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Tourist arrivals in Thailand drop 10.47 percent to 13.6 million in seven months


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mr suthep has done everlasting damage to thailands tourist industry that may never recover .

large numbers of sexpats are going elsewhere now as theyve discovered cheaper and nicer places.

its all bad news for whitey


the collapse of the rouble will see russian tourists collapse too.

ans its not cheap destination any more .

and theres a junta in control


Edited by 3NUMBAS
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They would have to remove the luxury tax from luxury items for the "well heeled" (aka mafia) types since a lot of them go to HK to buy luxury item with money they want to launder then return to China with the luxury items to sell and complete the cycle.

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I returned to Thailand on Sunday after 2 weeks holiday in Europe. Took me an hour to get through passport control at Swampy. Absolutely packed with massive queues. Of course it didn't help that they only had about 5 immigration staff checking the passports. Lovely start to the holiday for what tourists are still coming. 

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


Chinese tourist are not big spender. They came for free tour, free food, free bus, free concert, free protest. They visit places like public park, chiang mai uni etc that pay no entrance fee. Some even paid to come under the Zero Baht Tour scheme organised by shopping gang who make money out of them thru the sales of fake gems and fake bird nest and have Sex with fake ladies.


have Sex with fake ladies.   What is a "fake lady"...?


Do you mean lady-boys?

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Is there anyone on here that actually owns a business and can contribute first hand. This year is busier than last and the year befor that. Yes a 6 week cool period after Songran as per norm which was a little extended due to the curfew.


I own a hotel in Pattaya and last year 65% of our customers were from China.

After songkran almost all bookings from China has been cancelled.


The Chinese dont spend anything less in the hotel than the average "farang".


The Chinese travels in groups and are always busy so as a hotel customer they are very ok.

They arrive in a big group late at night and take off early morning.


Many businesses will welcome them back as many are dependent on the big number they represend.


To say that the Chinese dont spend money is very wrong.They spend a lot of money on hotel rooms, resturants, massage places and shows.

The Thai tourist business is not only bars and gogos.


Bookings start to pick up for the next months so things are going the right way but a drop of only 10% sounds increadibly low.

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Thailand is perfect and will always be perfect.  And it's getting more perfect as it goes.  We have only begun to see the depths of perfection in Thainess.  


Thai tourism numbers have always been rather creative.  I especially like how the article says the reason for decline was political instability, but since May it's been very stable...so why no increases and further drops in attendance?


In a similar vein, the schools are going to try and use the looming deadline for teachers as a way to recruit more unqualified teachers on ED visas because they are much cheaper than qualified teachers.  The BS about immigration officials giving verbal pop quizzes is a BS way to avoid the issue.  If they wanted to stop illegal teachers, they would check bank accounts linked to their passports at each ED interview -- which of course is not being considered, again.


In another similar vein, same same, but different.

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I wouldn't be surprised if the visas became more relaxed again in weeks to come given that its detrimental to the livelihood of the Thai people at large. All the big-mouths spouting venomous verbiage has caused more carnage than one can stomach. Time these so-called high posters gave sound advice other than the third-degree to all and sundry.


Scot - your words in Buddha's ear, buddy - keeping my fingers crossed... unsure.png

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Listen to all you experts in this forum. It is very clear that only very few of you want to do any good for the Thai's or Thailand. I've listened to wet newspapers that had higher IQ than any of you. So how about if you do something good for a change? Start by Shutting the F#*& Up! 


Cutting the branch you sit on??? What! Did your local bar close so you didn't know where to go today?

Thailand's BNP on tourism is less than 8% so cleaning up in the corruption YOU have helped create will not leave anyone starving, let me re-phrase, will only leave YOU starving because now you can't cheat with your visas anymore, it is time to become legit or move on.


Look at me I can calculate!!! 1 country minus YOU = Happiness

You morons think you are so useful to everything in your little narrow-minded universe when facts are that you can't even make it in your home country. You have all the solutions sorted behind your beercondoms and you are doing the same as what you would do in your home country but you can't afford it there, can you?


