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Can anyone explain the anti-American sentiment to me?

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For me I don't like loud mouths. And there seems to be a lot of them from the US. The type when you can hear every word of their conversation even when they are accross the room full of people.

Also the extreme patriotism kinda grinds on me.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I was very surprised at how loud many Thai people are. Gentile and quiet they ain't.

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As an English chap, when ever I went to the states I was always welcomed in a much better way than in my own country, whether a restaurant or at Hotrod meets (cars). I know I am sooooo hansum but don't think that came into the equation. smile.png

Yes there are some loud yanks but we have loud folk in England too.

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Why do brits think they're comedy experts?

Strike that. Why do brits think they're experts on everything?

OMG! Did I do satire?!

On the comedy front there is a load of junk on UK TV claiming to be comedy. There are a few gems and this is the same for US shows.

I don't get to see much TV nowadays but I love catching up with the odd episode of John Stewart, Modern Family and Family Guy. Family Guy is so funny and will rip the pi$$ out of anyone regardless of race, religion or nationality.

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Most foreigners are upset about the US Government foreign policies since de 60's, and because nothing is changing, it is easy to believe that most American people support it...and that may be true. Just said something bad about his Government or his country to any American..and you will see the response...They live in denial....

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It would help if Americans and their 'friends' stopped killing people.........also look at the tragedy of MH17...without a shred of evidence the US 'knows who did it' b******t!'

The US Government knows everything...everything!...


The US Government knows who did 9/11.....the American people don't....but already the case is closed. Next....

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It would help if Americans and their 'friends' stopped killing people.........also look at the tragedy of MH17...without a shred of evidence the US 'knows who did it' b******t!'

The US Government knows everything...everything!...


The US Government knows who did 9/11.....the American people don't....but already the case is closed. Next....

You obviously work for the US Government.....you sly devil. You know, don't you? Know they are going be looking at you for telling secrets...

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Why do brits think they're comedy experts?

Strike that. Why do brits think they're experts on everything?

OMG! Did I do satire?!

No, you watch Fox News.

No, froggy. I prefer Comedy Central.

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It would help if Americans and their 'friends' stopped killing people.........also look at the tragedy of MH17...without a shred of evidence the US 'knows who did it' b******t!'

The US Government knows everything...everything!...


The US Government knows who did 9/11.....the American people don't....but already the case is closed. Next....

You obviously work for the US Government.....you sly devil. You know, don't you? Know they are going be looking at you for telling secrets...

Cross me heart and hope to diewai2.gif

Having unlimited security clearance I can share this with you


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Why do brits think they're comedy experts?

Strike that. Why do brits think they're experts on everything?

OMG! Did I do satire?!

No, you watch Fox News.

No, froggy. I prefer Comedy Central.

Isn't that the same thing?

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It would help if Americans and their 'friends' stopped killing people.........also look at the tragedy of MH17...without a shred of evidence the US 'knows who did it' b******t!'

If they can monitor your phone calls anywhere in the world, they can easily monitor a SAM launch.

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Why do brits think they're comedy experts?

Strike that. Why do brits think they're experts on everything?

OMG! Did I do satire?!

No, you watch Fox News.

No, froggy. I prefer Comedy Central.

Isn't that the same thing?

You have a point. Comedy Central gets most of their material from Fox.

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Why do brits think they're comedy experts?

Strike that. Why do brits think they're experts on everything?

OMG! Did I do satire?!

No, you watch Fox News.

No, froggy. I prefer Comedy Central.

Isn't that the same thing?

They all look and act like Benny Hill......at least the ones I have seen in Thailand.

Crude and Boorish....silly at best

Watch that new show of the Brits in Pattaya !

A good portrait...

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Mainly it's the hypocrisy of their foreign policy. They preach democracy but support some of the worst dictators on the planet and bring down democracies when they refuse to bend over for uncle Sam. They are dangerous and divisive and rain down death and destruction on anyone they fancy. They have turned Iraq and Libya in to hells on earth. Their governments, of whatever ilk, are elected (usually) fascists! Must stop now, my veins are popping out.

Well if that's the case then maybe the anti-American sentiment will be changing, as President McBummer announced in his West Point graduation speech a new non-interventionist policy - basically telling all the scumbags of the world they can go right ahead with their dirty work as the US military won't do anything - but I don't see any new update. Actually if this were actually the source of the anti-American sentiment we should see exactly the same sentiment against, say, Chinese, Russians, or the broader radical Sunni nation, all of whom fit your bill just as well as the (minus the "preach democracy" and replace "Iraq and Libya" with different names), with difference being you're politically freer in US.

