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Thai police: Smart phones and digital cameras will be used to catch traffic offenders


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4000 traffic cops who earn in the region of 8000 baht a month all have smart phones..... I don't about others here but when I want to take a photo from my phone the car jumping the lights would be gone before I even got the phone out of my pocket!

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'The deputy commissioner disclosed that he would prefer a road space being spared at traffic lights for motorcycles to stop in front of cars rather than being squeezed between rows of cars but that could not be made possible because it was against international regulation.'


??? Where's this guy been hiding? Motorcycles stop in front of the cars all the time, en masse, and invariably present a major obstruction to pedestrians trying to cross the road. It's often like a bloody mini assault course.

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4000 traffic cops who earn in the region of 8000 baht a month all have smart phones..... I don't about others here but when I want to take a photo from my phone the car jumping the lights would be gone before I even got the phone out of my pocket!

Well at least there is one smart feature to hand.

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hawker9000, on 31 Jul 2014 - 12:24, said:hawker9000, on 31 Jul 2014 - 12:24, said:


Rorri, on 31 Jul 2014 - 12:16, said:Rorri, on 31 Jul 2014 - 12:16, said:


Spoonman, on 31 Jul 2014 - 08:07, said:Spoonman, on 31 Jul 2014 - 08:07, said:Spoonman, on 31 Jul 2014 - 08:07, said:

Yeah cant see them putting their call on hold to take a picture to be honest.

To be effective they would need the camera "on" permanently, as it normally takes a few seconds to open the camera, by then the offender will be gone, Leaving it on will then drain the battery very quickly, which means the smartphone will need to be on charge, therefore taking even longer to take a photo, once again, then offender will be gone. Looks like the "smartphone" is smarter than the police.



I'm guessing all they'll need most of the time is a photo of the vehicle & plate - not an actual photo or video record of the violation (which I'd think really would be hard to do most of the time if we're talking about moving violations).  The officer just saying so will cover that part of it

Are you suggesting they need to stop the vehicle first...lol...good luck on that happening, that's not how the story goes. If they "stop" the offender, then they can ticket them immediately.



Nope.  I'm suggesting that merely photographing a vehicle, whipping up a violation out of thin air, and then sending the ticket in the mail, which is how I interpret this panning out, is ridiculous.  This whole idea is not a reasonable alternative to actual traffic enforcement.  It's a "shortcut" and a recipe for corruption - as if another one were needed...   (I concede however that stopping a vehicle and then having the officer make up whatever infraction he can think of on the spot at least allows the driver to confront the officer in real time.)


If officers have something to cite, let them stop the vehicle and check the blocks.

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Digital photos and videos are so easy to edit now... The technology exists to edit a person, etc from a live tv broadcast... So, what does this mean? Video and photo 'evidence', can be refuted. Take it to court and ask the camera to take the stand, since in reality, its the camera doing the accusing, not the officer, remembering that cameras cant swear an oath, reason, talk or anything else.. This was done once in the UK and the magistrate dismissed the case... told the defendant to put his smarts to good use... its a game of wits...

There is not a law in this country that says a human being cant board a privately owned automobile and travel from point A to point B in whatever fashion I deem necessary. Providing I don't cause harm or loss, I have broken NO laws...


I assert my inalienable rights with love and respect when dealing with government agents (cops) when back in Australia (and escape without fines) but language barriers here prevent such discussions...


So what do I do when stopped by the boys in brown here in Thailand?? I call my English mate whose been living here for 18 yrs and speaks fluent thai.. He gets on the blower, tells the bewildered officer he is my lawyer and I've been stopped unlawfully. (I've educated my friend on some very powerful points of Law in regards to common law rights, traffic stops, fines, taxation, etc.)... The conversation ends in smiles (albeit usually a front to hide the embarrassment and frustration of having to let me go)..as I ride or drive off into the sunset...


Before anyone starts preaching their moral positioning on my perfectly lawful behaviour and attitude, I suggest you pick up a few books and start reading and familiarize yourself with some facts of law..


And don't come at me with arguments about governments using fines etc as a valid attempt to reduce carnage on the roads...and that i should pay fines for speeding etc, when speeding is not breaking the law..... or being without a license (something else I have no obligation to beg for either)


Actually, how about people commence some long overdue Due Diligence?? Start by learning the difference between a Law and an Act or Statute...since they are not the same thing, and carry very different obligations and liabilities.


Lesson 1. Traffic Laws are not laws at all.. They are Government created Acts which rest upon a foundation of consent that can be revoked any time you see fit (providing you know how).


There are only 3 ways to break the LAW and you all knew 2 of them by the age of 3.


Anyone care to guess what they are??

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This announcement will shortly be followed by a budget request to buy new Apple iPhone5's and Samsung S5's for all policemen and to replace those phones annually when the new models come out.   Oh yea, an unlimited use mobile data plan/unlimited phone minutes to go along with the new phones is also required so the pictures/videos can be transmitted to HQ databases and the policemen to call-in violations.   Good law enforcement costs money you know.   Just realign funds from the cancelled school tablets program to fully fund the BIB request.

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