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Oa Visa Reentry Permit and Passport expiration

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My O-A visa obtained last year has an "enter before" date of Aug 24, 2014. Upon my planned entry the night of Aug 23rd I expect to get one year of permission to stay until Aug 22, 2015 (give or take a day).


I have a USA passport.


1) While in Bangkok I should apply for a reentry permit if I intend to leave/reenter within my permission to stay?


2) In the hypothetical situation that my flight on the 23rd could be 3 hours late then i would arrive on August 24 at 12:03 am (00:03). 

Would that violate the "enter BEFORE Aug 24"???

I have a feeling that I would in fact BE DENIED THE USE OF THE VISA if I were to arrive late and after midnight. Does anyone know for sure???


3) My USA Passport expires May 15, 2015. Will I be denied the permission to stay beyond May 15, 2015? 


Am I correct: that I cannot get a new passport now (I am in the USA now) as that will invalidate my visa?

 (I know that they punch hundreds of holes into your old passports now - my last passport is in shreds!).

The plan is to get the new passport in Bangkok before applying for the reentry permit. But then I do not have my exit materilal? 


Any advise is appreciated.





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As long as enter before midnight on August 24th you will get another one year entry.

You will need to get a re-entry permit if you want to travel after your last entry.

You will get the full one year entry when you enter. You passport validity does not matter.

If you got a new passport while in the states it would not invalidate you visa. You would just have to show both passports on entry.

My last two passports they just punched a couple of holes in the front cover and stamped cancelled on the photo page.

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"You will get the full one year entry when you enter. You passport validity does not matter."


Oh?  So it's different from when you get an extension and they cut it off at the passport's expiration date? 

Edited by mahjongguy
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Well, my last passport looks like Swiss cheese. I watched her go nuts with it at the Embassy.It couldn't do all pages at once. Maybe the "rm and a leg" we now pay for services there will have resulted in some new equipment. 


Thank you all for the advise! It looks like I'll make it according to the plan smile.png

(and thank the Embassy staff as well :-))


Pon (Paul)



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  • 4 weeks later...

Wadda ya know!
I have had to make a change and the arrival is now going toi have to be one day AFTER the "Enter Before" date.
I suppose there will be no excuse?

No excuse, that is for sure.
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