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Thai brothers emerge as billionaires with CP Group stakes


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Buy some of there stock and make some money and stop complaining.

You're a man with high ethics, congratulations! Maybe you also own stock from companies producing toxic gasses, cluster bombs, landmines, or other modern slaughtering machines, or pesticides banned in 80+ countries, or asbestos, or ..., all with a top ROI, for sure, but, but... sigh! Maybe you're even working a nice company, profitable to mankind, like Monsanto or Cargyll...

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Obviously the family is not managing the Business. Whoever is managing is doing a great job business wise. In the last year CP group also purchased Macro from the Brits and have improved the stores and products.

".........purchased Macro from the Brits ." Nope, from the Dutchmen.

And, nope, again, it's (only) the Makro license for Thailand CP bought, Dutchmen ain't dumb!

About Brits, haven't the same 'people' bought the Tesco license from the Brits before, or who did it?

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Obviously the family is not managing the Business. Whoever is managing is doing a great job business wise. In the last year CP group also purchased Macro from the Brits and have improved the stores and products.

".........purchased Macro from the Brits ." Nope, from the Dutchmen.

And, nope, again, it's (only) the Makro license for Thailand CP bought, Dutchmen ain't dumb!

About Brits, haven't the same 'people' bought the Tesco license from the Brits before, or who did it?

They had a joint venture with Tesco prior to 97, but sold it to them after the crash.

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Oh dear, it's very depressing to have the likes of CP operating in thailand, copying the business model of huge western food producing congolomerates.

A word for the chickens… farmed in huge 100 meter warehouses, thousands upon thousands of them caged up in tiny spaces, attacking each other, being fed unnatural foods, hormones, antibiotics, living in their own shit, producing eggs for one year then disposed of into meat (normal chickens live over ten years), or being reared and fattened for meat instead, lives over after 45 days since that's the corporate rules for the meat-producing chickens.

And pity the poor male hen born, can't produce eggs, so they are macerated, ie chucked into a machine, alive, which then basically kills the animal.

And as for the humans who eat this 'food', they are accumulating toxins in their bodies, and the price will be paid one day when they discover they have cancer. America have had these factory farms that CP are now inflicting upon Thailand for decades, and in America it is now virtually one in two citizens who get cancer.

And these businessmen are rolling around in billions of dollars. It's a human disgrace, and enough to make any conscious human being an instant vegetarian. Their practices are an affront to humanity and a very dark stain on our own species.

The food produced by the likes of CP and Betagro come not from real animals, rather it comes from meat-producing organisms.

Absolutely insane this factory farming is.

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I doubt that there is another family that has relocated as much capital "offshore" , from Thailand as opposed to reinvesting the profits back into Thailand, as the Chearavanont (CP) family. Over the decades they may have sent more out of the country than even Thaksin. Of course there will be those who would declare that they should be free to do what they want with their money. I disagree with that sentiment.

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Being a billionaire in Thailand just doesn't sound as prestigious as a billionaire in Hong Kong or Singapore even if it's dollar for dollar. Must be the crappy roads, mansions hidden in the jungles of utility wiring, and "I don't care what the outside of my palatial residence" looks like. Rolls Royces and Bentleys just don't have the cool factor on Sukumvit or Silom.

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Dhanin Chearavanont

Jaran Chiaravanont

Montri Jiaravanont

Sumet Jiaravanon

Same family four different spellings of their name?

This is not unusual in Thailand, i've had a few Thai staff over the years with 3 or 4 different spelling of their surnames.....and they are the same person.

Job application, ID card, bank account, driving license and passports all had slightly different variations of the same name.

When i asked why that was, i was told it is what happens when a Thai name is translated into English....depending on the person translating it, they pronounce the name differently and write it down as it sounds at the time.

Weird but true, and it doesn't seem to effect them as its so common.

