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i've read this thread with interest as my doctor advised me to get circumcised.

i'm not sure about it as the thought of something going wrong and me losing my #### has put me off.

he said it is a simple procedure and you can do it in an hour. has any adult male had this done in BKK?

A colleague of mine had it done here, he is 48 I believe, seemed he lived with a (too) short frenulum all his life

He went to Srikarin hospital and the social card insurance paid for it, and it would have cost only 9.000 thb anyway I believe. He was partly anesthesized it took an hour and he walked out.

He had discomfort for a week, has sex after 4 weeks and was free of all comlaints after 5 months or so

I myself can vouch for the latter sine I had it done years ago


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i've read this thread with interest as my doctor advised me to get circumcised.

i'm not sure about it as the thought of something going wrong and me losing my #### has put me off.

he said it is a simple procedure and you can do it in an hour. has any adult male had this done in BKK?

I had my operation done in Bangkok - I believe they used laser for most of the cutting. With inadequate anesthetic it will be painful, so make sure you and your doctor communicate well. Even with full anesthetic you can still feel that something is going on down there, occasionally a bit painful but not intolerable. I had my operation at Bangkok Christian Hospital on Silom Road, and if I remember correctly it was not as much as 12.000 baht. Cannot remember the exact figure though. There is a recovery period of a few weeks after the operation, and before the stitches have healed, it will be quite painful when you have an erection so avoid such situations - also the glans can hurt a bit from friction against your underwear before it gets used to the absence of the hood.

The loss of the frenulum together with a numbing down of the glans means less intense sex, but at least in my case, it functioned as usual when everything had healed. It definitely does not mean I have a problem getting an erection, and it also does not mean that sex lasts forever without having an orgasm. It works alright - but I do miss my foreskin and especially the frenulum. :o

I should also say that a friend of mine was operated in Sweden for tightening of the foreskin after the frenulum burst, but in his case they did not remove the foreskin, rather they made a cut where the scar tissue made it too tight. I am not sure if this was because his stricture was less severe or if it was because the Swedish doctor thought it was unneccessary to remove the entire foreskin.


D ).

Anyway, i think if this little boy gets circumsised, he will not regret it later...

Trouble is the little blighter will have NO say in the matter ...Like Femail Circumcision this amounts to ....CHILD ABUSE.....aw yeah.... but thats different...NO its NOT...Child Abuse whether it be carried out a kiddie fiddler or a freeky religeous nut is still........CHILD ABUSE.....

As said earlier there a a few (in small letters ) medical reasons which is fair enough but in the whole realm of things its just a nasty little excuse for out of date religeous fanatics to...ABUSE KIDS.in the name of their more than slightly weird gods...J.C give me strength....... :o

If someone who is deemed to have reached the age of maturity/reason/...adulthood etc.wants to put metal staples,nuts and bolts or pratice any other dodgy ritual through their nipples,ears nose or other hanging bits ...fine...up to them at least they should be aware of the consequences...but as Pink Floyd one cried out in a song..........Leave them kids alone......


In traditional Indian culture men are supposed to wash their genitals after every urination. Maybe that's why they have never praciticed circumcision.

In colder countries there's not so much dust and sweat and genitals are protected by several layers of clothing and so infections are rare and circumcisions have been performed only for religious reasons.

It's very simple, really - if there's a medical condition, cut it, if not, don't. If you are going to excommunicated from your church for not circumcising, cut it, if not, don't.

In colder countries there's not so much dust and sweat and genitals are protected by several layers of clothing and so infections are rare and circumcisions have been performed only for religious reasons.

Actually not so unless you consider the US climate warm. Something like 65% of US men are circumcised and it's not for religion. I think it is just a cultural thing. Also maybe with the malpractice climate in the US...fearful of a subsequent law suit if the boy developed infections, phimosis (which is NOT uncommon) or was one of those very few who got cancer of the penis, doctors when asked may tell parents that yes it does reduce the risks of some rare conditions...and then a lot of other parents just do it because they know most people do and don't want their kid growing up looking different. Although I think it is less common now than it was (when I was growing up it was virtually universal) it is still done in the majority of births.


If he is going to be an Aussie boy, get him cut, much better for them.

I could post a pic of a guys penis I took a photo of down his pants recently and it is a great arguement for getting cut, ugliest little bugger I ever seen.

I would like to take this opportunity while talking about dicks, to say hi to MrU, the main man, the man with the sense of humour castrated from his anatomy...that is if he ever had one..

I could post a pic of a guys penis I took a photo of down his pants recently and it is a great arguement for getting cut, ugliest little bugger I ever seen.



Circumcision rate in the US is dropping. It's also a fairly new society, an offshot of protestant Europe, culturally speaking, and circumcision comes from the Europeans settled there. Did native Indians practive circumcision?

