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Summer With Your Pets Around Hua Hin

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Summer With Your Pets Around Town
HUA HIN:-- As many families embark on vacations this summer, Hua Hin Today has been searching around town where to leave your pet while away or to bring him along with you.
When planning a vacation, don’t forget your beloved companions. Plan for them too. If you are planning to take them with you, make sure that they will travel with the best comfort (with plenty of potty and exercise stops every 2 hours) and that they are welcome in your hotel choice, homes renting or friends place, etc.
If you are leaving them behind, make sure you have a trusted pet-sitter or boarding facility. Check them out well in advance of your trip and make reservations, provide them with a list of medications and instructions such as how to feed, exercise, etc. Leave the name of your vet as well as friends and neighbours who know your pet. Leave your own details and how to be reached. Where to leave your pet while on holiday? Hua Hin Pet HomeStay 300 Baht per night with food included. Get information on their Facebook page or phone 095 428 7954 The Dog Grooming and Spa Dog Between 200 to 500 Baht per night depending of the size of the pet. No food Included. Get information by phoning 0866882338 or 0850434400 Pet Friendly Restaurants: Despite the huge selections of outdoor restaurants in town only a few of them will allow pets. If your dog is well behaved and/or a small breed or a puppy and just ask nicely for permission at the beginning you shouldn’t have any problem.
Tried and Approved by Milo for those dates out in town don’t forget to always bring along his essential-bag (always have it ready to go), blanket or towel so he can lay down, food, water and his favourite chewing-toy. Pick-up a table in a corner to make sure your dog won’t be too much distracted by other clients. Always have him on a leash. Week night dates: Sakura Japanese Restaurant on soi 94 Week-end family dinner: Chom Talay near Dusit Hotel in the direction of Cha-Am Week-end after dinner drinks: Lets’ Sea near the Grand Hyatt For week-end Brunches: Anantasila in Koh Takiab if you seat on the right side of the restaurant they will allow you to bring your pet. Beaches that allows dogs in town: Koh Takiab Koh Tao – Koh Sanoi Beaches Cha-Am Beach “The must have bag “ to carry with you when you travel with your pet.
Always have your “Pet Travel Essentials” ready to go with everything that your beloved companion would need for any type of trip. Pictures of the kit: ( send you later I need to make one) – Blanket or towel so he can lay down, – Food, – Water, – His favourite chewing-toy, or a bone. – 2 containers – Leash and harness – Couples of plastic bags in case of potty accident – Wipes towels – Some treats to give when good behaviour I came across this Mobile Pet Organizer on the internet that hooks over the back of the seat. I think this would be cool to put Milo’s leash, harness, water, food and toys in the car. I hate things all over the car, so this would keep it all neat and organised!
I love the fact that it wraps up into a bag, which makes it super easy to grab when we get back home! You can find similar items on the basement of Market Village at the “Everything for 60 baht” shop. Summer is the time for fun, outdoor activities, swimming, picnics and vacations. All of us love to share theses summer activities with our beloved companions, but it is important to remember that some activities can be dangerous for our pets. By following a few simple rules, it is easy to keep your pet safe while still having fun in the sun. Visit the Vet A visit to the veterinarian for a spring or early summer check-up is a must. Keep vaccinations up-to-date.
This is a time when most pets come into contact with other animals in parks, beaches, lakes and fields. Don’t let your pets roam the streets. Veterinarians see numerous fight injuries and bite wounds in the summer as well as animals hit or run over by cars. Wasps, bees and hornets are also a problem during the summer. Although there is no real way for your pets to avoid being stung, they can be treated with antihistamines to reduce the swelling that follows an attack if swelling appears, see your vet! Fleas, ticks and other parasites may infest your pet. There are many good products available to keep fleas and ticks off your pet. Check with your vet!
Made in the Shade Give your animal companion plenty of cool, clean water at all times. Dogs can only sweat through the pads of their feet and by panting. Evaporation from the wet surfaces of their mouth and nose helps lower their body temperature. Do not leave your pet shut in an empty house or tied outside while you’re on vacation. Know the Overheating Warning Signs Heat exhaustion is one of the most common ailments of pets during the summer months, so pet owners should be cautious.
If it’s an exceptionally hot day, keep your dog or cat in the house with you and a fan and/or air conditioning. If it’s too hot outside for you, it’s too hot outside for your pet. Signs of heatstroke may include: hot skin, rapid panting, twitching muscles, salivation and a dazed expression. Wrap your pet in a towel with cool, not COLD water. Cool him down by giving him ice cubes to lick (as cold water will upset his stomach worse and hasten dehydration). Let him lie in front of a fan. To prevent heat exhaustion, make sure your outside pets have access to shade, fresh water and that you check on them at least several times a day to make sure they’re all right.! No Parking! Never leave your pet in a parked car; not even if you open the windows or park in the shade.
The temperature in the car can increase rapidly and cause heat exhaustion, heat stroke or even death. On a 30 C degrees day, the temperature inside your car, even with the windows open a bit, will climb to 40 C degrees in 10 minutes. After 30 minutes, it will go up to 50 C degrees or even higher! Make a Safe Splash Do not leave pets unsupervised around a pool (not all dogs are good swimmers). Introduce your pets to water gradually and make sure they wear flotation devices when they are on boats. Rinse your dog off after swimming to remove chlorine or salt from his fur, and try to keep your dog from drinking pool water, which contains chlorine and other chemicals that could cause stomach upset. Be Street Smart Never force your dog to run in hot, humid weather. Watch out for hot pavements, sensitive paws burn easily.
After a walk or run, check your dog’s paws to make sure they are okay. Watch the exercise and diet of your pets. Overeating can result in overheating. Eating less is healthier for them. Do not encourage exercise during the hottest part of the day. Early mornings and evenings are the best times for exercising. Avoid Chemicals Commonly used flea and tick products, rodenticides (mouse and rat baits), and lawn and garden insecticides can be harmful to cats and dogs if ingested, so keep them out of reach.
When walking your dog, steer clear of areas that you suspect have been sprayed with insecticides or other chemicals. Keep citronella candles, oil products and insect coils out of pets’ reach as well. Call immediately your vet if you suspect your animal has ingested a poisonous substance. Party Animals Taking doggy to a backyard barbeque or party? Sure; but remember that the food and drink offered to guests may be poisonous to pets. Keep alcohols beverages away from pets, as they can cause intoxication, depression and comas.
Similarly, remember that the snacks enjoyed by humans should not be a treat for your pet; any change of diet, even for one meal, may give your dog or cat severe digestive ailments. Avoid raisins, grapes, onions, chocolate and products with a sweetener. So another good tips to bring in his essential bag, is some treats so he can enjoy the party too. By following these tips, there is a high probability that you and your animal companions will enjoy a safe, healthy and happy summer!
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