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Isn't it 'funny', just today, CPF officially came out with a big denial press release, ...after a report was published by the Thailand Information Center for Civil Rights and Investigative Journalism told '...an Agri business company...' (no names given or visible) '...has been found paying journalists as part of its strategy to influence mass media to keep its image positive' (my info can be cross-checked on the 'other paper''s site)! You're not named (libel in Thailand...) in some dirty affair, but you, at once, go to the press to deny having done anything like that... LOL! Bad, stupid, communication, or this new(!) Chinese proverb: when a man attempts to put out a small fire on the courtyard by throwing a big bucket of petrol over it, maybe he wants the high flames to hide the barn which has caught fire behind. LOL!

Hahaha. Absolutley classic. I mean how anyone with a brain can sit there and have anything to say about foreign agribusiness, but believe that CP isn't the problem but part of the solution in Thailand, is beyond me.

Don't know how you read my reaction, because I am totally convinced mega businesses, like CP f.i., are a major part of the problem in Thai society, and will do all what's in their (huge) power to brake off, or kill in the egg (no stupid joke), any attempt of honest control on their operations, or, by all means, wealth re-distribution, these bad, greedy, (Thai-)Chinese guys must have seen H.M. the King's beautiful sufficiency theory as a personal attack, and probably contributed to sink it below the awareness level of the modal Thais and of the rest of the world, while it is the-only-viable- possibility for mankind to survive on the planet it lives on... But try to start a world campaign telling the capitalist greed spread by the Amys (well, some of them, you know) has become the biggest risk the human species has ever encountered in its existence. And I am no communist nor socialist, no more than H.M. the King is may I guess, and not one of those twisted 'little green men', it's just the obvious, plain, common sense conclusion, but who has the power to go against that 'establishment', when even a person with the respect, esteem, power and wealth of H.M. the King can have been irrespectfully muted and shamefully ignored the way it went (why it was a PTP 'oil' who got the contract to go and present it worldwide, knowing the way the Shins do business, is still a mystery to me too)...

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Obviously being rich invokes a lot of jealousy. The CP story is actually a paper in Harvard, how it came up from a small company to be Thailand's largest company in one generation.

It is a ridiculous argument to equate criticism of actions with jealousy of wealth. Now, would you like a critique of your second sentence?

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Isn't it 'funny', just today, CPF officially came out with a big denial press release, ...after a report was published by the Thailand Information Center for Civil Rights and Investigative Journalism told '...an Agri business company...' (no names given or visible) '...has been found paying journalists as part of its strategy to influence mass media to keep its image positive' (my info can be cross-checked on the 'other paper''s site)! You're not named (libel in Thailand...) in some dirty affair, but you, at once, go to the press to deny having done anything like that... LOL! Bad, stupid, communication, or this new(!) Chinese proverb: when a man attempts to put out a small fire on the courtyard by throwing a big bucket of petrol over it, maybe he wants the high flames to hide the barn which has caught fire behind. LOL!

Hahaha. Absolutley classic. I mean how anyone with a brain can sit there and have anything to say about foreign agribusiness, but believe that CP isn't the problem but part of the solution in Thailand, is beyond me.

Don't know how you read my reaction, because I am totally convinced mega businesses, like CP f.i., are a major part of the problem in Thai society, and will do all what's in their (huge) power to brake off, or kill in the egg (no stupid joke), any attempt of honest control on their operations, or, by all means, wealth re-distribution, these bad, greedy, (Thai-)Chinese guys must have seen H.M. the King's beautiful sufficiency theory as a personal attack, and probably contributed to sink it below the awareness level of the modal Thais and of the rest of the world, while it is the-only-viable- possibility for mankind to survive on the planet it lives on... But try to start a world campaign telling the capitalist greed spread by the Amys (well, some of them, you know) has become the biggest risk the human species has ever encountered in its existence. And I am no communist nor socialist, no more than H.M. the King is may I guess, and not one of those twisted 'little green men', it's just the obvious, plain, common sense conclusion, but who has the power to go against that 'establishment', when even a person with the respect, esteem, power and wealth of H.M. the King can have been irrespectfully muted and shamefully ignored the way it went (why it was a PTP 'oil' who got the contract to go and present it worldwide, knowing the way the Shins do business, is still a mystery to me too)...

I was in agreement. CP are leeches on Thailand. They hide behind their false thainess and the idea that they can serve Thai farmers better than "the market".

