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I have been drinking strong coffee for years. Used to use an Italian mocha but more recently I have been using an an aerobie aerpress which is brilliant...however 3 weeks ago I stopped drinking coffee. I now drink a litre bottle of water within minutes of getting out of bed in the morning. I have had no withdrawal problems or feeling like I am not properly awake. The water is room temperature and easy to drink. I couldn't drink a litre if it was icy cold out of the fridge. I am drinking more water during the day as well again just bottles that are not in the fridge.
Maybe worth a try see what you think?
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I have been drinking strong coffee for years. Used to use an Italian mocha but more recently I have been using an an aerobie aerpress which is brilliant...however 3 weeks ago I stopped drinking coffee. I now drink a litre bottle of water within minutes of getting out of bed in the morning. I have had no withdrawal problems or feeling like I am not properly awake. The water is room temperature and easy to drink. I couldn't drink a litre if it was icy cold out of the fridge. I am drinking more water during the day as well again just bottles that are not in the fridge.
Maybe worth a try see what you think?


I try already to drink more.....If I forget and get dehydrated (it happened that I drank from wake up till evening maybe 10 small italian mocha and nothing else) than I feel more tired and not well.

But if I drink normal it has no effect if I drink even more. But didn't try yet to drink direct after wake up.

Drink cold water but our fridge isn't that cold. I can drink say 0.5 Liter at once but rarely do it as it is still cold.


Speaking of Cholesterol in around 1991 I went to the doctors for some reason ( Cannot remember what). He suggested I have a  Cholesterol test. Bad news. He prescribed Lipitor medication.(Atorvastatin 

40 Mg.  I moved from that area to another and the doctor put me on 80 mg. as my Cholesterol had increased. After taking all those tablets for 20 years I had to have a triple bypass.  Did I waste my money or would I have had to have a bypass earlier? 


Yes. You wasted your money. The body needs cholesterol and you are more likely to get a nasty disease from not getting enough as a result of taking tablets to destroy cholesterol.


Cholesterol-reducing medication is only necessary if you already have an existing physiological problem, such as plaque build-up in the arteries, and if you are healthy will not prolong your life.


Big Pharma, however, is very grateful for your modest, if totally unnecessary, contribution to their highly immodest profits.

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Speaking of Cholesterol in around 1991 I went to the doctors for some reason ( Cannot remember what). He suggested I have a  Cholesterol test. Bad news. He prescribed Lipitor medication.(Atorvastatin 

40 Mg.  I moved from that area to another and the doctor put me on 80 mg. as my Cholesterol had increased. After taking all those tablets for 20 years I had to have a triple bypass.  Did I waste my money or would I have had to have a bypass earlier? 


Yes. You wasted your money. The body needs cholesterol and you are more likely to get a nasty disease from not getting enough as a result of taking tablets to destroy cholesterol.


Cholesterol-reducing medication is only necessary if you already have an existing physiological problem, such as plaque build-up in the arteries, and if you are healthy will not prolong your life.


Big Pharma, however, is very grateful for your modest, if totally unnecessary, contribution to their highly immodest profits.



And should your arteries be a tad clogged, (ED is an early symptom), eat 6 cloves of RAW garlic daily for 6 weeks.

As the smelly part of the garlic removes the plaque, you may notice that the difference between systolic and diastolic pressures reduces as well as an overall reduction. The classic difference is 40, i.e. 120-80=40

In some of us older guys it might be 160-100=60, see how it works?

It sure worked for me, I went from a difference of 60+ to less than 50.

I learned about it from a 6 part BBC documentary called "The truth about food"

I am also trying low carbs and shedding weight and that also helps to lower BP and balances cholesterol at the same time.

Good luck





Speaking of Cholesterol in around 1991 I went to the doctors for some reason ( Cannot remember what). He suggested I have a  Cholesterol test. Bad news. He prescribed Lipitor medication.(Atorvastatin 

40 Mg.  I moved from that area to another and the doctor put me on 80 mg. as my Cholesterol had increased. After taking all those tablets for 20 years I had to have a triple bypass.  Did I waste my money or would I have had to have a bypass earlier? 


Yes. You wasted your money. The body needs cholesterol and you are more likely to get a nasty disease from not getting enough as a result of taking tablets to destroy cholesterol.


Cholesterol-reducing medication is only necessary if you already have an existing physiological problem, such as plaque build-up in the arteries, and if you are healthy will not prolong your life.


Big Pharma, however, is very grateful for your modest, if totally unnecessary, contribution to their highly immodest profits.