Please do us all a favor...MOVE! There are good reasons to why no-one likes you here cheesy.gif

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Money is the root of all ...


Everybody knows the recent political unrest has impacted the tourist trade. Gen Prayuth and his administration have their work cut out for them to restore the economy. Not just the tourist trade but the economy in general. The economic downturn or readjustment is on a global level. With the uncertainty about Thailands direction, the Thai government has a formidable task ahead of them. 


As all foreigners living in and/or visiting Thailand do have a stake in the Thailand restoration of stability we can only wish them the best.   

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 " I especially like how the article says the reason for decline was political instability, but since May it's been very stable...so why no increases and further drops in attendance?--FengFarang"


You must be single / young / or quite affluent FengFarang, People (normal People) take sometimes all year saving & planning for a holiday, once their embassy tells them not to come, or their put off through TV / newspaper reports, then that idea gets shelved & another place picked  / deposit / planing ...etc ..etc.



Yer it was all OK by late May/ June, but I didn't see the families & kids arrive by July......Whats wrong........................coffee1.gif

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Listen to all you experts in this forum. It is very clear that only very few of you want to do any good for the Thai's or Thailand. I've listened to wet newspapers that had higher IQ than any of you. So how about if you do something good for a change? Start by Shutting the F#*& Up! 


Cutting the branch you sit on??? What! Did your local bar close so you didn't know where to go today?

Thailand's BNP on tourism is less than 8% so cleaning up in the corruption YOU have helped create will not leave anyone starving, let me re-phrase, will only leave YOU starving because now you can't cheat with your visas anymore, it is time to become legit or move on.


Look at me I can calculate!!! 1 country minus YOU = Happiness

You morons think you are so useful to everything in your little narrow-minded universe when facts are that you can't even make it in your home country. You have all the solutions sorted behind your beercondoms and you are doing the same as what you would do in your home country but you can't afford it there, can you?


Please do us all a favor...MOVE! There are good reasons to why no-one likes you here cheesy.gif


Who are you I ask myself ? So you assume that everyone or anybody sits about all day drinking in Bars thinking of ways to cheat the system since they've got money problems. I suggest your way out your depth my friend. Many people who used the in/out exempt scheme, was an easier way to help them stay longer in Thailand and not for any devious intent as you so describe. Ok, a few defaulters but don't tar everyone with the same brush. You must be one of these PERFECT PEOPLE that write vile contemptuous garbage on here with what they regard is factual BS because THEY SAID SO !!!

Get a life my friend and try to find some compassion for others in this tough life.

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Well, everything started nicely, didn't it? Crawckdown on taxi mafia, corrupt politicians, the fascist Bkk troublemakers, beach cleanup, a deeper look (not more I fear) into the deep south... But then they started frightening foreign workers to an extend that they would run and leave in sheer panic (Cambodian workers' story) to finally kill western tourism in an overdose of "now we do everything by the book" by enforcing and tightening visa and documentation requirements to an extend where not only expats, but Thai loving tourists, who returned year after year (some for decades) are now worried about all these visa bu!!$#it so much that they won't come this season and perhaps never return.


Three of our befriended couples won't come back 2014/15 and several friends of mine along the west coast have cancellations for their bungalows and guest houses raining in on a daily basis, especially after the passport fines story. We see in our little business cancellations as well. It's not looking good for this coming season.


I was always the one to stand in for the Thais in any discussion and tried to ease tension whenever it came to Thai bashing or over the top ranting at officials, police, etc. But by now, I personally have had it folks!!! Thailand certainly is number one in the world when it comes to the ability of shooting oneself in the leg. Thailand wouldn't use a pistol, they would use a pump gun to make sure the leg is off for good. Time to hit the brakes now, otherwise this country might tip over the cliff... I currently put selling everything and leaving in consideration, so do friends and business associtaes of mine. Thais might think their country is the greatest in the world and people will stay and invest here whatever harsh rules and regulations they might imply, but be warned Thailand - obviously not only expats, but millions of westerners who loved to visit this country, have been put off by your anti-foreign policies and your anti-foreign, nationalist stances. Enough is enough!!!!


