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Missing British Children in Thailand

Lite Beer

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I agree with a lot of posters on here, target the Norweigan husband. Inform the Thai border crossings and publicise that an arrest warrant is being sought for him and the mother.

As this is a child kidnapping (thankfully recognised by both Thai and English law) I would also contact Interpol and ask them to issue a request for arrest in participating countries,, after all they do it for bank robbers.

Publicise that immunity is offered to them both IF they contact the police and arrange to return the girls with the next 7 days.

The Norweigan will feel the pressure for sure and I suspect they will grab the immunity.

Good luck to the father, I hope he is reunited with his daughters very soon.

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And we all know why she holds on to the kids... Business assets, both of them, as soon as they turn 16 or perhaps even earlier. Shocking how this case was being handled from the very start. I see a Brit ambassador's head rolling :)

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Sad story


Missing info here.

How old are they?

Do the children have Thai ID cards/passports? If they do The Embassy cannot do a lot.

If he went through a divorce in Thailand he must have extensive personal data about the ex wife. ID card/Tabian Ban

Can trace any ID Card usage

Divorce in which court? What was the custody order?

And she has changed her second name. Is there another marriage certificate? From where?

Get the data together

You can ttack an ipad even without a SIM..or as may well be the case here a new SIM

Hire a good private detective or even a UK search agency with Thai staff

No contact for a year!?

Nuts to bring them back..but obviously there is a huge pull to 'know' your mum!

Don't do it!

Good luck to him

People need good advice on how to protect their kids, particularly here, from not standing outside school waiting to be picked up..Mummy sent me, to having secret money/Sim cards phone cards

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And we all know why she holds on to the kids... Business assets, both of them, as soon as they turn 16 or perhaps even earlier. Shocking how this case was being handled from the very start. I see a Brit ambassador's head rolling smile.png

Only in the Pattaya thread.

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What can be said about this cheating cow of a Mother that hasn't already been said ? In my opinion the Police should arrest and hold the entire woman's family until she appears to hand over the children, because if they don't the bitch will be playing 'catch me if you can' until someone offers her a huge amount of money. That's what this really is; an indirect ransom case.

I fear you may be correct and wonder if the mother really wants the girls or sees them as a means to a financial end or at the very least a club to beat her ex-husband with.

I see a very one sided 'bleat' for support in this story, without anyone really knowing the whole story.

What if the mother loves her daughters just as much, but wasn't able to defend herself against a custody case 4 years ago?

I read a lot in this story about what a wonderful, extended family, they have been brought up in back in the UK. But who is to say the British father didn't use his money, influence and upon getting them British passports when they were young as his trump card in getting them out of Thailand and back to the UK.

I am saying this from knowing of guys in at least 3 similar cases, whereby US & British fathers 'encouraged' their Thai girlfriends to get the children passports, whisking them off to the US or UK for holidays to see their 'grandparents' and never coming back.

In that instance there maybe very little the ex-Thai girlfriend can do without a lot of money, the knowhow or the proof that her kids overseas trip, wasn't supposed to be forever.

So let there be more to a story.....before you go accusing the Thai of being a cheating cow or money grabber...when in fact she might just want what is rightfully hers.

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And we all know why she holds on to the kids... Business assets, both of them, as soon as they turn 16 or perhaps even earlier. Shocking how this case was being handled from the very start. I see a Brit ambassador's head rolling smile.png

So you believe that all 'mothers' in the world see their children as 'pawns' or are you just narrow minded to think that only 'Thai' women think like that?

Maybe she never wanted o lose her kids in the first place, maybe she was tricked into letting her kids out of the country, manipulated by a bad husband, or just not lucky enough to win the custody case at the time.

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She wants the money. She wants lots of money.Until she is sure just how much money this situation is worth ,no kids will be found.He really has shown his dedication and effort ( he should have done things a little more quiet in my mind) .she thinks desire equals a big pay out. She knows her family can WORK with the police nice and steady to raise that money pile because historically everyone shares the scam. There is no rush,screw him,pile on the pressure.Whats next donations for the ransom?.....When she really believes she has got maximum money ,and knows she can walk away without penalty,she will pay the staff ( family middlemen, official negotiators )hand the kids over and walk away laughing.She probably loves the kids as much as him,Thai women can leave their kids somewhere safe to go work,This situation is about money and a little brain washing to remind the kids they still have a REAL mother.The western guy will win in the end.But when the mother needs support later it will be easier to get it from them kids.She is strong ,she is going to take advantage of the situation and give him a good slapping in the process. She is not evil ,its just everything is stacked against her,My guess is those kids are very safe,she just wants some time with them,she is a realist,she just wants some time and a payout to match. .

