefit - no pee around(split) , decrease the risks of prostate gland tumor and fight with other male dog..and also decrease aggressive behaviour

furthermore... he has less risk chance for contacting VG ( venereal granuloma) from other dogs

Edited by BambinA
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Guest endure
humping is a learned behavior also, once a humper always a humper...

castration is not too bad


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:D Good for you. We had ours done in the UK, he was a very short haired breed (Weimeraner) and had the biggest knackers you have ever seen :D . Poor chap wasn't very pleased with the knickers I made him wear (he was trying to indo his sutures) but he recovered well and never gained any weight. Mr Leisurely was not a happy bunny but even he agreed that the dog looked much more attractive from the back! :o
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Thanks Leisurely,

I have just been playing games with Vigo (Pug's name) and they are bouncing around! :o

Keep thinking, shit, he won't have them after tomorrow :D

Alos, it will save me washing the cushion covers every other day !!


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We had our male dog neutered when he was about 8 because our neighbors male dog suddenly decided to invade Scruffy's territory and after one attack Scruffy had to have 4 stitches in his neck where the neighbors dog tried to rip his throat out. Of course, the neighbor didn't sterilize her dog, nor did she ever discipline it for coming over to our house and kicking the crap out of our dog. :o

Anyway, because he was an older dog, he never did stop marking but neither did he gain weight. However, the neighbor dog rarely bothers with him anymore so that is the main benefit.

However, we did have issues with him licking the surgical wound and had to get an elizabethan collar for him to stop the licking.

And here he is:


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I had both our male dogs done and it was fine. After the first day they were up and about pretty much as usual. Neither of them has gained any weight. Don't worry about it. It is no big deal.

And before any of our male members get their knickers in a twist about my saying it is no big deal, our female is also spayed and as a woman, I think it is no big deal either.

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Vigo back home and doing fine!

He was feeling sorry for himself yesterday evening, but hey, who can blame him.

He is fine today, kinda back to normal, more alert and taking medication well.

Biggest problem now is that we have to change his dressing every day, but it is a plaster dressing stuck to his "Willy" and not his balls :D

This is going to be a nightmare as it is sure to hurt him and he's going to be really pissed with me :o

I thought if you had a "lamp shade" on there was no need to cover the wound, am i right?

Here i is below.



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Angie, not necessarily. The 'lampshade' also called Elizabethan collar, only keeps the dog from licking the wound. It won't keep the flies and other creepy crawlies away.

The biggest problem with an open wound that the dog can't lick is flies laying eggs which develop into (hold onto your stomach) maggots. There is a common misconception that maggots clean the wound out and only eat the dead flesh. While true it doesn't take into account that maggots actually secrete a chemical which kills the flesh, thus allowing them to eat the animal alive. Not a pretty sight.

Keep the bandage on. :o

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Well i changed his dressing, it was awful to do.

Wound very clean and healing well already.

Poor little bugger!

I tried to be as gentle as possible but he still cried.

The Lamb chop i gave him after worked though :o


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