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Always Makes Me Smile.


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Ok so I was walking to Tesco Lotus, doesn't matter why but Im hot and bothered and cursing tuk tuk drivers for not being around when you need one and I look up and there is this small shop with a great big sign in the window reading.


Made me smile and want to stop.

So I was wondering what's your best one?

I don't mean to offend anyone I just think its sweet.

My local restauant sells.

"Deep fired the large intestine" Again which always gets a grin. Combine that with the "French Fried." and I believe your on to a winner.

Hope no one gets offended, I admire the thai people for numerous reasons and one of them is that they make me smile.


Saw this only last week in the Bangkok Post: "Titbits"!

Saw similar typo in a pub in Singapore: "Free titbits during happy hour"! Hmmm...smack, smack!

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Saw this only last week in the Bangkok Post: "Titbits"!

Saw similar typo in a pub in Singapore: "Free titbits during happy hour"! Hmmm...smack, smack!

You find those from the Anglo-English side of the pond will tend to use "titbits", whereas those from the US are more likely to spell with a "D", tidbits. Both spellings are correct.

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House Far rent is the best one I have seen lately near the back entrance to CMU but I did see a Tuk Tuk on Sunday with a poster of his own creation on the back something to the tune of "I love farang, no. farang no. money no. money no. food no. food I die".

Yes, the periods are all in place where he had them that much I remember clearly.

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You know, a lot of those don't even register anymore.. I honestly had to think about what could be wrong about 'French Fried', especially as that's exactly how it's pronounced in Thailand. (S and the end of a word automatically becomes T/D) And besides, I think countries are allowed to spell things their way. What kind of word is 'French Fries' anyway, as it doesn't mention at all what is being fried. (thin potato sticks). The Brits at least provide some information when they talk about 'Potato Chips'. :D

But indeed there are the very fun ones.. I especially like the Ko Samui sign ("Beware of prick in front") :o



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Ok, I remembered the last time I saw a sign that made me chuckle.. Turns out it's not a case of bad English at all, just cheeky.. :o

Like we have 1-2-Call prepaid, 1-2-Go Airlines.. So what name would you pick when opening a back-soi 'Massage & Cafe' kind of place....?

Here you go: http://netasia.org/misc_pics/Massage%20Cafe.jpg

I worry though that the place might turn out to be totally legit, and the name is just a spoof of the airline.. (1-2-Go) .. :S Can anyone please go there and check? :D

Directions: When coming from the Sheraton hotel, cross the Mengrai bridge, then continue STRAIGHT into the little soi. (Bit of an iffy move to go straight there, but it IS allowed. This soi connects to Chang Klan road). It's in this soi on the left hand side. Alternatively just drive down Chang Klan until you see the pictured sign on the left. It's way past Chiang Mai Land intersection.

Edited by chanchao
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Ok, I remembered the last time I saw a sign that made me chuckle.. Turns out it's not a case of bad English at all, just cheeky.. :D

I worry though that the place might turn out to be totally legit, and the name is just a spoof of the airline.. (1-2-Go) .. :S Can anyone please go there and check? :D

Totally legit I'm afraid :o

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