They are exploitative

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From another post....

A rise in minimum wage should also perhaps lower the return on investment ever so slightly so that those who own the factories do not wallow in their wealth whilst their employees live in poverty, the modern form of feudalism. The point in raising the minimum wage has nothing to do with increasing productivity and everything to do with decreasing unsustainable inequality.

Zoom in

.......those who own the factories do not wallow in their wealth whilst their employees live in poverty........

Seems anyone who owns anything exploits "the poor".... ( = you ? ). Reminds me of my 2 cousins, never finished school, on the dole, but really good at criticizing those who have been successful.

I know some guys who own factories / business, most have worked their butt off, some been successful, some just surviving.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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"all of whom spell their last names differently"

LOL. They all spell their Thai and Chinese last names the same which is what matters for them. When they got their ID cards those were not bilingual. Foreign Ministry staff would have chosen the English spellings for them when they applied for their first passports. By this yardstick millions of Thai families all spell their last names differently, including my wife's.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

What's there to hate?

Because someone does business so successfully? What's in a business? When one person makes a trading agreement with another, of course there will be gains and losses. No one abuses anyone, the only difference is who is smarter. The contracts have everything written out clearly. Someone complained about the poor farmers? Even without CP, they will not be successful. They are those typical somchais, who will say, Oh I grew up doing this, this is all I could do. And when they fail to make ends meet, they BLAME others. How typical.

7-11? The business works, complain about the contract? Don't sign it then, go make your own shop. What's to complain? There's a reason you want to open a franchise. Well, not everything is about you. You think by opening a franchise, you can take credit for someone else's success? If your a man, go open your own shop and let's see if your income will be higher than opening a 7-11. You are buying someone else's business, of course you follow their rules, and you must benefit them, or else why should they? You literally need to beg CP to open a 7-11, not the other way around. Think about your perspective before always playing the victim.

Those assets indicated here are just peanuts compared to what they really own. Hahahaha. They got operations all over the place, including but not limited to China, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands, and of course most of Asia.

Poor will always complain, that's what they do.

The rich identify the problem, and deal with it. Not one word.

It's so easy to join the other side, but would you do it?

-A shareholder (A happy one)

Mr shareholder, let me guess, you're also (Thai-)Chinese, maybe you work for CP or are even a member of the family, to defend so well such awfull sharks abusing the true, real, Thais through their, certainly(not?) honestly acquired dominant position? And I'm sure the Cayman Islands and British Virgin Islands you, for some unknown reason, or did it come out by mistake, write about are HUGE export markets for Thailand, for CP's chicken, pork and eggs, maybe(?!), but for sure for ...(Thai-)Chinese money, ask the Shins (Amply Rich, etc., anyone?) and some others too, it are top-locations to launder, hide in shady funds and trusts, re-invest even here, while not paying taxes in Thailand, where the family's money was, originally totally, now still for a large part, generated... It's not only them, it's what most 'mega-rich' from everywhere attempt to do, but does it make them 'nice people', 'good' human beings, erm ...? And it is still illegal in the first place! Thank you Mr shareholder for this insider's information which was probably not so clearly visible in many years of the group's balances... While reforming the economy, would the NCPO be able, and willing, to do something about giants like CP, like introduce measures existing in many, democratic, countries, where market shares above 20% in a sector are prohibited, to avoid dominant and monopolistic positions? Do the Thai people want to eat cheaper, build cheaper, travel cheaper, etc., that's the way to go! ...Down and away with the flagships of the (Thai-)Chinese 'new merchants' elite'!


For your petty little brain. I'm not Thai. I don't work for CP. I forgot, you still work somchai. Some people just buy investments and get richer. CP is barely 1% of my total portfolio. I'm not a family member, does my last name look like it? Small eyes you got.

Defend such awful sharks. Why should I? Are you a farmer complaining? Next time don't sign any contracts with cp then. Are you begging or is cp begging? We could ignore your little farm for all we care.

Cayman Islands, British virgin Islands, you call this insider information? Mistake? Only people like you make mistakes. The information is out there on the financial statements, if you have the literacy to read, please do, oh by the way, the information is free.

