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No Visa options for the ones who are young and have money?

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nikkoid66, your rant is not making much sense. You seem to have something against the idea that foreigners should be here legally. All the effort done by the immigration now (Pushed by the military) to clean up the mess isn't bad at all, but of course it'll hit some foreigners living here illegally in the face, like you. You just have to get used to it and adjust to it, it's as simple as that.


Your angry lashing out at Thailand isn't clever and you should in stead be positive about the fact that there now seem to be a honest effort from the junta to clean up the mess. I do not condone military juntas at all, but as the Thais seem to have a bit of a problem with handling democracy, then maybe, just maybe - a positively thinking autocracy working for the good of the people will fit the bill better in Thailand. Just take a look at Singapore...


I'm happy to see the cleaning up in Pattaya, now they say that illegal aliens are down 30% - Som Nahm Naa!


Stop being angry and passive, time to start being positive and active.

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Spend THB 1,000,000 a year? That's below the poverty line in most western nations.

Actually not! THB 1 mill. a year is about £18,500 a year, in pre tax terms that would equal a salary of about £22,000 which is only just under the average wage in the UK. But that THB 1 mill./£22k doesn't include mortgage costs hence it is significantly higher than the average UK salary.
A young person flipping burgers at McDonalds in my home country. Makes more than 1 million baht a year.
In my country too, but what's your point? Are we comparing the size of our wieners here?
The OPs reason for mentioning his 1 mill a year wiener size is obviously that he's got more than enough to stay in Thailand, and that it would be in Thailands best interest to have visa options for visitors like him. I don't think flipping burgers in your country is an option he's considering, but I'm sure he'll send you his resume if it is.

Obviously he have not got enough to stay here. And that's why he is leaving. He couldn't afford to stay. The visa was too expensive
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A young person flipping burgers at McDonalds in my home country. Makes more than 1 million baht a year.



In my country too, but what's your point? Are we comparing the size of our wieners here?


The OPs reason for mentioning his 1 mill a year wiener size is obviously that he's got more than enough to stay in Thailand, and that it would be in Thailands best interest to have visa options for visitors like him. I don't think flipping burgers in your country is an option he's considering, but I'm sure he'll send you his resume if it is.


Your comment is pointless - he is not a visitor - he wants to be a resident - a visitor implies a tourist. He is not one. 




... for as long as he can afford it, yes. You probably have a lot of similar cases, and in total the amount they spend here is considerable when you add it all up. Might be in Thailand's best interest to have an option for them, which it seems is what the OP wants to discuss?


He could always marry his gf and write up a prenup, though. Problem solved.

Edited by Sirbergan
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Typical childish OP. Here are the facts. You cannot just " go and live somewhere for 4 years " . Try doing this in Australia, where I'm from. What makes you think you have a god given right to live where you please. Yes, I'm 60 so can have a retirement visa. That's not why i am sounding high and mighty. You sound like a typical spoilt brat. Go back home. It isn't USA because your grammar is poor. Oh, and all that money oh yours!! Give us a break. The expats that have actually worked all our lives spend a tad more. My annual outgoing here is about 2.1 million.
I'm sure Thailand will survive without you. Also can you post all the girlfriends cell numbers. Mind you cant see em heart broken missing your 8000bht outlay.

You should go back home.

Retirement visas will be next on the chopping block. You should be kicked out with the rest of the old sex pests.

You jealous self righteous dill. What visa DO YOU HAVE. .... Yes I drink and I shag and I do what I want. Thailand is similar to Australia in one way. ITS A FREE COUNTRY. We don't need members like you having a crack at peoples life style. The significant difference between the OP and myself is I do not break thai law. Oh and befor you point out that prostitution is illegal in Thailand. Give me a break. Thank goodness you have never taken a lady home. My profile of you is that you are married to a thai lady and therefore have a visa based on marriage. I have a retirement visa and can shag who I want you moralistic preacher.
The marriage visa was difficult for me to accept as I doubt you have gonads
Retired folk should have no advantages over any other. And you will be, middle class Thai people I know are sick of the reputation of their country, which is generated by old sexpats/sextourists. You will be expelled soon enough.