And should your arteries be a tad clogged, (ED is an early symptom), eat 6 cloves of RAW garlic daily for 6 weeks.

As the smelly part of the garlic removes the plaque, you may notice that the difference between systolic and diastolic pressures reduces as well as an overall reduction. The classic difference is 40, i.e. 120-80=40

In some of us older guys it might be 160-100=60, see how it works?

It sure worked for me, I went from a difference of 60+ to less than 50.

I learned about it from a 6 part BBC documentary called "The truth about food"

I am also trying low carbs and shedding weight and that also helps to lower BP and balances cholesterol at the same time.

Good luck




does that really work? I tried similar once back in Europe. If garlic helps against mosquitos. In huge amounts it does.


I think Starbucks coffee is a good alternative to coffee.


We tried it twice - isn´t that the definition of Madness?

Trying the same thing and expecting a different outcome! LOL





Speaking of Cholesterol in around 1991 I went to the doctors for some reason ( Cannot remember what). He suggested I have a  Cholesterol test. Bad news. He prescribed Lipitor medication.(Atorvastatin 

40 Mg.  I moved from that area to another and the doctor put me on 80 mg. as my Cholesterol had increased. After taking all those tablets for 20 years I had to have a triple bypass.  Did I waste my money or would I have had to have a bypass earlier? 


Yes. You wasted your money. The body needs cholesterol and you are more likely to get a nasty disease from not getting enough as a result of taking tablets to destroy cholesterol.


Cholesterol-reducing medication is only necessary if you already have an existing physiological problem, such as plaque build-up in the arteries, and if you are healthy will not prolong your life.


Big Pharma, however, is very grateful for your modest, if totally unnecessary, contribution to their highly immodest profits.



And should your arteries be a tad clogged, (ED is an early symptom), eat 6 cloves of RAW garlic daily for 6 weeks.

As the smelly part of the garlic removes the plaque, you may notice that the difference between systolic and diastolic pressures reduces as well as an overall reduction. The classic difference is 40, i.e. 120-80=40

In some of us older guys it might be 160-100=60, see how it works?

It sure worked for me, I went from a difference of 60+ to less than 50.

I learned about it from a 6 part BBC documentary called "The truth about food"

I am also trying low carbs and shedding weight and that also helps to lower BP and balances cholesterol at the same time.

Good luck




does that really work? I tried similar once back in Europe. If garlic helps against mosquitos. In huge amounts it does.



What? You want me to Google the docs for you - as well? LOL



Coffee might have an impact on dietary cholesterol but it doesn't contain it. But 5 -6 plus a few in the day is ... a lot. I have cholesterol and drink one coffee daily, though I do take medication.

If you're concerned about cholesterol, there are plenty of animal-sourced foods that do contain it.

Tea does contain caffeine, but not to the level of coffee, particularly if you're used to consuming that many during a day. Try English Breakfast tea - a better taste than Earl Grey - with milk, but don't ponce around measuring it out; one bag to a mug, with boiling water added and left to soak for 3 - 4 minutes. Out-of-doors, Starbucks' tea, surprisingly, isn't bad.


After having a triple bi-pass I was on Statin(Lipitor) for 10 years. They have since found out that statin ruins your liver and libido. Not good for Thailand lifestyle.

I went off them immediately and looked for natural replacements. After researching I found a natural replacement for statin. Garlic and limes or lemon. Get about 4 lemons or 6 limes and cut them into quarters and squash them up in a mortar and pestle. Skin and all. Then four bulbs of garlic,bulbs not cloves and do the same skin and all. Boil it all up in about a litre of water for around 10 minutes. Strain afterwards and drink. At first it smells and tastes foul but you get used to it. If you like you can add honey to sweeten. After five months my liver is recovering, but unfortunately the libido is still poor. My cholesterol is far better than it was using statins.

The taste of this should wake you up anyway.

  • Like 1

My god 5 to 6 strong expresso's a day ....your an addict, cutting back or stopping all together you will experience withdrawal, and if your going to change your diet for gods sake do your research first on reputable and reliable information.


1 or 2 cups a day isnt going to kill you and there are a number of benefits  from drinking coffee...all in moderation.  

  • Like 1

After having a triple bi-pass I was on Statin(Lipitor) for 10 years. They have since found out that statin ruins your liver and libido. Not good for Thailand lifestyle.

I went off them immediately and looked for natural replacements. After researching I found a natural replacement for statin. Garlic and limes or lemon. Get about 4 lemons or 6 limes and cut them into quarters and squash them up in a mortar and pestle. Skin and all. Then four bulbs of garlic,bulbs not cloves and do the same skin and all. Boil it all up in about a litre of water for around 10 minutes. Strain afterwards and drink. At first it smells and tastes foul but you get used to it. If you like you can add honey to sweeten. After five months my liver is recovering, but unfortunately the libido is still poor. My cholesterol is far better than it was using statins.