Another seriously narrow minded british guy, who lives in Thailand but thinks that all Thai women are low life...

How do you know the woman wants money, has she asked for any in 2 months?, how do you know the guy is a good father, oh because they wrote such a wonderful story about him and his parents loving the kids, ah so sweet. Maybe the girls are better off with their mother, maybe they don't want to go back to boring, cold, wet England.

I mean if its so great on that little island, why aren't you there?

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All women aren't bad, all Pataya etc. women are certainly not bad, all don't take their children for bad reasons, but if we are honest not many men want to raise their children. This father did and I strongly suspect had had very good reasons. We may not know all, cannot know all, but arisaje for you in particular you don't know diddle squat and I hope you never, every have to go through what that father is. She may have many reasons for kidnapping the children, but you better believe it isn't for their best. If that Norwegian dude is involved I hope he sees the inside of a Thai prison for many years and learns to speak Thai in a very high voice. My ex-wife gave up all parental rights without even showing up in court and her parents had plenty of money to fight the court case, she still attempted (her father did) to kidnap my son for the 2nd and 3rd times. Once on a false court order that luckily I had informed his school she might try something but the local sheriff's dept. didn't know about. My son, in the first grade took a baseball bat to the deputy that tried to grab him, impressed the hell out of the school and the sheriff's dept. He went to school with an armed guard for the next 6 mos. She was an abuser, negligent parent and I won't go into any more details. I will say this, it had nothing to do with her love for him, nothing, comprende esse'? No, I was not the best father in the world, far from it, but I took my son out of love for him and did my best, learning as I went along. Perhaps not good enough but he is an ex Navy SEAL and succesful business person. If you haven't walked that mile in the father's shoes, sow wow, zip mouth, for you know nothing of which you speak.

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As I remember from when the story originally broke, the Norwegian fellow is at sea. Not sure exactly if it was a fishing or merchant vessel.

But I do agree that it is more than possible that the lady loves her children and just cannot bear to hand them back. I have no knowledge of how the couple split up, but it is possible that she could have been vulnerable or confused at the time. These things are hard on both parents during the court cases, and I would like to think that she had access to equal resources at the time. In more than a few countries, you get the justice you can afford.

Now she has the security of her new marriage, her new circumstances may have changed her thinking from the time she gave her kids up. The enormity of what she gave up then may have hit her hard. I think she will be scared, and the consequences of her actions will be enormous.

As for some of the posts here tonight, they are shocking, lacking in compassion or understanding a person's love for their children. I would think that 99% of the posts are from men! which itself tells us something. Who knows if she was bad and her husband was good? But the Thai Visa hang em high brigade are on to it.

One more thing. I am not taking sides because the welfare of the children is paramount, but the whole story is written from the husband's perspective. Due to the lady's predicament, we cannot see her side of the story. Would it matter or would anyone be remotely interested?

Edited by Robroona
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As I remember from when the story originally broke, the Norwegian fellow is at sea. Not sure exactly if it was a fishing or merchant vessel.

But I do agree that it is more than possible that the lady loves her children and just cannot bear to hand them back. I have no knowledge of how the couple split up, but it is possible that she could have been vulnerable or confused at the time. These things are hard on both parents during the court cases, and I would like to think that she had equal resources at the time. In more than a few countries, you get the justice you can afford.

Now she has the security of her new marriage, her new circumstances may have changed her thinking from the time she gave her kids up. The enormity of what she gave up then may have hit her hard. I think she will be scared, and the consequences of her actions will be enormous.

As for some of the posts here tonight, they are shocking, lacking in compassion or understanding a person's love for their children. I would think that 99% of the posts are from men! which itself tells us something. Who knows if she was bad and her husband was good? But the Thai Visa hang em high brigade are on to it.

Excellent post,

I would be happy if any of the members on this thread that have criticized the British embassy could explain to me the implications of dual nationality.

It wouldn't shock me to find that the father shuffled the girls through immigration on Thai passports, hence negating any visa issues.

That's a detail I would like clarified.

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I hope the kids are OK. I have a bad feeling they are being kept hidden inside somewhere and aren't able to get outside as the mother probably knows their pictures are plastered everywhere and is keeping them away from public. I hope their health isn't suffering. If I were the father I would have gone a different route initially. I would have hired a professional to find them but kept it very quiet...the way he's gone about it has just made her go to ground and dig in deeper as she knows a lot of people are looking.