Other than that, I don't see the relevance of your post. Any more?


Yea, we understand, complaining about how powerful this company is, how much market share it is, the size of this company, how much money it makes, how rich the shareholders are, attacking the shareholders. HAHA clap2.gif

It makes you look so pathetic. Jealous? Hate? Give evident reasons, and you will be more credible as a person. For now you just look weak and pathetic, complaining how other people are so attractive, rich, successful? Nice one. cheesy.gif

-A shareholder (still here? giggle.gif )

Buy some of there stock and make some money and stop complaining.

Smart. Been for years. Assets double, tripled, what next? When economy expands, so do our assets. Of course, the average working somchai wouldn't know. All that he can do, is protest, complain, and insult the rich. Yawn. coffee1.gif

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Buy some of there stock and make some money and stop complaining.

You're a man with high ethics, congratulations! Maybe you also own stock from companies producing toxic gasses, cluster bombs, landmines, or other modern slaughtering machines, or pesticides banned in 80+ countries, or asbestos, or ..., all with a top ROI, for sure, but, but... sigh! Maybe you're even working a nice company, profitable to mankind, like Monsanto or Cargyll...

Hotshot are you? Putting down and criticizing many of TV member's post.

moe can own whatever stocks he likes. He is a happy rich man at the end of the day, and you? Oh yes, Mr. Righteous, do the right things.

Maybe? No maybe, I'll own any companies producing toxic gasses, bombs, landmines, pesticides, WITH TOP ROI as you stated. That's right. Taking your words right where it is. The problem with you is, you try to criticize something that is the meaning of success. You will easily get backfired with your own words. "Maybe you're even working a nice company, profitable to mankind," You know what? Yes we are, we sensible people, like to work at profitable nice companies. Where do you work at? Rusty old, loss-making companies.

Ah, I see where the complains are coming from. clap2.gifcoffee1.gif

I'll remember to make a donation when you have set up a Not for profit organization. That's where you belong, good man with good ethics. Oh wait, you might even get a seat at the NACC.

Get this joker out of here cheesy.gif Complaints about success, that's a new one. Complain about how other people drive nicer cars, how others succeed in business, how others live in larger houses. Bangrak, much to learn, much to learn. In the normal world, normal people do this silently. Not so loud and openly. All your complaints, "the other side" can easily stand up and say yes, "That's what I do" with a proud smile.


Accused: Oh, why thank you, I'm sorry.

Bangrak: You own stocks!!! Your companies make too much money.

Accused: Why yes, my companies have been very successful.

Bangrak: "Maybe you also own stock from companies producing toxic gasses, cluster bombs, landmines, or other modern slaughtering machines, or pesticides banned in 80+ countries"

Accused: Obviously, if nobody own the stocks of those companies, they wouldn't exist. If nobody buys those products, the companies wouldn't exist. When there are needs, the company will supply those needs. Blame?

Bangrak: "Maybe you're even working a nice company, profitable to mankind"

Accused: Oh, your still here. Uhm, yea I work for nice companies, drive my luxury car, stay at 5 star resorts, wipe my ass with new printed money, will you sue me?


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@ JacChang

Can say it simple - just look at Johpa, seems to be a communist as all factory owners are just exploiting the poor.

As most of us who have made something of our lifes, most started poor, worked very hard, took risks and lost on many occasions, and when we finally achieve something, it's because we "exploit the poor".

All my poor miserable friends in my old home town basically had fun in their youth, and now bitch about their lot in old age

You get out of life what you put into it

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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@ JacChang

Can say it simple - just look at Johpa, seems to be a communist as all factory owners are just exploiting the poor.

As most of us who have made something of our lifes, most started poor, worked very hard, took risks and lost on many occasions, and when we finally achieve something, it's because we "exploit the poor".

All my poor miserable friends in my old home town basically had fun in their youth, and now bitch about their lot in old age

You get out of life what you put into it

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Not if you are on minimum wages and the very companies who pay are all sitting with relatives in government.