Does any native culture outside of Judaism/Chtristianity/Islam practive circumcision? These three came from roughly the same area and the same conditions. Did Philipinos practice circumcision before Spanish catholics took over?


There's no real need for 'the chop' due to infections unless the infections have gotten so bad it will affect normal growth of the penis for the baby.

And although the baby gets all the physical pain after the operation, the parents will feel twice as painful while the baby recovers.

3 years old is around potty training time and it's also the best time to teach washing up after a pee pee.

Does any native culture outside of Judaism/Chtristianity/Islam practive circumcision? These three came from roughly the same area and the same conditions. Did Philipinos practice circumcision before Spanish catholics took over?

Ritual circumcision is extremely common among indigenous peoples throughout Africa, South America etc. with different tribes having their own elaborate rites. Usually done around puberty and part of an overall entry to manhood ritual. Circumcision rites are probably one of the single most common theses topics for PHDs in anthropology...and usually analyze it in symbolic terms.

These rituals tend to stop as indigenous peoples get absorbed into mainstream culture.

Christianity does not prescribe circumcision, by the way. Only Judaism and Islam, the scriptural basis being in the Old, not New, testament. A very small minority of Christian sects which are highly Old Testament in orientation might follow the Judaic tradition with regard to circumcision but main stream Chrisitans and ceratinly Catholics do not. If a Catholic has their child circumsized it will not have been for a religious reason.


Of course condoms are more effective, but.....

Male circumcision could significantly reduce the burden of HIV in Africa, a study suggests. - BBC:


It concluded that the operation could avert about six million HIV infections and three million deaths in sub-Saharan Africa over the next 20 years.

The findings build on research, published in 2005, that suggested circumcision reduced HIV infection risk in heterosexual men by about 60%.

The research is published in the journal PLoS Medicine.

An international team of researchers used data on HIV infection rates and the prevalence of male circumcision across Africa to predict the potential impact.

Using mathematical modelling, they looked at what would happen if, over the next 10 years, all men in sub-Saharan Africa were circumcised.

They calculated that within a decade some two million new HIV infections and 300,000 deaths could be prevented. And in the ten years after that, a further 3.7 million infections and 2.7 million deaths could be avoided - with one in four of the deaths prevented being in South Africa.

The greatest reduction in infection would be for men, but this would have a knock-on effect for women.

Social factors

Catherine Hankins, chief scientific adviser to the United Nations Programme on HIV/Aids (UNAIDS) and a co-author on the study, said: "The big message from the paper is that there is a tremendous potential for male circumcision to have an effect on the HIV epidemic, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa.

She said the team would now like more data from new trials that are being undertaken, especially on male to female transmission, to further refine the model and to help inform decisions about whether and how to promote male circumcision for HIV prevention.

"Safety, acceptability and cost of male circumcision will also be important beyond just modelling this impact, because if you do not get increased uptake you will not see any of these effects."

Currently, she said, circumcision in sub-Saharan Africa varied greatly per country: "In west and central Africa have high circumcision rates and lower HIV rates. Southern and eastern Africa have lower circumcision rates and higher HIV rates."

Deborah Jack, chief executive of the National AIDS Trust, said: "These findings are encouraging and it is clear the promotion of voluntary circumcision can play an important role in reducing the risk of HIV transmission, as part of a comprehensive prevention programme.

"However, people who are circumcised can still be infected with HIV and any awareness campaign would have to be extremely careful not to suggest that it protects against HIV or is an alternative to using condoms."


Losing part of the frenulum does indeed mean a less intense sexual experience, so if I could have kept my foreskin at the time, I would.

There is a big difference between a circumcision and taking away your frenulum...

the frenulum is looked at as being the male clit'ris so one shold not have that removed and with general circumcison it will not be removed

feel sorry for you pal''but they could have stretched it up for sure...


<deleted> is a frenulum? Is that like the tip of the dick?


I was circumsized as a baby and have suffered in no way whatsoever - nor do I miss anything - as a result..............the big advantage is that you don´t get your foreskin trapped in your zip after relieving yourself in the gents´.......................................... :o

<deleted> is a frenulum? Is that like the tip of the dick?

Go high-tech and Google-it, dude. You'll get articles, pictures, the works.

I was circumsized as a baby and have suffered in no way whatsoever - nor do I miss anything - as a result..............the big advantage is that you don´t get your foreskin trapped in your zip after relieving yourself in the gents´.......................................... :o

How do you know you do not miss anything ??

I had mine chopped off as a baby also, but i miss it, I still talk to it from time to time and say goodnight to it most nights. I also apologise to it when i am doing something that I know it would enjoy and is missing out on.


One of my Son's was circumsized when he was 7 as he had problems retracting his foreskin fully which was rtherfore leading to infections.

