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Colloidal Silver


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Out of the estimated seven to 10 million regular colloidal silver users in the United States alone, this is only the second or third person the news media have been able to find in the last 20 years who has "turned blue."

I still find it absolutely amazing that the news media will find two or three people who get this benign but unsightly skin condition out of the literally millions of regular colloidal silver users in the U.S. and Canada, and then broadcast it from the rooftops as if it were the norm.

But guess what? The news media sure won't mention the astonishing 2.2 million people who suffer serious and quite often life-threatening adverse reactions from prescription drug use every single year, or the 100,000 Americans KILLED each year from prescription drug use, which is 30 times more than all of the U.S. troops killed in the Iraq war! Let's see now: two or three people turning blue in 20 years from excessive colloidal silver usage, versus 100,000 people a year being flat-out put into their graves from using common drugs their doctors prescribed them. Which is more newsworthy? I'll leave that up to you to decide.

The blue man's case is obviously an extremely rare one. But it is a good example of what we have known for years: In much the same way you wouldn't eat a half a bottle of vitamins a day unless you want to endure some potentially nasty side effects over time, you also can't take excessive amounts of colloidal silver daily without eventually provoking a nasty side effect called argyria.

Most colloidal silver users are intelligent enough not to take the kind of huge daily dosages that would be necessary to stain your skin like this man has apparently done over the course of the past 14 years. But there are still many web sites out there that claim colloidal silver has "no side effects whatsoever" and that you can "drink all you want with no risk." Those are blatantly untrue statements.

Again, just as you can't take all of the vitamins you want every day without risk, so you can't drink all of the colloidal silver you want each day without risk. If you take excessive quantities of colloidal silver daily for long periods of time, you do indeed risk contracting argyria (i.e., skin graying). It is not a guarantee you will become argyric. But it is a very real risk.

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What is wrong with the reporting here? No mention of a hoax

. http://abcnews.go.com/Health/MedicalMysteries/story?id=5489997&page=1

Not a thing wrong with the reporting. What was wrong was the misuse of the colloidal silver. He states that he was drinking at least 10 ounces a day for months.

While I don't believe that internal use of colloidal silver is beneficial, I DO know that almost all of the Health Supplement advisories suggest one teaspoon per day and ONLY for the short duration of the problem being treated.

The young women used it regularly for three years, which by my calculations is NOT a short duration...

Both seriously misused the preparation... If you misuse ANY medication you are going to run into serious health problems.

If you are not smart enough to use medicines and treatments correctly, please go to a clinic or hospital and let them control your intake of dosage.

The man says that even though his skin has changed color, he still believes he is healthier for it, and continues to drink colloidal silver.

Argyria doesn't seem to cause serious internal damage to the body other than changing its color. If you would like to be blue, please drink this stuff by the glass-full every day for months... If you don't want to turn blue, and wish to benefit from it, use it correctly.

Your are correct that colloidal silver has no benefits when taken internally, and that turning blue is harmless. If a person wants to be blue, go ahead.

There is no correct dosage or judicial use of colloidal silver however. No legitimate clinic or hospital would be willing to control intake or dosage of colloidal silver, because no properly trained physician would ever prescribe it.

Still there is always somebody willing to sell you some. I wonder why that is? Still old Frangs will huddle in cheap shopping mall food courts exchanging bottles of bunk. Still more attaching wires to batteries designing strange contraptions, to make their own "colloidal silver". I just saw a documentary about men in Africa who go to witch doctors to protect themselves from HIV/STD's. (Why don't they wear a condom or abstain from dangerous practices altogether? What is wrong with science?) Maybe they can't afford to buy condoms. I guess there is still a place in the world for folk remedies, and "healers".

And not all quacksalvers are charlatans, as some otherwise well-meaning dupes who sell useless rubbish actually believe in it. I lost a good friend for a while to a combination of Freemasonry, conspiracy theory and multilevel marketing (vitamins). It just got to a point where it was impossible to communicate with him. Fortunately he came to his senses. (Unfortunately his partners had robbed him of everything by that point, and he invested in some other schemes as well. Anyway he has a good trade and is back on his feet, another story).

I'd rather just keep the colloidal silver in the bottle, and my moneys in my pocket.