The taste of this should wake you up anyway.


Great story, but, try the garlic RAW cos it´s the smelly bit that clears the arteries of crap.

You cook it just a bit and that renders it useless.

Shame but true.


I usually just make one really strong coffee in the morning and that is all I need and have used this routine for many years. Always like tea in the afternoon or after food. On the days when I have two coffees I am just toooo high its unnatural.


Greatly overdoing it w/ the expresso, I'd say. Caffeine addiction, certainly. Have cup of regular filtered coffee in the morning, maybe one or two more during the day.


Need to look at LDL, HDL, and triglycerides and the ratios. A lot of people worry needlessly. Here are a couple of random quotations I got from somewhere:


Total cholesterol level should be 135 - 200 mg/dL.

    • LDL cholesterol ( bad cholesterol ) should be less than 130 mg/dL.
    • HDL cholesterol ( good cholesterol ) should be greater than 30 mg/dL. Raising HDL cholesterol was not a priority until a few years ago. Most studies had focused on how lowering LDL cholesterol that can reduce the risk or coronary heart disease. But in the past few years, researchers have identified that HDL acted as an independent factor and was also critical in the overall health of your heart.
    • The ratio of Total cholesterol / HDL cholesterol should be 4.0 – 6.0 (for males) and 3.7 – 5.7 (for females). This ratio is an important indicator of health. Since LDL cholesterol can damage your arteries and HDL cholesterol helps your arteries, this ratio is a good indicator of the potential of cholesterol, in general, to help or hurt your arteries. Additionally, there are separate guidelines for male and female – recognizing the inherent differences in women’s and men’s bodies.

. . .


But for crying out loud, if you’re going to get your lipds tested at least pay attention to the right numbers. And the most important number on a conventional lipid panel is the relationship between triglycerides and HDL. (Divide triglyercids by HDL to get it.) If that number is less than 2, this suggests you have mostly large, buoyant LDL – which is not a risk factor for heart disease. If that number is higher than 3, it suggests you have mostly small, dense LDL – which most certainly is a risk factor for heart disease.


Low-carb may (or may not) increase LDL, but also HDL, and increase particle size, so not a worry if so.


Look into natural ways of lowering cholesterol. Niacin, oat bran, fish oil . . .





The above refs are a bit out of date w/ the fats, but otherwise pretty good.


  • Like 1

Greatly overdoing it w/ the expresso, I'd say. Caffeine addiction, certainly. Have cup of regular filtered coffee in the morning, maybe one or two more during the day.


Need to look at LDL, HDL, and triglycerides and the ratios. A lot of people worry needlessly. Here are a couple of random quotations I got from somewhere:


Total cholesterol level should be 135 - 200 mg/dL.

    • LDL cholesterol ( bad cholesterol ) should be less than 130 mg/dL.
    • HDL cholesterol ( good cholesterol ) should be greater than 30 mg/dL. Raising HDL cholesterol was not a priority until a few years ago. Most studies had focused on how lowering LDL cholesterol that can reduce the risk or coronary heart disease. But in the past few years, researchers have identified that HDL acted as an independent factor and was also critical in the overall health of your heart.
    • The ratio of Total cholesterol / HDL cholesterol should be 4.0 – 6.0 (for males) and 3.7 – 5.7 (for females). This ratio is an important indicator of health. Since LDL cholesterol can damage your arteries and HDL cholesterol helps your arteries, this ratio is a good indicator of the potential of cholesterol, in general, to help or hurt your arteries. Additionally, there are separate guidelines for male and female – recognizing the inherent differences in women’s and men’s bodies.

. . .


But for crying out loud, if you’re going to get your lipds tested at least pay attention to the right numbers. And the most important number on a conventional lipid panel is the relationship between triglycerides and HDL. (Divide triglyercids by HDL to get it.) If that number is less than 2, this suggests you have mostly large, buoyant LDL – which is not a risk factor for heart disease. If that number is higher than 3, it suggests you have mostly small, dense LDL – which most certainly is a risk factor for heart disease.


Low-carb may (or may not) increase LDL, but also HDL, and increase particle size, so not a worry if so.


Look into natural ways of lowering cholesterol. Niacin, oat bran, fish oil . . .





The above refs are a bit out of date w/ the fats, but otherwise pretty good.