As for girlfriends cell numbers, that is the heart of why some old posters here are so happy to see younger people kicked out. They want their young competition gone so they can more easily exploit young women who have fewer options.
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Spend THB 1,000,000 a year? That's below the poverty line in most western nations.

Actually not! THB 1 mill. a year is about £18,500 a year, in pre tax terms that would equal a salary of about £22,000 which is only just under the average wage in the UK. But that THB 1 mill./£22k doesn't include mortgage costs hence it is significantly higher than the average UK salary.
A young person flipping burgers at McDonalds in my home country. Makes more than 1 million baht a year.



In my country too, but what's your point? Are we comparing the size of our wieners here?


The OPs reason for mentioning his 1 mill a year wiener size is obviously that he's got more than enough to stay in Thailand, and that it would be in Thailands best interest to have visa options for visitors like him. I don't think flipping burgers in your country is an option he's considering, but I'm sure he'll send you his resume if it is.


Maybe you missed that he could not afford the cost of living here in Thailand :) And he is going away.

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Well I spend between one and one point five million baht every year here and I have done so for the past eleven years, Every four years or so I blow around one point two million on a new vehicle plus I've spent around ten million baht on property, around one million on medical expenses and about one million on university fees. I've never worked since I moved here in 2004 and the last time I saw the inside of a bar was the following year, in fact, the last time I drank alcohol was in 2006 - my Thai wife and I are getting ready to celebrate ten years together. Of all the farang friends we know here, most of them seem to fit a similar profile to me.


So why have I bothered to tell you all of this, just to upset you? Of course not, it's just that some folks out there, like you, seems to have this model in their minds of what the average retiree here looks like and I can't relate to it. But I suppose if a person were to spend enough time trawling the bars you could find people who fit that model, doubtless they exist in Pattaya in greater numbers but I see them only as an exception here, rather than the rule.


EDIT TO ADD: and actually you know, that stereotype of the expat retiree is just as incorrect as the stereotype of the Thai female, you know the one, she's a bar girl and money grubbing etc. I reckon that some people adopt those stereotypes in their minds because it's too hard to work it all out in their own minds, either that or the extent of their world in Thailand is the Pattaya bar scene, either way they do themselves a great disservice..



Are you telling me you're spending around $40,000 here each year, or roughly $3,400/month??? Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Warren Buffett, I didn't recognize you.

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If your not a U S citizen, fly to Mexico, head north, jump a vehicle barrier fence, or duck under a wash flood gate and enter the US for free. Being an illegal alien, you will now have more rights than a US citizen.

You will be fast tracked on getting a drivers license so you can vote to destroy the US more!

Getting a bank account no problem.

Once you get a green card in a few years you can join the US military and then if you are still alive you can become a US citizen.

If you disagree, wake up! Do your homework!

Yeah yeah, watched Fox News much, buddy?

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If your not a U S citizen, fly to Mexico, head north, jump a vehicle barrier fence, or duck under a wash flood gate and enter the US for free. Being an illegal alien, you will now have more rights than a US citizen.

You will be fast tracked on getting a drivers license so you can vote to destroy the US more!

Getting a bank account no problem.

Once you get a green card in a few years you can join the US military and then if you are still alive you can become a US citizen.

If you disagree, wake up! Do your homework!

French Foreign Legion might also be a good option.

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Second, the 'Elite Card' is ridiculous: it's way too expensive, unstable, and archaic.  It's not an answer to this issue.  Please stop using that as if it were some trump card to end the discussion.  Maybe a good option instead, would be to triple the financial requirements of a retirement visa?  Yeah, I thought not.

The Elite card although may not be feasible for many to cough up 500k, amounts to 275 baht/day. How much should it be 100 baht/ day? The Target demographic spend more per person here on supper.

