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Have We All Just Settled For Second Best?


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 I want any reader who is contemplating a move to Thailand  to be able to read my opinion and then have an alternative view to make an informed choice.

I understand what you have written and might even applaud it if you will answer one question.  Why do you want people to read your opinion about Thailand?  90% of what anyone reads in the newspapers or hears in the international news media about Thailand is negative why do you want them to read your negative opinion too? 




Because I am a writer.


If I  am dissuaded by censorious  actions,  I have failed.

Edited by EBlair48
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i know a shithole when i see one, you apparently think it is a nice ass?



Apparently you are the expert on Shitholes....




In 2010 there were, in the state, 44 federal Superfund sites, 101 brownfields, 13,527 petroleum cleanups and more than 3,000 other sites with dry-cleaning fluids or other hazardous waste.[25]

Because of its marine origins, Florida soil is naturally high in phosphorus.[26] Coupled with fertilizer, this often has resulted in excessive phosphorus in water runoff to nearby bodies of water. As a result, Florida has required certain municipalities to limit the application of fertilizer containing phosphorus.[27]


In addition to Sinkholes, Hurricanes, High crime rate, Elderly driving into Burger Kings or on sidewalks killing people ......etc.


So you see Stevefong aka Scarpolo your paradise is someone else's shithole.....life is what you make of it. Sadly you seem to have made nothing of yours and are intent on trashing others who have found happiness. Others have indicated that this happiness some have found is "pretend" (Naise} ....nothing pretend about it....you just never found it your self. Too Bad


you are quoting nonsense, and using statistics pertaining to agricultural parts of florida and no the palm beaches and fort lauderdale coastal areas


I do not share your view of life, nor, do I share your meaning of happiness


You wouldnt know the difference so there is no point arguing, as your intent on a statistic that covers orange groves


meas nothing to the beach areas and, someone using the name beach,


should know that



Well now....its funny how you can generalize about all of Thailand being a shithole when you were only here for six months spending your time in Bangkok and Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai with your "soapy princess" visiting malls and high end restaurants.


Now that the shoe is on the other foot ....you cry foul. Funny...somehow I know you wouldn't get the point but your right ....Can't judge a whole state (or country) by the little amount of knowledge you have! 



when you invite me to your property,


I will bring the soapy queen,


she was never a princess
thailand didnt offer that to her

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To me, as a 25 year resident of Florida, the nicest places to live are nowhere near the beaches.

To me, after living in Thailand 10 years including 6 months in year # 3 in Bangkok, the nicest places to live are nowhere year Bangkok or any other of the obvious places ... where you can go for days and never speak English.

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SteveFong (aka Scarpolo)....Check out this site....




                              Miami            Bangkok

Crime index           57.31               36.15

Safety Scale          42.61                63.85


I would think that even you can see that Thailand is safer than Florida............but then again ....maybe NOT

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SteveFong (aka Scarpolo)....Check out this site....




                              Miami            Bangkok

Crime index           57.31               36.15

Safety Scale          42.61                63.85


I would think that even you can see that Thailand is safer than Florida............but then again ....maybe NOT


I am 60 miles north of Miami Beach,


there is ZERO crime here



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SteveFong (aka Scarpolo)....Check out this site....




                              Miami            Bangkok

Crime index           57.31               36.15

Safety Scale          42.61                63.85


I would think that even you can see that Thailand is safer than Florida............but then again ....maybe NOT


I am 60 miles north of Miami Beach,


there is ZERO crime here






And WHAT fantasy world are you living in??????????? Hope the residents aren't paying for a police dept. as there is obviously no need!!!!!!!55555LOL

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SteveFong (aka Scarpolo)....Check out this site....




                              Miami            Bangkok

Crime index           57.31               36.15

Safety Scale          42.61                63.85


I would think that even you can see that Thailand is safer than Florida............but then again ....maybe NOT

I can see why Steve is upset.  Do you know what men alone in Cocoa Beach do for the kind of entertainment that is on every street corner in Thailand?  Google 8 busted at Cocoa Beach (August 13, 2014).  It's sad.  Look at the ages of the men 69 and 75 and 55.  How does the USA treat its old folks?  In Cocoa Beach they throw them in jail. 


During July and August 2014, the Cocoa Beach Police Department requested the assistance of the Sheriff’s Office to assist by investigating complaints in reference to lewd acts occurring within the business.


It strikes me that not all the men in Cocoa Beach might think living in Thailand was second best. 