I was "Partially" circunsized a year ago owing to the insertion of a Kathata at a local hospital in CM after an operation on my back.

My foreskin would not retract anymore.

One doctor "had a go at it" but did not remove enough , so another Doctor finished the job off a month later.

It was very painful at the time, but its is all working fine now with no loss of any sensitivity, in fact I would say sex is better. Pre-circumsiscion I did seem to suffer more than my fair share of Thrush throughout my life.

This is a problem I no longer have.

The remnants of the foreskin are in a jar in my cupboard..shame to part with an old freind with so many stories to tell :D

Feel free to pop round and have a look :D

BTW..anything they remove from your body in Thailand they give you back in a jar.. I hope I never have to have an arm or leg off :o

I doubt there's any divine reading to it as God wouldn't create people with design fault like that.

3 engineers were sitting around one night talking about what kind of engineer God must be to have created the human body. The first said "God had to have been a mechanical engineer - I mean, look at the muscles, the self lubricating joints, the... " The next engineer interrupted "Oh come on! Sure, the skeleton is impressive and all, but look at the ners\vous system! billions of connections placed within microns! God had to have ben an electrical engineer!" The third was laughing and said "No no no no - God was a civil engineer! Who else would have run a toxic waste line through a recreational area??"

  • 2 years later...


Yep. really. feels like you're using Michelin Condom with extra numb cream

Interesting responce.Care to elaborate?

Circumcision leaves the sensitive bits exposed to constant assault by hostile underwear fibers, eventually resulting in your willy becoming about as sensitive as a solid rubber prosthesis.

The remnants of the foreskin are in a jar in my cupboard..shame to part with an old freind with so many stories to tell :D

You can make a wallet out of that. Then just give it a rub and it turns into a steamer trunk. :o

It was very painful at the time, but its is all working fine now with no loss of any sensitivity, in fact I would say sex is better. Pre-circumsiscion I did seem to suffer more than my fair share of Thrush throughout my life.

This is a problem I no longer have.

Three cheers for the home team! Actually this whole thread has been quite informative. I was snipped as a baby, for whatever reason my parents had. Sex has been just great, so I can't say I have missed anything. In fact as a youth I didn't even know there was a difference. Face it... I just don't go around checking out other guys peckers.

Seems a lot of porno magazines and whatever show lots of circumsized guys. In fact, I know girls that have had it done to their.....( you know). It is a sexual thing, religious thing, etc, etc. So, what would I do for my child? I would have him cut also. For both religious reasons and for health. This thread seems to show lots of concern and problems over forskin. I can say I've never had to think about it. But I respect the opposite opinion and it sure made me think about it.


The good thing about this forum is there are many different professions giving their best advice to posters.

My friend has a three years old boy who twice now has had an infection on his penis. You know sometimes boys just don't clean after pee. And he has quite long foreskin that very difficult for a little boy to keep it clean. Some friends suggested that he wouldn't have any more problem if he's been circumcised.

Should my freind have him circumcised or leave it as is. She doesn't have any religious belief in doing so, just for the purpose of hygiene. After reading from many sources from circumcised men themselves she's not sure if this is a good idea.

Thanks in advance for your advice.

Yes. Hes should have it done. Also his future "performance" in bed with the wify will be greatly enhanced...


Just as an aside, but I do recall there was a study about the sexual practices of cut men in America and the cut men were more prone to non-penile oriented sexual practices than uncut men (some might call this kinky sex). The reason given was that the foreskin is (or was) the most sensitive erotic tissue on the male, and for those who lack it, there is a greater tendency to be open to pleasure in other areas of the body.

My friend has a three years old boy who twice now has had an infection on his penis. You know sometimes boys just don't clean after pee. And he has quite long foreskin that very difficult for a little boy to keep it clean. Some friends suggested that he wouldn't have any more problem if he's been circumcised.

Should my freind have him circumcised or leave it as is.

Three years old is pretty young to expect a kid to clean under his foreskin properly. But if he keeps getting infections, when he gets older he'll probably be motivated to do it properly. In any case, there may be no more infections, or the infections may reduce as his immune system becomes stronger. Maybe there is some other factor involved in the infections that isn't known now but may be known later, and be controllable.

If he's circumcised now, there's no undoing it. He may well resent it when he grows up and hears that he's lost some of his sensitivity (and there is some loss without a foreskin or frenulum) and looks different from the other guys. From what I've read, quite a few American men do resent having had it done as a baby.

On balance, I don't think parents should take away something nature gave the kid (for a reason!) unless there is a really serious problem. One argument for doing it to kids is that under the foreskin is "dirty" and that supposedly a foreskin increases the chance of penile cancer. The counter-argument is that a vagina is an even dirtier organ, yet no one is talking about cutting those out of baby girls. A urologist would tell you that after circumcision the tissue is exposed and gradually oxidizes, making it harder for some bacteria/viruses/fungi to penetrate - and it's mostly true - but a guy who has problems (say, recurrent thrush infections) can always make his own decision about circumcision later in life.