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As I remember from when the story originally broke, the Norwegian fellow is at sea. Not sure exactly if it was a fishing or merchant vessel.

But I do agree that it is more than possible that the lady loves her children and just cannot bear to hand them back. I have no knowledge of how the couple split up, but it is possible that she could have been vulnerable or confused at the time. These things are hard on both parents during the court cases, and I would like to think that she had equal resources at the time. In more than a few countries, you get the justice you can afford.

Now she has the security of her new marriage, her new circumstances may have changed her thinking from the time she gave her kids up. The enormity of what she gave up then may have hit her hard. I think she will be scared, and the consequences of her actions will be enormous.

As for some of the posts here tonight, they are shocking, lacking in compassion or understanding a person's love for their children. I would think that 99% of the posts are from men! which itself tells us something. Who knows if she was bad and her husband was good? But the Thai Visa hang em high brigade are on to it.

Excellent post,

I would be happy if any of the members on this thread that have criticized the British embassy could explain to me the implications of dual nationality.

It wouldn't shock me to find that the father shuffled the girls through immigration on Thai passports, hence negating any visa issues.

That's a detail I would like clarified.

I doubt the Farther just "shuffled" the girls out of Thailand, because if he had then he would not have any legal rights to them in Thai law and in actual fact he would be the one facing charges of kidnapping.

Going back to known facts, he brought the children to Thailand to see their mother, he had allowed them to talk regularly to their mother on the phone, dose that sound like the actions of someone who has acted outside the law in taking his children out of Thailand in the first place?

I hope the kids are OK. I have a bad feeling they are being kept hidden inside somewhere and aren't able to get outside as the mother probably knows their pictures are plastered everywhere and is keeping them away from public. I hope their health isn't suffering. If I were the father I would have gone a different route initially. I would have hired a professional to find them but kept it very quiet...the way he's gone about it has just made her go to ground and dig in deeper as she knows a lot of people are looking.

Please do not go the route of PI's, it is hard to know any of them so called PI's are any good and he would not be just wasting his money.

Maybe if he had some better help from our consular and embassy staff in putting him in touch with the right people at the right police departments, this would have been resolved within days, seems now the mother is alerted to the fact that she is wanted and has locked the children up.

Robroona, a good post and probably their mother loves her children just as much as their farther does. it is not good for an ill informed lynch mob calling for the mothers blood without knowing all the facts.

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What exactly can the British Embassy do? They have as much power in Thailand has as Thai officials have in Britian .. they have no special rights to police files or control over Thai laws or police. They can do nothing more than act as an intermediate between one of their citizens and Thai officials. In this case doesn't really seem they are needed for that.

Sadly officials would unlikely even apply much pressure or call in favors for a case like this as those are saved for things that Britian's (or other country) leadership really need or want and are used up selectively.

Edited by JohnThailandJohn
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As I remember from when the story originally broke, the Norwegian fellow is at sea. Not sure exactly if it was a fishing or merchant vessel.

But I do agree that it is more than possible that the lady loves her children and just cannot bear to hand them back. I have no knowledge of how the couple split up, but it is possible that she could have been vulnerable or confused at the time. These things are hard on both parents during the court cases, and I would like to think that she had access to equal resources at the time. In more than a few countries, you get the justice you can afford.

Now she has the security of her new marriage, her new circumstances may have changed her thinking from the time she gave her kids up. The enormity of what she gave up then may have hit her hard. I think she will be scared, and the consequences of her actions will be enormous.

As for some of the posts here tonight, they are shocking, lacking in compassion or understanding a person's love for their children. I would think that 99% of the posts are from men! which itself tells us something. Who knows if she was bad and her husband was good? But the Thai Visa hang em high brigade are on to it.

One more thing. I am not taking sides because the welfare of the children is paramount, but the whole story is written from the husband's perspective. Due to the lady's predicament, we cannot see her side of the story. Would it matter or would anyone be remotely interested?

While it appears, based on his comments, he does have legal custody ... it is clear this story is 100% one sided. I highly doubt this is the case and more likely a mother simply wanting her children but could be a different story if we heard mom's side and IF she made claims of father paying off officials to get custody and she had claims of some sort of abuse against the kids. Obviously just an example as there is nothing to indicate that would be the case but important to remember this is only one version of the story and the mother could have a very different side ... as well as the police and embassy who don't seem to be directly quoted in this piece but rather talked about in hearsay way.

