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Is The Stickman Right?


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Getting back to the original question - it is true that the average Thai on the street has little interest in discussing politics.

Not in my experience.

I'd honestly say the average Thai in the street has more interest in discussing politics than your Joe Six-Pak southern redneck NASCAR fan. So it really boils down to compared to what?

Well Boon Mee, in my experience I'd say that a lot of Thais do not have access to political news that is not government controlled and thereby worthless. Most Thais are aware of the big issues e.g. Sondhi Vs Thaksin, but ask them about the background of the airport scanner scandal and you'd get a blank stare.

I'm not saying that Thais are totally unaware or unwilling to dicuss politics but I think the average Thai is disinterested or shallow in their view. I'm not counting political science students as part of this "average" BTW.

Your quote on Americans is irrelevant since you are identifying a particular class, whereas I identified the average Thai on the street.

I don't mean that to sound unkind , it's just true. By the same vein, I would say the average Brit is overly politically correct, a shackle the average Thai does not have.

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, I would say the average Brit is overly politically correct, a shackle the average Thai does not have.

As a brit I can tell you that most are not overly PC, just that we are made to feel so embarassed to be British, or not even British but English. Every one can poke fun at us but woe betide any English man who dare disparage another country even in jest.

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i know one older thai man who speaks good english & he is very passionate about thai politics & where the country is going.so much so in fact that i try not to bring the subject up in case he blows a gasket.he is embarrassed about what the outside world think about the running of his country.

he may be unusual though.

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Just so people can form an opinion on the “enlightened” Stickman’s view of the World I am quoting 2 readers submissions as well as the comment Stickman made to them. The views he are promoting are deeply degrading and frankly untrue. I find it hard to believe that reasonably educated and critical people can respect this guy.
To put it plainly, these girls are toys. Play with the toy until you get bored with it. Then throw it away and find another one to play with. Simple advice, easy to follow, and you will enjoy everything Thailand has to offer without the suffering.

Stickman's thoughts:

An excellent submission, excellent story, and excellent advice.

the way they look at the females is different. They are raised, educated (if possible), clothed, and groomed to snare the richest man possible and bring the most money back to the family both in the way of sin sot, monthly allowances, and “face” or enhanced community position. Female children are property first, family second. The goal is for the daughter to bring in as much in the way of money as they can and that is that. Farangs are like hitting the lotto and in most cases will never be accepted as “family” because they’re simply not Thai, so many families and indeed entire communities will participate in elaborate charades to milk the farang for as much as the cow can give, all the while knowing the Thai lady will end up dumping him when she gets what she can and then moving on to another victim. This might be another farang, but eventually it will be another Thai man who the family and village will accept despite that her dealings / marriages / affairs with farangs lower her status as a person in the process.

Stickman's thoughts:

This doctor of yours sounds seriously cool. I loved what she said about the sin sot. She sounds really switched on.

I am dissapointed no one has pointed out what to me seems pretty obvious.

Stickman is being ironic, sarcastic. He means the exact opposite. He is in fact expressing contempt of the views expressed by his correspondents.

I don't agree with all he writes but he is, in my view, the most articulate commentator on Thailand. I find his views well thought and genuinely held. I find his articles do give a balanced and insightful view of Thai life, although I would prefer more of his insight and less commentary on night life.

Edited by diddlysquat
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, I would say the average Brit is overly politically correct, a shackle the average Thai does not have.

As a brit I can tell you that most are not overly PC, just that we are made to feel so embarassed to be British, or not even British but English. Every one can poke fun at us but woe betide any English man who dare disparage another country even in jest.

I'm British too mate. The point I was making is that Thais exercise freedom to say what they think of people - fat, short, tall , fat, thin, white, black or pink. In England we are told that referring to anyone who isn't white, hetrosexual, and of English ancestory is insulting and prejudiced. OK maybe I'm overdoing it here but I hope you get my drift.

In fact this point was only secondary to try and show that my opinions about Thai politics were not biased in any way.

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The point I was making is that Thais exercise freedom to say what they think of people - fat, short, tall , fat, thin, white, black or pink. In England we are told that referring to anyone who isn't white, hetrosexual, and of English ancestory is insulting and prejudiced. OK maybe I'm overdoing it here but I hope you get my drift.

