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Ex-Deputy House Speaker yet to surrender after Thai arrest warrant issued


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Ex-Deputy House Speaker yet to surrender after arrest warrant issued
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BANGKOK, July 25 -- Thailand's former Deputy House speaker Col Apiwan Wiriyachai has not surrendered in response to a warrant for his arrest for lese majeste.

Pol Gen Somyot Poompanmoung, deputy police chief, said Col Aiwan Wiriyachai, former deputy House speaker and former member of the Pheu Thai Party, had not contacted police to surrender after the Criminal Court approved a warrant for his arrest yesterday.

Police sought the warrant after receiving a complaint against Col Apiwan's alleged lese majeste speech in a red shirt demonstration in Phetchaburi on January 29, 2011.

Gen Somyot said that the National Council for Peace and Order prohibited Col Apiwan from leaving the country and police would take legal action if they found him.

Today the Min Buri Court issued warrants for the arrest of two people suspected of murdering red shirt activist Kamol Duangphasook.

Also known as Mainueng Kor Kuntee, Mr Kamol was shot to death at a restaurant on Kaset-Nawamin Road last April.

Police identified both suspects from surveillance camera footage. One was the gunman and the other drove the motorcycle.

Police suspected Mr Kamol of being involved with war weapons used in unrest incidents in Bangkok. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2014-07-25

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An arrest warrant has been issued and they are waiting for him to surrender, any chance the authorities will be proactive and try to find him ?

Another telling point, the article reads the police will take legal action IF they find him and when it comes to the BIB that can be a very big if indeed.

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If you journey back in time to PTP days ,this character would not be in this position , however world standards need to be brought up to date in many area's in Thai life, dated idea's don't make for a lively debate in a democracy .I'll take my chance on this one.coffee1.gif

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Isn't this the guy who has had an increase in wealth of over 500 million baht in 18 months?

Or was that the ex-leading speaker of the house?

He will probably be at Thaksin's party along with a decent sized handful of PTP and UDD subordinates that are not on the Junta travel watch.

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I'm not sure why they have such a hard-on for this ex duputy house speaker? To my mind his predecessor that was caught having his secretary transfer huge sums of money to the red Bkk bomber is more serious. It was an organized terror campaign paid by a PTP bigwig using a bank inside parliament.

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Though I am a big fan of what the military is doing (anti corruption, against the usual mafia, beach clean ups, etc etc), it is starting to look like more of a witch hunt and pay-back time, rather than "rule of law". coffee1.gif

I tend to think the same.

The junta seems to be able to solve crimes with ease, something the police couldn't do during Yingluck's tenure.

I've always held the view that a significant number of people 'in the know' from both sides are aware of exactly who is behind any number of crimes from both sides of the political spectrum.

To learn that Kuntee, previously well respected as a poet and anti-les maj campaigner, is now involved with the more extremist wing of the red shirts, comes as a surprise.

Surely some of the other more outspoken redshirt leaders must have close ties to the extremists as well. Will they be named and arrested?

During the previous coup, there was a spate of bomb blasts in Bangkok, killing and injuring several people. At the time, the military blamed the red shirts, but many people suggested the military was behind the blasts to reinforce the need for the coup. We never found out who was responsible.

During the recent occupation, the nightly attacks were often claimed to be the work of Suthep, as a means to provoke the army taking control.

Those attacks did eventually force the hand of the army.

Even the most cynical, anti-establishment supporters must be concerned as the evidence piles up against the red shirts(or at least a part of the movement) as being little more than a terrorist group. In fact, the claims made by the Suthep supporters is being proven true as each day passes.

I hope that the courts are able to do their job with the prosecution of the murderers and their accomplices. We might get closer to truth if they do.

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Three and half years after the alleged lese majeste, the most strictly enforced law in thailand, made during a public speach, is no more than a political vendetta on a high rank elected politician by self-appointed new rulers. Where this reconciliation and happiness will end up?

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I see in more than a few of the violence cases, (Aside from the main suspects)the only evidence is he said she said under interrogation. The police have had trouble in the past to arrest gang's and mafia chief's because many of them were connected (Allegedly )With the army. Like the 5 tigers of lotto and the deforestation problems. Lot of cleaning up needed by both sides

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Is there a statute of limitations on how long it takes to apply for an arrest warrant?

I would have thought it would be better to issue an arrest warrant as soon as all the information has been gathered and witnesses interviewed.

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Though I am a big fan of what the military is doing (anti corruption, against the usual mafia, beach clean ups, etc etc), it is starting to look like more of a witch hunt and pay-back time, rather than "rule of law". coffee1.gif

So you disagree with the Army enforcing the law when it comes to PTP members?

They are simply getting down to the smaller things that need fixing.

The LJ laws may not be popular with people who want a Democracy

but they are by no means a real issue in the matter.

Corruption lying and just plain ignoring the wishes of the people are

far and away more important issues in bringing Democracy to Thailand.

One other point to be considered is that in Thailand far and away the

population agrees with these laws. It is more the idealists

who have no grip on the reality that are making an issue of it.

Edited by northernjohn
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Though I am a big fan of what the military is doing (anti corruption, against the usual mafia, beach clean ups, etc etc), it is starting to look like more of a witch hunt and pay-back time, rather than "rule of law". coffee1.gif

I tend to think the same.

