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China seeks visa-free privilege for its tourists to Thailand

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once agreement reached, thai passport holders should be allowed to enter red cina visa free 30 days,then extending visa further to multiple entry for business, opening thai massage parlour, thai restraunte, thai boxing school, marketing thai organic rice directly in cina supermarket or grain whole market.

then that's beneficial for both side.

red cina should open its market to thai individuals more.

red cina market should offer thai citizen jobs and business opportunities, thai should allowed to make a livings in red cina soil, that's fine, to make thai citizen earning 1000$-2000$ monthly that 's more rewarding.

but red cinachicks should be fully banned to enter thai soil.

I don't think so. Visa free entries are for tourist purposes only and whatever paperwork is needed live in China to open and run a business can NOT under any circumstances be done on a tourist visa or visa exempt entry. Tourist visas can NOT be converted to business visas inside the country and can usually only be extended once. I don't think visa free stays (although only nationals of about 3 countries can currently get them aside from that there's only the 72-hour visa exempt entry for foreigners of some countries in transit to third countries, the Hainan visa exemption and the Guangdong 5 day exemption) can even be extended or if they can be, only for medical reasons or other exceptional circumstances. If they can be extended at all for the same purpose of entry of course, then probably only once (except for medical reasons).

China should make it easier for Thais to live and get jobs in China? Haha, you're kidding me aren't you? China has a big unemployment and underemployment problem of it's own and as such a lot of Chinese are going abroad to get work, even if they are forced to work illegally. No way China is going to open the floodgates to foreigners for work, especially not Thais! If anything, the Chinese would rather hire foreigners from developed nations. I should know, I had a Chinese work visa and work permit and a few hoops had to be jumped to get it for me. But it certainly wasn't a walk in the park, though I should be able to get it back if I were to go back there to work. China has far more important domestic issues of it's own.

Stop the fantasizing.

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1,390,510,630. China’s population makes up around 19.3% of the world’s population and they want the freedom to come for as long as they like. Give them a chance and it will be like getting cancer Thailand.

Perhaps you could point to the passage in the Nation article relating to your above assertion: "...come for as long as they like"?

The old "Yellow Peril" card is always a good catch-all one to play.

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If the US and EU continues to misunderstand and abuse Thailand because of its stupid opinions on the coup of course Thailand will move to its close neighbors - the West has only itself to blame and needs t be shown once and for all the S.E.Asia doe NOT need the West. At the moment right or wrong China is a much closer and friendlier proposition than the whinings of John Kerry!!


Look around in Asia: once they come, they will stay in an attempt to take over whatever they can. Best examples- Malaysia and even Singapore is pretty much fed up with homeland Chinese.

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I think they want to tap the organ donor destitution they use on the poor Chinese here.

Maybe they will start with the organ beween your legs tongue.png


once agreement reached, thai passport holders should be allowed to enter red cina visa free 30 days,then extending visa further to multiple entry for business, opening thai massage parlour, thai restraunte, thai boxing school, marketing thai organic rice directly in cina supermarket or grain whole market.

then that's beneficial for both side.

red cina should open its market to thai individuals more.

red cina market should offer thai citizen jobs and business opportunities, thai should allowed to make a livings in red cina soil, that's fine, to make thai citizen earning 1000$-2000$ monthly that 's more rewarding.

but red cinachicks should be fully banned to enter thai soil.

I don't think so. Visa free entries are for tourist purposes only and whatever paperwork is needed live in China to open and run a business can NOT under any circumstances be done on a tourist visa or visa exempt entry. Tourist visas can NOT be converted to business visas inside the country and can usually only be extended once. I don't think visa free stays (although only nationals of about 3 countries can currently get them aside from that there's only the 72-hour visa exempt entry for foreigners of some countries in transit to third countries, the Hainan visa exemption and the Guangdong 5 day exemption) can even be extended or if they can be, only for medical reasons or other exceptional circumstances. If they can be extended at all for the same purpose of entry of course, then probably only once (except for medical reasons).

China should make it easier for Thais to live and get jobs in China? Haha, you're kidding me aren't you? China has a big unemployment and underemployment problem of it's own and as such a lot of Chinese are going abroad to get work, even if they are forced to work illegally. No way China is going to open the floodgates to foreigners for work, especially not Thais! If anything, the Chinese would rather hire foreigners from developed nations. I should know, I had a Chinese work visa and work permit and a few hoops had to be jumped to get it for me. But it certainly wasn't a walk in the park, though I should be able to get it back if I were to go back there to work. China has far more important domestic issues of it's own.

