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Wine buffets in Chiang Mai


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Occasionally the topic of wine buffets will come up in this forum, and someone, often me, will ask for feedback from people who have been to one of these buffets. To date I'm aware of no feedback.

I know that forum rules prevent people from naming and shaming businesses that disappoint their customers, so we must draw the obvious conclusion from an absence of positive reviews. Perhaps I'm wrong, can anyone identify an enjoyable wine buffet they've attended?

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I know of just one ,which is in Sansai .B289 from 7 pm to 9 pm i think ?Cant remember the name other than it starts with C .I dont really see the point of them myself ?I am sure that they will put pressure on you to buy expensive food as well ?

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Ive seen one advertised when on my way to sausage king....like another tv member itd name eludes me at the moment. Never been to it but Id like to hear feedback from those who have. Im not a wine buff so wouldn't know good wine from bad but I can differentiate between grape and fruit wine. :-)

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Maybe I skimmed too fast, but I don't see any rule that forbids people from expressing disappointment in local businesses! That would also somewhat contradict the point of a website like thaivisa.

I'm guessing the lack of responses is because not many people go to those wine buffets. I'd never even heard of it before.

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Maybe I skimmed too fast, but I don't see any rule that forbids people from expressing disappointment in local businesses! That would also somewhat contradict the point of a website like thaivisa.

It's a matter of degree. If outright trashing a business then that is off limits. If you feel an improvement could be made than that shouldn't be a problem. For example, the Rosé didn't have any body to it - fine. That business should be bulldozed for the crap they sell - not ok. biggrin.png

Anyway, the rule is below.

6) Do not post comments that could be reasonably construed as defamation or libel. Defamation is the issuance of a statement about another person or business which causes that person to suffer harm. Libel is when the defamatory statement is published either in a drawing, painting, cinematography, film, picture or letters made visible by any means, or any other recording instruments, recording picture or letters, or by broadcasting or spreading picture, or by propagation by any other means. Defamation is both a civil and criminal charge in Thailand.

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Chilli Bell has one now for 289B...

As to lack of responses, wine drinking represents 1% of thai alcoholic consumption...

As to th ex-pat community some wine drinkers but peanuts compared to beer consumption...socio -Econ status drives types of alcoholic consumption and then combined with poor value and limited quality over here...

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That gets back to the purpose of this post, I'm curious if there is a wine buffet with a drinkable wine. So far none have been identified, and writing that a wine buffet has an undrinkable wine might cross that defamation line.

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That gets back to the purpose of this post, I'm curious if there is a wine buffet with a drinkable wine. So far none have been identified, and writing that a wine buffet has an undrinkable wine might cross that defamation line.

there is a place on the corner of Nimmanhaemann and Huay Kaew across from Maya. it's called Kafe Vino. i just checked their facebook and i'm sure this is the same company that used to be in Sansai (where another wine restaurant with a buffet is located now). i also can't recall the name of the new place in Sansai and don't think the quality of the wine is much good there so can't recommend it. anyway i can definitely recommend Kafe Vino as i went there many times when it was in Sansai. their facebook shows they still have the buffet at 333 Baht from 17:00-21:00 https://www.facebook.com/kafevino

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I know this may be a little off topic and I'm somewhat at a loss as to why but it seems that some of the more decent wines (to my taste) have disappeared in Chiang Mai over the last year. Maybe because of taxes? Now what I'm seeing in stores is a lot of wines, in particular box wines, that are mixed with fruit juice. You may note many won't say wine but "Bin Number" or just plain Red or White, still giving the impression that it's a true wine, ie, Cab, Merlot, Chardonnay. NO....many of them are blended with fruit juice! Why? Is it the taxes?

I use to buy a California called Boto Box....Cab or Merlot. About 1,300 to 1,400 Baht for a 3 liter box which broke out to about $10 or $12 USD per 750ml. Now it's unavailable. And forget wines with a normal alcohol content of 13.5% unless you're paying a premium price. Most are 12 to 12.5%. Maybe the absence of some decent wines at a decent price have curtailed wine buffets/tastings. Just a thought?

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