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Can anyone explain the anti-American sentiment to me?

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You have got to be joking me. Russia is taking over the Ukraine and China wants the oil in the South China Sea. The Muslim extremists want to kill anyone who is not.......well, Muslim.

Your last sentence is spot on.

And don't forget a sentence right before last. China wants Oil from S. China Sea? How dare they!? 'Murica must bring them their "freedom" but is afraid to bite off a piece they couldn't swallow? smile.png

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For the record, a number of us (yes, I'm an American and a Texan to boot) are leaving to get away from many of the things you've talked about here. My husband and I are included in that number. I can't stand the 'Murica! attitude that has taken over and I don't feel like things are going to get any better anytime soon. I'd rather move overseas and watch from afar. That being said, I'm not giving up my US citizenship either. whistling.gif

As far as accents go:

Aussie - I'm good. I can understand you even when I'm half lit.

British - It takes me about 5 minutes to adjust to your cadence. I'm good after that.

Scottish - No hope. I need a translator. I still love to listen to you, though. I'm a sucker for anything Scottish.

Have you ever met a Geordie? biggrin.png

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One thing that annoys me about Americans is that you talk/shout so loud as if you want everybody to hear you. When I am on the 3rd floor of my gym , I can hear every word the Americans are aying on the 1st floor.

You also in general seem ignorant of basic geography etc. But although once a SUPER POWER you are now declining quite rapidly so perhaps you won't be so arrogant in a few years time. There are quiet, intelligent, Americans but few AND far between.

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That is not true. Iraq ,prior to 1990, was the envy of the Arab world. the country had an excellent health and education system. It became a shithole after the Desert Storm. similarly with Libya. Both were dictatorships but their people were well fed and taken care of. Similarly, migrant workers on both countries had work. The zeal of America to dismantle these countries, Syria as well created a far worse situation than that of 'lack of democracy'. As others have commented, democracy is an infinitely stretchable thing which can fit the case we choose and ignore similar situations elsewhere.

Whereas American people are not any worse than any other, it is the double standards of the American foreign policy that pisses people off. Having said that we all are of course eternally grateful for your intervention in both the great wars.

Both Hussein and Gaddafi were mass murderers killing, raping and torturing their own brethren. Tell me again what Gardens of Eden Iraq and Libya were before the Americans and most of the free world intervened to put these monsters away.

Iraqis were killing Iraqis, Syrians were killing Syrians and Libyans were killing Libyans. US invaded and started killing Iraqis/Syrians/Libyans to send Iraqis/Syrians/Libyans a message to stop killing Iraqis/Syrians/Libyans... whistling.gif

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I don't believe there is that much anti-American sentiment about, no more or less so than anti-any other nationality. I think most of us get along well with Americans, I just wish they wouldn't talk so loudly, everyone of them it seems and everywhere they go!

I think it's because our forces have been killing foreigners all over the world, much more recently that you Brits did.

If it wasn't for us, the whole world would still be hating you Brits.

But we actually get off on the whole, nobody like us, we don't care attitude!

Guess that's the difference between us... We have a sense of humour!

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For the record, a number of us (yes, I'm an American and a Texan to boot) are leaving to get away from many of the things you've talked about here. My husband and I are included in that number. I can't stand the 'Murica! attitude that has taken over and I don't feel like things are going to get any better anytime soon. I'd rather move overseas and watch from afar. That being said, I'm not giving up my US citizenship either. whistling.gif

As far as accents go:

Aussie - I'm good. I can understand you even when I'm half lit.

British - It takes me about 5 minutes to adjust to your cadence. I'm good after that.

Scottish - No hope. I need a translator. I still love to listen to you, though. I'm a sucker for anything Scottish.

Have you ever met a Geordie? biggrin.png

Apparently, not. From what I understand, I'd have to put Geordie right up there with Scottish in terms of understandability. I'll be happy to try, though!

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You have got to be joking me. Russia is taking over the Ukraine and China wants the oil in the South China Sea. The Muslim extremists want to kill anyone who is not.......well, Muslim.

Your last sentence is spot on.

And don't forget a sentence right before last. China wants Oil from S. China Sea? How dare they!? 'Murica must bring them their "freedom" but is afraid to bite off a piece they couldn't swallow? smile.png

The portion of the South China Sea that China is eyeing happen to be territorial waters belonging to the Philippines. How dare they is right.

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look at the world today ,where is the USA ,talk and no action ,world is falling apart with no leader with back bone ,the world needs a strong leader in one country ,may as well give world order to ladyboys in Pattaya or some old queen

Be patient, Hillary is coming to the rescue.

