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Tourist arrivals in Thailand drop 10.47 percent to 13.6 million in seven months


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While I personally dislike the Chinese tourists as well, I think that some of you have allowed your prejudice and bias to blind you to other facts.


The "real" Western tourist tends to come on an FIT basis, staying in maybe 3,4 or 5 stars hotel. They spend money on some shopping and F&B of course but also a lot of their time lying by the pool or on the beach. So primarily, they benefit some hotels and some pubs, which I would imagine are mostly owned by "foreign" parties.


Chinese tourists on the other hand come in tour groups. As such, they require the services of an inbound ground operator - Thai owned. They require the services of tour coaches - Thai owned. They visit "attractions" like the Pattaya Floating market (Thb 200 entrance per person) or Mimosa (Thb 150 entrance per person) - both Thai owned. They eat at local and roadside restaurants - Thai owned. They go for massages and soapies - Thai owned.


See the whole picture?


I can also tell you for a fact that Chinese tourists to Europe today constitutes the biggest spending in many places, including LV, Printemps, Galleries Lafeyette in Paris, diamonds in Amsterdam etc etc.


Don't be so quick to pass judgement based on your lack or experience and knowledge of such matters.




Yes, I think what some people are trying to say is, is that the up-market Chinese tourists go to London and Paris. But the down-market ones are turning up in Thailand !

Actually, let's look at this in a different way. We have a football stadium, and yes, there's plenty more room. The number of spectators is actually falling. Now, a lot of those spectators buy the cheaper tickets, but still, those spectators are still paying for those tickets. By all means, try to attract back the spectators who were buying the expensive tickets, but what's the point of refusing to attract the ones who are buying the cheaper tickets ? If those who are buying the cheaper tickets are going to be restricted, well, that's not going to help or boost ticket revenue !!

And how many tourists from Europe and America are refusing to turn up in Thailand because of the Chinese tourists ? Surely, very few ? The American and European tourists are turning up in fewer numbers because of stuff that is nothing to do with the Chinese tourists. And I agree, people massively exaggerate the problems that Chinese tourists create.

How many Chinese tourists do you see, pissed out of there minds, walking back to there hotels ? Hardly ever. Now, European and American ones, yes. And yes, sometimes in Pattaya, you do see people pissing onto the street, late at night, when walking back to their hotel, or puking onto the street. But they're not Chinese though, are they ? They're from Europe or America !   smile.png

Yes, Thailand needs all tourists, Chinese and Europeans. And when Thailand is packed solid, when there's no more room left, then, only then, should Thailand restrict certain tourists. Restrict the  Chinese ones who are rude, and restrict the European ones who get pissed out of their minds and are a nuisance. Outside of Pattaya, does Thailand actually want people who are drunk, and walking the streets back to their hotel ??




+1 Well said, particularly your analogy about tickets and stadium seats.


A lot of posters criticise the lack of manners, rudeness and unsanitary habits (such as spitting) of many Chinese tourists and overlook the equally unsavoury behaviour of some of their own countrymen and women.

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they are killing the tourists business that want to stay more than 30 days, and now they are shocked that the numbers are dropping like flies?


good for them


soon air asia can move back to suvi :)



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Chinese tourists represented the biggest arrivals during the seven months of this year with 2.2 million arrivals or a decline by 21.19 percent; 1.04 million Malaysians or a drop by 18.91 percent; 1.02 million Russians


Thailand is going to find that an influx of Chinese tourist will not cover the income generated by foreigner tourists not belonging to Asia. 

Their increase in arrivals would not affect the tourism industry other than airline sales and hotel bookings with which both are probably taking a loss with their promotions. Chinese tourist groups walk around taking pictures. They don't stop for a beer at a watering hole. They don't buy knickknacks and look for the cheapest products they can get. Not exactly generating income for anyone. Then there is there rudeness, aggressive nature and loud speech. All of these equals the best in a tourist any country would be looking for their tourism industry


It is quite simple, actually.


A western tourist comes to Thailand for an average of 12 days.