Edited by thailiketoo
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SteveFong (aka Scarpolo)....Check out this site....




                              Miami            Bangkok

Crime index           57.31               36.15

Safety Scale          42.61                63.85


I would think that even you can see that Thailand is safer than Florida............but then again ....maybe NOT


I am 60 miles north of Miami Beach,


there is ZERO crime here






So you're in West Palm Beach, Florida


Seems like the crime there is worse than Miami!




                          Miami          West Palm Beach

Crime index         57.39               67.86

Safety Scale        42.61                32.14



West Palm beach sounds like Detroit......which being an expert on shitholes you must know about 

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SteveFong (aka Scarpolo)....Check out this site....




                              Miami            Bangkok

Crime index           57.31               36.15

Safety Scale          42.61                63.85


I would think that even you can see that Thailand is safer than Florida............but then again ....maybe NOT


I am 60 miles north of Miami Beach,


there is ZERO crime here






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SteveFong (aka Scarpolo)....Check out this site....




                              Miami            Bangkok

Crime index           57.31               36.15

Safety Scale          42.61                63.85


I would think that even you can see that Thailand is safer than Florida............but then again ....maybe NOT

I can see why Steve is upset.  Do you know what men alone in Cocoa Beach do for the kind of entertainment that is on every street corner in Thailand?  Google 8 busted at Cocoa Beach (August 13, 2014).  It's sad.  Look at the ages of the men 69 and 75 and 55.  How does the USA treat its old folks?  In Cocoa Beach they throw them in jail. 


During July and August 2014, the Cocoa Beach Police Department requested the assistance of the Sheriff’s Office to assist by investigating complaints in reference to lewd acts occurring within the business.


It strikes me that not all the men in Cocoa Beach might think living in Thailand was second best. 



i used it as a cost of living example,


i didnt say i would ever live there

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SteveFong (aka Scarpolo)....Check out this site....




                              Miami            Bangkok

Crime index           57.31               36.15

Safety Scale          42.61                63.85


I would think that even you can see that Thailand is safer than Florida............but then again ....maybe NOT

I can see why Steve is upset.  Do you know what men alone in Cocoa Beach do for the kind of entertainment that is on every street corner in Thailand?  Google 8 busted at Cocoa Beach (August 13, 2014).  It's sad.  Look at the ages of the men 69 and 75 and 55.  How does the USA treat its old folks?  In Cocoa Beach they throw them in jail. 


During July and August 2014, the Cocoa Beach Police Department requested the assistance of the Sheriff’s Office to assist by investigating complaints in reference to lewd acts occurring within the business.


It strikes me that not all the men in Cocoa Beach might think living in Thailand was second best. 



i used it as a cost of living example,


i didnt say i would ever live there



In your Cocoa Beach post you also said, "I dont care what people say, Thailand, is not a healthy place"


Cocoa beach in not a healthy place for a man with a normal sex drive.   That was my point.  Unless you are a eunuch America is difficult to live in without Prozac or other drugs to dull your normal biological urges. 


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there are plenty of younger women in the neighboring towns to coca beach,


they would have no interest in men 50+



I agree with you, regarding the need for women\\


thailand has some very cute ones for sure,



the age difference not mattering is #1 reason to be there


I just cant find reasons #4  and 6

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Some people are gonna be miserable no matter where they are or what they do - some even get a kick out of it. That's up to them, let them get on with it. I believe the generic term for people of this disposition is negative.


Don't like a city? Don't go there!

Don't like roads? Don't buy a house sat on a main road!

Don't like the people? Man! Why did you even come here?!


@EBlair48 - your so miserable you have to write a book? Really?!! That's insane - don't write about it, do something about it!

I'm sure your critical review will be an instant hit - I can imagine exactly who's going to want to read it, do post us a shot of the cover so that I can avoid sitting next to them...


I'm not disputing anyones entitlement to be miserable; your prerogative. What I did criticise was a number of postings that sounded like a critical review of a brothel. Anyone taking these postings seriously would believe the whole of Thailand was merely an extension of Pattaya which is of course, far from the case.


Personally, I am not at all worried by the stream of negative posters threatening to leave the country: IMHO the place will be far less negative as a result, then we can all have some fun! (especially when some members finally run out of cyber-ink...)


