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Court of Appeals sentences Sondhi Limthongkul to 20 years prison

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Will he serve time in jail?

Not yet.

Bail, then supreme court.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Wish I could stay out of prison whilst I wait for an appeal.

What are you up for. cheesy.gif


Just goes to show how moronic the mindless sheep who followed the PAD and their reincarnations up until the PDRC.

The leader of the group being as corrupt as Thaksin! Well i think most people with half a brain new this already.

Pity the self portrayed 'educated' middle class who followed them are so brain dead!

The only mindless thing is your misguided gloating, painting everyone and everything that goes against Thaksin and his minions as being Yellow Shirts and Sondhi's "sheep".

No I think Smutcakes is pretty much on the money, particularly his comment on the myopic mainly Sino Thai middle class.

The fact that notorious zealots for the PAD cause " like " your post simply underscores my point.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Indeed those who followed the false savior Sondhi were duped as were those that followed the equally false Thaksin - both convicted crooks.

However, very many of the recent anti- Shin PTP were not yellow shirts or supporters of the PAD or Sondh - even though all you Shin supporters love to pretend they are. Like you love to pretend that Thaksin and his clan are some sort of socialist benevolent society rather than a convicted fugitive and a group of corrupt politicians.

14 people "liked" his post (rather more than liking yours). Suggesting that they are all zealots for one particular cause, which is only your opinion, doesn't make your own comments balanced or unbiased. How much research did you carry out with members of the Sino Thai middle class before deciding that their rejection of a blanket whitewash for Thaksin and trusting him with 2.2 trillion baht which the taxpayers would have to pay back but given no details on how it was spent was myopic?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Just goes to show how moronic the mindless sheep who followed the PAD and their reincarnations up until the PDRC.

The leader of the group being as corrupt as Thaksin! Well i think most people with half a brain new this already.

Pity the self portrayed 'educated' middle class who followed them are so brain dead!

The only mindless thing is your misguided gloating, painting everyone and everything that goes against Thaksin and his minions as being Yellow Shirts and Sondhi's "sheep".

No I think Smutcakes is pretty much on the money, particularly his comment on the myopic mainly Sino Thai middle class.

The fact that notorious zealots for the PAD cause " like " your post simply underscores my point.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Indeed those who followed the false savior Sondhi were duped as were those that followed the equally false Thaksin - both convicted crooks.

However, very many of the recent anti- Shin PTP were not yellow shirts or supporters of the PAD or Sondh - even though all you Shin supporters love to pretend they are. Like you love to pretend that Thaksin and his clan are some sort of socialist benevolent society rather than a convicted fugitive and a group of corrupt politicians.

14 people "liked" his post (rather more than liking yours). Suggesting that they are all zealots for one particular cause, which is only your opinion, doesn't make your own comments balanced or unbiased. How much research did you carry out with members of the Sino Thai middle class before deciding that their rejection of a blanket whitewash for Thaksin and trusting him with 2.2 trillion baht which the taxpayers would have to pay back but given no details on how it was spent was myopic?

Oh come on the Shins are gods to these guys. Don't make them think and give them difficult questions they can't answer.


Thai people think this kind of person will bring change to this country...........The yellow shirts have many skeletons in their wardrobes...


A severe sentence is warranted but neither should it be forgotten that this guy cost the Thai economy hundreds of billions of Baht through his self-serving wickedness over the airport and associated acts

So this is the guy that organised all those acts of terrorism at the airport. I thought so, but he got away with that did'nt he .

Actually the yellow shirts were attacked with grenades while in front of the airport building, I think one person died, some wounded, and moved in. Surely you do not want to suggest these acts of terrorism were done by themselves against themselves ?

Unbelievable.Still in denial.


Will he serve time in jail?

Do you know any rich in Thailand, no matter from which political side, who ever served time in jail?


Oh yes plenty of them.

But that's only because they haven't been caught yet or have "friends" that are keeping them out of jail.


Just goes to show how moronic the mindless sheep who followed the PAD and their reincarnations up until the PDRC.

The leader of the group being as corrupt as Thaksin! Well i think most people with half a brain new this already.

Pity the self portrayed 'educated' middle class who followed them are so brain dead!

The only mindless thing is your misguided gloating, painting everyone and everything that goes against Thaksin and his minions as being Yellow Shirts and Sondhi's "sheep".

No I think Smutcakes is pretty much on the money, particularly his comment on the myopic mainly Sino Thai middle class.

The fact that notorious zealots for the PAD cause " like " your post simply underscores my point.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Indeed those who followed the false savior Sondhi were duped as were those that followed the equally false Thaksin - both convicted crooks.