He spends around € 100 a day per person, besides the hotel bookings.

A grand total spent in the local economy of € 150, per day!


A Chinese tourist comes to Thailand for an average of 6 days.

That same tourist spends the hefty sum of € 15 in the local economy per day.......wow!

The hotel is booked by the Chinese tour operator in a self owned or rented hotel.

Transport around Thailand is done in a Chinese bus with a Chinese driver, owned by the Chinese company.


If you do your sums, Thailand needs 10 Chinese tourists per day for every missed Farang.


Might I call this a very bad deal?


I would guess Thailand better make some work in luring the western tourists back to Thailand.


The crackdown on the visa problem, and indeed the rules were broken, generates a lot of negative press in Farang countries.

Friend of mine comes to Thailand on a year multi entry visa for the last ten years.

Every year he buys a not too cheap visum and spends around € 15000 in Thailand, probably much more.

Now he tells me he is afraid to get problems with the visa things, and will go somewhere else,


Me, I am on an extension of stay for retirement for the 9th year now.

I have invested in those years the hefty sum of 15 milllion baht.

And now I guess that one day soon I will have problems with immigration because of change of rules.



Lunacy rules Xenophobia.


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I didnt want to bother pointing out that their numbers, show a massive drop pf 20% in Chinese tourists, so,


They have shot even their bread and butter in the foot,


Thailand can forget Jewish and Americans now as well, with their permission of demonstrations at the US Embassy and the burning of the flags, even while there is a demonstration edict out there


No one ever expected fair treatment frrom Thailand,


Now they are  certain


I am not happy with these developments

Normally everybody complains lack of democracy in Thailand! Sorry for the freedom of speech.

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Is there a drop in tourism, of course there is, but that’s not the real surprise, the surprise to me is that it isn’t bigger, do you know of any other country that would have a military takeover, & over 30 embassy’s warn there citizen’s not to travel here, --- on top of that you have the stopping of the phony tourists – the guys going down to do a U turn & coming back in were of course being counted as a visiting tourists, they weren’t / aren’t.  So yes there will be an adjustment of the figures, to more true figures. But if the doom & gloom guys are waiting for Thailand to do an economic meltdown because of this, Please….don’t hold your breath.


Let’s blame the Chinese

Then silliness about the Chinese taking over Thailand, because they will be getting the same visa rights as the farang now has, although the Americans & the Europeans posters here, do not seem at all worried that their own countries have either already done this—or are fast moving ahead with it.  Some 7 years ago in Americas case. 


"The escalation (**in Tourism U.S.A.) is a result of China being  granted “approved destination status” by the U.S. in 2007 and also a 2012 executive order by President Barack Obama to reduce the time it takes to get a visitor’s visa at an American consulate."


 Only 20 years ago Chinese simply didn't go abroad unless it was for work or study but now thanks to rising incomes and a relaxation of western government restrictions, they are the biggest force in world tourism. Both in numbers and spending. Nearly one in ten international tourists worldwide is now Chinese, with 97.3m outward-bound journeys from the country last year, of which around half were for leisure. Chinese tourists spend most in total ($129 billion in 2013, followed by Americans at $86 billion) and per tax-free transaction ($1,130 compared with $494 by Russians). More than 80% say that shopping is vital to their plans, compared with 56% of Middle Eastern tourists and 48% of Russians. http://www.economist.com/news/international/21601028-how-growing-chinese-middle-class-changing-global-tourism-industry-coming


If the Thailand government did not take note of the tremendous income in Chinese tourism, they would indeed be committing economic suicide.