I really don't understand Steve Fong AKA Scarpolo either - sounds like you took a bad 6 month holiday. Is your life so empty that you have to join a forum just to perpetuate your apparent misery? I once had a crap job that lasted even longer than six months - guess what; I didn't join a forum just to moan about it & spread the grief...

I think they all left Thailand.  I really don't understand why they come back to Thai Visa.  I had a job I didn't like.  I insulted the CEO and he fired me and I drew unemployment for a while just to rub it in and then never saw the guy again (except to send him a, congratulations you deserved it, cake when I read in the newspapers that he got fired). 


We all already know that 50% of the folks in the West are on anti depressant drugs why come back here to make it obvious why.    

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you are quoting nonsense, and using statistics pertaining to agricultural parts of florida and no the palm beaches and fort lauderdale coastal areas


I do not share your view of life, nor, do I share your meaning of happiness


You wouldnt know the difference so there is no point arguing, as your intent on a statistic that covers orange groves


meas nothing to the beach areas and, someone using the name beach,


should know that



Well to be fair to you I will use the local statistics for Fort Lauderdale as you mentioned that as somewhere special (have already shown that West Palm Beach is a dump....Maybe Palm beach is nice but where do you think all the scum go to rob and steal....next door to the nice areas)


See the following site for showing the crime rate in Fort Lauderdale is on Average TWICE as bad as the US average.




Your paradise doesn't seem like much of a paradise to me


Bottom line is we each make are own paradise if we can, I've found mine and you and others apparently can't accept that because of the inability to find it here in Thailand..



But then again don't think you or other Thai bashers can find happiness anywhere until you find peace within yourself!



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where I am today 

healthy, wealthy and not taking unnecessary risks with my life in a country where it is ok to  fling someone off a balcony, and as long as they arent thai, no one cares



Speaking of contradictions, I did find the boldface comment above a bit perplexing.  You say you don't want to "take unnecessary risks with your life," yet, you have no problem coming all the way across the globe to the "den of danger" (aka Thailand) for the sole purpose of sleeping with hookers.  Would that be considered a "necessary" risk? 

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where I am today 

healthy, wealthy and not taking unnecessary risks with my life in a country where it is ok to  fling someone off a balcony, and as long as they arent thai, no one cares



Speaking of contradictions, I did find the boldface comment above a bit perplexing.  You say you don't want to "take unnecessary risks with your life," yet, you have no problem coming all the way across the globe to the "den of danger" (aka Thailand) for the sole purpose of sleeping with hookers.  Would that be considered a "necessary" risk?


I think you ought to give the guy a break.  He is posting at 3 and 4 AM if he actually is posting from Florida. 

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I think they all left Thailand.  I really don't understand why they come back to Thai Visa.  I had a job I didn't like.  I insulted the CEO and he fired me and I drew unemployment for a while just to rub it in and then never saw the guy again (except to send him a, congratulations you deserved it, cake when I read in the newspapers that he got fired). 


We all already know that 50% of the folks in the West are on anti depressant drugs why come back here to make it obvious why.    



Phew! (sigh of relief!) - OK, I'll bring the Chiang; @thailiketoo - you get the snap (food). @Beachfront - you get the BBQ lit!



Seriously folks, it takes different strokes. I found the rules, regulations & red-tape impossible in the UK. Some countries are even worse - I believe there are places where it is forbidden to flush your toilet after a given hour - fact!

The flip-side of course will be a degree of disarray, so you really need to find your sweet-spot.


It is possible to build your own sweet citadel here if you decide to - I know of one particularly wealthy guy near here; I'd need to take photo's for you to believe. Huge walled & guarded estate encompassing nothing short of and by no exaggeration a palace. When the wife & I get invited to the occasional party, we bring the kids along to just look (they go back with the cartongue.png) - fountains & everything. Truly unbelievable until you see it - shopping mall proportions. With that kind of money, pretty much nothing will bother you - just hire someone to take on the stress themselves. Most of us are not quite there - yet...


I guess if I was looking to retire, I would want to spend some time travelling until I found my ideal nest to die; but I'm not. I'm still pretty young, and having started my life from scratch in the UK four times over, I decided to fix what I found (for me of course) to be wrong. I don't know who said it, but one definition of madness is reported as being the repetition of any given action within an unaltered environment commensurate with the expectation of a differing result. Nuff said.