You are very naive about how Thailand works.

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Not if you are on minimum wages and the very companies who pay are all sitting with relatives in government.

You are very naive about how Thailand works.

My old secretary was a pool girl giving out towels at a hotel pool - min salary. Paid for her own night classes to finish high school, I paid for her bachelor degree when she joined my co, and she went on to do her master and now is a "rich manager exploiting the poor "

I grew up poor too. The difference is mind set and what your willing to do to change your lot in life

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

@ JacChang

Can say it simple - just look at Johpa, seems to be a communist as all factory owners are just exploiting the poor.

As most of us who have made something of our lifes, most started poor, worked very hard, took risks and lost on many occasions, and when we finally achieve something, it's because we "exploit the poor".

All my poor miserable friends in my old home town basically had fun in their youth, and now bitch about their lot in old age

You get out of life what you put into it

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


They think that successful people are snobs who take things for granted. And it's a racial thing. That bangrak is a racist, he despises all Thai-Chinese, although I'm not, so he clearly has an racist issue. If you want to hate, there should be a reason, a valid one. Not just, oh because that race is richer and well off.

The story that you said is very similar to most "poor" people. They would spend all their money, have many cellphones, drink all their beer, and generally waste their time.

I started out "poor" too. But success is a mental effort. It's not what you were born with or inheritance. While I started out, co-staffs invited to go where this weekend, did I go? No. Why? I had a larger mission at hand. I wanted to be rich. After that weekend, they were 2000-3000 baht poorer? Where was I? Of course that same amount richer, even if we earn the same salary. During weekdays, after work, what do they do? Waste time, "enjoy life". What did I do? I researched and invested, and worked "overtime". Successful people have a lot of agendas to work on. Just because you are a tuk tuk driver, doesn't mean your full time purpose in life is to drive tuk tuks. You can be a tuk tuk driver AND a financial manager AND a blood donater, etc. But most typical somchais, income = job. I beg to differ. My income? When I first started Income = Job + Time deposits + Bonds + Real estate rent funds + stocks ++++++++++

Now I've joined the "dark side". I am hated by somchais. I abuse so called labor. It's BECAUSE OF ME, most somchais can't make their ends meet. It's my fault, they are getting bald. It's my fault if their babies fart. Sure, why not? The reason is, successful people have control over their lives. Somchais don't. So when there is a problem, who is the cause of it? Of course the so called rich exploiting people. Because we somchais are just robots, anything goes wrong, blame others.

Not if you are on minimum wages and the very companies who pay are all sitting with relatives in government.

You are very naive about how Thailand works.

My old secretary was a pool girl giving out towels at a hotel pool - min salary. Paid for her own night classes to finish high school, I paid for her bachelor degree when she joined my co, and she went on to do her master and now is a "rich manager exploiting the poor "

I grew up poor too. The difference is mind set and what your willing to do to change your lot in life

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The poor always just expect the best, and never take responsibilities for their actions. Imagine the lowest grade student in the class. What job will he get? Of course minimum wage. Is he going to complain? Of course he will. He never accepts that he is a loser and it's his fault, he doesn't compete. Minimum wage people = Inability to get high paying jobs. = YOUR OWN PROBLEM Always like to blame others and expect the highest.

See, you changed the life of your secretary. Good job on you for that. That is called success and moving up the ladder. While the poor will start complaining about her. Jealous low lifes.

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Not if you are on minimum wages and the very companies who pay are all sitting with relatives in government.

You are very naive about how Thailand works.

My old secretary was a pool girl giving out towels at a hotel pool - min salary. Paid for her own night classes to finish high school, I paid for her bachelor degree when she joined my co, and she went on to do her master and now is a "rich manager exploiting the poor "

I grew up poor too. The difference is mind set and what your willing to do to change your lot in life

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

This is not about individuals getting up or down a ladder. This is about companies setting government policy which effects the neediest. Until the bump to 300, the minimum wage was raised at below inflation for many years.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

@ JacChang

Can say it simple - just look at Johpa, seems to be a communist as all factory owners are just exploiting the poor.

