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Happy 4th Of July


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Better hope that the American republic lives on. :D Because most expats in Thailand who rely on any kind of pension or income flow from America will be up S**t Creek :D and all of its tributaries if it doesn't. :o

America, may you live long and prosper!


Future Nakhon Pathom Resident

31 January 2007

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Why not post it on a America Expat Forum?

All the yanks I know here are glad to be away from that place.

Not glad to be away from the place – more than happy during my return visits every year. And if I could make the same money there doing what I do in Asia I would be back living in the motherland. Plus only fair that we spend some time in LOS for my wife, and to give my daughter at least some grounding in half her heritage.

Little doubt I will return to the US in a few years anyway – want my daughter to get a proper education at a reasonable price.

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Little doubt I will return to the US i................... to get a proper education .............

:o Oh please... my rib cage can´t handle it anymore.... I think I might explode.... Haven´t laughed this hard since... since.. Oh....

(user has died rolling around on the floor laughing.....)

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Yep those liberties and ideals it spread in Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Guatamala, Panama, El, Salvador, DR Congo, Angola, Grenada , Iran, Iraq, Chile, Laos, etc.etc

Have I managed to close this thread yet?

thank you !

Aw shucks, the USA will be OK. Really it will. Spanish is a lovely language! :D:D Resistance is futile.
...GO Laddies Go..... :D

Nah, mate.,.. the controller in Houston don´t understand that...

here´s the corrected version:

Vamos, muchacho´s, Vamos!!!! :o

wasn't that a line out of Treasure of the Sierra Madre?...the gold hat bandit commanding his minions to high-tail it outta there before the federales arrived?

a prosaic interpretation to what could well be a magnificent US patriotic scenario...(in the same scene Fred C Dobbs said that he could kiss all of the federales for saving them from a fate worse than death...a possibly hoe-moe erotic interpretation as well...)

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Why not post it on a America Expat Forum?

All the yanks I know here are glad to be away from that place.

Not glad to be away from the place – more than happy during my return visits every year. And if I could make the same money there doing what I do in Asia I would be back living in the motherland. Plus only fair that we spend some time in LOS for my wife, and to give my daughter at least some grounding in half her heritage.

Little doubt I will return to the US in a few years anyway – want my daughter to get a proper education at a reasonable price.

haha!american schools are so good that kids can't find the pacific ocean on a map or know who the first president was but they are sure knowledgable on britney spears videos and which nikes are hot this year.

fortunately my family could afford my private schools which cost more than most people make in a year.only the rich can afford a reasonable education at an unreasonable price.the general public masses are doomed to not know how to multiply or divide or read or know their own history or world geography or anything requiring brain cells.

the third world society with its third world educations and third world violence and crime and third world cities has finally received its third world debt-ridden bankrupt third world economy.

when the us peso collapses and 3000% inflation hits,watch what happens when the stupid spoiled kids can't have their latest air jordans anymore.

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Why not post it on a America Expat Forum?

All the yanks I know here are glad to be away from that place.

Not glad to be away from the place – more than happy during my return visits every year. And if I could make the same money there doing what I do in Asia I would be back living in the motherland. Plus only fair that we spend some time in LOS for my wife, and to give my daughter at least some grounding in half her heritage.

Little doubt I will return to the US in a few years anyway – want my daughter to get a proper education at a reasonable price.

haha!american schools are so good that kids can't find the pacific ocean on a map or know who the first president was but they are sure knowledgable on britney spears videos and which nikes are hot this year.

fortunately my family could afford my private schools which cost more than most people make in a year.only the rich can afford a reasonable education at an unreasonable price.the general public masses are doomed to not know how to multiply or divide or read or know their own history or world geography or anything requiring brain cells.

the third world society with its third world educations and third world violence and crime and third world cities has finally received its third world debt-ridden bankrupt third world economy.

when the us peso collapses and 3000% inflation hits,watch what happens when the stupid spoiled kids can't have their latest air jordans anymore.