Stop the fantasizing.

thailand can set conditions for such visa waiver with pekin by pressing pekin comie opening job market to thai citizens....thai diplomats should request more benefits for thai under such visa waiver., can request allowing thai making market research and direct sales in cina as conditions for signing such mutual scheme.

at moment ,japan korea brunei malaysia singapore have visa waiver 15-30 days with pekin comie regime, but extention for japanese brunei malaysian singaporean korean passport holders under such visa waiver stamps can be done easily at every provincial poli headquarters.

although real figure for unemployment rate with comie state's as high as 40-45%,but thai food and organic farming products, thai massage and thai traditional medicines're in great demand,as only fake quality goods available within red cina market.thai can make big profits from red cina domestic market, that's true....

for You , no need to make work visa to cina,simply make tourist visa ,bring some goods and fly, then you can sell some highly demanded goods there, such as milk powders,red wines, perfumes, LV bags and other designers goods...you'll make fortunes better than teaching english .


China needs more rail lines to up the flow of crappy goods that the rest of the world won't accept.

I guess you have never been in China.

Did you ever read or hear abaout the high speed train Trans Rapid, from Shanghai to it's airport Pudong?

All Chinese goods are crappy? Never had battery torches as good as the Chinese ones. Only one example.

Concerning the railway net, compared with China a lot of Western countries are 3rd world countries, i.e. USA facepalm.gif .

Give the Chinese some time to adopt. Their country has been closed and isolated for many years.


I should know, I had a Chinese work visa and work permit and a few hoops had to be jumped to get it for me. But it certainly wasn't a walk in the park, though I should be able to get it back if I were to go back there to work. China has far more important domestic issues of it's own.

cina's polluted place, not suitable for living..

No need to go back there for work even holding work visa...

there're thai working for red airlines there, not good working conditions for sure..plus thai diplomats as well.

but it's perfect market for thai to make direct sales or trade for organic farming produces.


this will end in tears ....thai tears, the huge mass of low end chinese that basically are not welcomed by many countrys (no manners, cheapness and basically rude ignorant people) will just flood here

Not my experience of Chinese folk that I have met, Had a good holiday trip to ChengDu a few years back and loved it. I truly found all the folk I met were normal, friendly and polite helpful people totally unlike the crap deliberate misinformation and propaganda fed to us by the Western presstitute media with their government's encouragement !!!

To me it is the Americans who can tend to have this trait today as things have changed a lot you know in the past 10 to 15 years, especially in the once great and respected USA, which now has an administration that truly sucks and is hated worldwide. Still fortunately most US folk are normal, friendly and polite folk too and I have many US friends many who agree with me on this score. The US people though need desperately to stand up and sort out their crap administrations as both Republican and Democrat administrations are truly crap and seem to be puppets of the same "illuminiatti" who through powerful corporate lobbying run the country rather than the people who in a true democracy should be running it.

The USA and other western puppet countries are now suffering badly from destructive extreme Capitalism gone mad not the Laissez Faire Capitalism of old that worked well and still would. We really all need a blend of good Capitalism and Socialism (yes there is much good as well as bad aspects in both doctrines you know!), in a true people led politically centre based way, and far more tolerance and understanding of other cultures and religions rather than the brainwashed western media and government fed propaganda now even more prevalent in Western media than in the Eastern media IMHO.

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Hopefully this will not go ahead.

I lived in Hong Kong for 6 years and I have lived in Thailand since leaving Hong Kong (17 years ago) and I have never met a mainland Chinese tourist with any level of class.

The only ones that I have met have been rude, noisy obnoxious and annoying (not to mention their spitting habit).

Also, don't forget that they banned Richard Gere from ever entering China, uneducated fops.

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China needs more rail lines to up the flow of crappy goods that the rest of the world won't accept.

People in the European Union and America have the freedom to NOT buy the 'crappy goods' that China exports.

Do you want to educate the people of Europe and America to not buy Chinese 'crap' ? Let's get real, people want the cheaper Chinese products, even though they might not be as good quality as the more expensive stuff made elsewhere.

Seems to me, that you, along with a load of people on Thai Visa, you just feel bad because you know that Europe and America has a giant trade deficit with China. :)


Hong Kong is currently considering to limit mainland Chinese tourist arrivals as discontent rises.


Let's get real, Hong Kong wants those mainland Chinese tourists, because, because those tourists bring in money.

It's a bit like England and France, the governments are trying to INCREASE the number of Chinese tourist arrivals. Yes, some of the 'locals' might not like it.

And Hong Kong. How many mainland Chinese are working in Hong Kong, because they're willing to do the same job a fair bit cheaper than the local Hong Kong Chinese ? Do people reckon that the Hong Kong government should prevent their own Hong Kong men from bringing back girlfriends/wives from mainland China ? It would never happen, because Hong Kong men will be up in arms if THEY are prevented from taking those mainland Chinese women back to Hong Kong.