As most of us who have made something of our lifes, most started poor, worked very hard, took risks and lost on many occasions, and when we finally achieve something, it's because we "exploit the poor".

All my poor miserable friends in my old home town basically had fun in their youth, and now bitch about their lot in old age

You get out of life what you put into it

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


They think that successful people are snobs who take things for granted. And it's a racial thing. That bangrak is a racist, he despises all Thai-Chinese, although I'm not, so he clearly has an racist issue. If you want to hate, there should be a reason, a valid one. Not just, oh because that race is richer and well off.

The story that you said is very similar to most "poor" people. They would spend all their money, have many cellphones, drink all their beer, and generally waste their time.

I started out "poor" too. But success is a mental effort. It's not what you were born with or inheritance. While I started out, co-staffs invited to go where this weekend, did I go? No. Why? I had a larger mission at hand. I wanted to be rich. After that weekend, they were 2000-3000 baht poorer? Where was I? Of course that same amount richer, even if we earn the same salary. During weekdays, after work, what do they do? Waste time, "enjoy life". What did I do? I researched and invested, and worked "overtime". Successful people have a lot of agendas to work on. Just because you are a tuk tuk driver, doesn't mean your full time purpose in life is to drive tuk tuks. You can be a tuk tuk driver AND a financial manager AND a blood donater, etc. But most typical somchais, income = job. I beg to differ. My income? When I first started Income = Job + Time deposits + Bonds + Real estate rent funds + stocks ++++++++++

Now I've joined the "dark side". I am hated by somchais. I abuse so called labor. It's BECAUSE OF ME, most somchais can't make their ends meet. It's my fault, they are getting bald. It's my fault if their babies fart. Sure, why not? The reason is, successful people have control over their lives. Somchais don't. So when there is a problem, who is the cause of it? Of course the so called rich exploiting people. Because we somchais are just robots, anything goes wrong, blame others.

Not if you are on minimum wages and the very companies who pay are all sitting with relatives in government.

You are very naive about how Thailand works.

My old secretary was a pool girl giving out towels at a hotel pool - min salary. Paid for her own night classes to finish high school, I paid for her bachelor degree when she joined my co, and she went on to do her master and now is a "rich manager exploiting the poor "

I grew up poor too. The difference is mind set and what your willing to do to change your lot in life

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The poor always just expect the best, and never take responsibilities for their actions. Imagine the lowest grade student in the class. What job will he get? Of course minimum wage. Is he going to complain? Of course he will. He never accepts that he is a loser and it's his fault, he doesn't compete. Minimum wage people = Inability to get high paying jobs. = YOUR OWN PROBLEM Always like to blame others and expect the highest.

See, you changed the life of your secretary. Good job on you for that. That is called success and moving up the ladder. While the poor will start complaining about her. Jealous low lifes.

What a tw#at!

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Spot on & cheers.

Seems success & free enterprise is a sin. Not sure why these OP's don't go live in North Korea w Uncle Kim

Simply put - Jealous

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by skippybangkok
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

@ JacChang

Can say it simple - just look at Johpa, seems to be a communist as all factory owners are just exploiting the poor.

As most of us who have made something of our lifes, most started poor, worked very hard, took risks and lost on many occasions, and when we finally achieve something, it's because we "exploit the poor".

All my poor miserable friends in my old home town basically had fun in their youth, and now bitch about their lot in old age

You get out of life what you put into it

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


They think that successful people are snobs who take things for granted. And it's a racial thing. That bangrak is a racist, he despises all Thai-Chinese, although I'm not, so he clearly has an racist issue. If you want to hate, there should be a reason, a valid one. Not just, oh because that race is richer and well off.

The story that you said is very similar to most "poor" people. They would spend all their money, have many cellphones, drink all their beer, and generally waste their time.