Oh, and while I'm on the subject, recurrent thrush and other fungal infections can be due in large part to drinking milk in Thailand which is laced with penicillin (given to sick cows). Switch to UHT (which breaks down the antibiotic) before parting with your foreskin. Seriously.

This is the most ridiculous post I have ever read!! :o

What was that about cutting vagina's out?? what the hel_l is the comparison?

There are many good reasons for circumcision and in my 52 years I have never ever heard another man complaining they have been circumcised.


With my first son, we tried to go natural. By the time he was two he had gone through 4 infections, so the docs in Thailand said it was time to trim him.

It wsa difficult to go through. He actually had to have surgery twice in order to correct a minor screw up by the doctor. My boy is fine now and no longer do we worry about infections.

Now we recently had a second son, and the Thai doctor wanted us not to trim him. In fact the doctor made it a point to try to blame me "The evil Falang" father for wanting to trim my son. I told him that we attempted to go natural on our first boy but he had too many infections and the doctors told us to trim him. Then the doctor asked if it was me that diagnosed the infection... I said 'No" it was his fellow collegue and in fact it was his collegue that did the surgery!

He then tried to tell me that we should go natural because my son would "fit in" better. I said, "Look at him, he is half, you are going to have to do a lot more than trim his johnson in order to make him fit in with the majority." (I guess we would also have to give him stupid pills too.)

Anny how, the wife and I ellected to try to go natural again, but keeping in mind we may have to trim him in the future.

My friend has a three years old boy who twice now has had an infection on his penis. You know sometimes boys just don't clean after pee. And he has quite long foreskin that very difficult for a little boy to keep it clean. Some friends suggested that he wouldn't have any more problem if he's been circumcised.

Should my freind have him circumcised or leave it as is.

Three years old is pretty young to expect a kid to clean under his foreskin properly. But if he keeps getting infections, when he gets older he'll probably be motivated to do it properly. In any case, there may be no more infections, or the infections may reduce as his immune system becomes stronger. Maybe there is some other factor involved in the infections that isn't known now but may be known later, and be controllable.

If he's circumcised now, there's no undoing it. He may well resent it when he grows up and hears that he's lost some of his sensitivity (and there is some loss without a foreskin or frenulum) and looks different from the other guys. From what I've read, quite a few American men do resent having had it done as a baby.

On balance, I don't think parents should take away something nature gave the kid (for a reason!) unless there is a really serious problem. One argument for doing it to kids is that under the foreskin is "dirty" and that supposedly a foreskin increases the chance of penile cancer. The counter-argument is that a vagina is an even dirtier organ, yet no one is talking about cutting those out of baby girls. A urologist would tell you that after circumcision the tissue is exposed and gradually oxidizes, making it harder for some bacteria/viruses/fungi to penetrate - and it's mostly true - but a guy who has problems (say, recurrent thrush infections) can always make his own decision about circumcision later in life.

Oh, and while I'm on the subject, recurrent thrush and other fungal infections can be due in large part to drinking milk in Thailand which is laced with penicillin (given to sick cows). Switch to UHT (which breaks down the antibiotic) before parting with your foreskin. Seriously.

This is the most ridiculous post I have ever read!! :o

What was that about cutting vagina's out?? what the hel_l is the comparison?

There are many good reasons for circumcision and in my 52 years I have never ever heard another man complaining they have been circumcised.

You never talked to me..... My dad said I would have been 15 inches if they had not had me trimmed!

Seriously, I have to agree with you. If my son grew up to be such an emotional whimp and cry about his missing foreskin I'd tell him apparently we had his balls cut off too.



Yep. really. feels like you're using Michelin Condom with extra numb cream

Interesting responce.Care to elaborate?

As Sheryl and jumbo have stated, there is enough evidence to suggest that circumcision can reduce the chance of catching STDs.Look it up, you may be surprised.

The biggest problem seems to be that young lads look different to each other.Not a great thing to be teased about.It is a diffucult question that should be answed by proffesionals.

Hey! I never had any problems being teased at school as a roundhead. Much more attractive and easier to clean too than one of those foreskin things. Discomfort during sex? Total myth

One point to be made if they are living in Thailand is that in general Buddhist men are uncircumcised while Muslim men are circumcised.

In the mean time, local chinese cirmum'd their kids "just in case" that religion is right. kinda insurance.

the side effect of circum'n is much lower sencetivity of the forehead - which leads to some discomfort in sexual life. I thinks there's a web site called like that - look in the google.

what has low sensitivity of the forehead got to do with sex????

i thought that was nutting somebody too many times lol

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