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what is below the kneecap


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my kneecaps are extreme moveable. Now I was so stupid to ram a metal sheet in approx. 45 degree from vertical up under the kneecap, by falling over an old oven.

It hurts badly but just for a few seconds. From the feel of it nothing it permanent damaged. But now after 10 days, it still hurts when walking. Not very bad but annoying. It feels like something is swollen inside and blocks free movement.

What is there slightly under the kneecap on the bottom side of it?

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My rule is :

if I know what is causing it and what to do no doctor

If I do not know what it is doctor.

It doesn't feel too dangerous....just a slight pain. What causing it: the accident, need time to heal

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Have it checked to a doctor right away. There might be complications in the long run if you don't know what happened to your kneecap. For now, you can simply take pain reliever meds.

First of all I wrote it is just a slight pain. A pain reliever for just a slight pain would be wrong.

If no tendons or bones are broken it doesn't need a doctor....As FBN told it is most probably the "infrapatellar fat pad". It will heal on itself. I have a lot experience on such things I did mountain downhill running in my youth with some injury every 2 weeks......

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