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Official Thaivisa Pattaya Meeting - Pissup

Jai Dee

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Official ThaiVisa Pattaya Pissup Attendees:

Date: 15 July 2006

Time: 7:00PM - ??????????? (last TV Member Standing)

Where: Lennies (Located at the 2nd Road end of Soi Diamond) and Blues Factory




ScoopyBoobies (arai wah! )


johnh101 :o




Jai Dee

Sunny Valentine

Game4Shame ?????




Professor Fart (Delux A Go Go Girl Package )




Pattaya Fox






Mobi D'Ark :D

raro ???????

Firefan ??

kreon ??





NINE hours to go !! :D

Edited by Kerryd
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errrmmmm....... what about last minute joiners ? :o

after unfortunatly I couldnt make it to the Phuket piss-up, it turned out that I will have to go to PTY today in the afternoon (yes, my car finally repaired at that garage there ).....

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errrmmmm....... what about last minute joiners ? :o

after unfortunatly I couldnt make it to the Phuket piss-up, it turned out that I will have to go to PTY today in the afternoon (yes, my car finally repaired at that garage there ).....

OH MY GOD.... the garage called me just now (yes its a FARANG-run business)..... they want 24.000 Baht :D I am BROKE now..... where is the Brandy ? Need a LOT of FREE DRINKS tonight.... and probably have to sleep on the streets.... or in my car :-/

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Well i hope there is loads of food, cause i am <deleted> starving, after i spent 2000 last night on dinner i need some free food :o:D

You got my fanta chilling kerry? If not i have brought my own squash, any chance i can put a bottle behind the bar and then just order water? :D:D

6 and a bit hours to go, i might even bring the little chap to lennies then take him home before we hit the BF. Bonus got the sil babysitting so we dont have to be too early home :D

See you all tonight.

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Well i hope there is loads of food, cause i am <deleted> starving, after i spent 2000 last night on dinner i need some free food :o:D

You got my fanta chilling kerry? If not i have brought my own squash, any chance i can put a bottle behind the bar and then just order water? :D:D

6 and a bit hours to go, i might even bring the little chap to lennies then take him home before we hit the BF. Bonus got the sil babysitting so we dont have to be too early home :D

See you all tonight.

Lennies i sputting on a spread of Tacos :D

and Dave is putting on a buffet as well.

As for your.....Fanta.......I'm working on filling the bottle.....uhn, little more.......squeeze......yeah, that's it.....almost there..........OK !

Bottles full and heading for the fridge ! :D

(Fanta looks like Apple Juice doesn't it ?)

4 and a bit hours to go !

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Daley, just sms you via JD.

You are welcome to sleep at our joint mate.

Monday night ok? I get back monday morn, will need to sleep but rock up moday arvo and bob is yopur uncle.

I will send the missus off to buy some seafood.

I have a 4 month old girl, nd a 2.75 year old girl, so kids are not a problem.

See you monday pal?

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Daley, just sms you via JD.

See you monday pal?

Is it Monday or Tuesday ?

Oh yeah. Party went well, though there were a few no-shows :D

I'll post a list when I'm a little more sober (and not otherwise "engaged") :o

Proper thanks to follow. Need sleep. Eyes drooping.........

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Daley, just sms you via JD.

See you monday pal?

Is it Monday or Tuesday ?

Oh yeah. Party went well, though there were a few no-shows :D

I'll post a list when I'm a little more sober (and not otherwise "engaged") :o

Proper thanks to follow. Need sleep. Eyes drooping.........

Great night, nice to meet some new faces.

Kerryd i'm sincerely sorry that i did'nt recognise you. :D

LC's mate was a nutter :D

Thanks to everyone who came and to George for his generosity.

Marty those ribs were unbelievable, we need to talk about a rib night in the club. :D

Wheres Tuky?

Edited by davethailand
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Great night and a big thank you to everybody, especially George for his very welcome contribution to the kitty!

I enjoyed trying to put nicknames to faces. At first, I was wondering if I would know anyone already from outside....like undercover members of TV.com! But no, so it was refreshing to meet you all, particularly Jai Dee, Pattaya Fox, Davethailand, AsiaWolfie, Daleyboy, Kerryd, Kurgen.....and everyone else.

Dave, the food was first class and plentiful. Thank you.

(Edit: Just getting names right!)

