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I am finally ready to change from non-imm B visa (for the last 4 years), to an O visa (based on support of my Thai wife), and then visa extension, (based on bringing 40k baht into Thailand each month). Thereafter, I will get a WP, pay some taxes and start the slooooowwww process towards PR.

I understand that this source of monthly income has to be 'certiffied' by the British Embassy. What is the procedure for this? What documents are needed etc? Has anyone gone down this route before?

I'm in Phuket, but will be in BKK in a few weeks, so I want to visit the embassy and see if I can get the correct paperwork.

FYI, the source of my monthly income is an offshore bank account for my offshore company which trades (legally) with British bluechip companies.

Thanks - Simon


If you're near Soi Suan Phlu in BKK, you can go into the third floor. They'll give you an A4-letter what documents you have to submit.

The A4-Letter looks like same:




  1. Application for Visa Status Alteration. (TM. 86)
    Application for Change of visa. (TM. 87)
  2. Copy of passport entries.
  3. 4x6 cm Photograph
  4. Application fee of 2,000 baht.
  5. I.D. card and house registration papers of the Thai national; and for the foreigner residing in Thailand: residence certificate, alien registration certificate, passport, work permit, and house registration.
  6. Document proving that the applicant is the father or mother or child, a marriage certificate or birth certificate, as the case my be.
  7. Letter from a government office, embassy or consulate, certifying that the applicant belongs to the referred family.
  8. A letter from The Embassy or Consulate certify in that the applicant is single.
  9. A bank statement from a bank in Thailand showing that the applicant has an account of not less than 400'000 baht.
    And A document proving foreign remittance.
  10. optional...


1. The Applicant must sign to certify every page of application.

2. The visa Applicant must arrange the documents in proper order and must prepare the originals as proof.

3. Call 02-2873101-10 ext. 2237, 02-287-4948 for details.


Don't forget the number 8. Although already married, you've to show also.

...I hope it helps :o.


ok - but that seems to be for the situation if you have 400k in the bank. (Point 9). I want to get my visa extension based on my monthly income, not an annual amount.



best thing is to contact immigration, really. i did my annual extension about two weeks ago based on the 400k in the bank and they specifically wanted to see that, said they didn't care about my monthly offshore income.

ok - but that seems to be for the situation if you have 400k in the bank. (Point 9). I want to get my visa extension based on my monthly income, not an annual amount.


I'm not sure you can do a marriage extension based on an overseas income :o

AFAIK the 40k requirement is for a LOCAL income.

Of course I could be misunderstanding this, 'tis not unknown.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


I've asked this question before on the forum and have always wondered why they stipulate 40k income as well?

I do have, but from abroad, going into my account abroad. If I was earning it in Thailand, I'd need a WP. No need for the "marriage" one.

Unless they want to see 40k transferred to a bank account here from abroad each month? It just dosn't make any sense otherwise - at least to me.


The rules that I have seen on the thai immigration web page says that you can have one or the other or a mix of both like 400k only or 40k a month only or 200k in bank with 20k a month income. I will be doing this as well very soon and I have more than 40k a month from my company pension but very little in the bank so I hope they dont give me a problem about the funds in bank.

The rules that I have seen on the thai immigration web page says that you can have one or the other or a mix of both like 400k only or 40k a month only or 200k in bank with 20k a month income. I will be doing this as well very soon and I have more than 40k a month from my company pension but very little in the bank so I hope they dont give me a problem about the funds in bank.

I think for an early pensioner under 50 or over should starting from 40k in the month be accepted - better more. My experience up to now. My visas is still waiting since months.

Into my marriage applcation the embassy (married in Thailand) has written:

Occupation: pensioner

Annual salary: about THB...

Place of work: IV Disability Scheme for...

Everything is controlled very exactly and you must answer many questions - my experience.

From the OP means "mix from them" I'm not sure it makes easier.


I don't know what the British Embassy requires, but the USA Embassy has you fill out a form saying what your income is. Then they have you raise your hand and swear that what you wrote is true. That was it. They then put their stamp on the form and you take it to immigration.

Even though my form showed enough by itself, immigration still wanted to see a local bank account. No problem that there wasn't much in the account. When I asked why they wanted that, the immigration officer told me that her boss wanted to see a bank account, and wouldn't approve the extension if there wasn't one.


I am finally ready to change from non-imm B visa (for the last 4 years), to an O visa (based on support of my Thai wife), and then visa extension, (based on bringing 40k baht into Thailand each month). Thereafter, I will get a WP, pay some taxes and start the slooooowwww process towards PR.

I understand that this source of monthly income has to be 'certiffied' by the British Embassy. What is the procedure for this? What documents are needed etc? Has anyone gone down this route before?

I'm in Phuket, but will be in BKK in a few weeks, so I want to visit the embassy and see if I can get the correct paperwork.

