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Ever encounter any supernatural in Thailand?


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Not want to go into detail but on my very first day in Thailand i had a startling telepathy/ mind reading episode...

This is the rub. What's supernatural and what's naturally normal, but highly unusual for us daily? Just reading the posts here recalls that people who adamantly reject the unseen world are the ones least likely to experience "supernatural" events. Of course this then is self reinforcing as it always others who say this, or that. The evidence is beyond dispute, especially regarding current metadata studies, that something is going on regarding telepathy/clairvoyance.

Example: approx 15 years ago researchers set up RNG (Random Number Generators), hosted around the world by various institutions. These devices spit out... Right! Random numbers in a steady, predictable pattern. The study was set up to determine if major events which rapt the attention regionally or globally impacted the RNG. The first up was 9/11. There were stunning changes on the order of billions to one that the change in the RNG was chance. This and numerous other studies, that have been repeated and metadata analyzed over hundreds of disparate studies, indicate that "yes" telepathy exists.

You can share your story. These cantankerous old narrow minded geezers on TV are on the wrong side of science and history.

PS: Yes, I can cite many studies!

I send you my story telepathically, but I did not hear back from you. Did you not like it?

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I had a massive cobra in my house. It slithered in while I was sitting on the couch and went under my legs. Lucky they were up on the coffee table. The Thais said this was very lucky. My life in Thailand fell apart weeks after. It was like a sign something ugly and venomous was entering my home.

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I personally had a kind of out-of-body experience...as the Thai female I escorted to the condo door...grabbed a butch knife and proceeded to try to disembowel me...lucky for me...I returned to my body before any serious damage was done...I always wondered...that if I had strangled that attacker to death...while I was out of body...could I have been in trouble...

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Yes in Prachuap Kiri Khan. Apparently a lot of people died there in WWII I think. Sitting on my bed at 6pm after a day at the beach I hear a child wailing which was prevalent throughout the hotel. I could be wrong but it didn't sound like it came from any particular room more like over a loudspeaker. The TGF also felt a strange presence there a few years back when we first visited this lovely town. RIP to all who died there.

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I used to have argument upon argument with my coke addicted staunch atheist room mate in the UK. "Show me the evidence" he would say. Take a look around you, does all of this look like an accident? Yes I believe in evolution but religion aside how on earth did all this start? how could it just happen? Nano seconds before this supposed "Big Bang" where was that? because there had to be somewhere for the big bang to take place. Someone had to (I like to say) "Light the pilot light". There simply has to be a creator. Look up into the sky we are just one planet, its endless out there, look at how it all falls into place and works perfectly you recon this just "Happened" and no greater power is responsible?

Mankind is still very much at an elementary stage of its development. Continuously fighting and killing each other to no end. Nothing is black and white and there may not be the hard evidence you want to see as it may be in another form.

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I used to have argument upon argument with my coke addicted staunch atheist room mate in the UK. "Show me the evidence" he would say. Take a look around you, does all of this look like an accident? Yes I believe in evolution but religion aside how on earth did all this start? how could it just happen? Nano seconds before this supposed "Big Bang" where was that? because there had to be somewhere for the big bang to take place. Someone had to (I like to say) "Light the pilot light". There simply has to be a creator. Look up into the sky we are just one planet, its endless out there, look at how it all falls into place and works perfectly you recon this just "Happened" and no greater power is responsible?

Mankind is still very much at an elementary stage of its development. Continuously fighting and killing each other to no end. Nothing is black and white and there may not be the hard evidence you want to see as it may be in another form.

the big bang wasnt the start of everything. where did this supposed creator come from? how could it just happen?

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I used to have argument upon argument with my coke addicted staunch atheist room mate in the UK. "Show me the evidence" he would say. Take a look around you, does all of this look like an accident? Yes I believe in evolution but religion aside how on earth did all this start? how could it just happen? Nano seconds before this supposed "Big Bang" where was that? because there had to be somewhere for the big bang to take place. Someone had to (I like to say) "Light the pilot light". There simply has to be a creator. Look up into the sky we are just one planet, its endless out there, look at how it all falls into place and works perfectly you recon this just "Happened" and no greater power is responsible?

Mankind is still very much at an elementary stage of its development. Continuously fighting and killing each other to no end. Nothing is black and white and there may not be the hard evidence you want to see as it may be in another form.

the big bang wasnt the start of everything. where did this supposed creator come from? how could it just happen?

