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There are, as yet unconfirmed reports, of an unknown virus affecting young children in Korat and the surrounding area.

It has been suggested that it maybe be Dengue Fever, Meningitis or Enterovirus.

It is said that more than a week after it was first talked about that the local Doctors still have no idea of what the virus is.

There have been reports of several deaths in young children.

Can anyone shed any light on this??

There are, as yet unconfirmed reports, of an unknown virus affecting young children in Korat and the surrounding area.

It has been suggested that it maybe be Dengue Fever, Meningitis or Enterovirus.

It is said that more than a week after it was first talked about that the local Doctors still have no idea of what the virus is.

There have been reports of several deaths in young children.

Can anyone shed any light on this??

I don't know anything about what may be happening in Korat now and you don't mention the symptoms these children have. However I can tell you that:

-- there appears to be an epidemic of dengue just getting way in SE Asia. Occurs about every 2-3 years. Will present as high fever wth chills, headache and (in the complicated form which affects young children) bleeding -- bruses and lttle red spots at first then hemorrgahage from stomach, nose, just about anywhere. Caused by a day-time biting mosquito which likes to breed in water jars and stagnat water near houses. The hemorrgahic form requires immediate care in a high quality hospital to min imize risk of death. Without out that fatality is high.

-- there have been outbreaks of japanese B encephalitis in that area in the past. Also mosquito-borne but a different msquito and found mostly in areas where pigs are raised. Will present as fever, headache and loss of consciousness, affectes adult & children alike, very poor progbnosis but there is an effective vaccine available.

--- meningitis can have several different causes, both viral and bacetrial, and outbreaks occur from time to time. Presents with similiar symptoms to encephalitis anf the differential diagn osis is based on findings from a spinal tap. There is a vaccine available for meiningococcal meningitis but not for viral.

Enterovirus usually causes a diarrheal illness which would look nothing like the diseases described above.

Denue is statistically the most likelt but if so, should not take the Public Health Min istry long to figure iut, they have lots of experience with it.

Anyhow if you live in Korat, protect yourself & your kids from mosquito bites as best you can, keep water jars covered and stagnat water away fro mthe house. And if there are pigs kept nearby consider the Japanese B vacine.


There are, as yet unconfirmed reports, of an unknown virus affecting young children in Korat and the surrounding area.

It has been suggested that it maybe be Dengue Fever, Meningitis or Enterovirus.

It is said that more than a week after it was first talked about that the local Doctors still have no idea of what the virus is.

There have been reports of several deaths in young children.

Can anyone shed any light on this??

I don't know anything about what may be happening in Korat now and you don't mention the symptoms these children have. However I can tell you that:

-- there appears to be an epidemic of dengue just getting way in SE Asia. Occurs about every 2-3 years. Will present as high fever wth chills, headache and (in the complicated form which affects young children) bleeding -- bruses and lttle red spots at first then hemorrgahage from stomach, nose, just about anywhere. Caused by a day-time biting mosquito which likes to breed in water jars and stagnat water near houses. The hemorrgahic form requires immediate care in a high quality hospital to min imize risk of death. Without out that fatality is high.

-- there have been outbreaks of japanese B encephalitis in that area in the past. Also mosquito-borne but a different msquito and found mostly in areas where pigs are raised. Will present as fever, headache and loss of consciousness, affectes adult & children alike, very poor progbnosis but there is an effective vaccine available.

--- meningitis can have several different causes, both viral and bacetrial, and outbreaks occur from time to time. Presents with similiar symptoms to encephalitis anf the differential diagn osis is based on findings from a spinal tap. There is a vaccine available for meiningococcal meningitis but not for viral.

Enterovirus usually causes a diarrheal illness which would look nothing like the diseases described above.

Denue is statistically the most likelt but if so, should not take the Public Health Min istry long to figure iut, they have lots of experience with it.

Anyhow if you live in Korat, protect yourself & your kids from mosquito bites as best you can, keep water jars covered and stagnat water away fro mthe house. And if there are pigs kept nearby consider the Japanese B vacine.

The symptoms include Pyrexia (high temp), fever, dehydration etc.

This is a quote from 1st July by someone who works at one of the major govenment hospitals in Korat......

She said that there appears to be a new viral infection that has caused 4 deaths in her hospital and 3 deaths in non government hospitals. Parents are bringing their children into hospital with high temperatures and within 24 hours the virus has attacked the heart and lungs causing respiratory failure and death in 24 hours.

That is all I know as of now....

I have edited to add the following....

I have just spoken to my son's paediatrician at the Ratchasima Thonbori hospital.

He confirmed that there is a potentially lethal virus in the Korat area.

He confirmed that they do not know what the virus is at present. He said it could be as long as 10-14 days before they knew for sure. Samples (?) of the virus have been sent to BKK and overseas for testing.

He said that at present they are treating the virus as an Enterovirus.

I asked what precautions I should take to protect my son and was told that isololation from other children was the surest way of protecting my son. He particular mentioned NOT taking my son to nursery, markets, shopping centres etc. He said that they believe the virus is passed by saliva and other bodily fluids and can also be transmitted through contaminated food and water.

Do not let your children share food and drink with others!!!

He repeated all he said to me in Thai for my wife..........whether she will listen or not is another thing!!!


Doesn't sound like Dengue Hemorrgahic fever. Nor from what you say like meningitis or encephalitis. Is there diarrhea involved? (You mentioned dehydration). If so that would square with enterovirus but to be attacking lung & heart must be an unusually virulent strain. Also wonder about Avian Flu....


carona virus??? (animal virus dont know if it affects people?) but it does the heart etc and dieahrea and fever?

edit: corona is a generic term for colds, etc but also includes the sars type virus plus a gastrointesticnal type also.... plus some others...

something like this probably better to not guess what it might be but get all the facts first....

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