Chinese tourist are not big spender. They came for free tour, free food, free bus, free concert, free protest.--- Suriya4


From any point of view--- we should welcome the Chinese tourist. Seriously—think about it, why wouldn’t you.  If you are here just for the “Social” side of Thailand, then they will be leaving you completely alone, unlike the Russian tourist, they won’t want to fish in the same gene pool as you.  They are a different type tourist ---they will not be getting 5 baht gold chains stolen from them by lady boys on the beach, & they will not be buying a new Buffalo for some bar lady, so for these “venders” they are defiantly not “Quality tourists” maybe this is where the posters feedback about them never spending any money is coming from. But they do want value for their money--- they do want a good price, however they do spend, on average more in gifts than any other tourist. Just go to any Airport where they are leaving—they are a headache for the Airlines because the amount of gifts they are returning with---Just observe next time you’re flying.


The other thing that Chinese buy is quality; they are the home of counterfeit goods, they do not come here for them. So they will leave me alone to negotiate my $12 Rolex. Like the Japanese they shop for original brands.


We should welcome them because as tourist they will force the prices down—

New York--China has become the city’s fastest-growing market for overseas tourists, with the number of visitors from the country jumping 19% in the past year alone, outpacing even the globe hopping Brazilians. Hotels in all the five boroughs, however, are not reaping the rewards, because the price-sensitive travelers are heading to New Jersey, where room rates are significantly cheaper & busing into New York.


The outcome of that report is that the Chinese would not pay the $150 a night in Manhattan, leaving empty rooms thereby forcing the prices down for the next tour group to $75 a night. Do you think that other tour operator’s don’t notice that?? No matter where their groups are coming from.


When I was living in London in the 60s American tourist were arriving & as Europe was still rebuilding from the war, they were quite affluent in comparison to other tourist. The complaints then were the opposite of the Chinese; they were putting the prices up by spending too much. It didn’t seem too much to them of course. London is now quite an expensive city.


What would you rather have—I don’t mean American or Chinese I mean. Tourist who accept the prices they are given & just pay-& then the next one it’s just a little bit more etc… or those that argue & demand a better value, whether it’s a hotel room or a girls company.


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Chinese tourist are not big spender. They came for free tour, free food, free bus, free concert, free protest. They visit places like public park, chiang mai uni etc that pay no entrance fee. Some even paid to come under the Zero Baht Tour scheme organised by shopping gang who make money out of them thru the sales of fake gems and fake bird nest and have Sex with fake ladies.



Chinese tourists represented the biggest arrivals during the seven months of this year with 2.2 million arrivals or a decline by 21.19 percent; 1.04 million Malaysians or a drop by 18.91 percent; 1.02 million Russians


Thailand is going to find that an influx of Chinese tourist will not cover the income generated by foreigner tourists not belonging to Asia. 

Their increase in arrivals would not affect the tourism industry other than airline sales and hotel bookings with which both are probably taking a loss with their promotions. Chinese tourist groups walk around taking pictures. They don't stop for a beer at a watering hole. They don't buy knickknacks and look for the cheapest products they can get. Not exactly generating income for anyone. Then there is there rudeness, aggressive nature and loud speech. All of these equals the best in a tourist any country would be looking for their tourism industry


While I personally dislike the Chinese tourists as well, I think that some of you have allowed your prejudice and bias to blind you to other facts.


The "real" Western tourist tends to come on an FIT basis, staying in maybe 3,4 or 5 stars hotel. They spend money on some shopping and F&B of course but also a lot of their time lying by the pool or on the beach. So primarily, they benefit some hotels and some pubs, which I would imagine are mostly owned by "foreign" parties.


Chinese tourists on the other hand come in tour groups. As such, they require the services of an inbound ground operator - Thai owned. They require the services of tour coaches - Thai owned. They visit "attractions" like the Pattaya Floating market (Thb 200 entrance per person) or Mimosa (Thb 150 entrance per person) - both Thai owned. They eat at local and roadside restaurants - Thai owned. They go for massages and soapies - Thai owned.


See the whole picture?


I can also tell you for a fact that Chinese tourists to Europe today constitutes the biggest spending in many places, including LV, Printemps, Galleries Lafeyette in Paris, diamonds in Amsterdam etc etc.


Don't be so quick to pass judgement based on your lack or experience and knowledge of such matters.