Edited by arunsakda
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Out of the estimated seven to 10 million regular colloidal silver users in the United States alone, this is only the second or third person the news media have been able to find in the last 20 years who has "turned blue."

I still find it absolutely amazing that the news media will find two or three people who get this benign but unsightly skin condition out of the literally millions of regular colloidal silver users in the U.S. and Canada, and then broadcast it from the rooftops as if it were the norm.

But guess what? The news media sure won't mention the astonishing 2.2 million people who suffer serious and quite often life-threatening adverse reactions from prescription drug use every single year, or the 100,000 Americans KILLED each year from prescription drug use, which is 30 times more than all of the U.S. troops killed in the Iraq war! Let's see now: two or three people turning blue in 20 years from excessive colloidal silver usage, versus 100,000 people a year being flat-out put into their graves from using common drugs their doctors prescribed them. Which is more newsworthy? I'll leave that up to you to decide.

The blue man's case is obviously an extremely rare one. But it is a good example of what we have known for years: In much the same way you wouldn't eat a half a bottle of vitamins a day unless you want to endure some potentially nasty side effects over time, you also can't take excessive amounts of colloidal silver daily without eventually provoking a nasty side effect called argyria.

Most colloidal silver users are intelligent enough not to take the kind of huge daily dosages that would be necessary to stain your skin like this man has apparently done over the course of the past 14 years. But there are still many web sites out there that claim colloidal silver has "no side effects whatsoever" and that you can "drink all you want with no risk." Those are blatantly untrue statements.

Again, just as you can't take all of the vitamins you want every day without risk, so you can't drink all of the colloidal silver you want each day without risk. If you take excessive quantities of colloidal silver daily for long periods of time, you do indeed risk contracting argyria (i.e., skin graying). It is not a guarantee you will become argyric. But it is a very real risk.

Well it all sounds nice what you say. But you completely ignred what daoyal sid

"Anecdotal evidence is all the evidence required that is why the websites are full of testimonials not peer reviewed studiy results."

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I am having this nano-silver water tank system installed today, tired of varying water pressure levels and the nano-silver storage tank will help destroy any bacteria that may accumulate.


Water tank innovation technology for the sanitation DOS Silver Nano Titanium have the property halts ,destroy the bacteria and microorganism ,be advantage over with checking standard from all institute from various nations with the format that emphasize divisibility harmonious with the nature.
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Certificated by America FDA
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Pass checking from the foreign institute about highest efficiency for destroys bacteria and microorganism efficiently.


brochure http://dosmalaysia.com/images/natura_bc.jpg

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NASA used nano silver for purifying their drinking water




In the 1960s, NASA’s Manned Space Center (now known as Johnson Space Center) and the Garrett Corporation, Air Research Division, conducted a research program to develop a small, lightweight water purifier for the Apollo spacecraft that would require minimal power and would not need to be monitored around-the-clock by astronauts in orbit. The 9-ounce purifier, slightly larger than a cigarette pack and completely chlorine-free, dispensed silver ions into the spacecraft’s water supply to successfully kill off bacteria. A NASA Technical Brief released around the time of the research reported that the silver ions did not “impart an unpleasant taste to the water.”


NASA gives thumbs up to use of colloidal silver as antibiotic in space; FDA has no jurisdiction in high orbit

Saturday, September 12, 2015 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

(NaturalNews) In the day-to-day happenings of world politics, the United States and Russia are presented on the global stage as arch-enemies. Up in space, however, it's a completely different story. Enter the International Space Station (ISS), which for years has housed astronauts from both countries along with life-support systems unique to each country's needs. The two sides have long remained separate from one another until recently.

For years, the U.S. side of the ISS utilized iodine as its water cleansing agent of choice, while the Russian side took advantage of antibacterial silver for water purification purposes. Both sides coexisted peacefully in their respective methods, with the U.S. picking up whatever extra water the Russian side had leftover. Russia's water purification process has always been much more efficient than that of the U.S.

It seemed that the two opposing nations would never find a common bond in adopting a single, standardized water purification method that served the interests of everyone. However, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) recently made the decision to adopt Russia's method of purifying its water after coming to the realization that adding ionized silver to water is easier, more effective, and much more efficient than adding iodine.

"Unlike iodine, silver doesn't have to be filtered out of the water," explains a report by Bloomberg, noting that iodine has to be filtered out of the U.S. water after use. "Epsom salts (magnesium) are added to improve its taste."