Edited by JohnThailandJohn
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The failure to arrest this woman on kidnapping charges is totally appalling and makes a mockery out of Thai follow up. The military dictatorship should step in and show the police how to do it by arresting the mother immediately and returning the girls to their lawful father.

Glad to see that once again you make a mockery of yourself in your continuing quest to denegrate Thailand and all things Thai; the failure to arrest the mother is because she cannot be found. If she cannot be found it doesn't matter who you are nobody will be able to arrest her.

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The failure to arrest this woman on kidnapping charges is totally appalling and makes a mockery out of Thai follow up. The military dictatorship should step in and show the police how to do it by arresting the mother immediately and returning the girls to their lawful father.

Glad to see that once again you make a mockery of yourself in your continuing quest to denegrate Thailand and all things Thai; the failure to arrest the mother is because she cannot be found. If she cannot be found it doesn't matter who you are nobody will be able to arrest her.

To be fair, maybe he is from a country where the military steps in and takes over for the police when they can't find a suspect or close a case quickly.

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As I remember from when the story originally broke, the Norwegian fellow is at sea. Not sure exactly if it was a fishing or merchant vessel.

But I do agree that it is more than possible that the lady loves her children and just cannot bear to hand them back. I have no knowledge of how the couple split up, but it is possible that she could have been vulnerable or confused at the time. These things are hard on both parents during the court cases, and I would like to think that she had access to equal resources at the time. In more than a few countries, you get the justice you can afford.

Now she has the security of her new marriage, her new circumstances may have changed her thinking from the time she gave her kids up. The enormity of what she gave up then may have hit her hard. I think she will be scared, and the consequences of her actions will be enormous.

As for some of the posts here tonight, they are shocking, lacking in compassion or understanding a person's love for their children. I would think that 99% of the posts are from men! which itself tells us something. Who knows if she was bad and her husband was good? But the Thai Visa hang em high brigade are on to it.

One more thing. I am not taking sides because the welfare of the children is paramount, but the whole story is written from the husband's perspective. Due to the lady's predicament, we cannot see her side of the story. Would it matter or would anyone be remotely interested?

When this story first broke; and that WAS several weeks ago, the same arguments were made that the right thing to do is wait to hear the mothers side of the story. Benefit of the doubt granted and we waited.

Then the maternal grandmother has come forth and asked for money or immunity from prosecution or both before handing the children over. So there you have your benefit of the doubt. The full measure of this "mothers" love for her children... and HER mother too? Money. Then they play around with some pre-agreed meeting to give the girls back to their PARENT AND LEGAL GUARDIAN.

These are FACTS and not just the imagination of a rich, domineering and controlling father. The biggest shame is the local police, so comfortable in their inbred belief that the mother always has custody, legal or otherwise, waited too long to do anything. To blame the British Embassy may be fashionable but at best it is specious since it is not and has never been in their remit to do anything more than offer support in any personal matters of UK citizens abroad.

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I cannot believe that the police are just talking to the relatives They have material information about the case They should be arrested and held till the tell the police where this woman is

I cannot believe this story So sad that the children are pawns in the hands of the woman's family;. This is really sick

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flyers at bordercrossings incoming .........and contacting the Mirror Foundation would a way to go.

You need to have a visable presence on the surface...otherwise people forget.

wishing Rob all the success he desreves by locating and recovering his daughters.

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As I remember from when the story originally broke, the Norwegian fellow is at sea. Not sure exactly if it was a fishing or merchant vessel.

But I do agree that it is more than possible that the lady loves her children and just cannot bear to hand them back. I have no knowledge of how the couple split up, but it is possible that she could have been vulnerable or confused at the time. These things are hard on both parents during the court cases, and I would like to think that she had access to equal resources at the time. In more than a few countries, you get the justice you can afford.

Now she has the security of her new marriage, her new circumstances may have changed her thinking from the time she gave her kids up. The enormity of what she gave up then may have hit her hard. I think she will be scared, and the consequences of her actions will be enormous.

As for some of the posts here tonight, they are shocking, lacking in compassion or understanding a person's love for their children. I would think that 99% of the posts are from men! which itself tells us something. Who knows if she was bad and her husband was good? But the Thai Visa hang em high brigade are on to it.

One more thing. I am not taking sides because the welfare of the children is paramount, but the whole story is written from the husband's perspective. Due to the lady's predicament, we cannot see her side of the story. Would it matter or would anyone be remotely interested?