I must agree.  We normally start getting reservations for my wife's little guesthouse in June and July, with many coming in August and then most in September.  So far this year we have not received one single reservation or inquiry!  One of our guests, who have stayed with us for three years in a row, emailed to say they were going to Costa Rica because of the instability and now the military dictatorship.  I think this might be the "season" that isn't.  


I agree with one of the above posts that says we may just have to endure for a while and hope the powers that be wake up.  But it could be a long road, not only for us, but for all the normal Thai's who are not part of the wealthy & elite class that are behind all these recent developments--because they, of course, won't be hurt and their children will continue in college in Europe, the US and elsewhere.  As always, it is the little people that will be hurt.

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Listen to all you experts in this forum. It is very clear that only very few of you want to do any good for the Thai's or Thailand. I've listened to wet newspapers that had higher IQ than any of you. So how about if you do something good for a change? Start by Shutting the F#*& Up! 


Cutting the branch you sit on??? What! Did your local bar close so you didn't know where to go today?

Thailand's BNP on tourism is less than 8% so cleaning up in the corruption YOU have helped create will not leave anyone starving, let me re-phrase, will only leave YOU starving because now you can't cheat with your visas anymore, it is time to become legit or move on.


Look at me I can calculate!!! 1 country minus YOU = Happiness

You morons think you are so useful to everything in your little narrow-minded universe when facts are that you can't even make it in your home country. You have all the solutions sorted behind your beercondoms and you are doing the same as what you would do in your home country but you can't afford it there, can you?


Please do us all a favor...MOVE! There are good reasons to why no-one likes you here cheesy.gif


Xenophobic people like you will keep Thailand from becoming a 1st class nation and excelling in the world ecomomy in future years. What happened to you?  Did some farang steal your girlfriend or boyfriend or do you just hate farang in general?

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I've seen this before in the Philippines, Indonesia, Morocco and Spain. First hand.


The "cache" of a place and the loyalty of those who chose to call it their home is tested from time to time. Often without repercussions. Then they do it again and again, not realising, something critical can snap "the straw the breaks the camels back". 


But much worse than a loss of revenue is something that happens, when thousands of locals in a tourist based economy are faced with poverty. A most odd thing - a hatred develops for foreigners and tourists. I've seen it before in Bali and other places. When the place is booming, love is in the air and its all good.


When unemployment, poverty and failing business's become more numerous, you might think you'll be rewarded for your loyalty for being here. To the contrary, one can become a justifiable target, especially and I mean especially, if you're are a well heeled and a so called "proper" visitor, with all your papers in order. I experienced this, when I lived in the Philippines, decades ago. I felt very safe but did wonder why so much armed security was needed around the suburb I lived in, the resorts I visited and the malls I shopped in. Back then they had also tinkered with the tourism and expat economy and it became, just plain dangerous.  


Thailand has managed to cultivate one of the best all round environments. If it loses its "cache" as being a fun, care free and easy going place to be, it is a very very hard thing to reclaim. It took the Philippines decades. 








I have also seen this happen in the Bahamas and elsewhere.  It is the little people who get hurt by the changes, not the wealthy & elite class who are behind them.  And when people are poor and desperate, they start doing desperate things.  No matter how much one tries to help and be a positive part of the local community, just your pocket change can make you a target when people are desperate.  And as we all know, there will be little effort expended to protect foreigners, no matter how well-meaning we may be.  Then, when desperate people hurt by a downward economy start targeting foreigners (and each other!), it further dissuades tourism and the country can enter a self-fulfilling downward spiral.  My fingers are crossed for Thailand, but I am worried.

