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List and description of exactly what I need to bring to Vientiane for Non-Immigrant "B" work visa

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Could someone please clarify each requirement document I need to get non-immigrant "B" visa? Some of the required documents are a bit confusing to me and my employer.


Documents required are : 
1. Recommendation letter from the employer addressed to the Embassy (stating about the employment and visa         A letter from my employer to the Embassy along with my employer person's copy of his/her national ID card or passport?
    application) and be accompanied with the certified copy of the ID of the endorser(s) 
2. Employment contract  The contract written between my employer and their employees stating job description, pay, duration, etc. Correct?
3. Form of the Employment Certification (Download Here)  I just fill this out, I believe.
4. Approval Letter from the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare of Thailand or Copy of the current work permit   I do not have a current work permit so I believe I will need an approval letter. How can my employer and I go about obtaining such an approval letter? This is the most serious and confusing part for me.
5. Copy of corporate documents, namely; 
    - company registration certificate 
    - list of company shareholders 
    - memorandum of company’s regulation 
    - latest income tax statement 
    - latest registration of value added tax 
    - the name list of current foreign employees Basically, any and all documents proving that the employer is real, correct?


This is from the (http://vientiane.thaiembassy.org/vientiane/en/consular/consular_check/) website


Now, the MFA site is so different and so this makes things more unclear for me:

2.  Application for Visa

           2.1   Non-Immigrant Visa Category “B”  (Business Visa)   is issued to applicants who wish to enter the Kingdom to work or to conduct business. 
          (1)   Foreigners who wish to work in Thailand must provide the following documents:
                 - Passport or travel document with validity of not less than 6 months. Okay, done.
                 - Completed visa application form. Where can I obtain this form? Vientiane does not have this listed. It has an employment form, rather.
                 - Recent passport-sized photograph (4 x 6 cm) of the applicant taken within the  past 6 months. Done.
                 - Evidence of adequate finance (20,000 Baht per person and 40,000 Baht per family). Would a bank account statement be enough? I can get anything from my bank.
                 - Letter of approval from the Ministry of Labour.  To obtain this letter, the applicant’s prospective employer in Thailand is required to submit Form WP3 at the Office of Foreign Workers Administration, Department of Employment, Ministry of Labour Tel. 02-2452745, or at the Provincial Employment Office in his or her respective province.  More information is available at www.doe.go.th/workpermit/index.html

Okay, so this sounds more descriptive. To get a letter of approval from the MoL, my employer needs to submit a Form WP3 to the MoL in his/her province. But isn't there anything else I need to give to the MoL so that they approve my request? Don't I send in evidence of degree, resume, income, etc.? Where can I obtain this Form WP3 online?


                - Copy of Work Permit issued by the Ministry of Labour and alien income tax or Por Ngor Dor 91 (only in the case where applicant has previously worked in Thailand). First time working so I don't need to do this.
               - Corporate documents of hiring company in Thailand such as:
                1) business registration and business license
                2) list of shareholders
                3) company profile
                4) details of business operation
                5) list of foreign workers stating names, nationalities and positions
                6) map indicating location of the company
                7) balance sheet, statement of Income Tax and Business Tax (Por Ngor Dor 50 and Por Ngor Dor 30 of the latest year)
               8) value-added tax registration (Por Por 20)
            -  Document indicating the number of foreign tourists (for tourism business only), or document indicating export transactions issued by banks (for export business only). 



I am very very sorry for so many questions but I just want to make sure that this process goes smoothly as possible. My employer does not seem too well informed of exactly all the things I may need and what to do.


Also, this being my first time working in Thailand, I would humbly request information on Non-Immigrant single entry vs multiple entry. Is this something I should consider? My hope is that with this non-immigrant b visa, I can start the process of an actual work permit so I can start working in Thailand. This is the only way I can work here and so I would greatly appreciate your assistance in this matter. My province of concern is Chiang Rai, and if it makes a difference, I am Japanese. 


P.S. How long can this process take? 




Edited by yzak
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Just go by what is on the embassy website. It correct and is exactly what they will want.

1. A copy of the ID of the person that signed the letter signed and dated by them (thet is certified).

2. Your employment contact you should have already.

3. Yes

4. When they apply for the work permit they will need to ask for the approval letter from the labor ministry.

5. What is on the list is what will be needed. All copies must be signed and dated by your employer.

From embassy website. Download Application Form for Visa.

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Just go by what is on the embassy website. It correct and is exactly what they will want.

1. A copy of the ID of the person that signed the letter signed and dated by them (thet is certified).

2. Your employment contact you should have already.

3. Yes

4. When they apply for the work permit they will need to ask for the approval letter from the labor ministry.

5. What is on the list is what will be needed. All copies must be signed and dated by your employer.

From embassy website. Download Application Form for Visa.