Ridiculous? Fact is some people have silly money to blow. Good on em'.

It is not unstable, in that no members benefits or visa had been cancelled, and has been in effect for years. Having government support I doubt anyone will have a problem going forward, as long as they do not work illegally or otherwise violate the programmes terms of use.

How is it Archaic? A five year visa bought for less than $10 USD per day sounds quite progressive. The online application can be completed in minutes and approval takes 3 days. What other country has such a programme? Edited by arunsakda
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... and btw the reason I am upset that I have to leave, is because I have a girlfriend I love, and she has a boy, we stay together 3 years but I will have to leave her behind. She makes 8500 baht / month working in a hotel in an Island, and it is a quite sad situation ..,

So, if you love your gf so much and also have a baby, why don't you marry her and get a non immigrant O VISA?
And why if you decide to leave Thailand, and you really love get so much, have to leave her behind?
If you are such a rich man, take her with you wherever you go ...

Come on!!!!! It sounds to me like a sterile polemic

I don't agree 100% with the new rules but I have to say that I see too much foreigner low lives and borderlines living here and they really disgust me.
I think that if you really want to stay here, have enough money and live honestly, you will find a solution for sure.

About language, in my opinion, learning the language of the country where you live (so, enrole in a school and get a non immigrant ED visa), is a good thing and also a shown of respect ... In some countries, if you want to live there, you have to learn the local language otherwise you can't sta ... For an example, If you are not German, and you want to live in Germany, you have to learn German language and German is useful exactly like Thai but this is the rule and if you want to live in a country, you have to respect their rules.

Have a good day you all and take it easy ... ;-)
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OP, you have options as mentioned or go see a lawyer that specializes in visa's for potential legal workarounds.

Though the way you were going on about some of your peeves it appeared you were on your way out anyways with slagging everything including the language. Sounds more like frustration than hating.
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You jealous self righteous dill. What visa DO YOU HAVE. .... Yes I drink and I shag and I do what I want. Thailand is similar to Australia in one way. ITS A FREE COUNTRY. We don't need members like you having a crack at peoples life style. The significant difference between the OP and myself is I do not break thai law. Oh and befor you point out that prostitution is illegal in Thailand. Give me a break. Thank goodness you have never taken a lady home. My profile of you is that you are married to a thai lady and therefore have a visa based on marriage. I have a retirement visa and can shag who I want you moralistic preacher.
The marriage visa was difficult for me to accept as I doubt you have gonads

I have a WORK PERMIT and actually contribute to this country, aside from shagging destitute Isaan women like most people on retirement visas. I really don't care what you old guys do, but seeing people like you laugh at younger people getting kicked out and cheer on immigration is infuriating. Your time will come when they make you do absurd requirements to stay in the country too.

Oh, and I'm young and single and date university students
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I think the Op has a point to some degree! for young people who have money it is going to be difficult to stay.given that there are options such as elite card etc. I think the point is that that Thailand is tightening its grip  on people coming here whether to holiday work or live, and the increasing changes and what is starting to become a less foreigner welcome status. Although the country wants to attract foreign investment and help the young develop software music and tech related opportunities the signal is definitely been sent that we really only want your money and to come spend and then piss off! is hardly congruent to a satisfying lifestyle. goog luck to the thais for implementing the policy on nirvana however a lot of people will suffer because of the exodus of farangs and there money, and as the general wants to send the country back 50 years to its Buddhist roots Thailand will find it self on the outer and in a backwater state as most neighbouring countries and others in the region are welcoming the changes and the chance to have foriegners in the country, the writing is on the wall that most farangs are really not welcome but mostly just tolerated and as the op has posted how to make a person feel welcome with all this reporting and visa status changes etc..maybe Thailand is just trying to clean the country up from the riff raff however all farangs are being tarred with the same brush  a bit like throwing drunks out of a pub so hopefully you can attract some drinkers!

