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Which Thai person do you most respect?


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My girlfriend and her family...


Girlfriend: Because she is the most caring and unselfish person I know. A wonderful girlfriend and mom for our kid. I respect, value and trust her more than anybody in this world.


Family: Because they have never asked for money and I know they will never do. 




Nice post


Same as me, Not all thais are money grabbers, far from it.

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My girlfriend and her family...


Girlfriend: Because she is the most caring and unselfish person I know. A wonderful girlfriend and mom for our kid. I respect, value and trust her more than anybody in this world.


Family: Because they have never asked for money and I know they will never do. 


Cheap Charlie dream come true.



I would say, sensible farang, that didnt leave his brains at the airport, what happened to you then????

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RESPECT: GIVE IT TO GET IT, saying that I can with my hole heart say there is no Thai I ever met that deserve my respect.

Note. I say the people I met,sure some of you have different opinion. Respect should not be confused with tolerance



Get off that pedestal

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RESPECT: GIVE IT TO GET IT, saying that I can with my hole heart say there is no Thai I ever met that deserve my respect.

Note. I say the people I met,sure some of you have different opinion. Respect should not be confused with tolerance

Hole heart??



sounds about right, hole rather than whole

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Andrew Drummond.



He's not Thai though is he, but a self proclaimed Scottish 'journalist'. 


I like that guy




Why, he is a muck raker of the highest order who does not always check his 'facts'. He almost never 'exposes' the wrong doing of Thais or he would have ended up in the lake years ago. Instead he picks on people who are easy targets for tittle tattle, he's a gutter journalist of the worst kind. He presents himself as some kind of campaigner against wrong doers in the land, but has often twisted the 'facts' to make his articles seem much more convincing, for the gullible that is.



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RESPECT: GIVE IT TO GET IT, saying that I can with my hole heart say there is no Thai I ever met that deserve my respect.

Note. I say the people I met,sure some of you have different opinion. Respect should not be confused with tolerance



Get off that pedestal



I cant its to high and darn I spelled whole wrong,not English native but I hope that made your day?

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the people live near me for yrs every day and night loud music drunk on whisky now anyone else would be dead
you have to respect there kindness by not going to next world to upset the people up there that live in peace
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Apart from wife & family


There`s a Thai guy that works on road construction near where I live. I don`t know his name and have never spoken to him but often see him as I pass.


He is a midget and he was born with both feet facing backwards. So he wears his wellies back to front. Sounds like the start of a mickey take.


But he grafts as hard as any, yet I could see some back in the UK who would settle for disability payments rather than work. Respect to the man.



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Apart from wife & family


There`s a Thai guy that works on road construction near where I live. I don`t know his name and have never spoken to him but often see him as I pass.


He is a midget and he was born with both feet facing backwards. So he wears his wellies back to front. Sounds like the start of a mickey take.


But he grafts as hard as any, yet I could see some back in the UK who would settle for disability payments rather than work. Respect to the man.




Good stuff, but here the guy has only one road.................

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