1. Certified in what? Certifying that he/she is a real employer with a real business?

2. I have a contract but I want to make sure it is official and everything on it is correct and what the immigration folks want. It is simply an official contract written in legal form from the employer stating the requirements of the position. 

3. I still do not get this. So when they apply with the Form WP3, they will get an approval letter from the labor ministry?

4. Thank you.



It seems like I really do not have to do anything. Just going to Vientiane is my job. The employer will provide everything for me. Awesome. Any other advice would be appreciate and clarification on the approval letter is most sought after.

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1. I thought you were asking about the certification of the ID card.

2. Just a standard employment contract. The consular officer will just want to see that you have one. They will not be picky about what is in it.

3. Yes was about the the employment certification.

4 When they apply for the work permit (more than likely it will be a WP1) at the labor ministry they will get the approval letter for the application.

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1. I thought you were asking about the certification of the ID card.

2. Just a standard employment contract. The consular officer will just want to see that you have one. They will not be picky about what is in it.

3. Yes was about the the employment certification.

4 When they apply for the work permit (more than likely it will be a WP1) at the labor ministry they will get the approval letter for the application.


4. Sorry, I should have told you that I am on a tourist non visa. So I cannot get a work permit yet, I must first get an non-immigration b visa. 


Beg your pardon, English is not my native language and so some of the explanations you wrote are still unclear to me. 


I understand 1, 2, and 3.


4. Is unclear because MFA states that I need an approval letter by my employer first sending a Form WP3. But you are telling me to use WP1? But I cannot get a work permit yet since I don't even have a non-immigration b visa. I am thinking the WP3 form is what they need to fill out and give to the MoL. And, concerning this WP3 form, what is required on it? My resume and CV? My bank account information and pay stubs?

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You do not need a non-b visa to apply for the work permit it will not be issued until you get the visa.. You can apply for it with your tourist visa.

The WP3 is for a company applying for a work permit for a person that is not in Thailand. Since you are here it will be a WP1.


The work permit application form is several pages long and will mostly have company information on it. Your contract and etc will be attached to it. You are not working yet so how would you have proof of income.

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You do not need a non-b visa to apply for the work permit it will not be issued until you get the visa.. You can apply for it with your tourist visa.

The WP3 is for a company applying for a work permit for a person that is not in Thailand. Since you are here it will be a WP1.


The work permit application form is several pages long and will mostly have company information on it. Your contract and etc will be attached to it. You are not working yet so how would you have proof of income.


Proof of income from my job in Japan since it asks if I have adequate funds. 


Thank you for the information. To obtain the WP1 form, can I print a copy from online or does my employer have to go to the MoL in Chiang Rai?

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You do not need a non-b visa to apply for the work permit it will not be issued until you get the visa.. You can apply for it with your tourist visa.

The WP3 is for a company applying for a work permit for a person that is not in Thailand. Since you are here it will be a WP1.


The work permit application form is several pages long and will mostly have company information on it. Your contract and etc will be attached to it. You are not working yet so how would you have proof of income.


Proof of income from my job in Japan since it asks if I have adequate funds. 


Thank you for the information. To obtain the WP1 form, can I print a copy from online or does my employer have to go to the MoL in Chiang Rai?


You will not need proof of funds for the work permit application.

You will not even be asked for it when you apply for the visa in Vientiane.

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Copy of previous work permit. What if no copy is available? Not everyone takes a photocopy of their previous work permit during the time they are in Thailand and may hand it back to the labour department once their job ends without taking any copies at all (happened to me the first time I worked in Thailand - never took any copies of the work permit or if I did, I lost them now). Sounds like this requirement is not very important.


Also, what if you are a dual national and are wanting to enter Thailand to work on a DIFFERENT nationality/passport to the one you used for your previous non-B and work permit? I presume this is perfectly fine and you just act as if you have never worked in Thailand before, right? Next time I go through the work permit process this is what I'll be doing.


Anyway, labour offices of different provinces aren't linked, so it's not like they could easily determine your work permit details at an embassy or consulate anyway.

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The Letter of Approval from your local labour department will be issued only once the WP1 or WP3 Work Permit Application is successfully filed (i.e. all required papers have been supplied and are in order - this can take a while if your employer is not a regular at labour).


Once the papers are all present and correct labour will be happy to issue a Work Permit, then all that remains is to get the 90 day non 'b' stamp in your passport, at this stage they will issue the Letter of Approval that you need to get the non 'b', it can take a few more days as it requires the signature of the Head of Department..

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I want to mention since nobody did yet.


Choose Savannakhet over Vientane, for faster and better service.


I heard Vientane was the best and most used. Savannakhet is better now?


Vientane seems more clear on what I need to bring as well.

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