I have four daughters. Three received public school educations in the US and one in Canada. They all speak three languages. One received a college scholarship from an Japanese University and spent two years at no cost to me learning Japanese and got a degree in international marketing. Two went to college in Florida. Upon graduation the one started working for six figures at a job for the government and the youngest one is still in school and her part time job is an anchor woman for the local radio station. She spends her summers in France and Italy as an interpreter for tour groups. Out of my youngest daughters graduating class at a public school in Florida 100% went on to college and two got perfect scores on the SAT tests.

I am sure American education could be improved. But from my personal experience America offers quality education if you decide it is a priority. By priority I mean if you care about your children’s education and don’t have the money to afford a private school there are many good public schools you just have to pick where you live more selectively.

Although in my experience education is 10% school and 90% parental supervision. If you go to the PTA meetings and become involved with your child’s progress and insist on quality performance the result will be a good education.

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Happy Birthday America!!!

Thank you for ginving us freedom, safety and peace!!! :o:D:D

Interesting picture. Germany was close to developing the Atomic Bomb in 1945. I would imagine if America had not developed it and dropped it you and I would be speaking German or Japanese. Or maybe you do speak German or Japanese and in that case I can understand your post.

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Happy Birthday America!!!

Thank you for ginving us freedom, safety and peace!!! :D:D:D

Interesting picture. Germany was close to developing the Atomic Bomb in 1945. I would imagine if America had not developed it and dropped it you and I would be speaking German or Japanese. Or maybe you do speak German or Japanese and in that case I can understand your post.

Fortunately, americans were the first to <removed> up and they've dropped it first, :D , just in case... :o Nagasaki was a shame, so they decided to complete their mastepiece with Hiroshima...now they're scared Iraq has the good ones, the biologic ones...so, again, just in case, they decide to blow up Iraq, not just for that, but even because they are terorists and they don't want to give up their oil and because that I am sure that the whole Bush family can't sleep at night because the people of Iraq are not free ( :D ) and here we go, Bush has a gun factory that wouldn't needs to sell, Iraq has some oil that needs to be taken, you do the maths.

What's next? Iran? :D

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By the time America dropped the nukes on Nagasaki and Hiroshima,the war was over in Europe and Germany was already defeated and Japan had already lost their Asian empire and was relegated to their home island.The nukes could have been dropped over the ocean in view of Tokyo to send the message but they had to fry hundreds of thousands of civilian women and children.At least Pearl Harbor was a military target not a civilian one and America was the Pacific's imperialist power at the time.

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Happy 4th of July to my fellow Americans (not you Bush).

I'm not surprised that the American bashers have invaded this thread....I hope they all die painfully and rot in hel_l!! :o

As for American education, certainly primary and secondary education can be improved but tertiary education is excellent; no country in the world has better universities than the US although some have universities that are just as good.

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Why not post it on a America Expat Forum?

All the yanks I know here are glad to be away from that place.

It's not the place, it's the ideals.

Long Live The Republic, may it preserve liberty until it's fall.

Yep those liberties and ideals it spread in Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Guatamala, Panama, El, Salvador, DR Congo, Angola, Grenada , Iran, Iraq, Chile, Laos, etc.etc

Have I managed to close this thread yet?

Your right. The British did so much better with India and Burma and America...... :o

I just knew it was only a matter of time before the America Bashers would put in their two cents here....


Don't worry we can get them back on St.George's Day. :D

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Happy Birthday America!!!

Thank you for ginving us freedom, safety and peace!!! :D:D:D

Interesting picture. Germany was close to developing the Atomic Bomb in 1945. I would imagine if America had not developed it and dropped it you and I would be speaking German or Japanese. Or maybe you do speak German or Japanese and in that case I can understand your post.