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Not yet, but I hear stories all the time from the Thai people. Most recent was the story of 3 story house that had a ghost that got angry with some labours that were living there because they were pissing all over the house and not taking very good care of the property, these people said the ghost told them to leave or they would die, there were about 15-20 of then living there at the time. So one left to go to the hospital, found out he had cancer, the other 2 were killed in a auto accident, after that they all left the house. And now there is someone new moving in, I ask the people who live next door, don't you want to warn them about the ghost, they say no, maybe the new lady will take better care of the house and the ghost won't mind her living there. I have heard that you can hire the monks to chase the ghost out of the house. In my neighbourhood I have seen many homes that were being bought or rented by Thai people, that have had a few monks perform a ceremony before they move in. I hope the grammar Nazi does not read my post.

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My first house here had a spirit. We would hear noises that sounded like a party going on down stairs but no one was down there. The sound of glasses clinking was an almost nightly occurrence. My son, his girlfriend ( who was a total disbeliever at the time ) all saw people that didn't live there, there was 2 bedrooms downstairs and one of them no one would stay in it was just really uncomfortable, even the dog and cats wouldn't go in, would sit at the door and look in but wouldn't enter. My self and son's girlfriend heard voices very clearly right next to our heads while in bed and amongst other things while in the house alone I became very nervous due to weird sounds etc, I felt someone grab my leg and felt calm as though they were comforting me ( I must say what ever was there was never scary or disruptive ) didn't take much notice or get concerned as my bedroom was well and truly impregnable ( the doors were very think with excellent locks which were locked ) In the morning my leg was a little sore and when I looked at it there was a very obvious set of bruises depicting 5 fingers in a grab pattern, before you say I did it I couldn't even trying get my hands in the position to mimic the bruise as it was from the bottom of the bed I was grabbed, I got the photos to prove it. There was defiantly something there in that house

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Not want to go into detail but on my very first day in Thailand i had a startling telepathy/ mind reading episode...

This is the rub. What's supernatural and what's naturally normal, but highly unusual for us daily? Just reading the posts here recalls that people who adamantly reject the unseen world are the ones least likely to experience "supernatural" events. Of course this then is self reinforcing as it always others who say this, or that. The evidence is beyond dispute, especially regarding current metadata studies, that something is going on regarding telepathy/clairvoyance.

Example: approx 15 years ago researchers set up RNG (Random Number Generators), hosted around the world by various institutions. These devices spit out... Right! Random numbers in a steady, predictable pattern. The study was set up to determine if major events which rapt the attention regionally or globally impacted the RNG. The first up was 9/11. There were stunning changes on the order of billions to one that the change in the RNG was chance. This and numerous other studies, that have been repeated and metadata analyzed over hundreds of disparate studies, indicate that "yes" telepathy exists.

You can share your story. These cantankerous old narrow minded geezers on TV are on the wrong side of science and history.

PS: Yes, I can cite many studies!

oh really, well present this 'evidence' for peer review, then for re-testing by other scientists, and then win the noble prize perhaps,

what rubbish there has never been one successful scientific experiment that even remotely proves this medieval mumbo jumbo,

if there is such fabulous evidence why is it not front page news,? i suppose there is a conspiracy preventing it right!!

did the enlightenment happen or am i just fooling myself?

Have you re read your poet. Besides your legitimate request for me to produce a study you sound like a buffoon, the type of person others intentionally spill drinks on. Your hardly worth my effort, clown. However, I will pull up the meta study and upload after coffee. Bitter fool.

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One day I was riding behind another motorcyclist, he indicated he was pulling over to the right, then before he did so, he looked over his shoulder to make sure it was safe to do so. In this country, I thought that was amazing, it must have been supernatural.

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One night I was awakened be the unmistakeable sound of a woman's orgasm. Not the hollywood or even porn industry fake orgasm but the sounds of the real deal. No words just "the series of sounds that everyone has heard at least once before" there is no faking that. This continued every 7-10 days for about 3 months. At first I was intrigued to see my new neighbor but never saw anyone coming or going or any sound from the condo next door. Shortly after, I saw the sale girls showing the unit for sale(rent) and was shocked to see that not only was it uninhabited but there was no furniture at all. Having not seen anyone coming or going I had some thought that security was using it as a short term love nest for the local upscale night clubs in the area. But no furniture, no bed. I lived in a corner unit with only one possible neighbor and from street level I could see the unit above me was vacant. There was only one unit this noise could be coming from. As the weekly orgasms progressed(always the same time 2:55am, exact same noise in fact). I noticed there were never any after sounds, talking, bathroom sounds,etc. nothing but silence. It occurred to me that this was a solo act, a women getting off in the same way every time. This lasted for about 12 weeks and then just stopped.