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Mainly it's the hypocrisy of their foreign policy. They preach democracy but support some of the worst dictators on the planet and bring down democracies when they refuse to bend over for uncle Sam. They are dangerous and divisive and rain down death and destruction on anyone they fancy. They have turned Iraq and Libya in to hells on earth. Their governments, of whatever ilk, are elected (usually) fascists! Must stop now, my veins are popping out.

Iraq and Libya were hells on earth long before the Americans got involved.

That is not true. Iraq ,prior to 1990, was the envy of the Arab world. the country had an excellent health and education system. It became a shithole after the Desert Storm. similarly with Libya. Both were dictatorships but their people were well fed and taken care of. Similarly, migrant workers on both countries had work. The zeal of America to dismantle these countries, Syria as well created a far worse situation than that of 'lack of democracy'. As others have commented, democracy is an infinitely stretchable thing which can fit the case we choose and ignore similar situations elsewhere.

Whereas American people are not any worse than any other, it is the double standards of the American foreign policy that pisses people off. Having said that we all are of course eternally grateful for your intervention in both the great wars.

Both Hussein and Gaddafi were mass murderers killing, raping and torturing their own brethren. Tell me again what Gardens of Eden Iraq and Libya were before the Americans and most of the free world intervened to put these monsters away.

They were no angels, but at least they kept all the tribes in check and ran fairly peaceful secular societies (for the area) with advanced health and education systems (for the area). Look at both countries now, full of death and destruction daily and hotbeds of Islamic fundamentalism. Go team America, no seriously, GO!

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antii american sentiment. From my horizon at least, I learn how to think about americans (before I start to know them and like them), that they are severly poor in most things that take place outside their own world over there in the USA, except warfare of course which USA is fantastic in practising. They have been in 44 wars against some 40 countries since the world Wars.... And there is nobody even close to that, maybe that is something that is a problem för the americans to face, the reactions from people from outside the USA.

Laud pushy taking up a lot of space, yes of course you validate people from their behavior...... But besides this negative stuff. I must say that me myself are a big fan of this strange people that pray to a God to take care of them while they are performing and trying to do their worst against one and the other, except on sundays because sunday is the churchgoing day....

God bless america - I love them


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For the record, a number of us (yes, I'm an American and a Texan to boot) are leaving to get away from many of the things you've talked about here. My husband and I are included in that number. I can't stand the 'Murica! attitude that has taken over and I don't feel like things are going to get any better anytime soon. I'd rather move overseas and watch from afar. That being said, I'm not giving up my US citizenship either. whistling.gif

As far as accents go:

Aussie - I'm good. I can understand you even when I'm half lit.

British - It takes me about 5 minutes to adjust to your cadence. I'm good after that.

Scottish - No hope. I need a translator. I still love to listen to you, though. I'm a sucker for anything Scottish.

Have you ever met a Geordie? biggrin.png

Apparently, not. From what I understand, I'd have to put Geordie right up there with Scottish in terms of understandability. I'll be happy to try, though!

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For the record, a number of us (yes, I'm an American and a Texan to boot) are leaving to get away from many of the things you've talked about here. My husband and I are included in that number. I can't stand the 'Murica! attitude that has taken over and I don't feel like things are going to get any better anytime soon. I'd rather move overseas and watch from afar. That being said, I'm not giving up my US citizenship either. whistling.gif

As far as accents go:

Aussie - I'm good. I can understand you even when I'm half lit.

British - It takes me about 5 minutes to adjust to your cadence. I'm good after that.

Scottish - No hope. I need a translator. I still love to listen to you, though. I'm a sucker for anything Scottish.

Have you ever met a Geordie? biggrin.png

Apparently, not. From what I understand, I'd have to put Geordie right up there with Scottish in terms of understandability. I'll be happy to try, though!

Ha! Yep, I'm screwed. I'll need a whole new dictionary for that one. cheesy.gif

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For the record, a number of us (yes, I'm an American and a Texan to boot) are leaving to get away from many of the things you've talked about here. My husband and I are included in that number. I can't stand the 'Murica! attitude that has taken over and I don't feel like things are going to get any better anytime soon. I'd rather move overseas and watch from afar. That being said, I'm not giving up my US citizenship either. whistling.gif

As far as accents go:

Aussie - I'm good. I can understand you even when I'm half lit.

British - It takes me about 5 minutes to adjust to your cadence. I'm good after that.

Scottish - No hope. I need a translator. I still love to listen to you, though. I'm a sucker for anything Scottish.

"Scottish - No hope. I need a translator"

Same for us English.