NASA says silver is an effective purifying agent, despite what the FDA claims


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The immune system creates minute amounts of hypochlorite in the pathogen destruction process.

Does not mean you want to drink bleach does it?

Should I spray my AU foot spray on my tongue if I happen to snog with a tart at a club?

How about daily UV baths? Radium?

Edited by arunsakda
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The immune system creates minute amounts of hypochlorite in the pathogen destruction process.

Does not mean you want to drink bleach does it?

Should I spray my AU foot spray on my tongue if I happen to snog with a tart at a club?

How about daily UV baths? Radium?

Whatever you do, I suggest you do it quickly...... its already having an affect on your speech ability....

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The immune system creates minute amounts of hypochlorite in the pathogen destruction process.

Does not mean you want to drink bleach does it?

Should I spray my AU foot spray on my tongue if I happen to snog with a tart at a club?

How about daily UV baths? Radium?

Well... Now that you mention it, Bleach has been used as a water purification agent for the last 100 years. 3-4 drops of ordinary household bleach in one gallon of suspected water, allowed to sit for 3-4 hours, will COMPLETELY DESTROY all known pathogens, and not have any negative effect on the body... except for taste. To fix that part, drop in a Vitamin C tablet. :) (The Vit C addition is recent. 50 years go they would squeeze in a lemon.)

Many people DO recommend using a CS spray as a mouth rinse to combat gingivitis and chancre sores inside the cheeks and on the gums. However, I'd recommend that you keep your tongue out of strange people's mouths. You never know where they've been.

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Folk Guitar, that's all correct, and Silver Nitrate swabs are an example of a legitimate medical use by primary care physicians and dentists. Now as for aqueous solitions of AU particles, you said there is no benefit when taken internally. Then you say supplement guides recommend some minimum dose, to be taken only for the period required for the condition being treated. So what "condition" would that be, if there is no benefit?

There are many selling various supplements of litlle or NO value, such as colloidal silver, and fanciful generators, and associated paraphernalia of dubious value. I think some people just want to believe, and as a Buddhist I do believe in the power of a positive mind in general. I just don't care for those who push rubbish for personal financial gain.

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Folk Guitar, that's all correct, and Silver Nitrate swabs are an example of a legitimate medical use by primary care physicians and dentists. Now as for aqueous solitions of AU particles, you said there is no benefit when taken internally. Then you say supplement guides recommend some minimum dose, to be taken only for the period required for the condition being treated. So what "condition" would that be, if there is no benefit?

There are many selling various supplements of litlle or NO value, such as colloidal silver, and fanciful generators, and associated paraphernalia of dubious value. I think some people just want to believe, and as a Buddhist I do believe in the power of a positive mind in general. I just don't care for those who push rubbish for personal financial gain.

I didn't say there was no benefit when taken internally. I've said that "I" won't take it internally, and I've said that I don't know of benefits when taken internally, but I've never said that there are none. Frankly, I just don't know.

I do know that Big Pharma says its tests show no benefit. But Big Pharma say what benefits Big Pharma.

Various medical facilities have tested it and their findings were that 'they didn't find enough statistically valid results' to say that it was of value. But then, they say that about Ginseng too, don't they. Despite 5,000 years of positive findings for it in almost all Asian medical protocols. There are hundreds of herbs and plants that modern medical science says "'they didn't find enough statistically valid results" for, yet hundreds of millions of people use them regularly. Could it ALL be placebo effect? Positive Mind? I don't think so. I think there is something going on that doesn't meet the requirements for testing through 'scientific method.'

Then there is willow tree bark... We all know about it. We know that it cures headaches, reduces fever, and reduces inflammation, helps with arthritis, gout, cramps, and a host of other health problems.Used since the time of Hippocrates. We know that when it was studied, it was found that the salicin in it was the effective agent, and scientists worked that over into aspirin, and that's what is sold today. Doctors DO NOT RECOMMEND WILLOW BARK! They say there isn't enough statistically valid testing to warrant its use. PLUS...Salicin, the active ingredient in willow bark, seems to have contributed to the death of the composer, Ludwig von Beethoven. Apparently, Beethoven ingested large amounts of salicin before he died. He misused the stuff. Drank huge quantities of the stuff!