I started out "poor" too. But success is a mental effort. It's not what you were born with or inheritance. While I started out, co-staffs invited to go where this weekend, did I go? No. Why? I had a larger mission at hand. I wanted to be rich. After that weekend, they were 2000-3000 baht poorer? Where was I? Of course that same amount richer, even if we earn the same salary. During weekdays, after work, what do they do? Waste time, "enjoy life". What did I do? I researched and invested, and worked "overtime". Successful people have a lot of agendas to work on. Just because you are a tuk tuk driver, doesn't mean your full time purpose in life is to drive tuk tuks. You can be a tuk tuk driver AND a financial manager AND a blood donater, etc. But most typical somchais, income = job. I beg to differ. My income? When I first started Income = Job + Time deposits + Bonds + Real estate rent funds + stocks ++++++++++

Now I've joined the "dark side". I am hated by somchais. I abuse so called labor. It's BECAUSE OF ME, most somchais can't make their ends meet. It's my fault, they are getting bald. It's my fault if their babies fart. Sure, why not? The reason is, successful people have control over their lives. Somchais don't. So when there is a problem, who is the cause of it? Of course the so called rich exploiting people. Because we somchais are just robots, anything goes wrong, blame others.

Not if you are on minimum wages and the very companies who pay are all sitting with relatives in government.

You are very naive about how Thailand works.

My old secretary was a pool girl giving out towels at a hotel pool - min salary. Paid for her own night classes to finish high school, I paid for her bachelor degree when she joined my co, and she went on to do her master and now is a "rich manager exploiting the poor "

I grew up poor too. The difference is mind set and what your willing to do to change your lot in life

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The poor always just expect the best, and never take responsibilities for their actions. Imagine the lowest grade student in the class. What job will he get? Of course minimum wage. Is he going to complain? Of course he will. He never accepts that he is a loser and it's his fault, he doesn't compete. Minimum wage people = Inability to get high paying jobs. = YOUR OWN PROBLEM Always like to blame others and expect the highest.

See, you changed the life of your secretary. Good job on you for that. That is called success and moving up the ladder. While the poor will start complaining about her. Jealous low lifes.

JacChang, I think it's fine that you have worked towards a goal of being comfortably well off....but honestly man you come off as being more than a little koo-koo. blink.png


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Obviously the family is not managing the Business. Whoever is managing is doing a great job business wise. In the last year CP group also purchased Macro from the Brits and have improved the stores and products.

".........purchased Macro from the Brits ." Nope, from the Dutchmen.

And, nope, again, it's (only) the Makro license for Thailand CP bought, Dutchmen ain't dumb!

Quite correct, my error. Indeed, the license, not the whole kit and caboodle.. Go to the head of the class my boy. thumbsup.gif

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Not if you are on minimum wages and the very companies who pay are all sitting with relatives in government.

You are very naive about how Thailand works.

My old secretary was a pool girl giving out towels at a hotel pool - min salary. Paid for her own night classes to finish high school, I paid for her bachelor degree when she joined my co, and she went on to do her master and now is a "rich manager exploiting the poor "

I grew up poor too. The difference is mind set and what your willing to do to change your lot in life

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

This is not about individuals getting up or down a ladder. This is about companies setting government policy which effects the neediest. Until the bump to 300, the minimum wage was raised at below inflation for many years.

It is exactly about the ladder Thai at Heart.

Survival of the fittest. The economy is all about earnings. Try walking poor into a bank, and me walking into a bank. Completely different service. Are you going to complain? You could, but I wouldn't suggest it if I am your friend. Complaining is useless. My true advice, no insult intended. Look yourself in the mirror, walk out that door, and go do great things. Great things = high income.

Back to the jungle. Today CP is a lion, governments are hyenas, and the so called "complainers" are the monkeys. If you really want to fight, CP lion will win. The only reason monkeys are alive, is because CP could use them, thus allowing them to exist. But you cant, as monkeys hate CP lion just because they are strong. Another more valid case would be for you to blame the government, that I can accept, as it is logical. Why protect CP and not the people "complainers"? That I would support as well.

Now back to our real society. You state it's not about the ladder. But I say it is, it is about you being a monkey. And deciding one day, that's it, I've had enough of it. I'm going to become a gorilla or king kong. I will compete with that lion. Who is stopping you? No one. You are free to do it. Blame yourself only if you fail because you didn't try as a man, but only with a mouth to complain. THAT is why it is all about the ladder. People complain because they are at the bottom. Dare blame the top of the ladder guy, I DARE YOU. Blame yourself, then accept it, and try to move up.

