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Strange--interesting Family Facts Thread

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I don't generally believe in all that destiny, fate, predetermined stuff about families, mates, friends, partners, etc. but still I find myself intrigued with my own family's cooincidences...

My baby's momma was born in April. I was born in July. April and July both always start on the same day. (nothing big I know...keep reading) We were both born on Monday.

My son was also born in April, the same animal year as his mom (dog) one day after his mom following the solar calender. He was born on Tuesday on April 11th, and will turn exactly 3 months on Tuesday, July 11th (13 weeks).

He was in her womb almost exactly 9 months which puts his conception date around the time of my birthday. In other words, conceived around my birthday, born around her birthday.

And looking at the lunar calender, I've also found another cool fact. My son was born on the 13th waxing day of the moon (2 days before full moon) and his mom was born on the fourth day of the waning moon (four days after the full moon) and I was born on the first day of the waning moon (one day after the full moon) In between the son and the mom, there are five days. I'm right in the middle of the two in that there are 2 days between my son and I's birthdays and 2 days in between my birthday and his mom's :

My son's bday (13th waxing)

14 waxing

Full moon (15 waxing)

My bday (1st waning)

2nd waning

3rd waning

Baby's momma bday (4th waning)

Well, all could be meaningless cooincidence, but then again, some super cosmos could be behind all this too ! he he. Surely you all with families have similar or even more amazing cooincidence that you'll share.

BTW, if you want to check Lunar birthdates, you can on this site : http://www.payakorn.com/moondate.php

It's in Thai, so if you can't read Thai, you might need your partner or someone else to assist. To check what your lunar birthday is, you'll need to enter your birthday in the purple form on top right (B.E. years 2006 C.E. = 2549 B.E.)


Edited by greenwanderer108
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Surely you all with families have similar or even more amazing cooincidence that you'll share.

How about this then:

I asked my cousin what his maternal granddad was called, and he replied ‘John’.

I thought that’s odd my maternal granddad is called John.

So I asked how old this granddad John was, and he replied ‘72’

I thought that’s double odd, my granddad was also 72.

Now it gets really spooky.

I told him my granddad has a blue and white stripy tea mug that holds a whole pint of Tea. My cousin said he must have bought it at the same shop as his granddad bought his full pint blue and white stripy tea pot.

And if that isn’t spooky, how about this:

He said his granddad had an old clay tobacco pipe with a red Indian shaped bowl that he found in a field. Well, so did my granddad.

And this next bit made my hair stand on end.

His mum looks just like my grandma.

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ok ok .. and my grandad looks likew your grandmother and my baby smokes a red indian clay pipe and I have had 72 Thai GFs and I have a pet hedgehog called John and he drinks from a blue and white stripy tea mug . . . . . . . . . ..

Now that is spooky!


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  • 3 weeks later...
ok ok .. and my grandad looks likew your grandmother and my baby smokes a red indian clay pipe and I have had 72 Thai GFs and I have a pet hedgehog called John and he drinks from a blue and white stripy tea mug . . . . . . . . . ..

Now that is spooky!



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