Fortunately, americans were the first to <removed> up and they've dropped it first, :D , just in case... :o Nagasaki was a shame, so they decided to complete their mastepiece with Hiroshima...now they're scared Iraq has the good ones, the biologic ones...so, again, just in case, they decide to blow up Iraq, not just for that, but even because they are terorists and they don't want to give up their oil and because that I am sure that the whole Bush family can't sleep at night because the people of Iraq are not free ( :D ) and here we go, Bush has a gun factory that wouldn't needs to sell, Iraq has some oil that needs to be taken, you do the maths.

What's next? Iran? :D

Your history needs some work, I am sure what you get out of leaving out some of the more important apsects of this time.

By the time America dropped the nukes on Nagasaki and Hiroshima,the war was over in Europe and Germany was already defeated and Japan had already lost their Asian empire and was relegated to their home island.The nukes could have been dropped over the ocean in view of Tokyo to send the message but they had to fry hundreds of thousands of civilian women and children.At least Pearl Harbor was a military target not a civilian one and America was the Pacific's imperialist power at the time.

Your history as well is filled with holes. Pear Habor is a city, with a Navel port. They attacked the city as well as the port. More than armed forces died that day.

I owe you both a can of whoop @$$! :D

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Thanks for clearing up the US bashers' history lessons thaibebop :o We actually did consider dropping the atomic bomb off the coast of Japan in order to scare them into surrendering. Another option we considered was a full-scale invasion like we did on D-Day. Given the tough fighting spirit of the Japanese and the fact that they were protecting their own country, both of those options would have failed. In the end, we had to nuke them twice before they surrendered. We knew that most of the those killed would be innocent civilians and the men who dropped the bomb felt terrible afterwards. War is hel_l.

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Happy Birthday America!!!

Thank you for ginving us freedom, safety and peace!!! :D:D:D

Interesting picture. Germany was close to developing the Atomic Bomb in 1945. I would imagine if America had not developed it and dropped it you and I would be speaking German or Japanese. Or maybe you do speak German or Japanese and in that case I can understand your post.

Fortunately, americans were the first to <removed> up and they've dropped it first, :D , just in case... :o Nagasaki was a shame, so they decided to complete their mastepiece with Hiroshima...now they're scared Iraq has the good ones, the biologic ones...so, again, just in case, they decide to blow up Iraq, not just for that, but even because they are terorists and they don't want to give up their oil and because that I am sure that the whole Bush family can't sleep at night because the people of Iraq are not free ( :D ) and here we go, Bush has a gun factory that wouldn't needs to sell, Iraq has some oil that needs to be taken, you do the maths.

What's next? Iran? :D

Your history needs some work, I am sure what you get out of leaving out some of the more important apsects of this time.

By the time America dropped the nukes on Nagasaki and Hiroshima,the war was over in Europe and Germany was already defeated and Japan had already lost their Asian empire and was relegated to their home island.The nukes could have been dropped over the ocean in view of Tokyo to send the message but they had to fry hundreds of thousands of civilian women and children.At least Pearl Harbor was a military target not a civilian one and America was the Pacific's imperialist power at the time.

Your history as well is filled with holes. Pear Habor is a city, with a Navel port. They attacked the city as well as the port. More than armed forces died that day.

hahahaa!!guess where i live right now!yup-honolulu hawaii!and pearl harbor is an actual harbor and pearl city is the city inland from it.they targetted the battleships and carriers that day and didnt waste their time or bombs on the cities.

I owe you both a can of whoop @$$! :D

bring it on!haha!

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Thanks for clearing up the US bashers' history lessons thaibebop :o We actually did consider dropping the atomic bomb off the coast of Japan in order to scare them into surrendering. Another option we considered was a full-scale invasion like we did on D-Day. Given the tough fighting spirit of the Japanese and the fact that they were protecting their own country, both of those options would have failed. In the end, we had to nuke them twice before they surrendered. We knew that most of the those killed would be innocent civilians and the men who dropped the bomb felt terrible afterwards. War is hel_l.