However, very many of the recent anti- Shin PTP were not yellow shirts or supporters of the PAD or Sondh - even though all you Shin supporters love to pretend they are. Like you love to pretend that Thaksin and his clan are some sort of socialist benevolent society rather than a convicted fugitive and a group of corrupt politicians.

14 people "liked" his post (rather more than liking yours). Suggesting that they are all zealots for one particular cause, which is only your opinion, doesn't make your own comments balanced or unbiased. How much research did you carry out with members of the Sino Thai middle class before deciding that their rejection of a blanket whitewash for Thaksin and trusting him with 2.2 trillion baht which the taxpayers would have to pay back but given no details on how it was spent was myopic?

I don't really see how the folollowers of Sondhi were duped.They have surely seen all their objectives secured with "good people" now firmly in charge, awkward dissent being repressed and the military in the leading position.

The rest of your post doesn't make any sense.In any case it's just a silly rant so confused it's rather hard to understand what your point of view is.You have mixed up the Sondhi led protest with the more recent PDRC demonstrations against the blanket amnesty (which I strongly opposed myself).


A severe sentence is warranted but neither should it be forgotten that this guy cost the Thai economy hundreds of billions of Baht through his self-serving wickedness over the airport and associated acts

So this is the guy that organised all those acts of terrorism at the airport. I thought so, but he got away with that did'nt he .

Actually the yellow shirts were attacked with grenades while in front of the airport building, I think one person died, some wounded, and moved in. Surely you do not want to suggest these acts of terrorism were done by themselves against themselves ?

That's exactly what they did. Hoping to get their supporters killed to prompt a coup.

Read the wikileaks.

Back in Chicago the guy running for mayor throws a brick thru his own living room window and blames the other guy.

This is typical.

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However the three later appealed with reason that all the 17 occasions they committed the crime, the offence was the same and carries only five years in prison.

Sentencing them on same offence in 17 occasions with 85 years in total for same offence was unfair, they claimed.

I think knowingly carrying out the same offence 17 times was unfair. Ooooo look we didn't get caught the first time we did it lets do it 16 times more. smile.png

I hope these criminals really do some serious time and that everybody gets to know about it as a deterrent to others. If, as many here seem to think, it all gets swept under the carpet and they get off or serve minimal time then it is no deterrent and others will follow.

Thailand needs to get serious with hi-so criminals. If they can't/won't then why not just burn the law books.


A severe sentence is warranted but neither should it be forgotten that this guy cost the Thai economy hundreds of billions of Baht through his self-serving wickedness over the airport and associated acts

So this is the guy that organised all those acts of terrorism at the airport. I thought so, but he got away with that did'nt he .

Actually the yellow shirts were attacked with grenades while in front of the airport building, I think one person died, some wounded, and moved in. Surely you do not want to suggest these acts of terrorism were done by themselves against themselves ?

Nobody died,rubl. Two people were injured outside of Don Mueang Airport. Not known if it was a, as in one, grenade that was involved or ping pong "bombs" - maybe a response to the PAD Security Guards firing handguns at the government supporters the previous day, when 11 people were injured, who knows?


To be reduced to two years suspended in due course no doubt

And a 10,000 baht fine! One wonders if he will ever see the inside of a jail cell? It is a miracle he was sentenced at all, as most guys with his wealth can buy off either the prosecutor, or the judge. Wonder how this happened. It was obviously a judge with some courage. Would love to see more of this. Maybe the other judges will grow some cajones, and start behaving like real men. Same for the notorious prosecutors.


Wow...he's REALLY pissed off some people in high places hasn't he!

I was wondering why he wasn't involved in the resent anti-government protests.

Looks like he's lost all his "higher authority" protection :)

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Sorry to miss your subtlety fabs but to call the cases against Thaksin a 'witchhunt' is truly laughable. That's ironic too, right?

No it's not laughable.It's completely accurate.That's not to say that Thaksin wasn't guilty of some or all the relatively minor various offences he was charged with,However we know from Wikileaks and other sources that the establishment was desperate to tie some offence on him (leaving aside of course the human rights offences it was also implicated in).If it makes it easier for you to grasp, Khun Abhisit was no doubt guilty of offences he was charged with (actually much more serious than those of Thaksin) but I have little doubt there was something of a witchhunt against him.In short it's perfectly possible to be guilty of an offence and simultaneously be the victim of a witchhunt.Anwar in Malaysia is another example

Sorry jayboy, I don't regard some of the offences Thaksin has been charged with or accused of as minor, namely policy corruption, changing of laws to benefit his own companies, massive concealment of shares in others' names- what for if not to indulge in stock manipulation? Deals with Burma to benefit his companies, loans approved to bankrupt companies.

All aside from the human rights abuses, 2,500 dead from the drug war, warnings to governors to reach targets or else.

His crimes stretch a mile long so he ran unlike Apisit and Suthep.

Meanwhile, back to Sonthi.

