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Can anyone explain the anti-American sentiment to me?

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I am an American. It is govt. policy, and the extent to which the US Govt. is compromised. Run by $35 street whores from Obama right on down. Bone headed foreign policy. Tremendous arrogance and hubris. And an unwillingness on the part of the listless, incompetent US govt. to acknowledge how much less relevant they are, at this stage. And lastly, there is tremendous resentment due to the useless wars we keep getting ourselves involved in, and the problems they create for the planet. So, basically I can sum up the problem by saying US Govt hubris, arrogance, carelessness, incompetence, poor foreign policy, and recklessness. I do not think it is about most American people. Yes, some are loud and clumsy. But, most are decent folks, and most people I meet seem to hate our super corrupt govt. whores, not us.


Agreed, on that count. I travel to the US frequently with work, I enjoy it immensely and have in general found the people to be very nice - immigration are a bit odd though. Although, as in all countries there are the ones that give it a bad name.

The main thing is the arrogance of The US government, which pisses people off. Things like Fox News perpetuate that as well. A close work colleague of mine was totality confused the first time he spent an afternoon with a bunch of Brits in a pub, making fun out of just about everybody. He had no real idea what was being said. 2 years later he's able to hold his own pretty well.

The other point is that when people criticise American Foreign policy or American politicians, the Fox News Lovers are straight on TVF claiming that people are anti-American. Absolute BS.

Many of us watch fox news for comedy effect. Hard to take any of those guys seriously. The only other news outlet that is equally biased is RT, as they famously promote King Vlad's position, though it is a fun network to watch. Most of the people who anchor on Fox, and most of the highly vetted guests are small minded, bigoted, ignorant, crazy conservative, xenophobic, blind supporters of America the Great. Hard to take that seriously.


I take it you don't watch RT, truth hurts eh?

No. I love the truth. and I like RT. But, I keep in mind it is sponsored by Vlad the impaler. He always gets a free pass. That is all I was saying.


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I've noticed more hate towards Russians than Yanks, but here I'll say it straight and without BS:

Nobody likes the noisy <deleted> that don't mind their own business.

As for the French:

Nobody likes those <deleted> either. biggrin.png

On a serious note it's wrong to hate people for their government's actions, and you guessed it right, it's US foreign policy that is the problem.

I've worked with and met a lot of Yanks and most are good folks, sure some are a**holes, but I've also met quite a few a**holes French, Canadians, Russians, etc...

Interesting that you haven't met any a"holes from Britain. Could it be that we are a bunch of grumpy, mostly old men who are irritated by the unfamiliar? I don't find accents of the other English speaking countries aggravating, only difficult to understand. When I worked with an Aystralian company I had to make up an Aussie/American English dictionary.

By the way I can't stand "Fox" news and agree with the world that our foreign policies have been terrible in most cases and ludicrous at best.

Do you wonder why we don't live there now while people are begging to be admitted? Idiots in government and the morons who voted them in.

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Who's louder and more obnoxious, Chinese or Americans?

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Chinese on a group tour probably wouldn't sing their national anthem in a church in a foreign country.

Mainland Chinese have a very bad rep for being loud and obnoxious in Hong Kong.

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I've noticed more hate towards Russians than Yanks, but here I'll say it straight and without BS:

Nobody likes the noisy <deleted> that don't mind their own business.

As for the French:

Nobody likes those <deleted> either. biggrin.png

On a serious note it's wrong to hate people for their government's actions, and you guessed it right, it's US foreign policy that is the problem.

I've worked with and met a lot of Yanks and most are good folks, sure some are a**holes, but I've also met quite a few a**holes French, Canadians, Russians, etc...

Interesting that you haven't met any a"holes from Britain. Could it be that we are a bunch of grumpy, mostly old men who are irritated by the unfamiliar? I don't find accents of the other English speaking countries aggravating, only difficult to understand. When I worked with an Aystralian company I had to make up an Aussie/American English dictionary.

By the way I can't stand "Fox" news and agree with the world that our foreign policies have been terrible in most cases and ludicrous at best.

Do you wonder why we don't live there now while people are begging to be admitted? Idiots in government and the morons who voted them in.

I said etc. right at the end so yes I did meet quite a few A* from the UK.