Yes, I think what some people are trying to say is, is that the up-market Chinese tourists go to London and Paris. But the down-market ones are turning up in Thailand !

Actually, let's look at this in a different way. We have a football stadium, and yes, there's plenty more room. The number of spectators is actually falling. Now, a lot of those spectators buy the cheaper tickets, but still, those spectators are still paying for those tickets. By all means, try to attract back the spectators who were buying the expensive tickets, but what's the point of refusing to attract the ones who are buying the cheaper tickets ? If those who are buying the cheaper tickets are going to be restricted, well, that's not going to help or boost ticket revenue !!

And how many tourists from Europe and America are refusing to turn up in Thailand because of the Chinese tourists ? Surely, very few ? The American and European tourists are turning up in fewer numbers because of stuff that is nothing to do with the Chinese tourists. And I agree, people massively exaggerate the problems that Chinese tourists create.

How many Chinese tourists do you see, pissed out of there minds, walking back to there hotels ? Hardly ever. Now, European and American ones, yes. And yes, sometimes in Pattaya, you do see people pissing onto the street, late at night, when walking back to their hotel, or puking onto the street. But they're not Chinese though, are they ? They're from Europe or America !   smile.png

Yes, Thailand needs all tourists, Chinese and Europeans. And when Thailand is packed solid, when there's no more room left, then, only then, should Thailand restrict certain tourists. Restrict the  Chinese ones who are rude, and restrict the European ones who get pissed out of their minds and are a nuisance. Outside of Pattaya, does Thailand actually want people who are drunk, and walking the streets back to their hotel ??




Considering the watered down drinks of already low grade alcohol and at $10 US a drink,


the answer to your question is Yes,


they do want people spending $150 to get drunk and then stumble out with their tired ugly bar girls, to get fleeced some more before they pass out


everybody wins, including the guy who thinks he scored a hot thai "actress" that night

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"he expected tourism would register growth for the first time this year in October with tourist arrivals returning"
No shit sherlock, its the start of summer season of course its going to pick up,,,,  clap2.gif Genius 

Is it really?
With train rapes and robberies and bus crashes from drivers sleeping do you really think tourist will be spending on travelling inside Thailand?

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app
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"he expected tourism would register growth for the first time this year in October with tourist arrivals returning"
No shit sherlock, its the start of summer season of course its going to pick up,,,,  clap2.gif Genius 

Is it really?
With train rapes and robberies and bus crashes from drivers sleeping do you really think tourist will be spending on travelling inside Thailand?

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

By then, the tourist visa runs will have fed through which will cause them another 60 to 100k per month.
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Is there anyone on here that actually owns a business and can contribute first hand. This year is busier than last and the year befor that. Yes a 6 week cool period after Songran as per norm which was a little extended due to the curfew.


I think Songran next year is going to be a completely different story , like bans on motor cyclists , drunken driving, will face a jail term , and the Pattaya madness of previous years will be history .

Many business's will face, close down, its inevitable , if things are ,in the long run, going to return to normal.

Thought i'd brighten you day up .   lol.

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I am a "western tourist"

I arrived at swampy in Oct 2013, it was packed. the visa line was 30 minutes.

I went to Ventianne Jan 2014, my rturn to swampy, "no line"

It has been dead that long friends,


I spent an average of $30,000 Baht a week,

14,000 on lodging, the rest food.

330 baht for breakfast at the Swissotel, 660 Baht for dinner,

it adds up.


I also cleaned out the local grocers of their high pH water, whenever I could,


my expenses increased to $200,000 Baht a month, when I moved in with a Thai girl, and "took care" of her for the 3-4 months we were together,  a bargain considering that in total, it was less than my ex wife spent in shoes and hairdressers every month, 


needless to say,


there are too many articles I am reading of shake downs in the street, piss tests on demand, and passport demands while walking to the 7-11, and girls flying off balcony's, whether they are Cambodian, Russian, or Japanese, they are seemingly, not interested in prosecution of Thai's for murder,


but they will put a pretty Thai actress in prison for 30 years for the equivalent of 2 lines of cocaine in a baggie in her luggage, that she forgot to snort the weekend before,


no thanks to Thailand for me,


I offered to bring the girl here, she decided to stay in BKK,


There isnt one thing I can't get in Miami Beach, that I can get in Thailand, without the pollution, corruption, rotten theiving police, and shakedowns,


and, I can walk in the streets here and not have to worry about random piss tests


ps. they may not have soapies here, but they do have south american and cuban girls here, for the proce of a soapy, and, I can take my own bath when she leaves