Companies setting government policies which effects the neediest.

Again, save the losers, and let the winners pay for it.

Not logical. The lion fights wars, brings protection, brings an economy. Everything will work for a lion. Today you walk into a bank for a loan, and the bank can only take 1 applicant, you and CP walk in at the same time. Better yet, you walk in first. Let's see who they serve. Let's forget names for your benefits. Let's assume you are better looking too. THE POINT is, CP brings more to this society than you. Learn from him, not complain.

And don't get me started on minimum wages rise. As explained many times in many posts, it's a joke. Wage rise, in itself is an inflation. Trust me, it will still make the poor poorer.

To the complainers, you are free to protest, don't work for cp, don't sign any contracts. I am sure they won't care, and their revenues won't be affected. The truth will always be the truth, and Never distorted. When you reach 90 years of age, you will still be complaining, then it is too late to realize, this wasn't the solution. It wasn't any conglomerate's fault. It's your own fault to be a failure. From today onwards, look in the mirror, and start climbing the ladder. You will be richer.

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They think that successful people are snobs who take things for granted. And it's a racial thing. That bangrak is a racist, he despises all Thai-Chinese, although I'm not, so he clearly has an racist issue. If you want to hate, there should be a reason, a valid one. Not just, oh because that race is richer and well off.

The story that you said is very similar to most "poor" people. They would spend all their money, have many cellphones, drink all their beer, and generally waste their time.

I started out "poor" too. But success is a mental effort. It's not what you were born with or inheritance. While I started out, co-staffs invited to go where this weekend, did I go? No. Why? I had a larger mission at hand. I wanted to be rich. After that weekend, they were 2000-3000 baht poorer? Where was I? Of course that same amount richer, even if we earn the same salary. During weekdays, after work, what do they do? Waste time, "enjoy life". What did I do? I researched and invested, and worked "overtime". Successful people have a lot of agendas to work on. Just because you are a tuk tuk driver, doesn't mean your full time purpose in life is to drive tuk tuks. You can be a tuk tuk driver AND a financial manager AND a blood donater, etc. But most typical somchais, income = job. I beg to differ. My income? When I first started Income = Job + Time deposits + Bonds + Real estate rent funds + stocks ++++++++++

Now I've joined the "dark side". I am hated by somchais. I abuse so called labor. It's BECAUSE OF ME, most somchais can't make their ends meet. It's my fault, they are getting bald. It's my fault if their babies fart. Sure, why not? The reason is, successful people have control over their lives. Somchais don't. So when there is a problem, who is the cause of it? Of course the so called rich exploiting people. Because we somchais are just robots, anything goes wrong, blame others.

Not if you are on minimum wages and the very companies who pay are all sitting with relatives in government.

You are very naive about how Thailand works.

My old secretary was a pool girl giving out towels at a hotel pool - min salary. Paid for her own night classes to finish high school, I paid for her bachelor degree when she joined my co, and she went on to do her master and now is a "rich manager exploiting the poor "

I grew up poor too. The difference is mind set and what your willing to do to change your lot in life

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The poor always just expect the best, and never take responsibilities for their actions. Imagine the lowest grade student in the class. What job will he get? Of course minimum wage. Is he going to complain? Of course he will. He never accepts that he is a loser and it's his fault, he doesn't compete. Minimum wage people = Inability to get high paying jobs. = YOUR OWN PROBLEM Always like to blame others and expect the highest.

See, you changed the life of your secretary. Good job on you for that. That is called success and moving up the ladder. While the poor will start complaining about her. Jealous low lifes.

JacChang, I think it's fine that you have worked towards a goal of being comfortably well off....but honestly man you come off as being more than a little koo-koo. blink.png


It's not about me, stay on the topic and be useful. The point is, it's useless to blame CP for anyone's poorness. If you have anything useful to say, you may post it here to educate people. Or else, get back to work.

Your humor could be used at the local zoo. That's where you should work at.

Edited by JacChang
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