Thinking about that haven't met an A* from OZ or NZ all the great folks with a good sense of humour. thumbsup.gif

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Interesting topic, for me as someone who has worked closely with American's for a good chunk of my career I would have to say the people are not so much to blame, however for me personally I can't bare the way Hollywood portrays other countries in movies, incredibly disrespectful most of the time and in the end we all have to stand up and cheer for America saving the world again! In a recent popular wartime movie it was said the war would of been over 2 years earlier if Patton had been in charge of the Allied Army instead of Montgomery, alluding the face they thought he was not up for the job, but sadly this continues in so many of the movies, even animated kids movies. An honest look or approach would better, it really gets my back up and I've been to the US many times and know the reality of how people really live in the US. However you ask and Thai kids or adults what the US is like, they think it's the same as the movies, we all know it's not. The US need to get honest with itself and promote its strengths and its weaknesses and respect other Countries efforts and contributions to the past and now instead of trying too steal them or belittle them.

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I've noticed more hate towards Russians than Yanks, but here I'll say it straight and without BS:

Nobody likes the noisy <deleted> that don't mind their own business.

As for the French:

Nobody likes those <deleted> either. biggrin.png

On a serious note it's wrong to hate people for their government's actions, and you guessed it right, it's US foreign policy that is the problem.

I've worked with and met a lot of Yanks and most are good folks, sure some are a**holes, but I've also met quite a few a**holes French, Canadians, Russians, etc...

Interesting that you haven't met any a"holes from Britain. Could it be that we are a bunch of grumpy, mostly old men who are irritated by the unfamiliar? I don't find accents of the other English speaking countries aggravating, only difficult to understand. When I worked with an Aystralian company I had to make up an Aussie/American English dictionary.

By the way I can't stand "Fox" news and agree with the world that our foreign policies have been terrible in most cases and ludicrous at best.

Do you wonder why we don't live there now while people are begging to be admitted? Idiots in government and the morons who voted them in.

I said etc. right at the end so yes I did meet quite a few A* from the UK.

Thinking about that haven't met an A* from OZ or NZ all the great folks with a good sense of humour. thumbsup.gif

Sorry, I missed that. It wasn't meant to be anti-Brit because I don't feel that. Just a little prod that people in TV seem to enjoy. I agree, I haven't met any "A" from OZ or NZ either. Only a few that I couldn't understand. "My Bad" as my son would say.

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In Thailand, I've mostly experienced anti-Americanism from people from the UK and the Euro continent. I mean direct in your face irrational disdain to my face just because I'm American. I find this funny because the feeling I get is that they think they are smarter and more sophisticated than Americans. They seem to think all Americans are hicks with no "culture" who are Fox News zombies and think exotic cuisine is a hamburger with an avocado. Basically, to make that assumption about any random American they meet is simple BIGOTRY.

Also sometimes I've experienced random people coming up to me and going into an anti-American rant to my face assuming I am not American. These are priceless moments when I speak back to them in my ... American accent. I actually don't confront them. Just the look on their faces is payback enough.

It's ironic because many Americans (who can't afford to travel outside the U.S. ) are crazy about people from the U.K., Australia and New Zealand, especially because of their accents, music and actors.

I've been to the UK. So, I know the people there are nice. However, I've always wanted to go to Australia and New Zealand. But, after hearing their venom towards Americans, I'm not so sure.

That's the problem. Most people have never been to the places nor met the people that they're having a go at. If you believed all you'd read about the USA/UK/Oz/whatever you'd never want to go.

I've spent some time in the US and a friendlier more generous bunch of people it would be hard to imagine.

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Actually The Americans are often pretty sensitive. The piss taking between Aus, NZ, England, Wales, Ireland and Jockland is relentless. Can we all agree to just make fun of The French?

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Yes though they seem to do well without any help. We the USA and other great nations, cleaned up that mess they made in Vietnam. We went through Paris in 2011

Before we got through the airport, had encounters with four bullies, one after the other. Call security, another bully. My French is not that bad. Montreal could teach them more than a few things.

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In Thailand, I've mostly experienced anti-Americanism from people from the UK and the Euro continent. I mean direct in your face irrational disdain to my face just because I'm American. I find this funny because the feeling I get is that they think they are smarter and more sophisticated than Americans. They seem to think all Americans are hicks with no "culture" who are Fox News zombies and think exotic cuisine is a hamburger with an avocado. Basically, to make that assumption about any random American they meet is simple BIGOTRY.

