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TAT ready to kick off 'Thailand Happiness Street Festival'


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100,000 people from across the globe will watch? 555555

Does anyone even know about it? Who is performing? They can't even say. This thing was put together so quick, how do they expect to have garnered any interest from the real world?

-*I typed this myself*-

No you missed a few zero's.

"The festival will be broadcast live on www.youtube.com/thailand and is expected to attract no less than 100 million viewers across the globe".

But maybe that in itself is a poor translation from the original Thai.

"Never let the facts get in the way of a good story" Rupert Murdock.

You're right, thanks. Well then. Deserves even more 55555555555555!!

-*I typed this myself*-

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There are a number of Youtube videos that come up with the 'Thailand Happiness street festival' search. Viewers at the moment: 50, 69, 275, 59, 6, 484, 86, 0, 486, 33, 5, 70, 38, 2045, 103, 696, 500, 44, 20, 45, 40, 51, 21, 18, 37, 13, 12, 3618, 52, 43, 102, etc, etc. I don't know which might be considered an 'official' video but you get the idea. Do these people rally think they are fooling anyone? From day one the whole thing has been all smoke and mirrors.

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