Misuse of an effective medication that is no longer recommended by doctors because Big Pharma now sells aspirin tablets instead. Actually, FACT: more people die from overuse (read:misuse) of aspirin than misuse of all other drugs combined...

Just because a test says that it didn't find 'good.' it doesn't necessarily mean it found bad and it doesn't mean that the tests used found useless. It just means that the tests that were used didn't find good.

As for "So what "condition" would that be? How about food poisoning caused by bacteria? How about gum disease caused by bacteria? How about Strep Throat, caused by the Streptococcus Aurious microbe? These, to name a few. Again, I'll repeat myself for clarity. I do not know.... repeat.... I do not know... if CS is or is not effective when taken orally. I'm not saying that it is, I'm not saying that it is not. I'm saying I (We?) really just don't know...

We know it can be misused orally. We can misuse most every medicine, herb, drug, even sugar if we are really stupid. We know this. What we don't know is why so many millions of people swear that CS works.

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You are suffering from a fundamental misunderstanding of how antibiotics work. You won't take CS and you don't know if there is any benefit, but "millions of people" swear by it. I know hundreds of people, none who profess to take colloidal silver.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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You are suffering from a fundamental misunderstanding of how antibiotics work. You won't take CS and you don't know if there is any benefit, but "millions of people" swear by it. I know hundreds of people, none who profess to take colloidal silver.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

... and probably hundreds more who don't speak either Portuguese or Swahili. None of which has any bearing on the matter at hand.

As for the way antibiotics work, if you are referring to "competitive inhibition,"although I don't have a degree in microbiology, I have taken several semesters of it at the undergraduate level. Did you have a specific question in mind? Referencing Colloidal Silver, you can find similar action at the cellular level, if that helps you any.

But that's neither here nor there. There is no valid proof that CS doesn't work when taken orally, and no replicated scientific proof that it does. What we are left with is a group of people who are satisfied with the results, a group of people who don't believe them, and a third group of people who really don't care one way or the other.

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I have never heard of competitive inhibition. Tetrcycline causes cells to burst . Penicillin causes them to clump in protein blobs? Or is it vis-versa?

Meanwhile you won't take "colloidal silver", as it has no internal benefit when taken, although "millions" supposedly turn to it at the slightest hint of a cold. I have never met any. Billions of people believe if they pray to "Jesus " they will be saved. I meet them every day. It is still a ridiculous fantasy with no basis in fact.

Finally there is "no valid proof that CS doesn't work when taken orally, and no replicated scientific proof that it does."

Could it be that you have some kind of psychological investment in the efficacy of so-called "colloidal silver" despite all the evidence that proves otherwise?

Edited by arunsakda
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We know for a fact that 70 % of new medicines in the last 25 years come from mother nature. But for some reason, there are some that can not be synthesized and patented. It does not make them less important. Here is an article I wrote some time ago, without a specific link to CS.

For almost a century the pharmaceutical industry has held the world hostage to the commercial way of healing. Only with the introduction of the internet, have the broad masses got access to the ancient knowledge of herbal medicine. The lack of investment for laboratory testing has of course to do with the fact that one cannot patent a plant.
The pharmaceutical industry has given us some great remedies, but in some areas there has been little or no progress for the last 50 years. One of those is cancer. There are still only three main ways to treat this deadly disease. Operation, radiation or chemo therapy.
We all know that chemo therapy and radiation have saved many lives, but not without sometimes brutal side effects. But we also have to remember that 50 years ago, 95 % of cancer patients died from the decease. Today it is down to around 40 %. However, there are wide variations in cancer survival rates between and within many countries around the world.
But that is only for the next five years after diagnosis. Some of the people included in the 5 year survival statistics will not have been cured, because their cancer will come back more than 5 years later.
Currently applied radiation therapy and standard chemotherapeutic drugs kill some tumor cells through induction of apoptosis. Unfortunately, however, the majority of human cancers are resistant to these therapies. A quotation from The Oncologist:
“The presence or development of resistance to anticancer drugs is the main cause of failure of chemotherapy in the majority of the most common forms of cancer (e.g., lung, colon, breast). Resistance to chemotherapeutic drugs can be already present at diagnosis or it can develop after treatment with chemotherapy.”

Think about this: today more people make a living out of cancer than are dying from it.