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Well I spend between one and one point five million baht every year here and I have done so for the past eleven years, Every four years or so I blow around one point two million on a new vehicle plus I've spent around ten million baht on property, around one million on medical expenses and about one million on university fees. I've never worked since I moved here in 2004 and the last time I saw the inside of a bar was the following year, in fact, the last time I drank alcohol was in 2006 - my Thai wife and I are getting ready to celebrate ten years together. Of all the farang friends we know here, most of them seem to fit a similar profile to me.


So why have I bothered to tell you all of this, just to upset you? Of course not, it's just that some folks out there, like you, seems to have this model in their minds of what the average retiree here looks like and I can't relate to it. But I suppose if a person were to spend enough time trawling the bars you could find people who fit that model, doubtless they exist in Pattaya in greater numbers but I see them only as an exception here, rather than the rule.


EDIT TO ADD: and actually you know, that stereotype of the expat retiree is just as incorrect as the stereotype of the Thai female, you know the one, she's a bar girl and money grubbing etc. I reckon that some people adopt those stereotypes in their minds because it's too hard to work it all out in their own minds, either that or the extent of their world in Thailand is the Pattaya bar scene, either way they do themselves a great disservice..



Are you telling me you're spending around $40,000 here each year, or roughly $3,400/month??? Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Warren Buffett, I didn't recognize you.


$ 3400 a month. And then he must be Warren Buffett !!!! A lot of people spend more than that

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Are you telling me you're spending around $40,000 here each year, or roughly $3,400/month??? Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Warren Buffett, I didn't recognize you.


$ 3400 a month. And then he must be Warren Buffett !!!! A lot of people spend more than that



 noun \ˈsär-ˌka-zəm\

: the use of words that mean the opposite of what you really want to say especially in order to insult someone, to show irritation, or to be funny

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I am here for 4 years but I have my 2 best friends who are coming in Thailand for more than 15 years.
For long time the Visa system in Thailand was allowing people who have money and just want to stay here for early retirement to stay.
This time is over.
My friends and I are all moving out for the same reason, so I suppose all the people in the same situation are doing the same.
I spend about 1 Million Baht / year in this country, not working here, just because I have the money and I spend it.
My friends are in the same situation, some earning interest on their money blocked in Singapore, some because they have a lot of land in their main country and get the rents from the lands, some because they are earning royalties on music and films.
I have royalties from software I sell on the web.
None of us have a job here.
But with the new visa rules we are all forced to exit the country, and Thailand will have to say bye bye to the 'good' falangs who provided Millions each, not counting the money invested in condos where we are living and that are for sale as I write this.
It seems that this crackdown is not taking in account people who are too young to retire, and have money every month coming from outside Thailand.
I think the people who make the law should make a Visa exception, where you can show 1 year for bank notes showing that you make +60,000 baht /month from outside Thailand and be granted a Visa to stay.
Let's be honest, Thailand is not UK or Germany. Just look at the roads, the train, the construction value and in general the level of maintenance of everything.
Who will spend his money in BK hospital, buy over expensive condos, or just run a decent bakery?
Well we are moving out, and see how Thailand will do once the border are removed with the 2015 Issean. It's gona be fun.
We can live anywhere in the world. It happens that we love Thailand, our girlfriends and the ease of live here.
But too many regulation make it difficult to stay, and other place have much better Visa rules.
- Cambodia gives you a work permit and unlimited stay without question.
- Philipines gives you 6 month and unlimited extension.
Sure these place are not as ready as Pattaya to welcome us, but I think our money spent there will change that quickly. Make a bakery there and no have any problems of paperwork, and be the first to be in the place in Sihanoukville for example, the city that has the biggest investment and growth in all Asia last year? 
There is a falang war right now, people who have a legitimate Visa punching the ones who where doing border runs... Well stop the fight. We are all coming in Thailand because it is an easy going and cheap country. But this is from the past, now you need to pay 2 EUR + for a simple grapaow gai, condos are more expensive than in Miami per square/meter, police check driving license every corner, buses are aligned on the road at the point that even motorbike cannot drive, you need to carry your passport everywhere you go, you need to notify the immigration when you visit someone in another region of Thailand, no more visa extension.
And who is going to learn Thai with an ED visa? What is the incentive to do so? Understanding your Thai girlfriend? She speak Issean anyway! Find you a job in Thailand? You cannot find a job Thailand: it is illegal!
The Thai language is the less useful language you will learn in your life, only spoken in some part of Thailand (Bangkok and Pattaya) and place where you cannot find a job as a falang: stupid idea.
Good luck with your new rule game and try to find a way to keep the 'good' farang, or see your economic figures next year wink.png