FYI, the source of my monthly income is an offshore bank account for my offshore company which trades (legally) with British bluechip companies.

Thanks - Simon

If you're near Soi Suan Phlu in BKK, you can go into the third floor. They'll give you an A4-letter what documents you have to submit.

The A4-Letter looks like same:




  1. Application for Visa Status Alteration. (TM. 86)
    Application for Change of visa. (TM. 87)
  2. Copy of passport entries.
  3. 4x6 cm Photograph
  4. Application fee of 2,000 baht.
  5. I.D. card and house registration papers of the Thai national; and for the foreigner residing in Thailand: residence certificate, alien registration certificate, passport, work permit, and house registration.
  6. Document proving that the applicant is the father or mother or child, a marriage certificate or birth certificate, as the case my be.
  7. Letter from a government office, embassy or consulate, certifying that the applicant belongs to the referred family.
  8. A letter from The Embassy or Consulate certify in that the applicant is single.
  9. A bank statement from a bank in Thailand showing that the applicant has an account of not less than 400'000 baht.
    And A document proving foreign remittance.
  10. optional...


1. The Applicant must sign to certify every page of application.

2. The visa Applicant must arrange the documents in proper order and must prepare the originals as proof.

3. Call 02-2873101-10 ext. 2237, 02-287-4948 for details.


Don't forget the number 8. Although already married, you've to show also.

...I hope it helps :D.

ok - but that seems to be for the situation if you have 400k in the bank. (Point 9). I want to get my visa extension based on my monthly income, not an annual amount.


I'm not sure you can do a marriage extension based on an overseas income :o

AFAIK the 40k requirement is for a LOCAL income.

Of course I could be misunderstanding this, 'tis not unknown.

I don't know what the British Embassy requires, but the USA Embassy has you fill out a form saying what your income is. Then they have you raise your hand and swear that what you wrote is true. That was it. They then put their stamp on the form and you take it to immigration.

Even though my form showed enough by itself, immigration still wanted to see a local bank account. No problem that there wasn't much in the account. When I asked why they wanted that, the immigration officer told me that her boss wanted to see a bank account, and wouldn't approve the extension if there wasn't one.


I have 2 pensions from the UK and the UK Embassy upstairs require an original letter from both to be presented after which which they will write a letter for you (1,900 baht last year) which you take with you to Immigration. It is correct that it can be a combination of less than 400,00 baht and 40,000 a month but be careful as the exchange rate that Immigration use is not the daily rate you see at the bank.

Last year I think they used 65 baht to £1 sterling.

Also when you are there I STRONGLY RECOMMEND you get a 1 year multi re entry visa because if you forget and go out of the country you will only get a 30 day visa and you will have to start all over again.

Only stupid people forget this. I know as I was one of them 2 years ago.

Best of luck and please tell everybody what is required as I will be going up for mine in a couple of months.

I got this from the Immigration website a couple of years ago so it may not be 100% correct but it will not be far out.

Thai wife docs req

Immigration Bureau

Soi Suan Plu

South Sathorn Road

Bangkok 10120


Tel: (02) 287-3101-10

Office hours: Monday to Friday, 8.30-16.30

Saturday, 8.30-12.00

Requirements when applying for one-year marriage (extension) visa: (first year)

-Non-immigrant visa code O from Thai embassy abroad

-Copy of passport + original

-One photo of yourself (4x6 cm)

-Marriage certificate (in Thai) original + copy

-ID card of your Thai wife + copy

-Registration book of your Thai wife’s house (if any) + copy

- If no registration then a copy of the lease on the apartment + copy

-At least 400.000 Baht in Thai bank OR proof of income not less

then 40.000 Baht per month OR combination of funds and income

-Certified letter from your transferred bank abroad + copy

-Certified letter from your bank in Thailand (not more then seven days old) + copy

-Copy of bank passbook (all pages)

-Copy of all documents is required with your signature

- You may need photos of where you live

-Application fee: 1.900 Baht

-And a big smile!

Bring your Thai wife and all original documents with you and of course your passport, passbook.

Extension of one-year marriage visa: (second and third year)

-Bring your Thai wife and her ID card

-At least 400.000 Baht in Thai bank OR proof of income not less

then 40.000 Baht per month OR combination of funds and income

-Certified letter from your transferred bank abroad

-Certified letter from your bank in Thailand (not more then seven days old)


My income is rental income - I showed the consulate in Chiang Mai the last three months statements and completed a short form saying I wanted the letter to say I was getting the sum on the statements.

Probably in your case a set of bank statements?

Why not phone the Embassy and ask?


Thanks for the useful replies. In fact, I usually transfer more than 400k baht each month to my account, but I use this as I need it and don't expect to retain 400k in the account. But meeting the 40k per month requirement is easy :o

I will contact the embassy in BKK to check exactly what is required, since I don't want a wasted trip from Phuket.


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