It is therefore urgent to look for novel natural or synthetic apoptosis-inducing compounds as candidate anti tumor agents. Along this line, plant-derived compounds have great potential to be developed into anticancer drugs because of their multiple mechanisms and low side effects.

It is important to be aware that there is no such thing as an overnight miracle cure. Although the herbs presented at this website are among the most potent in the world, and all have amazing effects in its own field, they are meant as a supplement and not as a substitute.
We all remember the founder of Apple, Steven Jobs. He refused any conventional treatment of his cancer, and was a firm believer in alternative treatment. In many experts opinion, he could have been saved by surgery. One of his last and famous quotes was: “I might be the first person to be cured from this type of cancer, or the last to die from it.” Well, he was wrong -

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You are suffering from a fundamental misunderstanding of how antibiotics work. You won't take CS and you don't know if there is any benefit, but "millions of people" swear by it. I know hundreds of people, none who profess to take colloidal silver.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

... and probably hundreds more who don't speak either Portuguese or Swahili. None of which has any bearing on the matter at hand.

As for the way antibiotics work, if you are referring to "competitive inhibition,"although I don't have a degree in microbiology, I have taken several semesters of it at the undergraduate level. Did you have a specific question in mind? Referencing Colloidal Silver, you can find similar action at the cellular level, if that helps you any.

But that's neither here nor there. There is no valid proof that CS doesn't work when taken orally, and no replicated scientific proof that it does. What we are left with is a group of people who are satisfied with the results, a group of people who don't believe them, and a third group of people who really don't care one way or the other.

The Doctor / Scientist who discovered/proved the cure for Helicobacter pylori did so by deliberately infecting himself , becoming sick and then curing himself with treatment he hypothesised would be effective.

Are you brave?

Will you willingly infect yourself with a pathogenic organism , become ill, and then prove that a combination of quackery and "colloidal silver" will effect a "cure" ?

The experiment would of course be carried out in a controlled scientific manner.

Edited by oncearugge
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We know for a fact that 70 % of new medicines in the last 25 years come from mother nature. But for some reason, there are some that can not be synthesized and patented. It does not make them less important. Here is an article I wrote some time ago, without a specific link to CS.

For almost a century the pharmaceutical industry has held the world hostage to the commercial way of healing. Only with the introduction of the internet, have the broad masses got access to the ancient knowledge of

So you are the author of this article? raincure.com

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I have never heard of competitive inhibition. Tetrcycline causes cells to burst . Penicillin causes them to clump in protein blobs? Or is it vis-versa?

And you dare to say that "I" don't understand how antibiotics work?!?

I recommend a quick look-up of 'competitive inhibition.' It's how science describes how antibiotics work, rather than using words like 'blobs'.... ROTFL

Meanwhile you won't take "colloidal silver", as it has no internal benefit when taken,

On second thought, do NOT look up anything. I used the phrase "I don't know" three times in one paragraph, stating "I don't know if oral CS works or not."

You obviously weren't able to understand the meaning of that sentence You might have trouble with higher science.

I did NOT say that I won't take oral CS because it has not benefit. I said I would not take it because I don't know if oral CS works or not.

Finally there is "no valid proof that CS doesn't work when taken orally, and no replicated scientific proof that it does."

Could it be that you have some kind of psychological investment in the efficacy of so-called "colloidal silver" despite all the evidence that proves otherwise?

If I did, I would say that it's the miracle cure that some of the adverts state. If I did, I would recommend drinking it every day. If I did, I would tell everyone that it can cure World Hunger. But I don't. I have never said anything of the kind.

I don't say it because I don't know if oral CS is effective or not. I simply do not know.

... and neither do you.

Edited by FolkGuitar
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There is nothing wrong with being blue, it is harmless. Papa Smurf drank gobs of "colloidal silver" then croaked from a stroke and heart attack anyway.

What should be of concern is the underlying psychopathology, ignorance, and paranoia that cause one to take useless patent medicines and folk treatments.

Every country has charitable organizations that provide medical care for free. Why is it that "colloidal silver" is never included in these treatments? Why does one always have to buy it from some random person, on the internet, in a food court from a dribbling fat Farang, at a so-called health food market, or a dodgy website ?

I mean if it was so effective one would imagine charitable organizations would be head over heels giving it away for free.

But no, that would never happen because "colloidal silver" is a scam and a waste of money, proffered exclusively by charlatans, Witch doctors, and quacksalvers.