Who earns interest on money in the bank in Singapore?


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Quite frankly I find the whole letter absolutely incredulous. To start and end with, may I just ask one question - if you are prepared and actually spend one million Baht a year and more, you can get an Elite status which would enable you to stay here without visa runs. I really do not understand what all the fuss and rejection is all about. As in every country there are laws, rules and regulations, which have to be abided by, including immigration and work permits regulations. If one gets an Education Visa with the official purpose of learning Thai, one is suppiosed to do so, if one comes here as a bona fide tourist, this is fine, but one can't circumvent the regulations by visa tuns and overstaying and also illegally working here. That is all that there is to it!!!

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Just off the top of my head a quick guesstimate!
Let's say he is ok at USD 3,400 a month. That's more or less a 3% a year draw down on 1.4 million USD.
Let's say he's getting a 4% yield in that 1.4, seems ok until you add in the 3% inflation rate. He will be completely broke in about 25 years.

So all these 'young people with money,' how much do they have and how long will they live?
(Everyone who thinks they can retire better look at the numbers first)!

Plus as was mentioned $3,400 a month isn't that much now!

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I don't think the OP is saying that he is RICH, neither am I nor are many other guys.  The point is, that some of us have enough money to live a basic and comfortable life and would like to do so in Thailand LEGALLY.


Yes, one could open a business, go to school, or just get married, each of which is just a work around...  The new regulations are to cut down on illegals and people overstaying, I think that having a new visa type would resolve this and allow people to stay within the country without breaking the law while letting the governemet make some additional $...

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Typical childish OP. Here are the facts. You cannot just " go and live somewhere for 4 years " . Try doing this in Australia, where I'm from. What makes you think you have a god given right to live where you please. Yes, I'm 60 so can have a retirement visa. That's not why i am sounding high and mighty. You sound like a typical spoilt brat. Go back home. It isn't USA because your grammar is poor. Oh, and all that money oh yours!! Give us a break. The expats that have actually worked all our lives spend a tad more. My annual outgoing here is about 2.1 million.
I'm sure Thailand will survive without you. Also can you post all the girlfriends cell numbers. Mind you cant see em heart broken missing your 8000bht outlay.

You should go back home.

Retirement visas will be next on the chopping block. You should be kicked out with the rest of the old sex pests.

Retired folk should have no advantages over any other. And you will be, middle class Thai people I know are sick of the reputation of their country, which is generated by old sexpats/sextourists. You will be expelled soon enough.

As for girlfriends cell numbers, that is the heart of why some old posters here are so happy to see younger people kicked out. They want their young competition gone so they can more easily exploit young women who have fewer options.

Really?? WHo told you that retirement visas are next? I have a good friend and a brother-in-law that works for immigration. The one is in upper management and he told me only thing are they are worried about is people overstaying and people here working on tourist visas. Everything else is ok. This goes right in line with what immigration has been saying for years and years that you want to stay get the right visa. They dont care how long you stay just get the right visa. So tell me where are you getting your information?
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You jealous self righteous dill. What visa DO YOU HAVE. .... Yes I drink and I shag and I do what I want. Thailand is similar to Australia in one way. ITS A FREE COUNTRY. We don't need members like you having a crack at peoples life style. The significant difference between the OP and myself is I do not break thai law. Oh and befor you point out that prostitution is illegal in Thailand. Give me a break. Thank goodness you have never taken a lady home. My profile of you is that you are married to a thai lady and therefore have a visa based on marriage. I have a retirement visa and can shag who I want you moralistic preacher.
The marriage visa was difficult for me to accept as I doubt you have gonads

I have a WORK PERMIT and actually contribute to this country, aside from shagging destitute Isaan women like most people on retirement visas. I really don't care what you old guys do, but seeing people like you laugh at younger people getting kicked out and cheer on immigration is infuriating. Your time will come when they make you do absurd requirements to stay in the country too.