That is what is upsetting. They were not defeated they were holding out hope they could make a deal. After all they had done in Nanking, the Death March and with U-735(I think it was 735 maybe 731) and they wanted to cut a deal. So, yes. The President could order the invasion and more Amercian and Japanese lives would have been lost. American troops would have been forced to fire on children and women attacking them with farming tools. The Japanese government was telling it's people that this is what they had to do to protect the homeland. Well, Truman's job was to look out after Americans, not Japanese.

I never remember the British complaining at the time, nor the French. Only later when they want to drag us through the mud. What blacken our name in that war was cutting deals with Japans war criminals so we could have the information they gain in biological warfare, which was achieved by using the Chinese people as lab rats. Giving starving children candy lace with anthrax. That is the real crime. That and some of the things we did at home, but I wonder if these educated elites ever know of those events.

I am surprised at the bashers of America for the really know so little about us and our true history, black spots and all.

I will say it again, the day The Republic no longer stands for liberty let the revolution begin.

For the tree of liberty will require refreshing with the blood of patriot. (paraphrase) Thomas Jefferson.

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What blacken our name in that war was cutting deals with Japans war criminals so we could have the information they gain in biological warfare, which was achieved by using the Chinese people as lab rats. Giving starving children candy lace with anthrax. That is the real crime. That and some of the things we did at home, but I wonder if these educated elites ever know of those events.

The Chinese haven't liked the Japanese for a long time...particularly since Japan invaded China in 1937. As for using them in place of lab rats for biological war testing, I'm not surprised this occurred; they did do some terrible things in China. Joseph Mengle (aka the Angel of Death) did similar, nasty experiments with Jewish POW's in the Nazi death camps.

I think most countries' histories have some pretty dark chapters, but as you said many don't know of these events.

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What blacken our name in that war was cutting deals with Japans war criminals so we could have the information they gain in biological warfare, which was achieved by using the Chinese people as lab rats. Giving starving children candy lace with anthrax. That is the real crime. That and some of the things we did at home, but I wonder if these educated elites ever know of those events.

The Chinese haven't liked the Japanese for a long time...particularly since Japan invaded China in 1937. As for using them in place of lab rats for biological war testing, I'm not surprised this occurred; they did do some terrible things in China. Joseph Mengle (aka the Angel of Death) did similar, nasty experiments with Jewish POW's in the Nazi death camps.

I think most countries' histories have some pretty dark chapters, but as you said many don't know of these events.

The US did make a deal with Japan. It was not an unconditional surrender as it should have been.

The Japanese Emperor, an obvious war criminal should have been hung but was spared. The Japanese still would not have surrendered even after two atomic bombs if it was an unconditional surrender.

The other thing on Truman’s mind at the time was the planned Russian invasion of Japan to claim occupation rights.

There are also stories that German atomic technology was en route to Japan after the fall of Germany. The particular submarine that was to deliver the goods was somehow re routed to NY and something unloaded but it has never been clear what it was.

A couple of other side notes, there were still active Japanese armies in other parts of Asia that would have fought on and the Japanese had held a large contingent of aircraft in reserve for Kamikaze bombing of any landing fleet.

If one reads the history of the Japanese occupation of China, Burma, Thailand and the pacific islands and the behavior of Japanese troops from generals to privates one has no sympathy for the Japanese people at all.

Given the behavior of the Japanese troops it is a wonder only two atomic bombs were dropped.

And since this is a Thailand forum it has always been a source of amazement to me that the Thai’s don’t know anything about the Japanese actions during WW II.

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Thanks for clearing up the US bashers' history lessons thaibebop :D We actually did consider dropping the atomic bomb off the coast of Japan in order to scare them into surrendering. Another option we considered was a full-scale invasion like we did on D-Day. Given the tough fighting spirit of the Japanese and the fact that they were protecting their own country, both of those options would have failed. In the end, we had to nuke them twice before they surrendered. We knew that most of the those killed would be innocent civilians and the men who dropped the bomb felt terrible afterwards. War is hel_l.