Edited by arunsakda
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Despite the resistance from the pharmaceutical industry this quite recent study was published. We know now that antibiotics have trouble killing this bacteria. In case you can`t be bothered with reading the whole study I quote: "AgNP type 1 (particle mean size of 36 nm) exhibited higher antibacterial activity for both pathogen strains compared to data for commercial antibiotic."

For those of you that did not pay attention in class, AgNP means "silver nano particles."

To most of you, I apologize coming on a little hard, but after being called "troll a fraud, a charlatan and a quack," I don`t really give a "quack" what they think. This is the second PubMed article in this tread, but it`s obvious that some people are here only to pick a fight. Don`t get me wrong, I love a good discussion. I just hate ingrown stubbornness and stupidity.

Against MRSA:


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What should be of concern is the underlying psychopathology, ignorance, and paranoia that cause one to take useless patent medicines and folk treatments.

Every country has charitable organizations that provide medical care for free. Why is it that "colloidal silver" is never included in these treatments?

But no, that would never happen because "colloidal silver" is a scam and a waste of money, proffered exclusively by charlatans, witch doctors, and quacksalvers.

But... but... but... In post #99 you said "Silver Nitrate swabs are an example of a legitimate medical use by primary care physicians and dentists."

Now are you saying that physicians and dentists are charlatans, witch doctors and quacksalvers?

Or are you telling us that one of your posts, either #99 or #109 was a falsehood? Because #109 completely contradicts #99.

Please tell us which one was the falsehood.

The flagon with the dragon has the pellet with the poison and the vessel with the pestle has the... or was it the chalice with the palace?

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FG please Go back to my post #31 made on 10/8/14 where I said that silver has many legitimate medical uses.

No legitimate medical authority or doctor prescribes drinking a solution of AU particles for any reason. It is a scam. Just a little surprised as the rest of your posts on various topics are entirely reasonable.

Edited by arunsakda
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Despite the resistance from the pharmaceutical industry this quite recent study was published. We know now that antibiotics have trouble killing this bacteria. In case you can`t be bothered with reading the whole study I quote: "AgNP type 1 (particle mean size of 36 nm) exhibited higher antibacterial activity for both pathogen strains compared to data for commercial antibiotic."

For those of you that did not pay attention in class, AgNP means "silver nano particles."

To most of you, I apologize coming on a little hard, but after being called "troll a fraud, a charlatan and a quack," I don`t really give a "quack" what they think. This is the second PubMed article in this tread, but it`s obvious that some people are here only to pick a fight. Don`t get me wrong, I love a good discussion. I just hate ingrown stubbornness and stupidity.

Against MRSA:


You clearly have little or no knowledge about what that paper describes.

How many people (patients) where involved in the study ? How many were " cured" ? Was "colloidal silver" involved in the study ?

Stop posting stuff you do not understand !

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We know for a fact that 70 % of new medicines in the last 25 years come from mother nature. But for some reason, there are some that can not be synthesized and patented. It does not make them less important. Here is an article I wrote some time ago, without a specific link to CS.

For almost a century the pharmaceutical industry has held the world hostage to the commercial way of healing. Only with the introduction of the internet, have the broad masses got access to the ancient knowledge of

So you are the author of this article? raincure.com

Yes, and as you see, I do not sell anything outside of Thailand. I am not aiming to promote my product outside the borders of this country. I have however spent a few hundreds hours studying nano silver and it`t s benefits. And no, I do not use two 9 volt batteries an a couple of silver coins.

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Despite the resistance from the pharmaceutical industry this quite recent study was published. We know now that antibiotics have trouble killing this bacteria. In case you can`t be bothered with reading the whole study I quote: "AgNP type 1 (particle mean size of 36 nm) exhibited higher antibacterial activity for both pathogen strains compared to data for commercial antibiotic."

For those of you that did not pay attention in class, AgNP means "silver nano particles."

To most of you, I apologize coming on a little hard, but after being called "troll a fraud, a charlatan and a quack," I don`t really give a "quack" what they think. This is the second PubMed article in this tread, but it`s obvious that some people are here only to pick a fight. Don`t get me wrong, I love a good discussion. I just hate ingrown stubbornness and stupidity.

Against MRSA:


You clearly have little or no knowledge about what that paper describes.