You might like to mention this to the analyst, if the dream reoccurs with such frequency and vividness.

Edited by Morakot
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A few years ago in Phetchabun I was sat on my terrace at 7.30am reading the preface to 'Gerald's Game', a Stephen KIng novel. The preface includes a map of the eastern seaboard of USA, on which is shown the 'path' of a partial eclypse of the sun which took place in 1963. I studied this for a few minutes, and then suddenly I heard a young boy at the front gate, shouting "come here quickly". I feared the worst, like a big poisonous snake or scorpion was in the road. I ran to the gate, and to my surprise the boy gave me a piece of darkened film celluloid and pointed to the sky to show me a partial eclypse of the sun!!!!!!!!!!! Needless to say, I was a bit shocked by this 'coincidence', but then I recalled a time when I was rummaging through a drawer in a cabinet and found some old photos of my girlfriends family. I had never met all her siblings and I pointed to one particular sister on a group photo (she had 3 sisters and 1 brother), and asked when she had last met her. She said she hadn't seen or spoken to her for 3 years.The very next day this sister phoned to say she had just won a new Isuzu pick-up in a raffle and she was coming to our home to visit her 'long lost' sister. Maybe just coincidences?

Sorry, I forgot to add that about 4 years after the 'eclypse' experience I was relating what happened to a friend. He looked at me in amazement and said would you believe there was another partial solar eclypse earlier this morning, of which I was totally unaware.

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I lived in a residence hotel in Chiang Mai for a couple of years that was rumored to be "haunted." One night my ex-gf brought her lovely little three year old daughter to my rooms. She had been there many times and enjoyed coming and watching cartoons on my tv. One night as she and her mother came into my front room from the hallway, (3rd floor) the little girl started screaming and pointing at one of my chairs. She was quite agitated, and tried to hide behind her mom. I asked what was the matter. She told her mother that there was an old farang lady sitting in the chair, beckoning her to come. She was OK after a couple of minutes, said the apparition had disappeared.

My current Thai wife claimed she saw someone (a woman) walk across the living room one night when she got up to go to the toilet. My only "encounter" was occasionally feeling a very cool breeze pass by me in the bedroom on a very hot night, with no AC on.

We lived later in a rental house on a quiet soi. The patriarch of the home across the street died. Everybody moved out of the house after that. My wife said she heard an old man crying in the street several times, in the early hours of morning.

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I lived in a residence hotel in Chiang Mai for a couple of years that was rumored to be "haunted." One night my ex-gf brought her lovely little three year old daughter to my rooms. She had been there many times and enjoyed coming and watching cartoons on my tv. One night as she and her mother came into my front room from the hallway, (3rd floor) the little girl started screaming and pointing at one of my chairs. She was quite agitated, and tried to hide behind her mom. I asked what was the matter. She told her mother that there was an old farang lady sitting in the chair, beckoning her to come. She was OK after a couple of minutes, said the apparition had disappeared.

My current Thai wife claimed she saw someone (a woman) walk across the living room one night when she got up to go to the toilet. My only "encounter" was occasionally feeling a very cool breeze pass by me in the bedroom on a very hot night, with no AC on.

We lived later in a rental house on a quiet soi. The patriarch of the home across the street died. Everybody moved out of the house after that. My wife said she heard an old man crying in the street several times, in the early hours of morning.

Creepy. They say children see things better than we do.

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In response to an impolite buffoon earlier, I will post a few links. However, in his defense, I revisited what I thought I knew (gleaned from books such as Dean Radkin, Institute of Noetic Sciences, and other, rather than the actual studies themselves) and realize that Metadata studies may not be received as definitive after all. As I quickly assembled some links to post here I realize that for those who cannot see, they cannot be made to see, and if metadata studies are not paraded by the larger scientific community, credibility lapses. We all know these types of people in all aspects of life: they see little because their worldview does not permit the unknown. They live safely within the confines of the unknown, keenly aware where the border of the unknown begins, and remaining safely ensconced in ignorance.