The junta seems to be able to solve crimes with ease, something the police couldn't do during Yingluck's tenure.

I've always held the view that a significant number of people 'in the know' from both sides are aware of exactly who is behind any number of crimes from both sides of the political spectrum.

To learn that Kuntee, previously well respected as a poet and anti-les maj campaigner, is now involved with the more extremist wing of the red shirts, comes as a surprise.

Surely some of the other more outspoken redshirt leaders must have close ties to the extremists as well. Will they be named and arrested?

During the previous coup, there was a spate of bomb blasts in Bangkok, killing and injuring several people. At the time, the military blamed the red shirts, but many people suggested the military was behind the blasts to reinforce the need for the coup. We never found out who was responsible.

During the recent occupation, the nightly attacks were often claimed to be the work of Suthep, as a means to provoke the army taking control.

Those attacks did eventually force the hand of the army.

Even the most cynical, anti-establishment supporters must be concerned as the evidence piles up against the red shirts(or at least a part of the movement) as being little more than a terrorist group. In fact, the claims made by the Suthep supporters is being proven true as each day passes.

I hope that the courts are able to do their job with the prosecution of the murderers and their accomplices. We might get closer to truth if they do.

The source of the bombing was described in Wikileaks. The bombings were courtesy of Dr. T. The government negotiated with him to return some of the millions of baht confiscated. They agreed on several hundred million, and the bombings stopped on the very next day.

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Three and half years after the alleged lese majeste, the most strictly enforced law in thailand, made during a public speach, is no more than a political vendetta on a high rank elected politician by self-appointed new rulers. Where this reconciliation and happiness will end up?

The guy ought to have thought about that instead of shouting his mouth off in public. Again "elected" does not qualify you to flout the law, as in PTP case for instance. I like these "vendettas" no matter who they target, it has a habit that reminds these "elected " people how to operate for the good of Thailand.

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In january 2011 it was still abhisit and suthep running the country, the winning elections for the reds was later on, in april. So they had a chance to prosecute. Also it's already over 2 months after the coup. The cąses of LM are prosecuted on the spot or fairly quickly, within days of being commited.

This case might indicate, that's the charges might be trumped up, fabricated and wouldn't hold up in a civilian court. The court martial, under which he now will be prosecuted is completely a different matter, with closed doors and no right to appeal. Also a gagged up press won't be able to report his defence, as it would breach the law

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In january 2011 it was still abhisit and suthep running the country, the winning elections for the reds was later on, in april. So they had a chance to prosecute. Also it's already over 2 months after the coup. The cąses of LM are prosecuted on the spot or fairly quickly, within days of being commited.

This case might indicate, that's the charges might be trumped up, fabricated and wouldn't hold up in a civilian court. The court martial, under which he now will be prosecuted is completely a different matter, with closed doors and no right to appeal. Also a gagged up press won't be able to report his defence, as it would breach the law

A slightly biased post. Abhisit-coup-trumped up-Suthep-fabricated-court martial-closed doors- no right to appeal-gagged press. You give me and idea that you do not like to be without PTP.??? or what else is it ???

Even if there is a time lapse, get them all, no stones unturned.

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No, it's just a hatred of injustice and shutting the free speech

If you mentioned about Thaksins press gags and his TV channels just for promotion, running through to PTP rushing through bills in parliament without air time-and no question time on TV with opposition and Yingluck, and her dodging every debate in the house possible.

You talk about injustice NOW ??

Funny how all the alleged charges that are happening, with a thrown out undemocratic government elected to serve Thailand, suppose all the guilty parties the charges are politically motivated -Thaksins excuse for his exploits.

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Though I am a big fan of what the military is doing (anti corruption, against the usual mafia, beach clean ups, etc etc), it is starting to look like more of a witch hunt and pay-back time, rather than "rule of law". coffee1.gif

When you go hunting witches, it is going to look like a witch hunt.

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The cąses of LM are prosecuted on the spot or fairly quickly, within days of being commited.

This case might indicate, that's the charges might be trumped up, fabricated and wouldn't hold up

On 29 January, a person filed a lèse majesté complaint with the police, accusing Apiwan of giving lèse majesté speeches on 29 January 2011 at a red-shirt rally in the lower northern province


Deputy National Police chief Pol General Somyot Poompanmoung said yesterday that the authorities had evidence in the form of an audio recording of Apiwan's speech on January 29, 2011, in Phetchaburi province.

The complaint against Apiwan had not been lodged earlier for fear of the elected Pheu Thai-led government's power, he said.


So exactly 3 years after the offence somobody lodges a complain in a serious offence together with an evidence. Nobody does nothing about it for over 6 months untill general somyot wakes up claiming, that he was scared of an elected government. It's all smoke and screen, trying to cover the fact, that apiwan did not say anything against lesse majeste. It's suthep and aphisit who are charged with the killings, they are not royals
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Though I am a big fan of what the military is doing (anti corruption, against the usual mafia, beach clean ups, etc etc), it is starting to look like more of a witch hunt and pay-back time, rather than "rule of law". coffee1.gif

Or there is a huge back log the DSI never even started on because they were in Thaksin pocket early on.

When looking at a predominantly corrupt system, the likelihood many players will be called, for cause, is logical.

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