Cholesterol: 283

Triglycerides: 104

HDL: 55

LDL: 213




I just try for 2 weeks and than recheck.....


After having a triple bi-pass I was on Statin(Lipitor) for 10 years. They have since found out that statin ruins your liver and libido. Not good for Thailand lifestyle.

I went off them immediately and looked for natural replacements. After researching I found a natural replacement for statin. Garlic and limes or lemon. Get about 4 lemons or 6 limes and cut them into quarters and squash them up in a mortar and pestle. Skin and all. Then four bulbs of garlic,bulbs not cloves and do the same skin and all. Boil it all up in about a litre of water for around 10 minutes. Strain afterwards and drink. At first it smells and tastes foul but you get used to it. If you like you can add honey to sweeten. After five months my liver is recovering, but unfortunately the libido is still poor. My cholesterol is far better than it was using statins.

The taste of this should wake you up anyway.


Now I try to drink a fresh made vegetable juice every day:


1 large tomatoe

1 Garlic

2-3 small cucumber

1/2 carrot

1 lime


a little ginseng


put it in the blender and drink it


For liver: there are 2 herbs which are tested that they do work for liver recovery......all the bodybuilder who take harmful steroids use them in pill form to get their liver function up again. I can't recall the names, but if you are interested, send me a PM and I look it up. I have it somewhere in a book.


Are we sure that coffee is so bad ?




Well large amounts of non filter coffee should increase LDL a little bit.

1-3 coffee a day may do nothing, but my huge amounts may increase it a bit.


Coffee might have an impact on dietary cholesterol but it doesn't contain it. But 5 -6 plus a few in the day is ... a lot. I have cholesterol and drink one coffee daily, though I do take medication.

If you're concerned about cholesterol, there are plenty of animal-sourced foods that do contain it.

Tea does contain caffeine, but not to the level of coffee, particularly if you're used to consuming that many during a day. Try English Breakfast tea - a better taste than Earl Grey - with milk, but don't ponce around measuring it out; one bag to a mug, with boiling water added and left to soak for 3 - 4 minutes. Out-of-doors, Starbucks' tea, surprisingly, isn't bad.


Just made 1/4 Liter of it and later 1 Liter.


First one taste bad....like there is celery in it. But the later one don't have this taste.

I drink them without milk....but will try with non fat milk, later.




green tea is the best. lots of antioxidents for the heart


silly me and all this time I thought coffee was near the top of the list when it came to this?


If the problem is about caffeine, just change you brewing method.

Making espresso and than adding hot water will reduce the caffeine in your cup.

A black coffee or a filter coffee contain more caffeine than an espresso due to the infusion time is longer.

Every person has different reaction to the caffeine, personally i can drink an espresso 2 hours before go to sleep without problem, but i can't  drink a coke, this will make me still awake.

I read many things about coffee, some are positive some are negative, maybe the truth is in the middle.

Last year i had a period where i drank  10/15 espressos a day, it's was too much and i had some blood pressure issue, once back to a regular 4/5 espressos a day i back to the normal.

I read  that the coffee stimulate the digestion so it's better drink it with filled stomach or you could develop some stomach ill, even in this case depend by person, anyway i'm not a doctor.



I cannot believe some of the comments about the necessity for caffeine to get going in the morning. Minimum eight hours sleep per night, daily exercise, decaffeinated coffee, loads of fresh fruit and vegetables and fish have worked wonders for me.


I cannot believe some of the comments about the necessity for caffeine to get going in the morning. Minimum eight hours sleep per night, daily exercise, decaffeinated coffee, loads of fresh fruit and vegetables and fish have worked wonders for me.


Yes we can perfectly life without coffee, alcohol, smoking, sex, sleeping on the floor without AC.

but these are the things that make life nice.....

  • Like 2

Thanks JS for the nice explanation of cholesterol, triglycerides and their ratios for good health.

I had read it before but couldn´t remember in which article.

I have therefore saved your quote.


So, after a boozy night I had the blood test in the morning.of 30/07/2014

Glucosa             90    mg/dL    60-110
Crcalmina         1.26    mg/dL    0.20- 1.40
Colcstcrol         193    mg/dL    110-200
Colesterol de HDI.        65    mg/dL
Colesterol de LDl (calculado)  17    mg/dL
Triglicéridos          57    mg/dL    

Sodio              ‘148    mEq/L    135- 147
Potasio              4.3    mEq/L    3,7 - 5.4

The ratio of Total cholesterol / HDL cholesterol     2.969    4.0 – 6.0 (for males) and 3.7 – 5.7 (for females).
Divide triglyercids by HDL    0.8769    If that number is less than 2, this suggests you have mostly large,
buoyant LDL – which is not a risk factor for heart disease. If that number is higher than 3, it suggests you have
mostly small, dense LDL – which most certainly is a risk factor for heart disease.