So, as far as the scientific method goes perhaps the curmudgeon from the earlier post remains correct, and significant studies are lacking. Yet these various studies do corroborate what a majority of humans believe, there is much more going on than science detects. There have been positive studies on these taboo subjects and it is wrong to say most are inconclusive. When averaged over numerous studies there is a significant greater than chance result for such things as telepathy. http://www.deanradin.com/papers/RNG%20Mason.pdf

The supernatural is really only this to the seriously religious or profoundly ignorant. For many of us the supernatural really is better described as paranormal- simply unexplained. In my life I have personally known Joe McMonagle and his wife, and Ingo Swann. These are real people, not opportunists, with real lives, family, not great wealth, but remarkable gifts that are paranormal. In depth and brilliant research by physicists Russell Targ and Harold Puthoff have more than earned the respect of peer, and review. There observations are legendary. It is a truism that the observer influences the observed and it is also reasonable that what cannot be observed is not notable. For those who consider the possibility for the existence of the paranormal no amount of data would convince them; their world view box is sealed. The following sites have links to a few studies. While possessing virtually no mainstream scientific support a number of studies have nevertheless been conducted which are at worst neutral. Some may object still but I only submit... "I am trying to be useful on TV with my thoughts and writing. I believe in such possibilities, and am only seeking to share."














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Not want to go into detail but on my very first day in Thailand i had a startling telepathy/ mind reading episode...

This is the rub. What's supernatural and what's naturally normal, but highly unusual for us daily? Just reading the posts here recalls that people who adamantly reject the unseen world are the ones least likely to experience "supernatural" events. Of course this then is self reinforcing as it always others who say this, or that. The evidence is beyond dispute, especially regarding current metadata studies, that something is going on regarding telepathy/clairvoyance.

Example: approx 15 years ago researchers set up RNG (Random Number Generators), hosted around the world by various institutions. These devices spit out... Right! Random numbers in a steady, predictable pattern. The study was set up to determine if major events which rapt the attention regionally or globally impacted the RNG. The first up was 9/11. There were stunning changes on the order of billions to one that the change in the RNG was chance. This and numerous other studies, that have been repeated and metadata analyzed over hundreds of disparate studies, indicate that "yes" telepathy exists.

You can share your story. These cantankerous old narrow minded geezers on TV are on the wrong side of science and history.

PS: Yes, I can cite many studies!

Two thing; This cantankerous old geezer is not narrow minded, and I was one to reject the unseen world, until, that is, I experienced it (so it was not a self-fullfilling prophecy)

Wifey and I often read each other's minds and we have been together less than 2 years so it's not a familiarity thing. That aside, I retold my dream experience in the ghost thread...that was very real and inexplicable.

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My own experience was quite banal and happened with a person i was "emotionally attached" to.

A friend of mine whose girl friend went alone for a holiday could tell her the exact day and time when she betrayed him... she was so perplexed that she did not even try to deny.

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Ghosts and spirits are really entrenched in the minds of the farming folk in the Isaan village that I live next to. My wife has a spirit house in the back yard where she reverently offers incense, flowers and fruit on a weekly basis insuring protection for our home and fruit trees.

She had a shaman from the village come over to see where the appropriate location for the spirit should be. He meditated for a while and then informed her that the location should be in the corner of the yard beneath a tree that has two branches that are formed in a natural way of an arch;like a portal into the beyond. The shaman said it leads to another dimension and that the spirit that lived there in the tree was very very old; an ancient war lord too.

He recommended that she not only make a plate offering to him but to have a smaller one for his army...

We have lived out here in the boonies for 4 years and it has been peaceful during this time.

The only odd incident that I have experienced is on several occasions is of being inside the house and suddenly becoming aware of a heavy tobacco odor. It tends to last about 5 minutes and then is gone. Only my wife and I live in the house. Neither of us smoke. We have experience this in the bedrooms, living room and in the room below the house.

My wife thinks it is her Father paying a visit. I used to see him making his own cigarettes; they were huge and crammed full of tobacco.

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yes. A cousin saw my mother-in-law after she died. She was looking out of an upstairs room. She appeared to a neighbour's young son and gave him three lottery numbers. I bought four tickets that week based on those numbers and they all won. About 7600 THB.

I danced a village spirit dance - not a tourist dance and felt other spirits present.

Since God is supernatural I have experienced his presence many times.

i sometimes experience that real people are present in my peripheral vision. then I look and there is no one.

An altercation with a neighbour later reviewed resulted in me believing I wrestled with the devil and won. Based on what he told me about himself if he wasn't the devil, then he must have been his brother.

If you believe that everyone and all things are a part of God, then the supernatural becomes just a part of reality and part of everyday life.

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