Edited by Artisan
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Yeah i would like to say a big thanks to Dave,Sunny and george for the food and the kitty, the wife and i both had a really good night, but man you are all alot older than i had imagined :o:D well apart from kurgen who looked like he/she should be working in Jennys :D

Me and kerry started to get abit worried when every bill started going into our pot but alas thanks to the generosity of Tv.com it was all paid for :D Thank <deleted> for that, the wife was about to batter me i think. :D

Tuky mate we will be over monday afternoon, i will give you a ring tommorrow, dont worry about accomodation thats all sorted mate, would it be ok to bring the sister in law as well? she is our current live in babysitter? As for seafood, just get me a slab of any meat, but i dont eat seafood,the wife does though :D

See ya tommorrow mate

Is that reprobate jai dee coming? You should have heard what he was saying about you last night :D and there was me thinking it was just kurgen that enjoyed THAT sort of company :D

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Top Notch nite big cheers to George for making this pissup a great success. It was superve show of how much the forum appreciates its members and least in my eyes won't be soon forgotten.

Great to finally put old names with new faces and to those I knew before great to see you all again.

Thumbs up to Sunny and Dave!!!!! :D

More commentary later date when I sort the cobwebs out me head and the shaking hands subside. :o

Edited by britmaveric
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It was a great night out, although my memory became a bit of a blur towards the end of the night. Thanks to Dave, Sunny and George.

Great to meet yous all. :D

Jasus, I'm knackered. :o

Edited by LovelyCutie
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Daley, just sms you via JD.

See you monday pal?

Is it Monday or Tuesday ?

Oh yeah. Party went well, though there were a few no-shows :D

I'll post a list when I'm a little more sober (and not otherwise "engaged") :o

Proper thanks to follow. Need sleep. Eyes drooping.........

Great night, nice to meet some new faces.

Kerryd i'm sincerely sorry that i did'nt recognise you. :D

LC's mate was a nutter :D

Thanks to everyone who came and to George for his generosity.

Marty those ribs were unbelievable, we need to talk about a rib night in the club. :D

Wheres Tuky?

nutter?? :D I know I am thank you :D

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Daley, just sms you via JD.

See you monday pal?

Is it Monday or Tuesday ?

Oh yeah. Party went well, though there were a few no-shows :D

I'll post a list when I'm a little more sober (and not otherwise "engaged") :o

Proper thanks to follow. Need sleep. Eyes drooping.........

Great night, nice to meet some new faces.

Kerryd i'm sincerely sorry that i did'nt recognise you. :D

LC's mate was a nutter :D

Thanks to everyone who came and to George for his generosity.

Marty those ribs were unbelievable, we need to talk about a rib night in the club. :D

Wheres Tuky?

nutter?? :D I know I am thank you :D

Nice to meet you anyway :D , thanks for coming :D

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Daley, just sms you via JD.

See you monday pal?

Is it Monday or Tuesday ?

Oh yeah. Party went well, though there were a few no-shows :D

I'll post a list when I'm a little more sober (and not otherwise "engaged") :o

Proper thanks to follow. Need sleep. Eyes drooping.........

Great night, nice to meet some new faces.

Kerryd i'm sincerely sorry that i did'nt recognise you. :D

LC's mate was a nutter :D

Thanks to everyone who came and to George for his generosity.

Marty those ribs were unbelievable, we need to talk about a rib night in the club. :D

Wheres Tuky?

nutter?? :D I know I am thank you :D

Nice to meet you anyway :D , thanks for coming :D

:D dadadadudadadum nice to meet you too!

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OK, going to try again to write a short report on the get together. Had the last one finished and was previewing it when my connection went down. Took T.o.T. 7 hours to get it back up again. :D

The Pissup began at Lennies of course. I arrived a few minutes before 7 to try and scarf as many free tacos as I could, (trying to make sure there'd be none left when Artisan showed up !) :D

Big Thank You to Sunny Valentine and his staff at Lennies for hosting part 1 of the pissup, and for the free booze and tacos (I only ate 6 though. Didn't want to be greedy).

Sunny Valentine was already at Lennies (naturally) when I arrived. Shortly after we were joined by Jai Dee and his better half. daleyboy and wife (minus the wee one) arrived just after Jai Dee.

We started keeping a list of names as more members arrived. How ever, I have the distinct impression that some members made an appearance and left again without anyone knowing. Therefore the list may be missing a few names.

Many conversations amongst the 2 main groups of members and, of course, at one point the spouses got together and who knows what they were discussing. :o

Although things were going well at Lennies, around 9 pm the decision was made to saunter over to the Blues Factory. We knew that davethailand had a buffet laid on, and nobody wanted to miss out on more free food !!