And how many babies born in Hong Kong have mainland Chinese mothers ? Do we realise that Hong Kong's birth-rate is almost as low as Singapore and Japan ??



Gamini, you are in pure blissful ignorance if you think that.

Downright terrifying if this comes to pass.

Not sure about other areas, but in CM the Chinese appear to outnumber all other countries combined.

Buying up Africa, Laos, Myanmar...

2 billion only children from the same nation... All gunning for you


Gamini, you are in pure blissful ignorance if you think that.

Downright terrifying if this comes to pass.

Not sure about other areas, but in CM the Chinese appear to outnumber all other countries combined.

Buying up Africa, Laos, Myanmar...

2 billion only children from the same nation... All gunning for you

"Buying up Africa, Laos, Myanmar...."

Hold on, wait a minute. Europe was doing that (starting about a hundred and fifty years ago). And America, America has been trying to take over as many countries as possible, with or without their military, and they've been doing this since World War Two finished.



They have insisted that Thailand return to democratic rule and have election

Where is that numpty Michael Yon when u need him. China shouldn't interfere, who are they to have an opinion.

In fact, when it comes to demkcracy, who are they to have an opinion? Is this a typo?


I think they want to tap the organ donor destitution they use on the poor Chinese here.

Maybe they will start with the organ beween your legs tongue.png

What is "organ destitution" anyway? Perhaps they have already "destituted" the organ between his ears.


If the US and EU continues to misunderstand and abuse Thailand because of its stupid opinions on the coup of course Thailand will move to its close neighbors - the West has only itself to blame and needs t be shown once and for all the S.E.Asia doe NOT need the West. At the moment right or wrong China is a much closer and friendlier proposition than the whinings of John Kerry!!

When Thailand has become a defacto province of Beijing, you will be begging for help from the west.

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That is very scary, and would lead to a Thailand with strong communist Ties. I would avoid this like the pleague. China has a criminal element second to no other country..........

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Looking at the way China is already laying claim to most of the South China Sea, how long before it annexes Thailand, Burma, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia and the Philippines?


Ask anyone in Hong Kong what tourism from the mainland has done to their city... it's not a good thing.

Ask anyone in ANYWHERE what tourism from ANYWHERE has done to their city...it's not a good thing.

  • Like 1

If the US and EU continues to misunderstand and abuse Thailand because of its stupid opinions on the coup of course Thailand will move to its close neighbors - the West has only itself to blame and needs t be shown once and for all the S.E.Asia doe NOT need the West. At the moment right or wrong China is a much closer and friendlier proposition than the whinings of John Kerry!!

When Thailand has become a defacto province of Beijing, you will be begging for help from the west.

Hello Thai at Heart. :)

I do actually agree or like the bulk of the stuff you write on Thai Visa. But when it comes to China, well, I don't think I agree with you.

Anyway, (with regards to love1012), in my opinion, Thailand was heading towards China, with or without the coup. It all makes sense. Every nation wants more tourists, more investment. China has 1.3 billion people, it's got a huge stack of investment capital (some of it gained by the big trade surplus with Europe and America). Bearing in mind that China is far closer to Thailand than America and Europe, and also the 1.3 billion people, well yes, eventually China will send more tourists to Thailand than America and Europe combined.

To me, we're seeing a load of ridiculous people on Thai Visa, with their anti-Chinese views. These people feel threatened, because China is beginning to dominate the system, and America and Europe are no longer going to be the only 'big players'.



Pardon me if I am wrong, but wasn't this enter without a visa thing done for the Russians entering Thailand? I don't think it ended up that much of a disaster.


Looking at the way China is already laying claim to most of the South China Sea, how long before it annexes Thailand, Burma, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia and the Philippines?



This will be as good if not better than letting that other ex-communist soviet empire come here visa free. Thailand sure does love those ex communist countries countries doesn't it?


I worked in China for a year before I came to Thailand. I like the people there and the students were the most polite and attentive I've ever had.

The Chinese approach to Thailand isn't so much about improving relations with the kingdom as it is about undermining ASEAN.

China has ongoing territorial disputes with several ASEAN countries and wants to preempt the organization displaying a unified front in support of any of it's member states.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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------- Xenophobic's of Thailand unite...............other people actually want to come here for holidays.........................coffee1.gif


Gamini, you are in pure blissful ignorance if you think that.

Downright terrifying if this comes to pass.

Not sure about other areas, but in CM the Chinese appear to outnumber all other countries combined.

Buying up Africa, Laos, Myanmar...

2 billion only children from the same nation... All gunning for you

Indeed, I year for the days of the raj and when the sun never set on Brittania!

We know of course, colonisation should ever only be the preserve for the white man.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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