I think that the documentary Cereal Killers is a must watch because it flies totally in the face of current "wisdom",

and is backed up with extensive science.



Don't worry about coffee, there is no known connection between coffee and cholesterol.

Take care of the fatty stuff you are eating instead


Don't worry about coffee, there is no known connection between coffee and cholesterol.

Take care of the fatty stuff you are eating instead


check internet....up to 10 % increase on "french" coffee.....

I eat very low fat, but mostly meat.


Don't worry about coffee, there is no known connection between coffee and cholesterol.

Take care of the fatty stuff you are eating instead




It´s really scary to read a post like this but thanks for reminding me that we -

the people of the world have been lied to and brainwashed about cholesterol for more than 60 years.


You could not be more wrong and you are not to blame for believing what you posted.

The big companies spend millions of $$ and use the best brains to ensure that we believe their lies.


It´s those lovely (and addictive) carbohydrates that are converted into cholesterol by your body.

Consumption of the "Good" Fats and oils actually suppress the secretion of insulin.

Carbohydrates create the secretion of insulin.

If you had high blood sugar your body secretes insulin and turns that excess blood sugar into Cholesterol.

Da Da.


Watch Cereal Killers don´t fear fat

or read Good Calories Bad Calories by Gary Taubes

or why we get fat and what to do about it by G T

or Get fit, lose weight and feel great the easy way By Dr John..

or any of the more up to date sources and see how we are being hoodwinked.


Good luck if you choose to dig a little deeper to find the truth.


Edit for spelling

  • Like 1


Don't worry about coffee, there is no known connection between coffee and cholesterol.
Take care of the fatty stuff you are eating instead

It´d really scary to read a post like this but thanks for reminding me that we -
the people of the world have been lied to and brainwashed about cholesterol for more than 60 yeras.
You could not be more wrong and you are not to blame for believing what you posted.
The big companies spend milliond of $$ and use the best brains to ensure that we believe their lies.
It´s those lovely (and addictive) carbohydrates that are converted into cholesterol by your body.
Consumption of the "Good" Fats and oils actually suppress the secretion of insulin.
Carbohydrates create the secretion of insulin.
If you had high blood sugar your body secretes insulin and turns that excess blood sugar into Cholesterol.
Da Da.
Watch Cereal Killers don´t fear fat
or read Good Calories Bad Calories by Gary Taubes
or why we get fat and what to do about it by G T
or Get fit, lose weight and feel great the easy way By Dr John..
or any of the more up to date sources and see how we are being hoodwinked.
Good luck if you choose to dig a little deeper to find the truth.


Or just read a textbook and find out what rubbish this is. Any book on metabolism for first year med students will do, the syllabus that doctors are taught, available in any bookshop.  There you would read that carbohydrates are converted into every biochemical compound in the body, including proteins, triglycerides and even DNA.


That in terms of mass, the overwhelming majority of the excess carbohydrate calories that you consume are turned into triglycerides, not cholesterol. Hint: fat cells are 95% triglyceride.


That secretion of insulin is an essential and integral part of eating. If you did not secrete insulin you would die.
Hint: Type 1 diabetes is an inability to secrete insulin. The inability to secrete insulin is a serious life-threatening disease.
Consulting the scientific literature (you know, how scientists communicate their results to each other and the medical community. Hint : they do not do this by writing books) would show you that nearly every study done has shown that coffee consumption has a small but consistent elevating effect on plasma cholesterol. Is this a significant health risk? Probably not.
This one ( a statistical summary of 14 separate trials of the effect of coffee on plasma cholesterol levels combined) is free so you can read it: 

American Journal of Epidemiology. 2001 Feb 15;153(4):353-62.

Coffee consumption and serum lipids: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled clinical trials.

Jee SH(1), He J, Appel LJ, Whelton PK, Suh I, Klag MJ. Department of Epidemiology and Disease Control, Yonsei University Graduate School of Health Science and Management, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Coffee drinking has been associated with increased serum cholesterol levels in some, but not all, studies.  
A Medline search of the English-language literature published prior to December 1998, a bibliography review, and consultations with experts were performed to identify 14 published trials of coffee consumption.  [...]A dose-response relation between coffee consumption and both total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol was identified (p < 0.01). [...] Consumption of unfiltered, but not filtered, coffee increases serum levels of total and LDL cholesterol.

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