Winston Churchill had a useful method of making decisions, Take a pen & paper, draw a vertical line down the centre, write the heading: "pro's" on one side and "cons" on the other. List them accordingly, and use your brain - a minor con does not of course outweigh a major benefit, so weight accordingly - a really big pro or con can be listed several times if you want to be anal about it. Decision making, no matter what the gravitas, does not need to be hard or indeed irreversible.


Don't stay stuck in a rut, do something. You may, like me, just be stuck for a short time having to wait until everything falls into place; but so long as you have a clear objective visualised, you can rest assured that it will happen. By all means be miserable if you want, but there is no need to be if you don't. If you go looking for the bad in anyone or anything, you will surely find it; so look for the good.


Here endeth the first chapter & verse!wai.gif





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I find it very strange that some of my fellow country men can move to places like the uk,oz and the us and become  very succesfull in life.luckely most people like me don't  live in councel estates in peckham or south central Los Angeles and are very pleased with our lives in the west even Thais  ,if you where second or third rate in youre home country then Thailand must be Paradise to said people.

Concerning the little Paradise youre so called friend built there is i nice little article on a website wich cant be linked or mentioned here concerning buying luxery villa's on a very wel known eiland resort by a few loaded europeans with so called renewable leases witch they signed years ago and know they are out of their villa's because the leases where not renewable.

Every time such topics arise on tv you will Always see people only posting the positive side because they have vested interests in Thailand and nothing else.Lately since the junta those property experts have winded down on tv because they maybe getting in to trouble in the near future with their dodgy property deals specially now amlo and dsi want to have a look at said money being brought in to Thailand by foreigners to buy property with no questions asked ,i bet a few people in the property bussiness in Thailand are about to soil their pants in the near future.



Einstien a-go-go.


You come across as Mitz & Schnitz, used to bumbling about in your fingerless gloves.


Ugh - I've seen some Russian films, and I'm not saying you're Russian, but you do belong with them.


"udzg-itdst-gutzt - your mother died of your birth, your father died of war - live up "tyo" your namibitchkyeikie - you're a hero when fu**d"









Any thoughts?


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I find it very strange that some of my fellow country men can move to places like the uk,oz and the us and become  very succesfull in life.luckely most people like me don't  live in councel estates in peckham or south central Los Angeles and are very pleased with our lives in the west even Thais  ,if you where second or third rate in youre home country then Thailand must be Paradise to said people.

Concerning the little Paradise youre so called friend built there is i nice little article on a website wich cant be linked or mentioned here concerning buying luxery villa's on a very wel known eiland resort by a few loaded europeans with so called renewable leases witch they signed years ago and know they are out of their villa's because the leases where not renewable.

Every time such topics arise on tv you will Always see people only posting the positive side because they have vested interests in Thailand and nothing else.Lately since the junta those property experts have winded down on tv because they maybe getting in to trouble in the near future with their dodgy property deals specially now amlo and dsi want to have a look at said money being brought in to Thailand by foreigners to buy property with no questions asked ,i bet a few people in the property bussiness in Thailand are about to soil their pants in the near future.



Einstien a-go-go.


You come across as Mitz & Schnitz, used to bumbling about in your fingerless gloves.


Ugh - I've seen some Russian films, and I'm not saying you're Russian, but you do belong with them.


"udzg-itdst-gutzt - your mother died of your birth, your father died of war - live up "tyo" your namibitchkyeikie - you're a hero when <deleted>**d"









Any thoughts?



Are you on some kind of medication?And if so Thailands healtcare system doesn't score very well concerning the treatment of mental patients.

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you are quoting nonsense, and using statistics pertaining to agricultural parts of florida and no the palm beaches and fort lauderdale coastal areas


I do not share your view of life, nor, do I share your meaning of happiness


You wouldnt know the difference so there is no point arguing, as your intent on a statistic that covers orange groves


meas nothing to the beach areas and, someone using the name beach,


should know that



Well to be fair to you I will use the local statistics for Fort Lauderdale as you mentioned that as somewhere special (have already shown that West Palm Beach is a dump....Maybe Palm beach is nice but where do you think all the scum go to rob and steal....next door to the nice areas)


See the following site for showing the crime rate in Fort Lauderdale is on Average TWICE as bad as the US average.




Your paradise doesn't seem like much of a paradise to me


Bottom line is we each make are own paradise if we can, I've found mine and you and others apparently can't accept that because of the inability to find it here in Thailand..