How many people (patients) where involved in the study ? How many were " cured" ? Was "colloidal silver" involved in the study ?

Stop posting stuff you do not understand !

I can only repeat myself; some people are here only to pick a fight.

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Despite the resistance from the pharmaceutical industry this quite recent study was published. We know now that antibiotics have trouble killing this bacteria. In case you can`t be bothered with reading the whole study I quote: "AgNP type 1 (particle mean size of 36 nm) exhibited higher antibacterial activity for both pathogen strains compared to data for commercial antibiotic."

For those of you that did not pay attention in class, AgNP means "silver nano particles."

To most of you, I apologize coming on a little hard, but after being called "troll a fraud, a charlatan and a quack," I don`t really give a "quack" what they think. This is the second PubMed article in this tread, but it`s obvious that some people are here only to pick a fight. Don`t get me wrong, I love a good discussion. I just hate ingrown stubbornness and stupidity.

Against MRSA:


You clearly have little or no knowledge about what that paper describes.

How many people (patients) where involved in the study ? How many were " cured" ? Was "colloidal silver" involved in the study ?

Stop posting stuff you do not understand !

I can only repeat myself; some people are here only to pick a fight.

Instead of accusing others of "picking a fight "" why not just answer the simple questions posed?

I can only repeat ..........STOP posting stuff you do not understand !

AgNP actually means "Adult-Gerontology Nurse Practitioner! smile.png

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Despite the resistance from the pharmaceutical industry this quite recent study was published. We know now that antibiotics have trouble killing this bacteria. In case you can`t be bothered with reading the whole study I quote: "AgNP type 1 (particle mean size of 36 nm) exhibited higher antibacterial activity for both pathogen strains compared to data for commercial antibiotic."

For those of you that did not pay attention in class, AgNP means "silver nano particles."

To most of you, I apologize coming on a little hard, but after being called "troll a fraud, a charlatan and a quack," I don`t really give a "quack" what they think. This is the second PubMed article in this tread, but it`s obvious that some people are here only to pick a fight. Don`t get me wrong, I love a good discussion. I just hate ingrown stubbornness and stupidity.

Against MRSA:


You clearly have little or no knowledge about what that paper describes.

How many people (patients) where involved in the study ? How many were " cured" ? Was "colloidal silver" involved in the study ?

Stop posting stuff you do not understand !

I can only repeat myself; some people are here only to pick a fight.

Instead of accusing others of "picking a fight "" why not just answer the simple questions posed?

I can only repeat ..........STOP posting stuff you do not understand !


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Despite the resistance from the pharmaceutical industry this quite recent study was published. We know now that antibiotics have trouble killing this bacteria. In case you can`t be bothered with reading the whole study I quote: "AgNP type 1 (particle mean size of 36 nm) exhibited higher antibacterial activity for both pathogen strains compared to data for commercial antibiotic."

For those of you that did not pay attention in class, AgNP means "silver nano particles."

To most of you, I apologize coming on a little hard, but after being called "troll a fraud, a charlatan and a quack," I don`t really give a "quack" what they think. This is the second PubMed article in this tread, but it`s obvious that some people are here only to pick a fight. Don`t get me wrong, I love a good discussion. I just hate ingrown stubbornness and stupidity.

Against MRSA:


I read the raincure article. Wow. Plants are patented all the time. Ever heard of Monsanto? If herbs were effective for cancer patients Hospitals and Doctors would be head over heels prescribing them. To add to charlatan, and quacksalver I must now add vulture. A voiceless bird that circles above, to prey on the hopeless.

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Seems we have established that those shouting ""troll , fraud, a charlatan and a quack,"" were correct in their assessment .

However, one last chance !

Explain in simple English exactly what the whole of that PubMed article ACTUALLY said and what its authors conclusions were.

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To Luk AJ. Please do 1 hour of research before you push your ignorant opinions on others. You have not got a clue what you are talking about. I consider this tread for ended.

I was 4 years part of an R&D team studying all the different disinfectants. I have a patent on one special natural disinfectant.

Tell us about the "patent" number and where it was registered.

I would like to undertake a patent search relating to this "natural disinfectant"

Patent nr WO 2007/039508 A1 registered in about 50 countries

How on earth can you compare Fuji film to nano silver? I repeat my statement.

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