Also sometimes I've experienced random people coming up to me and going into an anti-American rant to my face assuming I am not American. These are priceless moments when I speak back to them in my ... American accent. I actually don't confront them. Just the look on their faces is payback enough.

It's ironic because many Americans (who can't afford to travel outside the U.S. ) are crazy about people from the U.K., Australia and New Zealand, especially because of their accents, music and actors.

I've been to the UK. So, I know the people there are nice. However, I've always wanted to go to Australia and New Zealand. But, after hearing their venom towards Americans, I'm not so sure.

You know what?

Nobody really has any venom towards a really nice American fellow who is travelling.

Just don't tell them how shitty their country is, how great the US is, or, "if it weren't for us you'd be speaking German"

This ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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Actually The Americans are often pretty sensitive. The piss taking between Aus, NZ, England, Wales, Ireland and Jockland is relentless. Can we all agree to just make fun of The French?

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Maybe that's the problem. Americans 'take a piss' when they go to the bathroom. And 'take a joke' when they go to the bar. smile.png

And stop with the tired old WW2 jokes.

If it wasn't for the French, we'd all be speaking french.

Edited by rijb
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Actually The Americans are often pretty sensitive. The piss taking between Aus, NZ, England, Wales, Ireland and Jockland is relentless. Can we all agree to just make fun of The French?

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

There's no point. The French don't give a shit what anyone thinks and who can blame them? 35 hour working weeks, food that's the envy of the world and enough wine to keep you pissed for the rest of your life.

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coffee1.gif Everyone hates/envies the international winner. Europe will never forgive us for saving them in WW2blink.png When the 'ship hits the sand' in the world, who are you going to call? Actually, this 'yank' believes the US should stay home and let others fend for themselves.thumbsup.gif

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They only like us when something needs to be done, you know like win wars, break necks, cash checks. I occasionally hear the put down nonsense and consider the source.

I come from the greatest country in the world and continue to pay my American taxes even though I haven't been there in a few years. I know if the dung hits the fan, that American passport is the one to have.

Have family and friends in the US and generally like Americans.

But guys like Pinot make me puke.

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I owe my life to two American gentlemen so that says all there is to know about how I feel about the American people. But, on one occasion while travelling on a bus here in Thailand with a close friend of mine from the USA and in deep conversation, he stated during the course of this conversation and his usual manner of speaking (loud) that.................. "Of, course, I come from the greatest country in the world". He did not say it to offend others on the bus, who could obviously hear it, but simply because that is what he believed to be true. I felt embarrassed by this and it struck me as being a rude and offensive remark to make considering there were people of different nationalities all around us. I have no objections of people being proud of where they come from but it must be remembered that many of us not from the USA might feel exactly the same way about our own native land....but would have the courtesy to consider other people's feelings before declaring it to the world..

I see this attitude a lot on american TV (didn't get a chance to watch same till I came to Thailand).

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In the last two centuries America has steadily usurped Britains position as the dominant world power. If you think America is intrusive in the affairs of other countries, then just take a look at this map which depicts the only 22 countries in the world that Britain has NOT invaded.


Edited by gdringjr
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Oh , so many reasons why the rest of the world hates the US.
I don't think this website has enough pages to list them all ( we're already on page 7), and they would certainly be deleted....
Don't take my word for it , americans hate america too , read the ( american btw) website Zerohedge.com for a couple of months. You'll hate your country too.

How about some conspiracy theory where your country is going according too your fellow countrymen :


Good luck with that US passport.

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Being a Brit offshore worker I work with a lot of Americans especially those from the south. I like working with you guys, I like talking with you guys.

It's your government that pisses a lot of people off which reflects on the every day American.....which is wrong.

I'm from the U.S.......My government and it's policies pisses ME off.

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Actually The Americans are often pretty sensitive. The piss taking between Aus, NZ, England, Wales, Ireland and Jockland is relentless. Can we all agree to just make fun of The French?

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Maybe that's the problem. Americans 'take a piss' when they go to the bathroom. And 'take a joke' when they go to the bar. smile.png

And stop with the tired old WW2 jokes.

If it wasn't for the French, we'd all be speaking french.

Ye the French hate the Britt's they never ever won a war against us, never. To busy putting their hair pieces on and makeup. And that bent nose shit De Gaul.

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