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Listen to all you experts in this forum. It is very clear that only very few of you want to do any good for the Thai's or Thailand. I've listened to wet newspapers that had higher IQ than any of you. So how about if you do something good for a change? Start by Shutting the F#*& Up! 


Cutting the branch you sit on??? What! Did your local bar close so you didn't know where to go today?

Thailand's BNP on tourism is less than 8% so cleaning up in the corruption YOU have helped create will not leave anyone starving, let me re-phrase, will only leave YOU starving because now you can't cheat with your visas anymore, it is time to become legit or move on.


Look at me I can calculate!!! 1 country minus YOU = Happiness

You morons think you are so useful to everything in your little narrow-minded universe when facts are that you can't even make it in your home country. You have all the solutions sorted behind your beercondoms and you are doing the same as what you would do in your home country but you can't afford it there, can you?


Please do us all a favor...MOVE! There are good reasons to why no-one likes you here cheesy.gif


Troll alert. I'm betting he'll be banned before the weekend :)

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I have 1 question: What changed? I not hear about anybody who get a cheaper taxi, I not hear about any inforcement in court cases---siggiCM




I think Phuket Beach changed Siggi....................................................coffee1.gif

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Tourism in Thailand will proceed the way it wants to I fear. that will mean that there will be more Chinese tourists this year and more from the  rest of Asia (South or not) as the ASEAN thing gets closer. Such is the nature of things. But that will not mean a down turn for Thailand, except for the influx of Euros or Dollars, but even these to a far lesser extent that the OP hints at. In the end all will be fine and though the numbers may go up and down and the nationalities might, I stress might, fluctuate between East and West... it will be, to use the well known quote... "Same same but different".


So no need for those life boats yet. For we have to see what will happen over time, keep those visas in order, do not abuse the system (that sort of... I said sort of... got us here in the first place), and just be patient. All will be well in the end. Just give what Thailand has always needed... time.

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Not surprising, all the BS and scams they come up with to get rid of tourists. I hope the number drop to 20% in the end of this year.

The Thais have had their golden era already, now its Myanmar and Cambodia who get a piece of the pie.

What will happen with the tourism industry next year with all members of ASEAN is coming here.

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Listen to all you experts in this forum. It is very clear that only very few of you want to do any good for the Thai's or Thailand. I've listened to wet newspapers that had higher IQ than any of you. So how about if you do something good for a change? Start by Shutting the F#*& Up! 


Cutting the branch you sit on??? What! Did your local bar close so you didn't know where to go today?

Thailand's BNP on tourism is less than 8% so cleaning up in the corruption YOU have helped create will not leave anyone starving, let me re-phrase, will only leave YOU starving because now you can't cheat with your visas anymore, it is time to become legit or move on.


Look at me I can calculate!!! 1 country minus YOU = Happiness

You morons think you are so useful to everything in your little narrow-minded universe when facts are that you can't even make it in your home country. You have all the solutions sorted behind your beercondoms and you are doing the same as what you would do in your home country but you can't afford it there, can you?


Please do us all a favor...MOVE! There are good reasons to why no-one likes you here cheesy.gif


You know, you have the right to say what you would like to, but at the very least you should try and be helpful and not so discriminatory, abusive, or childish. If you were just trying to be funny, well, do not give up your day job. For this written behavior of yours can only lend itself to no one listening to a word you have to say and simply points you out as being part of the problem rather than a element of the solution to the 'face' that we Farangs project (as far as their Point of View is concerned) the Thais have of us. Not to mention that only someone drunk enough would find it funny... but then drunks have a tendency to laugh at just about anything. For people like you, based upon what you wrote, think that only they have the answers and know best... which sort of makes you just as culpable as those that your are focusing your rant upon.


Now perhaps you are right. But I fear that through the myopic statements that you made to the original OP as well as the suggestion that somehow us Farangs have smaller IQ's than either you or the newspapers as well as your "narrow minded universe", clearly shows that you are only out to hear yourself talk and have to offer no real educated point of view to share with the rest of us.


So, to use your very own statement; "Please do us a favor... Move!"