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It's the old mistake of blaming the people who LIVE in a country for the misdeeds of its government. I am American but I have noticed that most of the population is completely oblivious to the rest of the world. Also, FAR too many Americans believe in the insane policies of the Republican Party, which seem like medieval feudalism to much of the rest of the civilized world.

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Ah, don't worry too much about the negativity. Do the "fake smile" and move on. I have been involved in some arguments, and I like to do the "let's talk about the person, not the country." Then you find out they have never graduated college, kids in BKK, and are really just mad at their own life. They love saying "All Americans are fat," except I'm not. quite fit, actually. But you can't win when people hear about the USA 24/7. The Fed, obesity, big brother, etc.....but when your country's GDP is 17 trillion......well, imagine if USA collapsed like so many people want. Trust me, they will be in an even worse position....and we get blamed again. coffee1.gif

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I have had many American friends and relatives. I often like Americans as individuals.

American attitudes that come from many articles and expressions from Americans; 1. "the whole world wants to be like America."

2. America must police the world and bring it in line with American desires.

3. all the world should knuckle under to the wants of America.

4. Patriotism is paramount in America and if you do not have an American flag to wave , you should have.

5. Guns and violence are a right in America

I lived 4 years in America and observed many bizarre people and events.

I am sure i would like you as a very good person but that would not change my view of the American system. My view of America should not colour my view of you. I believe all people are good until they prove otherwise.

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IMHO, Ex-Pat Americans who live outside the country and bemoan the policies of your government should go back, and change it.

While you're at it, you should renounce whatever Social Security is paying you, since you feel that the underprivileged should have it.

Europeans have some right to moan as their privileged position was taken from them by "arrogant and brash" Americans that bailed them out of two World Wars.

Don't worry though, BHO and his ilk will soon enough turn the USA into the same cess pit that many tried to escape from in the first place.

Luckily enough, it won't happen in my lifetime.

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I will say i have no problem with folks from the usa, i am in a online clan which is manly folks from the usa .The oldest is 70 and the youngest is 19 and we are always talking the piss out of each other, i say they are mad with how they are about guns and they say i am mad not undertand them for wanting them lol. i did have a funny experience with a m8 from the usa the other night who is in our clan and is 25 years old.We was talking about the iraq war, and he did not even know that the uk, had fought along side the usa in it.

I was shocked to tell you the truth , and he was shocked to that he did not know .I said how come you did not know even know England was fighting along side the usa.And all he said was, all he would ever see on the news was about the usa troops and nothing else.

So he had no idea that the uk, was there to with the usa.To me that does say alot .And i have read some post , where folks are saying that the usa is there to always help people out of trouble.Tell that to the 170000 Syrian who have been killed by Butcher bashar.Just like how the usa backs a zionist terroist apartheid state.

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Most Americans that I have met are ok because they have travelled and know a little more about the World than those that haven't.. Generally, Americans get a bad wrap as they seem to think they are world Champions of everything, they seem to think that they are the centre of the world, They have crazy Gun Laws. They say that everyone in the Armed Forces are heroes (Even if they have a desk job), the think they are the worlds policeman....always sticking their noses in other countries affairs, The claim to have the worlds most best equipped armed forces, but haven't won a war since 1945 (Can't count Grenada), they are the only modern Country in the World that hasn't gone Metric. they have tried to create their own language by bastardising English. I am sure there are many more reasons why people have the attitude that you have noticed.

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I don't have time to go into it deeply, but a lot of it also goes back to the arrogant notion of 'American exceptionalism' (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_exceptionalism), the idea that the US is somehow a superior nation and is therefore exempt from norms and restrictions that apply to other nations. This idea gets fed into American kids' brains at school and it suffuses the culture. I moved from Australia to Canada in my teens, and lived a half-hour drive from the US border, so most of my TV was American (back in the days before cable). As a 'foreigner' of sorts, I saw it for myself everyday ... I just didn't get the propaganda at school as well. For a lot of Americans, history started in 1776 (and a lot gets skipped...don't ever mention the contributions of the USSR or British Commonwealth to ending WWII!) and the world ends at their borders. This 'exceptionalism' and blinkered worldview can be infuriating to people from other countries, and that's why you get a lot of anti-American feeling in a lot of places. Of course, these same Americans reinforce the impression by responding that "those people are just jealous of us"...

p.s. yes, I am very well aware that the above does not apply to a large proportion of Americans - two of my closest American friends in this part of the world would even agree with what I've written, perhaps because they've lived away from the 'bubble' for so long

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For a lot of Americans, history started in 1776 (and a lot gets skipped...don't ever mention the contributions of the USSR or British Commonwealth to ending WWII!)...

I mentioned it once, but I think I got away with it.

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