SO I don't think the perceived foreign policy is 100% the reason, for the simple fact that we don't see the same anti-Russian or anti-Chinese (or can I say anti-Muslim) sentiment. So maybe it's the fact that the Americans do it with a sort of "we're cowboys here to save the day" attitude which really pisses leftists (as well as people who get caught up in it such as the poster with loved ones involved in the friendly fire) off.

Why would we see the same anti Russian or anti Chinese sentiment? They're not constantly sticking their noses, often violently, into every bodies business as though they own the world.

And we do see plenty of anti Muslim sentiment.

Sent from my XT1033 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

You have got to be joking me. Russia is taking over the Ukraine and China wants the oil in the South China Sea. The Muslim extremists want to kill anyone who is not.......well, Muslim.

"Russia is taking over the Ukraine"

Rubbish! Russia is showing amazing restraint considering the violence being wreaked upon the Russian speaking civilian population of eastern Ukraine incidentally, Kiev was the first capital of Russia, or Rus as it was then.

As for China, so what, it is the south China sea.

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Who's louder and more obnoxious, Chinese or Americans?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Whose posts are more stupid and idiotic? Yours or yours? (more satire)

Don't be a moron. You're trying to put over a billion people into one category.

You really do not understand satire at all.

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So many here mentioned the US foreign policy and the US govt as the culprit.

A smart person would take notice of so many similar opinions.

A dumb person would would continue yapping and pushing his line...

Keep on guys, we see who's who now... thumbsup.gif

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Who's louder and more obnoxious, Chinese or Americans?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Whose posts are more stupid and idiotic? Yours or yours? (more satire)

Don't be a moron. You're trying to put over a billion people into one category.

You really do not understand satire at all.

Actually, I was being facetious with a sliver of contempt.

Keep up the good work on maintaining the 'satire' standards.

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I am an American. It is govt. policy, and the extent to which the US Govt. is compromised. Run by $35 street whores from Obama right on down. Bone headed foreign policy. Tremendous arrogance and hubris. And an unwillingness on the part of the listless, incompetent US govt. to acknowledge how much less relevant they are, at this stage. And lastly, there is tremendous resentment due to the useless wars we keep getting ourselves involved in, and the problems they create for the planet. So, basically I can sum up the problem by saying US Govt hubris, arrogance, carelessness, incompetence, poor foreign policy, and recklessness. I do not think it is about most American people. Yes, some are loud and clumsy. But, most are decent folks, and most people I meet seem to hate our super corrupt govt. whores, not us.


Be honest. You live in Russia and your first name is Edward and your last name is snow-something?

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Always amazed at the anti-American sentiment I get, specifically from a significant proportions of Canadians, western Europeans, Kiwis and Aussies.

As a Canadian that often gets confused as an American a lot of it has to do with disagreement with government policies. Canadian's are in a strange position visa-a-vie Americans since we are sort of American but not American and are exposed to a lot of US news which means that in many cases the internal politics of the US are almost internal politics to Canada. I would be surprised if you were confronted with it since it by Canadians since we are less confrontational (more two faced - sort of halfway between British and American). It usually would not pop up unless there is a political discussion. As far as going out of the way to be anti-american like the french, that is more a reflection on their insecurities than on Americans (insecure at themselves not being treated as "equals"). Personally, in casual conversations I don't care if someone thinks I am American or not - and don't correct them if they make that assumption without asking - most people I get to know tend to ask me where I am from first. If someone wants to show themselves to be prejudiced against Americans before getting to know the individual, they probably are not worth knowing anyway.

Likewise I recently came across an older Middle Eastern man drinking alcohol and accosting local (scantily clad) passersby on the street. I confronted him and said this was unacceptable, and later was told by a Kiwi neighbor that I had better mind my own business and return to the US. Strange that being American trumps my duty as a man, at least in this Kiwi's eyes, and stranger still that I rarely encounter such sentiment from people who "should" give it such as Chinese or Japanese or Vietnamese or the like.

I applaud you in coming to the defense of others who are being mistreated, no-one should treat anyone with that type of disrespect. A Thai coming to the defense of the same person might not have been so polite, so in one way you might have saved that persons life for at least one more day.

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First of all, please understand that Fox News is a very right wing organization that does not represent most Americans. I am an American living in Pattaya and very proud of America and proud to be an American. America like every country has it's issues. However, it is the American military and the American taxpayers who sacrifice every day with blood, sweat, and tears to give most of the other countries in the world the freedom they have. If not for America, where would the rest of the world been after World War 1 and 2? If anything America can be accused of trying too hard to help other countries enjoy the freedom a democracy gives to the people. While democracy is a very messy form of government and gets bogged down much of the time, it is still the premier form of government on the planet. Every time there is a crisis in the world, it is America who comes to everyone's aid. American's have shed a lot of blood across the planet to try to help make a positive difference in the lives of the peoples in many countries. Maybe America cares too much about the rest of the world and should pull back and let the evils in the world take over in many places????

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