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Hi boys and girls in Chiang Rai who have connections in Bangkok

have a pregnant wife who is an Akha hiltribe, therefour she needs permision to travel outside the province of Chiang Rai.

I am Duch so i came to Bangkok last week to register my unborn child at the duch embassy, therefour i must legelise my paperwork at the ministry of foreign affairs.

But because she didnt have permision to travel to Bangkok they wouldnt legalize my papers and so my embassy was not able to help me on registration.

what i am asking one of you , is there someone who wants to invite us to Bangkok.Maybe someone of you has connections there.

What we need is a tapian baan (bangkok resident house book)(copy), copy id card, and another paper wich i will send to you.

Please pm me for more details.

I hope someone can help me on this, cause otherwise i cant register my child on my name.

thanks erg chiang rai :o


Jai yen yen Cousin Erg. All things come to he who waits.

I don't think you'll be off to the Happy Hunting Grounds any too soon,

and, well, it's sure to, low and behold, one day suddenly become much easier.

Bust your head against bureaucracy and it only hurts.

Try writing them a nice registered letter, in Dutch, explaining the situation.

Try asking your embassy for legal advice (then take mine and ignore it!).

I'm pretty sure, by the time the kid is 3, all will be settled to your satisfaction.

Hi boys and girls in Chiang Rai who have connections in Bangkok

have a pregnant wife who is an Akha hiltribe, therefour she needs permision to travel outside the province of Chiang Rai.

I am Duch so i came to Bangkok last week to register my unborn child at the duch embassy, therefour i must legelise my paperwork at the ministry of foreign affairs.

But because she didnt have permision to travel to Bangkok they wouldnt legalize my papers and so my embassy was not able to help me on registration.

what i am asking one of you , is there someone who wants to invite us to Bangkok.Maybe someone of you has connections there.

What we need is a tapian baan (bangkok resident house book)(copy), copy id card, and another paper wich i will send to you.

Please pm me for more details.

I hope someone can help me on this, cause otherwise i cant register my child on my name.

thanks erg chiang rai :o

Dear mr Erg,

I think you should post this in the Bangkok Forum. there are more people there that can invite you to Bangkok.

I would love to invite you everyday but then you only come 14 km from CR and that doesn't help!

Good Luck to you !


I think Erg, that your explanation of the problem is not very clear.

This might be the reason that Joel doesn't understand the essence of it and he will not be the only one who does so.

That's why he recommends that you write a letter in Dutch to the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

That's why he suggests that you still can recognize an unborn child as being your own three years after its birth.

How can he (and we) know, that if you recognize a child before it's born, it immediatly after its birth can get a Dutch passport? That it otherwise can take years?

And how many of us know that the position of most of the ethnic minorities comes close to that of an outlaw? That they are not entitled to further education, that they can not own land, that 'free' healthcare doesn't count for them, that they are not allowed to travel freely, that they are at the mercy of the arbitrariness of not directly the cream of the Thai civil service, etc. etc.

Anyhow, good luck to you and Bo (and her belly boy or girl)

Limbo :o


Thank you guys i think / hope the matter is solved.

As i can send the papers to the MFA?????

doesnt make sence i know, but the only thing i care is result.

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