Indeed. Because for the Thai being PC means being too sh*t scared to express an opinion about the government (until now maybe) or the police or the local politicians or cr*p school teachers or the corrupt village boss or even the repugnant next door neighbour, or anything that matters. Except maybe what they think of the farang. They will say that openly provided your back is turned!

As for the English being overly PC. In public yes. In private we are as racist, sexist as ever. And thank God for that. It is our belief that we are superior that gives us the moral courage to fight for what we think is right. If we read a woman has been killed or maimed do we not feel more outraged than if it were a man? Yes. Because we are sexist.

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Just so people can form an opinion on the “enlightened” Stickman’s view of the World I am quoting 2 readers submissions as well as the comment Stickman made to them. The views he are promoting are deeply degrading and frankly untrue. I find it hard to believe that reasonably educated and critical people can respect this guy.

To put it plainly, these girls are toys. Play with the toy until you get bored with it. Then throw it away and find another one to play with. Simple advice, easy to follow, and you will enjoy everything Thailand has to offer without the suffering.

Stickman's thoughts:

An excellent submission, excellent story, and excellent advice.

the way they look at the females is different. They are raised, educated (if possible), clothed, and groomed to snare the richest man possible and bring the most money back to the family both in the way of sin sot, monthly allowances, and “face” or enhanced community position. Female children are property first, family second. The goal is for the daughter to bring in as much in the way of money as they can and that is that. Farangs are like hitting the lotto and in most cases will never be accepted as “family” because they’re simply not Thai, so many families and indeed entire communities will participate in elaborate charades to milk the farang for as much as the cow can give, all the while knowing the Thai lady will end up dumping him when she gets what she can and then moving on to another victim. This might be another farang, but eventually it will be another Thai man who the family and village will accept despite that her dealings / marriages / affairs with farangs lower her status as a person in the process.

Stickman's thoughts:

This doctor of yours sounds seriously cool. I loved what she said about the sin sot. She sounds really switched on.

I am dissapointed no one has pointed out what to me seems pretty obvious.

Stickman is being ironic, sarcastic. He means the exact opposite. He is in fact expressing contempt of the views expressed by his correspondents.

I don't agree with all he writes but he is, in my view, the most articulate commentator on Thailand. I find his views well thought and genuinely held. I find his articles do give a balanced and insightful view of Thai life, although I would prefer more of his insight and less commentary on night life.

Man, he is NOT being sarcastic or ironic - of that I am 100% sure. Go read his site again and see how consistent his ideas are - they do not actually clash with his own commentaries.

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I still say that you took these quotes out of context.

Stickman is happily married to a Thai woman and this is not how he thinks. :o

How are they out of context?

You have the full post and Stickmans reply. Seems perfectly in context to me. :D

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I can't see how Mr. Stick is being ironic in his comments, and his opinions do hold together as consistent. Nor do I see what offense people take from them. I can agree that the negative experiences are not representative of all people and all social stratas of Thailand. Still, it seems to me just a bunch of guys doing a fair job of expressing themselves - no positive opinions or negative have been avoided. Fact is that all those experiences happened to all those guys - for whatever reason - and the writing is just what guys do to make some sense of it and share and get feedback.

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I still say that you took these quotes out of context.

Stickman is happily married to a Thai woman and this is not how he thinks. :D

How are they out of context?

You have the full post and Stickmans reply. Seems perfectly in context to me. :D

Are these the "full" posts? There is no way to know from what we are seeing.

I would need to see the actual post that these quotes came from to give you an answer, however there is no link to it.

I've never seen Stickman express this opinion, in this way, so I am very skeptical. :o

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stickman is just another person expressing his opinion. no big deal. there are a lot of websites

doing that.

personally, I would rather read some of christoper's books then read stickman. but then, this is just me.

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stickman is just another person expressing his opinion. no big deal. there are a lot of websites

doing that.

personally, I would rather read some of christoper's books then read stickman. but then, this is just me.

Not forgetting the most important of all, my signature :o:D:D

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