It's obvious you have not read the stuff that they don't want you to read.

Sigh! Some things cannot be written about on open forums in Thailand, but they do not detract from the alleged and proven crimes of the great dictator, Thaksin.


Off topic posts and replies have been removed. This topic is not about Thaksin, nor is it about the 2008 Airport seizure, it is about:

BANGKOK: -- The Appeals Court today sentenced media tycoon Sonthi Limthongkul to serve 85 years in prison after finding him guilty of breaching the Securities and Exchange Act on 17 occasions involving the 1.078 billion baht loan sought from Krung Thai bank since 1996-1997.



Another Hi-so who turns out to be corrupt scum; when are people going to learn that just because someone displays enormous wealth it does not automatically mean they should be adulated, admired and treated with respect.

Just the opposite, as this sack of <deleted> so clearly shows...

You only just realised this... I scratch me head and wonder how informed some TV posters are. This guy created the yellow shirts to antaganise Thaksin because Thaksin's administration had written off approximately 1.6 billion baht of non-performing loans to the State controled KrungThai bank, but would not forgive (write-off) another 1 billion. When Sondhi realised he would have to pay this loan back he got upset as he considered himself the King maker of Thaksin. He believed the Thaksin administration was his own making. Spoilt child gets his own back on his paymaster... who was who paymaster anyone can guess. Yellow, Red, now Orange Monk Issara... the foook nose!

Thank you very big! Even though I've tried to follow the machinations of the yellow and red shirts I could never work out why there was such anger between the two? Now I know!! clap2.gifwink.pngwai.gif


Actually the yellow shirts were attacked with grenades while in front of the airport building, I think one person died, some wounded, and moved in. Surely you do not want to suggest these acts of terrorism were done by themselves against themselves ?

Nobody died,rubl. Two people were injured outside of Don Mueang Airport. Not known if it was a, as in one, grenade that was involved or ping pong "bombs" - maybe a response to the PAD Security Guards firing handguns at the government supporters the previous day, when 11 people were injured, who knows?

AS I write, 'I think", but indeed I remembered incorrectly as the link I provided later showed. As for grenade or pingpong bombs, well, in those days the anti-government protesters frequently got a few grenades lobbed at them, even while camping at Government House.

Anyway it is interesting to notice that the non-political sentencing of Sondhi has mostly seen people trying to drag in politics as usual.


A severe sentence is warranted but neither should it be forgotten that this guy cost the Thai economy hundreds of billions of Baht through his self-serving wickedness over the airport and associated acts

So this is the guy that organised all those acts of terrorism at the airport. I thought so, but he got away with that did'nt he .

Actually the yellow shirts were attacked with grenades while in front of the airport building, I think one person died, some wounded, and moved in. Surely you do not want to suggest these acts of terrorism were done by themselves against themselves ?

Unbelievable.Still in denial.

I did notice that, maybe you should get some professional help ?

while the second defendant gets two ears and six months

I think I'd rather serve the full sentence............

Maybe two ears and a tail?


Just goes to show how moronic the mindless sheep who followed the PAD and their reincarnations up until the PDRC.

The leader of the group being as corrupt as Thaksin! Well i think most people with half a brain new this already.

Pity the self portrayed 'educated' middle class who followed them are so brain dead!

The only mindless thing is your misguided gloating, painting everyone and everything that goes against Thaksin and his minions as being Yellow Shirts and Sondhi's "sheep".

The g(l)oats are like kettles following the sheep, calling the frying pan black(or yellow)!


Time to pay China a visit and a promise to come back. Maybe a reunion with his old buddy TS.

You do know he's a Yellow shirt, right?

You do know that before he became a yellow shirt, he and TS were big buddies until TS was tired bailing him out many times?Right?

Yeah I do but so what? He is hardly going to be friends with the man he fought so hard against after taking the other side.


I think I may change my name to disenchanted.

So many days and nights I had to listen to this guy raving on about Mr Thaksin and others on the TV and radio because my wife thought he was true.

But in the end he is just another thief!

A thief.

Not someone important. Not some one that is respected but just a thief!. I wonder what his mother or his children think of him?

Convicted of being a thief and appealing. For once I agree with Thailand's law...85 years ...good job the Judge and the court.

Why appeal...yeah ...so he can thieve his way out of that too I suppose.

How these rich Thai's are so respected but when the chips are down just another thief like the poor Thai (or Cambodian) thieves a bit of wood or iron to buy his supper.

How low can u go?

Goodbye Mr Sondhi

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm, I was away on work when this happened...

And bail denied? Wow - I'm annoyed now I missed all the pigs flying backwards and the sight of Satan skating to work.....

Obviously his little faux pas to an american newspaper in 2009 (resulting in the infamous shooting) cut his ties with the important people for good.

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