That is what is upsetting. They were not defeated they were holding out hope they could make a deal. After all they had done in Nanking, the Death March and with U-735(I think it was 735 maybe 731) and they wanted to cut a deal. So, yes. The President could order the invasion and more Amercian and Japanese lives would have been lost. American troops would have been forced to fire on children and women attacking them with farming tools. The Japanese government was telling it's people that this is what they had to do to protect the homeland. Well, Truman's job was to look out after Americans, not Japanese.

I never remember the British complaining at the time, nor the French. Only later when they want to drag us through the mud. What blacken our name in that war was cutting deals with Japans war criminals so we could have the information they gain in biological warfare, which was achieved by using the Chinese people as lab rats. Giving starving children candy lace with anthrax. That is the real crime. That and some of the things we did at home, but I wonder if these educated elites ever know of those events.

I am surprised at the bashers of America for the really know so little about us and our true history, black spots and all.

I will say it again, the day The Republic no longer stands for liberty let the revolution begin.

For the tree of liberty will require refreshing with the blood of patriot. (paraphrase) Thomas Jefferson.

Americans never managed to make it on their own and now, since the nuclear bombs are theoretically forbidden, you sent the brits in Iraq, US money, US equipment and UK soldiers...the history is history...I don't have anything with americans, just with the US govt, about the american peoples...quit being proud of being the govt's puppets, after all these years, you don't seem to realize you're being brain washed and that for you govt, you only represent tax payers...

Quit considering yourself examples, ok, the japanese took one city (even if 95% of the city was military), but you had to take out the whole country and by nucleard bombs??? Is that fair??? Nothing personally...but I just think that all the cowboys in that country left a few decades ago, the cows and sheeps remained... :o

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Well, as the OP I was rather hoping that this thread could remain in the spirit in which it was started, which was to wish the septics a Happy July 4th and hope they (and everyone else, for that matter) enjoy it.

If people want to start a yank-bashing thread, feel free to do so. Leave this one alone, please - it was intended purely as a bit of fun and banter in the spirit of goodwill on what is an important day to the US.

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"Americans never managed to make it on their own and now, since the nuclear bombs are theoretically forbidden, you sent the brits in Iraq, US money, US equipment and UK soldiers...the history is history...I don't have anything with americans, just with the US govt, about the american peoples...quit being proud of being the govt's puppets, after all these years, you don't seem to realize you're being brain washed and that for you govt, you only represent tax payers...

Quit considering yourself examples, ok, the japanese took one city (even if 95% of the city was military), but you had to take out the whole country and by nucleard bombs??? Is that fair??? Nothing personally...but I just think that all the cowboys in that country left a few decades ago, the cows and sheeps remained..."

Nothing against the American people eh? As for brainwashing, I think it is you who have been brainwashed...the Americans can and have made it on their own for a LONG time without being run by England. Let's not forget that England and France pulled through WWII with our help. I know the US Govt sucks and so do many Americans, but that does not mean that we can't be proud of our country minus the govt. By the way, we did not take out the WHOLE country when we nuked Japan...we destroyed two cities and if you know anything about that part of history (which you obviously don't) you will understand that we did consider other options. In the end, we needed to take drastic measures to stop the Japanese which we did. We knew civilians casualities would be enormous but such is the nature of nuclear weaponry. It was a tough decision but of course you didn't have to make that decision so it's easy for you to sit back and bash the US all you want.

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Mods - sorry, I suppose I should have known better. This thread is so off course that I see no reason to keep it alive, so if you feel it should be closed, please do so.

Yeah, the 4th is over anyway.

Shut 'er down, sbk...