When this story first broke; and that WAS several weeks ago, the same arguments were made that the right thing to do is wait to hear the mothers side of the story. Benefit of the doubt granted and we waited.

Then the maternal grandmother has come forth and asked for money or immunity from prosecution or both before handing the children over. So there you have your benefit of the doubt. The full measure of this "mothers" love for her children... and HER mother too? Money. Then they play around with some pre-agreed meeting to give the girls back to their PARENT AND LEGAL GUARDIAN.

These are FACTS and not just the imagination of a rich, domineering and controlling father. The biggest shame is the local police, so comfortable in their inbred belief that the mother always has custody, legal or otherwise, waited too long to do anything. To blame the British Embassy may be fashionable but at best it is specious since it is not and has never been in their remit to do anything more than offer support in any personal matters of UK citizens abroad.

Aren't your "facts" still coming from one source? Do we have any quotes directly from the family or the police or is this all coming from what the Father and his representatives are saying?

Edited by JohnThailandJohn
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I was having diner at the seafood restaurant in Jomtien- Thepprasit road and noticed a girl very similar to this. The only reason I remember this is that she looked like an expat but was sitting with a Thai family. No other expats.

They all look similar

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What can be said about this cheating cow of a Mother that hasn't already been said ? In my opinion the Police should arrest and hold the entire woman's family until she appears to hand over the children, because if they don't the bitch will be playing 'catch me if you can' until someone offers her a huge amount of money. That's what this really is; an indirect ransom case.

Lets send em all to Quantanamo for water boarding!!

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I was having diner at the seafood restaurant in Jomtien- Thepprasit road and noticed a girl very similar to this. The only reason I remember this is that she looked like an expat but was sitting with a Thai family. No other expats.

They all look similar

Please don't attack my kids while they have lunch with their mother!(gone fishing)

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As I remember from when the story originally broke, the Norwegian fellow is at sea. Not sure exactly if it was a fishing or merchant vessel.

But I do agree that it is more than possible that the lady loves her children and just cannot bear to hand them back. I have no knowledge of how the couple split up, but it is possible that she could have been vulnerable or confused at the time. These things are hard on both parents during the court cases, and I would like to think that she had access to equal resources at the time. In more than a few countries, you get the justice you can afford.

Now she has the security of her new marriage, her new circumstances may have changed her thinking from the time she gave her kids up. The enormity of what she gave up then may have hit her hard. I think she will be scared, and the consequences of her actions will be enormous.

As for some of the posts here tonight, they are shocking, lacking in compassion or understanding a person's love for their children. I would think that 99% of the posts are from men! which itself tells us something. Who knows if she was bad and her husband was good? But the Thai Visa hang em high brigade are on to it.

One more thing. I am not taking sides because the welfare of the children is paramount, but the whole story is written from the husband's perspective. Due to the lady's predicament, we cannot see her side of the story. Would it matter or would anyone be remotely interested?

When this story first broke; and that WAS several weeks ago, the same arguments were made that the right thing to do is wait to hear the mothers side of the story. Benefit of the doubt granted and we waited.

Then the maternal grandmother has come forth and asked for money or immunity from prosecution or both before handing the children over. So there you have your benefit of the doubt. The full measure of this "mothers" love for her children... and HER mother too? Money. Then they play around with some pre-agreed meeting to give the girls back to their PARENT AND LEGAL GUARDIAN.

These are FACTS and not just the imagination of a rich, domineering and controlling father. The biggest shame is the local police, so comfortable in their inbred belief that the mother always has custody, legal or otherwise, waited too long to do anything. To blame the British Embassy may be fashionable but at best it is specious since it is not and has never been in their remit to do anything more than offer support in any personal matters of UK citizens abroad.

Nan Laew, I generally read your posts and admire most of them. However, what you have written here does you no credit. You have jumped on someone's bandwagon and made your mind up. These FACTS are part of the story, they are not verifiable at this time. Emotions run high, but if you stand back and look at it, most people are on here show a lack of empathy with the woman's side of things. At most, she sees herself as guilty of defying a court order. A piece of paper. Imagine your wife if she was in this situation? Would she be sane, cool, collected at the thought of maybe NEVER SEEING her children again? I don't think so

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This is such a heart breaking story, but I am sure that if the reward was upped to 1 Million Baht, the children would soon be safe again with their father, as the woman would soon be ratted out, by her family or her friends.

Hopefully, the end result will be a happy one for the poor children and their dad.

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