Oh, and I'm young and single and date university students




I'm retired and don't work, I don't care how much you earn on your work permit, I bet you I contribute more to the country than you do!


And the last time I shagged a destitute farm girl was many many years ago, more than twenty, a time when I did have a work permit here!

BTW Ramkampeng is not a University, it's a day school for bar and displaced rural farm girls girls and always has been.

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Here is a free option for you if you aren't a US citizen.

Fly to Mexico, head north, jump a vehicle barrier fence, or duck under a wash flood gate and enter the US for free. Being an illegal alien, you will now have more rights than a US citizen.

If you get sick they will give you prompt medical treatment while US vets wait for many months, and most seniors die before an appointment can be set up.

You will be fast tracked on getting a drivers license so you can vote to destroy the US more!

Getting a bank account no problem.

Once you get a green card in a few years you can join the US military and then if you are still alive you can become a US citizen.

If you disagree, wake up! Do your homework!

I really do not think that this forum should be used for Tea Party propaganda against the democratic American system

, which is completely baseless, or based on totally incorrect facts and assumptions.

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Just off the top of my head a quick guesstimate!
Let's say he is ok at USD 3,400 a month. That's more or less a 3% a year draw down on 1.4 million USD.
Let's say he's getting a 4% yield in that 1.4, seems ok until you add in the 3% inflation rate. He will be completely broke in about 25 years.

So all these 'young people with money,' how much do they have and how long will they live?
(Everyone who thinks they can retire better look at the numbers first)!

Plus as was mentioned $3,400 a month isn't that much now!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Oh god.... not anther one that says 1 mil is peanuts.


Believe it or not most people on the planet die of natural causes and not hunger on much less than that.


They have the roof over their heads too.


Man.... growing up in another country before I came to Canada I thought 100 thousand dollars was a lot.


Well, it is a lot.... unless you are the type of person that likes to keep up with the Joneses or even worse.... your wife/gf is like that.

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If your home google retirement calculators. Type in your particulars and it shows you what you need depending on your age, projected spend and many other factors.

I did not say anything negative (I never have and never will), just showing young people who might not know this stuff to look at it since it might help someone from making a life changing decision that could hurt years down the road.

Have a good weekend!

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As a visitor three or four times per year, each staying at most two weeks, I spend several times more than the OP per year. I do not frequent bars or the night life. I mainly spend the money doing tourist activities & shopping. The amount of money that I spend is still peanuts compared to few of my friends who are millionaires & billionaires. So OP...if you do not feel appreciated here, do not return. It is their country, their rules.

lol 2 months per year spending 1 million or more, yeahhhh right.....
not going bars, hookers...... just shopping, you must buy a lot of mango in tesco then.....

Last year, I spent 300K baht on iphones. This does not include cameras & Android devices. Designer bag cost ar least 60K each. So, don't be quick to judge.


MMMMMMMMMMMM you wear a shoulder bag mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm



No shoulder bag.  When I get home next week, I will post a picture of my mobile toys.

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Is it trolls day? They seems to be out and in good shape.


What is Thailand Elite Program?


and btw the reason I am upset that I have to leave, is because I have a girlfriend I love, and she has a boy, we stay together 3 years but I will have to leave her behind. She makes 8500 baht / month working in a hotel in an Island, and it is a quite sad situation.



I read the visa doc's from yesterday and it seems that there are also investment visa if you have 3 million baht to invest (in a bank, in bonds, or in a condo). Perhaps that might work for you?

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