You are sufficiently affluent to have the lifestyle you want, even in the States. The same does not apply to many others. Thb 200,000 ensures you a very high quality of living in Thailand but can you live the same lifestyle in the States for this same amount of money?

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Don't be so quick to pass judgement based on your lack or experience and knowledge of such matters.



Having lived and worked in Mainland China, I do have the experience and they are Cheap Charlies. They come on either organized tours through a group in China or they come as solo's staying in the cheapest flop house they can find. Yes, they do generate income for Thailand, but it is minimal compared to what Western tourists spend.

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Hmm, so tourist arrivals are down around 10%. Of course I do not have all the information the TAT has, but as it stands it doesn't look good. From my home country, it seems tourists have chosen to go elsewhere. Plenty of air tickets available and the price of these tickets are under 600 euro for many dates.


On the route ams-bkk prices in low season are normally around 680-720 euro, (has been for at least the last 10 years), at this moment prices for Sep, Oct and Nov 2014 are between 580-620 euro. They cannot fill the planes or so it seems.

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Don't be so quick to pass judgement based on your lack or experience and knowledge of such matters.



Having lived and worked in Mainland China, I do have the experience and they are Cheap Charlies. They come on either organized tours through a group in China or they come as solo's staying in the cheapest flop house they can find. Yes, they do generate income for Thailand, but it is minimal compared to what Western tourists spend.



I see many, many well heeled Chinese tourists, especially in Hong Kong, outspending the western tourists by a country mile.

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I didnt want to bother pointing out that their numbers, show a massive drop pf 20% in Chinese tourists, so,


They have shot even their bread and butter in the foot,


Thailand can forget Jewish and Americans now as well, with their permission of demonstrations at the US Embassy and the burning of the flags, even while there is a demonstration edict out there


No one ever expected fair treatment frrom Thailand,


Now they are  certain


I am not happy with these developments


ELAL have flown to Bangkok ever since I can remember, where does being Jewish come into your story?

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pardon my apparently poor math skills but,







as a Thai I would retort "the typical Western approach of abusing mere figures and tie them to a mean, complicated formula; only to make us look feel bad"

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Don't be so quick to pass judgement based on your lack or experience and knowledge of such matters.



Having lived and worked in Mainland China, I do have the experience and they are Cheap Charlies. They come on either organized tours through a group in China or they come as solo's staying in the cheapest flop house they can find. Yes, they do generate income for Thailand, but it is minimal compared to what Western tourists spend.



I see many, many well heeled Chinese tourists, especially in Hong Kong, outspending the western tourists by a country mile.


Macau is ram packed with high rolling, mafia looking, gob hawking mainlanders, and they just keep coming and spending . Perhaps if Thailand wants to relieve this type of quality tourist of their hard earned money they might consider opening a few casinos . Then the quality will truly arrive in the Kingdom of Smiles

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I didnt want to bother pointing out that their numbers, show a massive drop pf 20% in Chinese tourists, so,


They have shot even their bread and butter in the foot,


Thailand can forget Jewish and Americans now as well, with their permission of demonstrations at the US Embassy and the burning of the flags, even while there is a demonstration edict out there


No one ever expected fair treatment frrom Thailand,


Now they are  certain


I am not happy with these developments


ELAL have flown to Bangkok ever since I can remember, where does being Jewish come into your story?



I also thought it was an odd comment to make FF...Does he mean Jewish Americans --Israelis or just all Jewish people will no longer come to Thailand........ ??   Odd.





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