But then again don't think you or other Thai bashers can find happiness anywhere until you find peace within yourself!





like I said before beachfruit,


I live in a area where there is zero crime,
but you keep wanting to use meaningless statistics to prove a point, that you cannot without an on the ground report,


I was on the ground in thailand, and the places I was in, I didnt like,


I am not thai bashing,


I am waiting for an invitation to come to your personal paradise,

and I will bring my little massage queen,

and we will all sip Hogaardens by the water, and bemoan that they are triple the price in Thailand, which is a lot closer to the brewery than the USA is,


ie, a 10.5 ounce bottle of sooth haogaaden is 240 baht in Thailand,


but a six pack of the same beer in the USA is 270 baht,


I am not a math wizard, but someone is getting "royally" screwed in the Kingdom


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To me, as a 25 year resident of Florida, the nicest places to live are nowhere near the beaches.

To me, after living in Thailand 10 years including 6 months in year # 3 in Bangkok, the nicest places to live are nowhere year Bangkok or any other of the obvious places ... where you can go for days and never speak English.


I am on the Hillsboro canal

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 I want any reader who is contemplating a move to Thailand  to be able to read my opinion and then have an alternative view to make an informed choice.

I understand what you have written and might even applaud it if you will answer one question.  Why do you want people to read your opinion about Thailand?  90% of what anyone reads in the newspapers or hears in the international news media about Thailand is negative why do you want them to read your negative opinion too? 

Thailand gets maybe one section in the international press on a sunday paper and 5 minutes in the 6 o'clock news if there is a catastrophe involving foreigners.

Other than that no one gives a hoot or knows much about Thailand at all in the west. They know it has girly bars, tropical beaches and that is it. Barely anyone knows anything about the problems associated with going to live in Thailand.

Ignorance definitely is bliss.
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I find it very strange that some of my fellow country men can move to places like the uk,oz and the us and become  very succesfull in life.luckely most people like me don't  live in councel estates in peckham or south central Los Angeles and are very pleased with our lives in the west even Thais  ,if you where second or third rate in youre home country then Thailand must be Paradise to said people.


Concerning the little Paradise youre so called friend built there is i nice little article on a website wich cant be linked or mentioned here concerning buying luxery villa's on a very wel known eiland resort by a few loaded europeans with so called renewable leases witch they signed years ago and know they are out of their villa's because the leases where not renewable.

Every time such topics arise on tv you will Always see people only posting the positive side because they have vested interests in Thailand and nothing else.Lately since the junta those property experts have winded down on tv because they maybe getting in to trouble in the near future with their dodgy property deals specially now amlo and dsi want to have a look at said money being brought in to Thailand by foreigners to buy property with no questions asked ,i bet a few people in the property bussiness in Thailand are about to soil their pants in the near future.



You wrote, "Every time such topics arise on tv you will Always see people only posting the positive side because they have vested interests in Thailand and nothing else." 


If I understand you, you are saying that people who live in Thailand post the positive side of an issue in a negative thread. 


There are pros and cons to most issues.  This thread is negative in that the OP is, "Have We All Just Settled For Second Best." 


Some folks who don't live in Thailand have been very vocal about their opinions of Thailand based on very short lengths of time living here. 


I normally post facts.  There is a poster who said there is no crime where he lives and I posted a link to mug shots for crime in his area.  So he was not being truthful.  Someone said there were no green areas of Bangkok and I posted a photo of Lumphini Park so that poster was not being truthful.  A poster wrote, "where it is ok to  fling someone off a balcony, and as long as they arent thai, no one cares."  That is not true and I said so. 


I think of it more like when a poster lies about Thailand or posts a false generalization that it should be corrected. 


I don't own any property in Thailand nor any business that depends on tourism or the Thai economy.  I make things in Thailand and export them to other countries because of the fabricating expertise of Thai skilled industrial workers over other countries labor forces.  So I don't care if anyone comes to Thailand or not.  If they don't come and the economy tanks I'll make more money because the cost of labor will go down.  The company pays considerably more than minimum wages because it is skilled work. 


So I don't have an axe to grind.  I only think that the truth should be told.  If it is bad tell it like it is.  If it is good tell it like it is.  Don't tell lies. 



I live in a gated community of 1200 homes,


there have been three break ins in the last 18 years,


one of them, by teens of a neighbors, the other two, unsolved


when i say there is no crime here, I mean exactly what I said,


there is no crime here


the "park" shown in the picture of bangkok, may look green and it is,


but it is polluted, whereas my air here, is ocean air


baffling that a person can try to claim bangkok is not filthy

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