By the way, exactly what is a "beercondom" anyway? It is not a word that usually comes up or even exists and suggest that you have formulated that term from your own experience/s from which to hide behind.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


Well, everything started nicely, didn't it? Crawckdown on taxi mafia, corrupt politicians, the fascist Bkk troublemakers, beach cleanup, a deeper look (not more I fear) into the deep south... But then they started frightening foreign workers to an extend that they would run and leave in sheer panic (Cambodian workers' story) to finally kill western tourism in an overdose of "now we do everything by the book" by enforcing and tightening visa and documentation requirements to an extend where not only expats, but Thai loving tourists, who returned year after year (some for decades) are now worried about all these visa bu!!$#it so much that they won't come this season and perhaps never return.


Three of our befriended couples won't come back 2014/15 and several friends of mine along the west coast have cancellations for their bungalows and guest houses raining in on a daily basis, especially after the passport fines story. We see in our little business cancellations as well. It's not looking good for this coming season.


I was always the one to stand in for the Thais in any discussion and tried to ease tension whenever it came to Thai bashing or over the top ranting at officials, police, etc. But by now, I personally have had it folks!!! Thailand certainly is number one in the world when it comes to the ability of shooting oneself in the leg. Thailand wouldn't use a pistol, they would use a pump gun to make sure the leg is off for good. Time to hit the brakes now, otherwise this country might tip over the cliff... I currently put selling everything and leaving in consideration, so do friends and business associtaes of mine. Thais might think their country is the greatest in the world and people will stay and invest here whatever harsh rules and regulations they might imply, but be warned Thailand - obviously not only expats, but millions of westerners who loved to visit this country, have been put off by your anti-foreign policies and your anti-foreign, nationalist stances. Enough is enough!!!!

In Samui, I saw today that Taxi's are putting a sign on their cars stating they want service charge of 50 bht.

So I asked the taxi driver what that was about?

Is it 50bht to get in the taxi?

No he says, that's 100 bht, the 50 bht is service charge/tip charge for the great service we provide our customers with.

All I could do is SMH and walk away.

Taxi drivers are already trying to come up with ways to help make up for the drop in tourism, 

and figure this is a legitimate way of doing so...and this is if you can get the taxi to use their meters?

Good luck with that, I couldn't manage it.

Requested it and they just stated to get out of the taxi, take the songtail.

And they wonder why the songtails are packed, while the taxi's stay on the sides of the road, 

up & down the main strips of Samui.

Good thing I didn't drive here, would of had a fun time finding a parking space.

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Chinese tourists represented the biggest arrivals during the seven months of this year with 2.2 million arrivals or a decline by 21.19 percent; 1.04 million Malaysians or a drop by 18.91 percent; 1.02 million Russians
Thailand is going to find that an influx of Chinese tourist will not cover the income generated by foreigner tourists not belonging to Asia. 
Their increase in arrivals would not affect the tourism industry other than airline sales and hotel bookings with which both are probably taking a loss with their promotions. Chinese tourist groups walk around taking pictures. They don't stop for a beer at a watering hole. They don't buy knickknacks and look for the cheapest products they can get. Not exactly generating income for anyone. Then there is there rudeness, aggressive nature and loud speech. All of these equals the best in a tourist any country would be looking for their tourism industry

You sound really hurt that you cannot stay longer in thailand due to the visa rule changes mr farang "big spender"
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Chinese tourists represented the biggest arrivals during the seven months of this year with 2.2 million arrivals or a decline by 21.19 percent; 1.04 million Malaysians or a drop by 18.91 percent; 1.02 million Russians
Thailand is going to find that an influx of Chinese tourist will not cover the income generated by foreigner tourists not belonging to Asia. 
Their increase in arrivals would not affect the tourism industry other than airline sales and hotel bookings with which both are probably taking a loss with their promotions. Chinese tourist groups walk around taking pictures. They don't stop for a beer at a watering hole. They don't buy knickknacks and look for the cheapest products they can get. Not exactly generating income for anyone. Then there is there rudeness, aggressive nature and loud speech. All of these equals the best in a tourist any country would be looking for their tourism industry

