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monthly rental in ko phangan? what can i expect to get?

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hi guys, new here..


Just split with my girlfriend and have decided to come to Thailand at the end of the year to clear her out of my head, and ko phangan looks to be the destination.



what sort of place can i get for my money? 1 bedroom with kitchen & fridge freezer & internet, shower is all i need.  close to the beach would be nice (i hate bikes since going to india for the last 5 years and witnessing so many accidents..



i know the haggling drill, so can do that




edit* i mean secure bungalow with bars on window type

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minimum 3 months, maybe more if i like it..


and im seeing prices from 7000 to 15000 per month being floated about.. and higher for quite plush 'luxury' places - which i dont need, (but would be nice if its clean & secure)


dont need a pool really or anything like that. security & comfort is key for me really




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With no bike you are going to find it tough to get around on Koh Phangan for months long stay to be honest.

If you don't mind that I would look at the north of the island...some cheap spots and nice beaches up there...very quiet and relaxing.
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northeast or northwest nicer?   i dont like totally secluded & like good nightlife... (again basing on my experience of goa & sri lanka where secluded can be very secluded)



edit* maybe i rent a bike...  ive just seen so many bad accidents it puts me off

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Large bungalows can be had around chaloklum area for 5K bht per month. Not bars on windows but then I don't think I've seen any bungalows on KP with bars on windows - which tells you all there is that you need to know.


As others have said, visit, rent a scoot for the week and ride around to get a feel for the island. Party's are mainly in the south with the lively bars etc.


have fun!

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northeast or northwest nicer?   i dont like totally secluded & like good nightlife... (again basing on my experience of goa & sri lanka where secluded can be very secluded)



edit* maybe i rent a bike...  ive just seen so many bad accidents it puts me off


I think it's only really the road from Ban Khai to Haad Rin that can be awkward (even then not so if you're careful) ... the other roads linking all the other beaches are perfectly fine. Even the road up to Thong Nai Pan is almost 100% paved these days. Just a small bumpy bit for a km or two (this was couple of years back, may have changed)

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