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"Americans never managed to make it on their own and now, since the nuclear bombs are theoretically forbidden, you sent the brits in Iraq, US money, US equipment and UK soldiers...the history is history...I don't have anything with americans, just with the US govt, about the american peoples...quit being proud of being the govt's puppets, after all these years, you don't seem to realize you're being brain washed and that for you govt, you only represent tax payers...

Quit considering yourself examples, ok, the japanese took one city (even if 95% of the city was military), but you had to take out the whole country and by nucleard bombs??? Is that fair??? Nothing personally...but I just think that all the cowboys in that country left a few decades ago, the cows and sheeps remained..."

Nothing against the American people eh? As for brainwashing, I think it is you who have been brainwashed...the Americans can and have made it on their own for a LONG time without being run by England. Let's not forget that England and France pulled through WWII with our help. I know the US Govt sucks and so do many Americans, but that does not mean that we can't be proud of our country minus the govt. By the way, we did not take out the WHOLE country when we nuked Japan...we destroyed two cities and if you know anything about that part of history (which you obviously don't) you will understand that we did consider other options. In the end, we needed to take drastic measures to stop the Japanese which we did. We knew civilians casualities would be enormous but such is the nature of nuclear weaponry. It was a tough decision but of course you didn't have to make that decision so it's easy for you to sit back and bash the US all you want.

Who the h_ll dicovered you anyway? It was an italian, that brought Spain there. Others came along and populated it by taking everything from the red skinned indians, tortured them, stealing from them, killing them...that's the way you were borned and that's the way you'll live on...I don't know why am I the one being brainwashed...

England and France pulled through WWII with your help because almost all forces in Europe were already weak...while you were fresh and calculating the benefits, benefits that you are still taking advantage of...

Anyway, there is none capable to make you giys understand that...the people are either with you, or against you...I'm not with you, neither against you, I just feel sorry for the average american citizens, the hard working americans, the honest americans...they are ruled by lies and BS...that's all I wanted to say

I'm not bashing you, Boon Mee or Sadman or KerryK...of course, you've been programmed to such reactions, it's not your fault

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"Americans never managed to make it on their own and now, since the nuclear bombs are theoretically forbidden, you sent the brits in Iraq, US money, US equipment and UK soldiers...the history is history...I don't have anything with americans, just with the US govt, about the american peoples...quit being proud of being the govt's puppets, after all these years, you don't seem to realize you're being brain washed and that for you govt, you only represent tax payers...

Quit considering yourself examples, ok, the japanese took one city (even if 95% of the city was military), but you had to take out the whole country and by nucleard bombs??? Is that fair??? Nothing personally...but I just think that all the cowboys in that country left a few decades ago, the cows and sheeps remained..."

.... I just feel sorry for the average american citizens, the hard working americans, the honest americans...they are ruled by lies and BS...that's all I wanted to say

I'm not bashing you, Boon Mee or Sadman or KerryK...of course, you've been programmed to such reactions, it's not your fault

Wait a minute - you just said they were all stupid, and now you are talking about the hard working, honest Americans? I won't even waste my spit on you - first of all, because you don't even realize that you are slipping in your own drool while you attempt to spit on us - but mostly because you have no idea who hardworking, honest Americans are, what they are up against, or how they think. We don't all have delayed payment plans on our loans while we take a few gap years to hop around the world. You are just spewing the same Euro/Brit sloganeering, based on your pompous superiority trips, and revealing your own ignorance in the process, as clearly shown by your account of history. You think only the sheep remain in America? There are many people from all over the world that go through a lot of trouble to be educated by those sheep, at our universities. Just because every football yob in England has a passport doesn't mean they don't travel in a

pack --- clearly.

I like the other poster as well: ... the UK this and the UK that ... America's equipment but the Uk's work - you are a fcking tosser. Men and women are fcking dying out there, from many countries. There are plenty of critical, analytical comments to make about the United States that are justified, but you obviously are not capable of making any.

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