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Chang Beer

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When I visit the U.K. (which is rarely) I drink local beer: Draught, canned or bottled.

It varies in percentage from 4% (local pub draught) to canned 'super lager' of 9%.

I never have a hangover. Ever. The next morning I am just a bit thirsty and then I have a massive hunger for a mammoth fried breakfast.

However; after a Chang session in Thailand (6.4%) the hangover can be spectacular. Then again sometimes not.

Research into hangovers nearly always ends in a debate about so called 'congeners' or 'fusel oils' that are present in alcoholic beverages. I suggest that some bottled Chang beer contains high levels of these impurities.

Is there a scientific way Chang beer can be tested?

Is there a possibility of 'bad-batches' of Chang beer?

Is the age of the bottled Chang beer relevant?

If you experienced similar devastating hangovers after Chang sessions did you switch brands with successful results?

I consider Chang to be the best tasting and Singha always gives me a headache. Any views?

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The quality control at the brewery is shit. Some amazingly crappy stuff gets through it.

If you buy 10 bottles on Chang you usually end up with 1-2 bottles that taste different than the others.

I drink Singha but switching to Beer Lao now that it's somewhat available.

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im not sure about the adding chemicals bit,i heard they just do it on the inside of the bootle rim to keep the germs out before they cap it.

i recon that its just that the alcohol strength varies on each bottle of chang.

a bit of a lottery.

how pissed am i going to get tonight,on the old chang.

i must admit,the following morning, after a few bottles of the stuff,you get the famous chang mouth.

feel like i want to wipe my tongue on the bed sheets.

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I'd like to know how to test the stuff scientifically as well. I find it pretty unlikely that Chang is that much worse than cheap beer elsewhere.

Usually, my hangovers are worse in Sweden than in Thailand. For me, it seems the heat/dehydration factor and passive smoking are the worst culprits for hangover. Since I stopped smoking, my hangovers have gotten much lighter.

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I have it from a reliable source, that at the Chang brewery when they run out of good water, they

add water buffalo urine to fill the tank :o

Chang draught i find better, and if you want to pay 40% more for a watered down version, you can purchase Chang Lite. :D

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When I started to visit Thailand I liked Chang. But normall never more than one beer, maximum two per day. Good taste and strong but no hangover.

When I moved here more than 4 years ago I had to stop drinking Chang because after 3 Chang I got a hangover/headache starting the fourth.

I drink Leo, Tiger, Singha and Cheers and I like them all and I got no problems with them.

BUT I can drink Chang draught a lot and I feel good next morning.

And I can also drink Heneken draught but I don't like it in bottle.

But I miss CARLSBERG!!!!!! :o:D:D

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Chang's a right giggle though init,,,,,...... I think..... :o:D

My memories of Changovers are usually as scetchy as the memories from the night before. With so many beers, the last thing you want the moment you wake up is another but, with Chang, I can dig straight back in again on the Changlaughtrail..... :D

Chang is as impure as some of my thoughts. :D


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When I started to visit Thailand I liked Chang. But normall never more than one beer, maximum two per day. Good taste and strong but no hangover.

When I moved here more than 4 years ago I had to stop drinking Chang because after 3 Chang I got a hangover/headache starting the fourth.

No, how could u possibly get a hangover from 2 beers, or even 4? Just a thought :o:D

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When I started to visit Thailand I liked Chang. But normall never more than one beer, maximum two per day. Good taste and strong but no hangover.

When I moved here more than 4 years ago I had to stop drinking Chang because after 3 Chang I got a hangover/headache starting the fourth.

No, how could u possibly get a hangover from 2 beers, or even 4? Just a thought :o:D

Well, I guess the poster might have been talking about the large bottles of Chang beer which is 640 ml and at 6.4% ethanol; it is easy to forget that 5 large Chang=1 bootle of spirits.

So 4 bottles of large Chang=4/5 a bottle of spirits: hangover very likely.

Anybody have any views on the 'purity' or hangover potential of 'Leo' beer?

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