You sound really hurt that you cannot stay longer in thailand due to the visa rule changes mr farang "big spender"
Wow! I guess you are really showing your ignorance. You make alot of assumptions without any basis.
Im no big spender and could not care less about what immigration does in thailand

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app
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Listen to all you experts in this forum. It is very clear that only very few of you want to do any good for the Thai's or Thailand. I've listened to wet newspapers that had higher IQ than any of you. So how about if you do something good for a change? Start by Shutting the F#*& Up! 
Cutting the branch you sit on??? What! Did your local bar close so you didn't know where to go today?
Thailand's BNP on tourism is less than 8% so cleaning up in the corruption YOU have helped create will not leave anyone starving, let me re-phrase, will only leave YOU starving because now you can't cheat with your visas anymore, it is time to become legit or move on.
Look at me I can calculate!!! 1 country minus YOU = Happiness

You morons think you are so useful to everything in your little narrow-minded universe when facts are that you can't even make it in your home country. You have all the solutions sorted behind your beercondoms and you are doing the same as what you would do in your home country but you can't afford it there, can you?
Please do us all a favor...MOVE! There are good reasons to why no-one likes you here cheesy.gif

I get the feeling this is directed at falang in general so I will answer.

The reason I can afford to visit Thailand 6 or 7 times a year for 3 to 4 weeks each time is precisely because I did make it in my own country. By the way I stay in very good hotels and spend a lot of money on my visits.

As I am under 50 though and really can't be bothered with the stupid bureaucracy I must apparently now deal with, as opposed to simple entry stamps I legally and legitimately used before, I am now undecided if I will waste my time with Thailand in the future. There are more deserving countries.

Now, you say tourism just contributes 8% to the Thai economy but I think that is a huge under estimate as it only counts directly attributable spending. In truth most economists acknowledge a figure of closer to 20%. So tourism, in all it's many dimensions as opposed to just the stereotyped ones you see, is easily the most important asset that Thailand has.

If tourism is decimated by the new visa crackdowns and anti white sentiment (that's how I'm beginning to see it....i really think it's a race hate thing) then Thailand will suffer hugely.

Now, most of the foreigners you so despise take nothing from Thailand and only contribute. Your problem if any is you think you have an excess of white people who support your economy. Imagine the benefit the UK would have, as an example, if instead of millions of foreigners claiming free housing and welfare and often committing crimes, they instead had a surplus of law abiding people who spent money and contributed? They would be the most successful economy in the world. You have no idea.

My God, talk about spoiled, ignorant children, you have no clue at all. And by the way it is ignorance and xenophobia that is destroying Thailand. I would say Thailand minus you would be a better Thailand so why don't you go away...PLEASE!


Paddy, I just arose from my sleep and was an absolute pleasure to read your post. Its morons such as these parasites efforts to deter ‘even more Farangs’ from living in this country why it becomes so upsetting to do so. This could be a red-herring thrown in to keep the topic alive though. I’ve noticed on many occasion this seems to be the case if the said’ subject is attracting enough readers. For him to make such comment with only 2 such posts to his name - sends out warning signals. I myself, would have had a higher amount, if I’d not changed my name so many times down to travelling etc.

If I’m wrong and he genuinely has feelings like this, then there’s no-hope for this sick deranged individual pent on annoying everyday people like us. I personally try my best to keep self-control on this tv site since it is infested with hard-core vermin who attack in procession, especially once they find their opponent is not following one of their other clowns advice. It’s truly an impossible task that one has to live with on here, until such a time, the higher echelons decide these tactics no longer work for any of the expatriates here in Thailand.  


Anyway, let’s wait and see what outcome the staff at Thaivisa come back with after their meetings with the Thai administration for a straight talk on the future for Farangs living or visiting here in the future.

All the best




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