I almost didn't make it to Walking Street with the rest of the gang, as I was jumped by a greeter girl that I knew from another place and time. Fortunately she was less than half my size and weight, and the lure of free food gave me the willpower to escape her clutches.

(My preoccupation with food had to do with not eating all day in preparation for the evening. Needed to fill up on grub before drinking too much whiskey).

We arrived in good order at the Blues Factory to find that davethailand wasn't present, but the buffet was. Being gentlemen :D we let the ladies have first crack at the food. After watching them for a minute, we started getting worried that there wouldn't be anything left for the rest of us.

The ladies were kind, and there was plenty of food left for the rest of us. The downside was, just after loading our plates and chowing down, Buckwheat showed up with the Bar-B-Que ribs :D (I was tempted to dump my plate of food and load up on ribs, but decided that would be wasteful and in bad taste. As it was, I only had room for one yummy rib) :D

daleyboy was collecting the bins for the first round of drinks. How ever, as members ordered seconds, and more members showed up, Jai Dee was taking their "bins" and adding them to daleyboy's cup !

I ordered a round for the group and made sure the waiter knew it was to be put on my bin.

Shortly after the round (and the bin) arrived, Jai Dee was kind enough to inform us that GEORGE had contributed a sum of money to the party. That is why he had been collecting the bins in the one cup. Had us worried for a few minutes though.

I was even prepared to whip out my unofficial Thai Visa membership card and see if the staff would fall for it, but it wasn't needed (this time).

I had to sneak out a couple of times to scour the nearby bars and clubs for any members that may have gotten lost. Even had a peek in Jenny's as I was riding the escalator, no sign of kurgen though. :D

I managed to check out 6 clubs and bars, but no sign of......who ever I was looking for ?

britmaveric was doing a fine job of keeping LovelyCutie and Scoopyboobies entertained in the meantime. davethailand did make it in, along with kurgen.

Again, we tried to keep track of the various members present, but have no doubt missed a few.

I came back from one "scouting mission" to find that Jai Dee and daleyboy had snuck out with their spouses. This was around 11:30 ?

I stuck around a bit longer, until Lam Morrison finished his first song.

There were quite a few members still enjoying the atmosphere (and GEORGE's hospitality !) when I left.

Despite leaving at 11:30, I didn't actually make it home until 3 am, but that is another story.

The list of those that we know did show up (apologies to those whose names were missed):

Jai Dee




Sunny Valentine (Lennies - Thanks again for hosting the party !!)








davethailand (Blues Factory - Thanks again for hosting the party !!)

Buckwheat (Thanks for the yummy ribs. I forgot to swipe a panful as I was leaving)


Chavenoy (spelling ?)


The Bounder


I must say, some people were surprised to see the faces behind the avatars. For example, daleyboy's stomache doesn't look anything like his avatar suggests.

(He is also quite the large lad. Glad I didn't spike his Fanta or say too many nasty things about him !) :D

Even kurgen doesn't look like his avatar, surprisingly enough !

Can't think of any juicy gossip or scandals. Everyone seemed quite well behaved, though britmaveric, LovelyCutie and Scoopyboobies did seem to be spending ALOT of time together. :D

All in all, I think everyone had a good time. We really should do this kind of thing on a more regular (once a month ?) basis, instead of every 6 or more months. Wouldn't expect all the freebies (food and booze) for monthly meetings though, unless someone really wanted to provide them !

Once again, a big thanks to everyone that helped to make this happen. Nice to see you aren't all a bunch of Wan-kers ! :D

(going to save a copy of this first, then try posting it, just in case ToT pulls another stunt.)

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First and foremost, thanks to George and TV for sponsoring the get together. It was great to finally meet the folks behind the avatars.

A personal thanks to Dave, Jai Dee and Pattaya Fox for throwing out the welcome mat. I didn't know anyone before...now I do.

And finally, thanks for all the kind words about the BBQ ribs. The next pissup we'll try hickory smoked pulled pork sandwiches and mesquite smoked BBQ baked beans.

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And finally, thanks for all the kind words about the BBQ ribs. The next pissup we'll try hickory smoked pulled pork sandwiches and mesquite smoked BBQ baked beans.

Great, got me drooling already. :o

Speaking of which, mind letting the rest of us know where we could enjoy more of your fine cooking ? :D

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Nice report, Kerryd. britmaveric might report more of whatever happened after 11:30pm. My memory kind of died in the line of duty. :D

Can't think of any juicy gossip or scandals. Everyone seemed quite well behaved, though britmaveric, LovelyCutie and Scoopyboobies did seem to be spending ALOT of time together. :o

Ahh.. I kind of remember.. :D

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